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1、 There are some cars and buses, too. Hey, Dad! Thats Big Ben!Its?twelve?oclock! Ding-dong, ding-dong; Ding-dong, ding-dong!Oh, Jack! Isnt London just great?London?Eye?proper?n. 伦敦眼fun?n. 乐趣?v. 相信adv. (manner)一起River?Thames?proper n. 泰晤士河bridge?n.?桥梁Tower?Bridge?proper n.?塔桥really?adv. (manner)?真正地pa

2、ss?v. (ditransitive)?递给binoculars?pl. n.?望远镜any?quantifier?任何一个ship?n. 轮船some?一些WestminsterBridge?proper n. 威斯敏斯特桥down?adv. (place)?下面那里Big Ben?proper n. 大本钟its?possessive adj. 它的Unit 17 Smile, please!Flora:Watch?this, Lucy!I can?balance?on this ball! Can you do it?Lucy:try.Oh, yes!I can balance on

3、a ball as well.Its easy! Look at us, Vikki!Look at me now, Lucy!Im on my knees! Can you balance like this?Yes, I can do that, too. Its?fun!Come on, Vikki!Can you balance on a?big?ball?like us?Vikki:No, I cant.Youre both good at?gymnastics,but Im?useless. I cant do it.Never mind, Vikki!You can do Mat

4、hs and Music and I cant!Im useless at Maths.And you can take a photo of us!Come on! Take a photo on your?mobile.OK.Ready? One, two, three!Smile, please!smile?v. 微笑watch?v. 看v. 保持平衡do?v.?做try?v. 尝试as well?adv. ( focus)?也easy?adj.?简单的,容易的on?ones?knees?adv. phrase?跪着good at?adj. + prep. 擅长gymnastics?n.

5、 体操useless?差劲的,无能的Maths?proper n. (BrE., Math AmE.)?数学Music?音乐take?v. 照(相)a?photo?fixed phrase?照相gym?体育馆Unit 18 Men can cook, too! William: Lets cook dinner, Robert. You can help me. Give me some rice, please. Theres some rice in that jar. Put some water in the pan, and pass me a knife, please.Rober

6、t: Which one? That one on the table.。 OK, Dad. Here it is. Chop two onions, please. OK, Dad. Chop two onions Is there a big spoon over there? Yes, Dad. Pass me the big spoon, please. I cant get a spoon and chop an onion, Dad! Youre right. What about some plates? Dad, there are some plates on the she

7、lf. There are some knives, some forks and some spoons in the drawer. And my hands are wet. You see, Robert, men can cook, too. Perhaps we can open a restaurant! Oh, yeah!cook 做饭菜dinner helprice waterpan平底锅chop 切开onionspoongetforkdrawer 抽屉handwetopenrestaurantmustjug 罐子dryfoodsugarmilkUnit 19 You Mus

8、t EatDAISY: What time is it?NINA: Its four Oclock Four Oclock! Gee,Im hungry! I amtoo! OKThank you,NinaWe can finish nowTheres some food on the table over thereLets eat Daisy, I can look, but I cant eat. Why not? Youre tired. Youre hungry. You can eat. Whats the problem? Food is the problem. Come on

9、,Nina! You must eat! There are lots of good things hereTheres some fish,and some salad And there are some hot dishes,too NINA: I can drink some water,but I mustnt eatI cant eat and? be beautiful Nonsense,Nina! You are beautiful. Thank you, Daisy. Maybe I can eat a peach. Maybe you can eat lots of pe

10、aches ! Now, honey, please help yourself!Unit 20:What a surprise KAREN:Hello,Linda! Nice to speak to you! How are you? And how is Ken?Yes,Im very busy, s Lucys music lesson at half past m sorry, but I cant talk now.Come on,Lucy! Your music lesson is at half past six,and its a quarter to six now! Wha

11、ts the problem?LUCY:I cant find my music book.?Oh dear! Im sorry, must go! Can I call you at half past nine?Mum! I must find my book!Thanks,! Now,Lucy,look in your schoolbag.It isnt there.Are you sure?Yes,! Oh!Here it is!What a surprise! Please hurry up,Lucy! Its six oclock.Its OK,Mum. Im ready. Can

12、 we go now,please?Unit 21: Breakfast Blues Karen: Do you want any breakfast, Paul?Paul: Not really, but I must eat something. I mustnt train on an empty stomach. Have we got any orange juice? Yes, we have. Theres some in the fridge. How much juice do you want? Oh, just a small glass, please. Here yo

13、u are. Do you want any coffee? No, thanks. Have we got any tea? Yes, theres some tea in the pot. Help yourself. Poor Paul! Its a very early start! Tell me about it! I cant eat at six oclock in the morning. Ive got some yoghurt in the fridge. You can take it with you and have it at the gym. Thanks, K

14、aren. Thats nice. They havent got any yoghurt in the canteen at the academy. The food there is terrible.Unit 22: Watching the neighbours Polly: Theres Claire in Karens garden. Look, shes with Paul again. Has she got a lot of friends now, Annie?Annie: Well, shes very new here. And shes shy. Perhaps s

15、he hasnt got many friends. Well, there are lots of nice girls at the art college. And Paul has got a lot of friends. He can introduce her to them. Yes. Perhaps shes happy with Paul. He is a lovely young man. And theyre both very busy with their studies. They havent got a lot of spare time. Thats tru

16、e. Pauls always busy. Now tell? me about Claires mother.Unit 23: An Expensive Camera What kind of camera has Claire got, Jack? Let me think. Its a Japanese one. I cant remember the name. Oh, yes! I know! Its an Ixus, a Canon Ixus. Lucky Claire! Thats a very? fine camera! Yes, it is. Its a very expen

17、sive camera, too, but Claire wants another one.? Why? Doesnt she like that one? Well, she likes it, but she wants a new one. Its one of Daisys old cameras. Claire wants a new one for her birthday. She can give me the old one at any time! Just bring it here.Unit24: A light dinner Claire, do you like

18、fish? Yes, I love fish. I really like salmon! Good! Ive got a nice piece of salmon for dinner tonight. Do you like vegetables? Yes, I like vegetables, too. Ive got some new potatoes and some saladTheres some lettuce and some cucumber. Is that OK? Thats fantastic, Karen! Its my favourite kind of food

19、! Well, heres a bowl. You and Paul can pick some strawberries from the garden. Then we can have some fruit for dessert. This is great, Karen! A really healthy meat! But Im very hungry! Dont worry, Paul! Ive got lots of potatoes in the kitchen! And you can have some cream with your strawberries. Just

20、 pick them first!Unit 25: The weekend shopping Mum, there isnt any sugar in the house. I know. I must go to the supermarket.? Lets make a shopping list Ok. How much sugar do we need? Two bags. Two bags of sugar. We need some tea, too, Mum. There isnt much tea in the tin. Lets get four packets. Four

21、packets of tea.What about food for the weekend, Mum? We need a? loaf of bread, some meat for Sunday lunch, and some vegetables, too. What vegetables do we want, Lucy? One loaf of bread, a piece of meat, some vegetablesMum, these things are all really boring.? What about some nice things for the week

22、end? What kind of things? Well, chocolate,and icecream, perhaps Youre right. Lets get a box of chocolates. Some ice cream for you and the boys, and a bottle of wine for me and your father!Unit 26: A self-service restaurant Customer 1: Whats on the menu? Show me the menu, please.Waiter: Im sorry. The

23、re isnt a menu. You can see the food, and you help yourself.Thats vegetable soup, isnt it?Yes, thats right.Pass me a bowl of soup, please. Customer 2:And a bowl of salad for me, please.One soup, one salad. Here you are.That looks nice. What is it?Its meat and vegetables in tomato sauce.Give me one o

24、f those,please.And a small piece of fish for me,please.Please just take them. Here you are!Thank you, my s fine!Can you bring us some coffee, please?And a jug of water, with two glasses?Im sorry, ladies, but this is a self-service restaurant! You must help yourselves!Unit 27: Toothache Roberts not w

25、ell, Karen!s the matter with him? Hes got toothache. Poor Robert ! He looks awful. Please call the dentist ! Yes, yes, of course! Hello ? My names Karen Jenkins.? We are Mr. Halls patients. Please can I make an appointment for my son, Robert? Its an emergency. Yes, thats right. Robert Jenkins. Hes got terrible toothache. Yes, Thats today, with Mr. Hall. Thats at half past four this afternoon. Thank you very much. He looks miserable ! You look miserable, too ! I feel miserable .? Oh, well, the appointments for today. Lets hope for the best.? Poor you !

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