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2、内河各种运输各种运输英文用缩中文全名交货地点风险划分出口报关进口报关适用的运输方式标价时后注 (EXW)工厂交货卖方处所买方接管货物后买方买方各种运输方式指定地点 (F)船边交货装运港船边货交船边后卖方买方海运,内河运输装运港名称 (FOB)装运港船上装运港船上货物越过装运港船舷卖方买方海运,内河运输装运港名称 (CA)货交承运人合同规定的出口国内地港口承运人接管货物后卖方买方各种运输方式指定地点(FR)成本加运费装运港船上货物越过装运港船舷卖方买方海运,内河运输目的港名称 (CIF)成本加保费加运费装运港船上货物越过装运港船舷卖方买方海运,内河运输目的港名称 (PT)运费付至合同规定的出口国

3、内地/港口承运人接管货物后卖方买方各种运输方式目的地名称 (CIP)运费,保险费付至合同规定的出口国内地/港口承运人接管货物后卖方买方各种运输方式目的地名称 (DA)边境交货两国边境指定地买方接管货物后卖方买方多用于陆运方式边境指定地点(DES)目的港船上交货目的港船上买方在船上收货后卖方买方海,内河运输及目的港上交货的多式联运目的港名称(DE)目的港码头买方在目的港收货后买方在目的港收货后卖方买方海,内河运输及目的港上交货的多式联运目的港名称(DD)未完税交货进口国指定地买方在指定地收货后卖方买方任何运输方式目的地名称(DDP)完税后交货进口国指定地买方在指定地收货后卖方卖方任何运输方式目的

4、地名称国际贸易实务教案Chapter 1 Brief Intoducion o Interntional re国际贸易简介。1 Resosfoiterionatade.1。1eoce Rason(1)Natual reoucs.() Farale ctendtions nd errin() Skid workerand caia rsources.(4) Favorabl geographicloatio and ransprtationcoss。1。2Economiceasos(1) Compaaedvantg(2)Strog domesic emn(3) Innovton or style

5、。1.3Political eason12rblemsCcerningInternatol rade1.2。1Cual Pblem(1) Lnuge. () Cutomad aers。 2.Monetay Conersis1。2。3Trde Briernivdua ouiesputcontros n trdfor thfollowng ee asos:(1) Toorc a baanceopymentsdefiit.(2)Fr resons o natinal scurity。(3) To rotet thei w indutries gaist t competion of foeingoo

6、dAlthoug taishveen lowerd ubsttillyyinteratioa geents, counris ntnuto use herdvices to mit mptor to increaseexports。 Som of heseare:(1) eqirig imor ienes thatpermtonlspeific vom values import;(2) setting quotas ha lii te total vu or lumof a prouctbeimprte;(3)limti govermnt purchaseto firms wthinthe

7、country;(4)pyg stadards fo safty,nuer protection,or oheraons,hich oreig rot ay not e abletot;(5) making special payts calle xort subsis toencorage cal portes o increeoeig sals;(6) targetng-a w temmaig he mpostin a package mearestogie ceti lalndustriesampetitiadvanaen xot market It mih incude rt usid

8、ie, teical astanc,ssiies for reerchad developme, and finncilsisance;(7)rqiringlicene to btin foreig crencis bythoe wat to uy goodsfrom abroathuslmitin h quanti of iots eyc b;(8) reucg the auof tincurrncy reaionto that ohe est of the old sotht it exrtdgood cotess in othe coutiesand tsimprtcot ore;()i

9、mpsing condinsonfreign roducssh s rerig hatther gods contain acerainmt of loally podc prods;(10) etctntradeinbanking, inurance, andothr servce pofesions。练习一:导论思考题:1国际贸易实务课程的主要任务和研究对象是什么?本课程包括哪些主要内容?2与国内贸易相比进出口贸易有何特点?国际贸易中影响较大的惯例、条约有哪些?其主要内容是什么?有何特点?4根据我国合同法规定,合同应包括哪些主要内容?5进出口贸易一般要经过哪几个步骤?在进出口业务中,出口商

10、进口商的主要工作是什么?Chapte Trade Tr an Export riingPat Outline本章要点5.1 rade TemandIntrnatioal re Pactices贸易术语与国际贸易惯例5.213 Te Trms i NOTERMS00200通则中的13中贸易术语. lcon of Tderms贸易术语的选用4Export Picing出口定价5TadeTems andInernaiona Trade Pactice贸易术语与国际贸易惯例5.1。1 国际货物买卖适用的法律与惯例、交易双方当事人所在国的国内法、国家对外缔结或参加的有关国际贸易、国际运输、商标、专利、仲




14、,节约费用开支.(2)有利于交易双方进行比价和加强成本核算。()有利于妥善解决贸易争端。、有关贸易术语的国际贸易惯例(1)932年华沙牛津规则(aaw-Oxord Rules 1932)(2)141年美国对外贸易定义修订本(eedmicn ren Trae finitin 1941)()000年国际贸易术语解释通则(INCOTERMS2000)。21 Trade rmsin INCOTRMS 2000200通则中的13种贸易术语国际电码交货地点风险转移界限出口报关国际运输货运保险进口报关适用的运输方式EX商品产地、所在地货交买方处置时起买方买方买方买方任何方式FCA出口国内地、港口货交承运人处


16、卖方买方任何方式DDP进口国内在指定目的地货交买方处置时起卖方卖方卖方卖方任何方式5.3 Slection Tra Ter贸易术语的选用、应注意各组贸易术语的特点、考虑运输条件3、考虑货源情况4、考虑运费因素5、考虑运输途中的风险6、考虑办理进出口货物结关手续有无困难5.4 Epot Prcn出口商品价格5.41cmponnts of pi term合同中的价格条款合同中商品单价一般包括四个部分,即:计价货币;单价;计量单位;贸易术语例如:“00美元/打 CIF伦敦$ 10 perdoz CIF Londontypef crrecy; ric er unit; asureme uit; rde

17、 tems54.2 MoeofAccunt计价货币的选择5.43 ommisio and Dscount佣金和折扣的运用5。4。4 Epor Pricg出口定价Prt II。 Supplmtary ReadiThehree Popuar Trae rmsTrde Practice nd IneretionsAoll, it sdeenecsary for us to cetrte n th hee ppulardlver emsFOB,R, dCF forpraccal eason, nd wtwhe o dele in ev oe o the rt of te delivry er, own

18、g o thir relatiely limted applicato i our mprt andxportae.s foegntrae worker the is evry eason for uto be kledeable on the usul trad pactes anddifferntinteprtation of these deliery erm。 In th ist , u may sprsingyco aros dffr nrpreas f the delivery tems he gotiatinga biess otract o stng a spute ih or

19、ein coutrpart, ganing thatr aroe imiariti andiimiaritis in isespect. They areno dfereces yand lrg When you ae a thooh gra f thisubje, yu wb in abetr position to drivea bargain withthem aneuard yur itersts aginst anossibl ngs.Seconly, the intreaton ofthe elyterms ad the ential ractic ar raercoveniona

20、l, n a sese, dee root, av reconitiony both buer n selror lo time. If yo can apply hem dexteously to your danage, i cnducti to the promotion offoeign ade. Thirdly, wenanyrad dsputs arise, y may b ableto nvo the proria tade pactice oope unwrny with differen and even intriatepolem ad settl the diut he

21、you are sre our approach andtacis, you can ake the initiatv in briing wit bsnsadversaresand avod ebarassment. Atspoint tothe ecessityofaquiring orre uerstanding o these iterpretaions。FOBort of SipmenA he seller must:() Suply t os in cnfrmitywith th cotrct ofsle,togeher wi such vdenc f conforityas ma

22、ybereuired by th coract(2) Deliver te goodsn ba thevsl named by the buer, at t named port o shimnt,in thenner cusomare port, a thedate or it the periodtiuatd, and notify he buyer, without delay, that thegoos avebeneliverdonbord。(3) t hsownris an expese bainay expor lcense or other gvernmntal authoiz

23、ation eesrfr theprfheods(4) ubct to he rovsin oaticles。3 an B.4 below, bear allcosts and riskso the oodsutil uc te asthy hall ave effectily pase hsips rail at the namedport of spment, inludin any xe, fees r chgs leviedecause of exrttion, awll as the cos an orlits whch h hallo ulfll i e to o h god on

24、bard。(5) ideat hi own expens the smary packngo the gods, unle iis he cto f he tade shite gds nackd.()Pay the osts of ay hecking oeratons (schas checking qalit, mesrin,weghin, couing) whshall e necessary fo tepurposfdiverin the goods(7) Provideths wn expense tcstomarycean duet in proof of dlivery o the goods longsde te nae vse。(8) Provide e buyer, ate atters requet adexpnse(see B6),ith ectificte of gi。(9) ender the bur, at the laters uest,rsk ad expe, vyasstance in obtainin a bil olang nd a dcuents, oter han h

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