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1、本科毕业设计浅议提高英语阅读速度的方法AbstractReading is the direct source of obtaining knowledge in our daily life.With the coming of the information era, and with the rapid rhythm of human lives, the reading pressure people are now suffering from is becoming greater and greater. How can reader access the useful info

2、rmation effectively and rapidly in a limited time?The author of this article thinks that the necessary way of solving this problem is to improve the reading speed. The following solutions are some useful ways reader need to master: reading in thought unit, that is looking for meaningful groups of wo

3、rds at each eye-stop; skimming emphasizes on finding out the main idea of the paragraph; scanning, aims at finding out the specific message; developing eye control and expanding vision, mean reader needs to catch as many words as they can in each eye-stop. Timed reading and choosing easy and interes

4、ing materials are also very important for improving reading speed.Key words: reading speed; solutions; thought unit; eye-stop; timed reading 中文摘要阅读是我们日常生活中获取知识的直接来源。随着信息时代的到来,生活节奏的加快,阅读的压力变得越来越大。如何在有限的时间内有效地、快速地获取有用的信息?本文作者认为要想解决这个问题,必须要提高阅读速度。而提高阅读速度必须掌握如下技巧:成组视读,即视线每停留一次可看到具有逻辑意义的一组单词;略读法,重点在于找出一个

5、段落的中心思想;寻读法,目的主要是有目标地找出文中某些特定的信息;扩大视线范围,就是在原来的基础上,每次视线停留都尽量多地阅读单词。此外,还有其他技巧,如定时阅读和选择简单有趣的阅读材料。关键词:阅读速度;方法;成组视读;视线停留;定时阅读1. IntroductionThis age is an era of knowledge explosion. And now, during the new Space and Computer Age, people are experiencing an Information Revolution. (于大雨, 2004:1) Last cent

6、ury, the knowledge of the world doubles every five years. Now, it doubles much faster more than people can imagine. In such a situation, people need to know more about the world. Meanwhile, men do not have enough time to read information one after another. Fast reading becomes a necessary skill nowa

7、days. As it is known to all, the amount of information people get directly relates to the amount they read. Therefore, people are supposed to read more and to know more. The only way to achieve this goal is to improve the reading speed. For this reason, readers have to obtain the ability of speed re

8、ading.Divided by reading speed, there are three kinds of readers: slow reader, better reader and good reader. Slow readers, as it is called, usually dislike reading and spend so little time in reading that they never practice enough to improve. On the other hand, better readers usually read a great

9、deal and are constantly improving their reading skills. Thus, those who are good readers get better whereas those who arent, dont. (于大雨, 2004:1)2. The Importance of Speed Reading in Modern SocietyThe ability of reading means the ability of intensive reading and extensive reading. Nearly 80% of the k

10、nowledge people acquired are through reading, because reading is one of the easiest and cheapest and fastest methods of getting information. Books, newspapers and even television are the major sources which people get information from. But nowadays, people can use electronic materials. The internet

11、opens another window for the younger generation. Then, it comes a serious problem: How can we get what we want from such great amount of information? Definitely, what people concern most is the reading speed. With the rapid advancement of all kinds of information that we have to acquire every day, i

12、t is a must for us to have effective reading habits and skills to digest them.2.1 Definition of speed readingSpeed Reading, also named Rapid Reading or Fast Reading, just as the name implies, means we read the material actively and efficiently in a fast speed. Other explanation is that speed reading

13、 is a collection of reading methods which attempt to increase rates of reading without greatly reducing comprehension. To sum up, it is a way in which we read the material efficiently in a certain time for some purposes, and to acquire some useful information. It requires reader to master fast readi

14、ng skills, have an outstanding basic knowledge, a good strong vocabulary and cultural background knowledge. (张学忠主编, 2004:9) 2.2 Differences between speed reading and slow readingWhat are the differences between speed reading and slow reading? Why do we need to have the ability of speed reading? What

15、 are the strong points of speed reading? The differences are as followed:First of all, reading style is different.Reading can be divided into two types: slow reading and fast reading. Readers use both at different times depending on different purposes. Slow reading is a method we read word by word.

16、We note the structure of the material and the way words are used so that we can, in turn, use the structures, words, and phrased in our own writing. (于大雨, 2004:7) However, slow reading is not rapid and fluent reading. On the contrary, fast reading is that we read materials in groups of a few words t

17、hat have meaning, then go for half-lines as our peripheral vision expands, then to whole lines, etc. (Dr. Jay C. Polmar, 2003:21) The purpose of reading is not to learn new structures or to analyze every word and phrase, but rather to understand as quickly as possible the ideas being communicated. (

18、于大雨, 2004:7) While readers are using fast reading, they do not need to consult the dictionary for those difficult words or phrases. What readers need to do is just read on and on for the general idea. In this method, reader can receive messages rapidly.Second, the degree of eye-brain coordinated is

19、different.Human brain is the most complicated organ in the world. So do the progress of thinking. After decades of scientific research, people come to understand that the thinking progress is very rapid and complicated. Slow reading fails to do it. It can not provide enough messages for the brain ra

20、pidly. As a matter of fact, words will be transformed into sounds in hearing nerve center, and sound can only be transmitted to the brain one after another. Limited by the thinking progress of slow reading, eye-brain can not coordinate with each other effectively. That is why the speed of reading ca

21、n not be improved.Unlike slow reading, another facet of speed reading is that eidetic (or photographic) memory, or auditory (tape recorder) memory often occurs. Thomas DeQuincy once said: “I feel assured that there is no such thing as ultimate forgetting; traces once impressed upon the memory are in

22、destructible.” Humans have the potential to remember everything theyve ever seen, read, or heard, even if they werent paying full attention. “Your brain and mind, which is like a computer, store all memories.” Said by Dr. Jay C. Polmar who is a retired therapist, author and lecturer. (2003:14) Thats

23、 the main reason why those related scientists advocate this effective reading method. Human brain has the ability to absorb thousands of bits of information per minute. Many years ago, researchers indicated that 50,000 units per minute was about the maximum rate the brain can assimilate information.

24、 (Dr. Jay C. Polmar, 2004:12)Third, reading comprehension and memorization is different.For years, people mistakenly think that understanding is the best method of reading. Actually, people misunderstand the meaning of comprehension and memorization. Intensive reading does good for comprehension, bu

25、t it goes against readers memory. As stated above, photographic memory often occurs in speed reading. The rate of providing messages and processing messages approaches, which can coordinate much easier. It is possible that we can digest a great amount of materials. For a skillful speed reader, the c

26、omprehension of the provided article is quite comprehensive. Therefore, speed reading is good for readers memory.To sum up, speed reading is an effective reading method. It helps reader to save vision and brainwork, matches the condition of humans thinking progress and does good for memorization.2.3

27、 The rewards of speed readingReading, as a major method of getting information, is a basic ability which students should obtain. After knowing what speed reading is, we should then find out the strong points of speed reading. What can we benefit from speed reading?2.3.1 Improve reading comprehension

28、Many readers concern themselves with comprehension. Dr. Jay C. Polmar described comprehension as: comprehension is actually based upon the speed and accuracy of brain and mind functions. As we access higher and higher numbers of words per minute, our brain matches our new eye speeds with greater com

29、prehension. (2003:57) Developing good reading or speed reading comprehension (or understanding) really means developing great thinking abilities, logic, reason, and creative imagination. (Dr. Jay C. Polmar, 2004:168) When we learn to read noticeably faster, we will better understand the meaning of w

30、hat you readboth objectively and subjectively. (Wade E. Cutler, 2004:37) When individuals learn to read faster, they have a better understanding of what they read. 2.3.2 Access long-term memoryThe human brain is a fantastic computer in a physical body. The capacity of the human brain is enormous. Sp

31、eed reading, due to the brain or mind and accelerated reading methods used in daily practice, means that what readers read will be stored in long-term memory for later recall. People think this is amplified by intensified focus used in speed reading. Focus causes the states of consciousness to be al

32、tered, thereby accessing long-term memory. (Dr.Jay C. Polmar, 2003:13-14)2.3.3 Save timeCompared with slow reader, fast reader can save a lot of time. That is because the reading speed of fast reader is much faster than that of slow reader. Can reader imagine what will happen when they double or tri

33、ple their reading speed? People will be surprised to know that they may be able to get much more done in the same amount of time! The faster one can read, the more time one can save.2.3.4 Reduce fatigueIf a person reads at the rate of 200 words per minute, it takes approximately eight and a half hours to r

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