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初中英语学年八年级英语上册全一册测试题60份 人教版41Word文件下载.docx

1、 )24. Bobs uncle is a(n) _. His job is to fly a plane.A. artist B. pilotC. engineer D. cook )25. How will you tell Joe the news?By _ him an e-mail.A. reaching B. to reachC. sending D. to send)26. Mary, if you promise _ quiet in my office, you can stay here.A. keep B. to keepC. to keeping D. keeping

2、)27. Dont lose heart, Bob. Keep on _ and you can be a successful trader.A. to care B. caringC. to try D. trying )28. Miss Miller, you speak _ fast for us _ follow. Can you speak slowly?A. so; that B. enough; toC. too; to D. such; that )29. The winter holidays are coming. David and his sister _ them

3、in Sanya.A. spends B. spendC. is going to spend D. are going to spend )30. Sorry, I dont want to answer the question. Its _.A. true B. personalC. wonderful D. long )31. Although it was very difficult to get the ticket for the game, I _ get one yesterday.A. can B. cantC. was able to D. wasnt able to

4、)32. My brother is going to learn to act when he _ high school.A. is going to finish B. is finishingC. finishes D. finished )33. Bill, _ are you going to work?In Beijing. My grandparents live there.A. why B. howC. when D. where )34. Im not _ the result of the exam, because I didnt fully study for it

5、.A. sure about B. bored withC. good at D. different from )35. If we arrive late again, Miss White will be unhappy._. We should follow the rules.A. Yes, thats necessaryB. Not reallyC. Yes, youre rightD. Lucky you.完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。Lots of people start each y

6、ear with New Years resolutions. A resolution is a promise that you36to help you live a better life. You plan to do something good or to stop doing something37in the coming year. Here are some childrens New Years resolutions.My name is Tony. Im going to improve my Chinese and get better38. How am I g

7、oing to do that? I promise to work harder than before.Im Jenny. I have many different kinds of39, like singing, dancing and swimming. This year, Im going to40a new hobby taking photos. I will learn it41my uncle. He takes photos for some magazines and is very good at it.m Rose. I hope to be42 .I usua

8、lly watch TV a lot at night and only sleep seven hours a day. I will listen to my body and sleep more. Also, I43to run for half an hour every morning. I know the saying “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”. It seems to make sense (有道理),44m going to eat some fresh fruit too every day.Its OK for you

9、 to have a big or small resolution. Whats important is that you should take it45and try to keep it. Dont let it work only for a few weeks or months. )36. A. lose B. make C. move D. show )37. A. bad B. short C. slow D. small )38. A. languages B. Messages C. services D. grades )39. A. prizes B. exampl

10、es C. hobbies D. activities )40. A. put up B. take up C. ask for D. wait for )41. A. like B. about C. from D. under )42. A. healthier B. friendlier C. happier D. prettier )43. A. question B. wonder C. decide D. discuss )44. A. though B. because C. but D. so)45. A. quietly B. carefully C. clearly D.

11、seriously.情景交际(每小题1分,共5分)根据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对话,其中有两项多余。A: Hi, Jordan! (46)_B: Really? Is she going to be on the news? (47)_ Dont you remember she played a part in a TV advert (广告) in April? Oh, yes. I remember. (48)_ At 9:30. Were going to watch it at my home. (49)_ Of course. Oh, I cant believe it

12、. Im going to see your sister on TV. My sister likes acting. (50)_ Wow, thats great. I hope her dream can come true soon.A. What time is it going to be on?B. Yes, she is.C. Do you want to join us?D. My sister is going to be on TV on Friday.E. She is going to be an actress.F. Why is she going to be a

13、n actress?G. No, she isnt.阅读理解(每小题2分,共20分)AI live in Hong Kong, China. My mom speaks Chinese and my dad speaks English, so I speak both these languages at home. I think it is never easy to learn a language, but the more languages you learn, the easier your learning gets. Alanm from Java, Indonesia.

14、I speak Javanese at home, but Indonesian at school because all our lessons are in Indonesian. Im learning English and Japanese these days. Of all the languages, I like English best. I hope to be an English teacher in my country when I grow up. Im going to spend more time studying English. GinaI live

15、 in Wales, UK. English is my second language. My mother tongue (母语) is Welsh. Everyone in my family speaks Welsh. I think everyone living in Wales should learn to speak Welsh, so that it wont become extinct (消亡了的). I speak some Italian, too, because my grandparents are Italian. Every time I go to vi

16、sit them, I learn a little more. MaryI live in New Zealand, and I speak English. I can count (数数) to ten in Japanese, Spanish, German and French, and I can speak a little Chinese. My sister cant speak a foreign language. Im going to teach her Chinese next year. Tom根据材料内容选择最佳答案。 )51. What languages d

17、oes Alan speak at home?EnglishJavaneseFrenchChineseA. B. C. D. )52. Who wants to be an English teacher?A. Alan. B. Gina.C. Mary. D. Tom. )53. Where does Mary live?A. In China. B. In Indonesia. C. In the UK. D. In New Zealand. )54. Which of the following isTRUEaccording to the material?A. Alans lesso

18、ns are all in English.B. Gina doesnt like going to school.C. Mary lives with her grandparents.D. Tom isnt the only child in his family. )55. The material is probably from a _.A. diaryB. dictionary C. storybookD. magazineBCarlos is a young boy from Puerto Rico. Five months ago, he came to New York wi

19、th his family. He would never forget their first day in this city. His parents eyes were full of hope, and they wondered what good jobs they would get. His older sister and brother looked at the people, streets, buildings, etc. Everything was exciting for them. Grandmother and Grandfather discussed

20、their wonderful new life here. New York was the dream city of everyone in the family except (除之外) Carlos. Hedetestedit. The city looked big, cold and dirty to him. He missed his home in the countryside in Puerto Rico. He loved the fresh air, the hot sun and the lovely beaches.Carlos didnt want to go

21、 to school because it made him think of his friends at home. He began to go to the dock (码头), because this made him feel closer to Puerto Rico. He often saw a man there looking at the sea (海). The man saw Carlos, too and felt his sadness (悲伤). The mans name is Eric. One day Eric said,“Yes, its hard

22、to leave your hometown. I left Norway 15 years ago and began to drive a bus in this city. In the beginning I felt the same as you. I know its hard to start a new life in a new place, but lets face it. I did it, and you can do it, too.”After that the man and the young boy became close friends. )56. C

23、arlos family thought _.A. New York was big but dirtyB. people in New York lived a busy lifeC. New York was too far from their hometownD. they would have a wonderful life in New York )57. The underlined word “detested” in Paragraph 1 probably means “_”.A. remembered B. enjoyed C. hated D. missed )58.

24、 Carlos went to the dock to _.A. draw pictures of the sea B. play with his new friendsC. stay away from his family D. feel closer to his hometown )59. After Eric came to New York, he worked as _.A. a teacher B. a driver C. a farmerD. a magician )60. The talk between Eric and Carlos shows that Eric w

25、as _.A. lucky B. serious C. careful D. helpful.词汇运用(每小题1分,共10分)A)根据句意,从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,有的需要变换形式。doctor, relationship, improve, question, university61. The police _ the criminal 10 minutes ago.62. Colleges and _ are centers of culture.63. The _ in the hospital are very friendly.64. I _ my English by keeping diaries in English in the past.65. Miss Smith has a very good _ with her students. They all like her.B)根据句意及括号内所给单词的提示填空。

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