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1、桐乡市小学英语教师学科知识竞赛试题2015年桐乡市小学英语教师学科知识竞赛试题竞赛时间120分钟 满分100分一、词义解释。10%1. Im a professional and I have to conduct myself in a professional manner for better results. A. way B. food C. expectation D. interest2. We ought to reason why it is harmful to health to eat too much. A. funny B. possible C. bad D. u

2、seful3. If many children are studying a novel in school, why not make that the book for the month? A. time B. tool C. song D. story4. Of course, all of these questions require serious consideration. A. call for B. ask C. order D. recall5. Through early warning and measures, we can limit the spread o

3、f disease. A. starting B. ending C. expanding D. excuse6. This piece of work does not come up to our usual standard, so we cant publish it. A. deadline B. final decision C. basis for comparison D. background7. This is quite a remarkable change reflecting the seriousness of the present problem. A. no

4、table B. hopeful C. recyclable D. ancient8. As magicians often proclaim, children shouldnt try this magic at home. A. speak slowly B. remember clearly C. retrieve swiftly D. state seriously9. Many children who commit violent crimes have themselves been brutalized by years of abuse and neglect. A. ca

5、rry on B. perform C. neglect D. regret10. Others are driven by peer pressure, always worried that their co-workers might be better. A. colleague B. boss C. friend D. dentist二、句子搭配。从方框中选择句子的后半句。10%1. Please bring an umbrella with you _2. You can keep the book for half a year _3. The four Japanese men

6、 have been searching for their wives _4. Please arrive here half an hour before the appointment _5. Most of the members agreed to the plan _6. They made their bed on their balcony for cooler air _7. The local hotels have been marked in on this map _8. The firefighters fought for about 30 hours _9. N

7、ow many children are so fascinated by electronic games _10. This price does not include breakfast _A. before all the flames were put out. B. ever since the tsunami caused by the terrible earthquake.C. in case it should rain when you are in the hills.D. because the air-conditioner in their room was o

8、ut of order.E. as long as you come and renew it at the end of every month.F. so you have to buy some yourself or eat out.G. that they suffer from short-sight even before they go to kindergartens.H. or it shall be canceled 15 minutes later. I. but there are still a few problems to be solved before it

9、 can be carried out.J. so that people can choose one in a suitable area.三、单句选择。10%1. _ delicious the abalone is!A. What B. What a C. How D. How a2. There is no enough _ in the corner to put such a table. A. place B. room C. floor D. ground3. Do you think the wristband will be _ useful tool to help y

10、ou lose weight?A. the B. / C. a D. an4. _ was the population of Tongxiang in 2000? A. How many B. How many people C. What D. How much5. You can take _ of these T-shirts since I need neither of them.A. all B. some C. both D. neither6. He turned _ the volume of the TV a little because his father was a

11、sleep. A. on B. off C. up D. down7. The iPhone 6 _ him 6500 yuan. A. paid B. cost C. took D. spent8. Interestingly enough, a lot of Apple fans believe they are wearing iWatches _ actually they are named Apple Watches by the Apple Incorporation.A. while B. except that C. but for D. as though9. The li

12、ttle girl couldnt work the problem out. She wasnt _ clever. A. that B. much C. enough D. too10. It was only after some progress _ in the use and development of electricity that men began to realize the importance and possibilities of magnetism. A. was made B. would have been madeC. has been made D.

13、had been made四、完形填空。10%Mr. North looks worried this week. He always keeps good habit. He gets up early in the morning and does some exercises before breakfast. He thought himself (1)_ and didnt often go to see a doctor. But last Friday morning, when he was walking near the garden. He suddenly fell t

14、o the ground. There was nobody around him. A few minutes later he came back to (2)_. He stood up and went back slowly. He thought something was wrong with his (3)_. Sometimes it beat fast, and sometimes slowly. He couldnt fall asleep in the evening. And he often felt tired when he was at work. This

15、morning Mr. North came to the hospital. He told the doctor what happened to him. The doctor checked him over carefully and then said,” Im sorry to tell you, Mr. North. A terrible disease is (4)_ you. You must give up coffee if you hope to live longer.” “But I never drinks it,” said Mr. North. “And s

16、top smoking.” “I dont smoke at all.” “If you havent anything to give up, Im afraid I cant do (5)_ for you. Im so sorry!” 1. A. weak B. good C. healthy D. clever 2. A. wish B. life C. business D. music 3. A. head B. face C. heart D. nose 4. A. troubling B. meeting C. having D. waiting 5. A. much B. l

17、ittle C. few D. a lot ofWhen European visitors first went to Malaysia, they heard some strange stories about dangerous plants. One frightening story was about the deadly upas tree(见血封喉). The Malaysian people called (6)_ the tree of poisons, and it could kill birds, animals, and people. They said tha

18、t the upas tree killed the birds flying over it - and the birds did not have to touch the tree. But the most frightening story was about people - they said that anyone who went to sleep under the tree would never wake up.Now, seven hundred years later, we know that many of these stories are (7)_. Bi

19、rds sit on the branches of the upas tree, and nothing happens to them. People can sleep under the tree, and they wake up quite happily. (8) _, was it only a story to frighten the Europeans?If fact, the upas tree can sometimes be a killer, and it does have a very strong and dangerous poison. The pois

20、on is in the (9)_. If you touch the tree, or cut your skin on the bark, you will get a painful rash. If you drink the sap from any part of the tree, your heart can stop in a few minutes. So the upas tree really is a deadly killer.Local people had other ways of using the upas tree in the past. They t

21、ied prisoners to the tree, and the poison would slowly go into their skin. In the end the prisoners died. They also put some poison onto a stick and then killed the prisoner with the stick. Perhaps this is (10)_ the stories about never sleeping under the upas tree came from.6. A. them B. one C. it D

22、. /7. A. incredible B. beyond reach C. false D. proven8. A. Then B. As a result C. However D. After all9. A. leaves B. root C. bark D. sap10. A. how B. where C. when D. why五、阅读选择。10%Surtsey was born in 1963. Scientists saw the birth of this island. It began at 7:30 a.m. on 14th November. A fishing b

23、oat was near Iceland. The boat moved under the captains feet. He noticed a strange smell. He saw some black smoke. A volcano(火山) was breaking out. Red-hot rocks, fire and smoke were rushing up from the bottom of the sea. The island grew quickly. It was 10 meters high the next day and 60 meters high

24、on 18th November. Scientists flew there to watch. It was exciting. Smoke and fire were still rushing up. Pieces of red-hot rock were flying into the air and falling into the sea. The sea was boiling and there was a strange light in the sky. Surtsey grew and grew. Then it stopped in June 1967. It was

25、 175 meters high and 2 kilometers long. And life was already coming to Surtsey. Plants grew. Birds came. Some scientists built a house. They want to learn about this young island. A new island is like a new world. 1. Surtsey is _. A. an island not far from Iceland B. a new volcano C. a fishing boat

26、D. a place in Iceland2. Scientists flew there _. A. to watch the birth of the island B. to save the fishing boat C. to learn about the island D. to build a house3. When did scientist fly there to watch? A. Before the volcano broke out. B. As soon as the volcano broke out. C. About four days after th

27、e volcano broke out. D. After the volcano stopped rushing up.4. Put the following sentences into the correct order.a. The captain found the boat was moving. b. A new island appeared in the sea.c. Fire, smoke and rocks were seen rushing up. d. A fishing boat was near Iceland.e. The island grew quickl

28、y. A. d-a-c-b-e B. a-b-c-d-e C .a-b-e-c-d D. b-e-d-a-c5. The best title of this article is _. A. A new island B. The birth of an island C. A new world D. Scientists discovered SurtseyHave you ever sat in class thinking that you would never understand what the teacher was trying to teach? Maybe his p

29、resentation didnt fit your learning style.Traditionally, school present information in two ways - through language and through formulas involving numbers and logic. Psychologists, however, now say there is a problem with this. People have different strengths and different learning styles to match th

30、ese strengths. For example, one person might struggle with information in a paragraph but understand it immediately in a diagram. Another person will struggle with the diagram but not with the paragraph.Psychologist Howard Gardner of the Harvard University has said there are at least 7 learning styl

31、es:Linguistic These people learn by using language - listening, reading, speaking, and writing.Logical These people learn by applying mathematical formulas and scientific principles.Visual These people learn by seeing what they are learning.Musical Instead of finding music a distraction, these people learn well when information is presented through music.Kinesthetic Movement and physical activities help these people to learn.Interpersonal These people have a good understanding of others and learn well by working with others.I

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