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1、QB/YTLY-102007-2007Preface前 言为了科学地建立健全企业标准体系和管理体系,指导和规范本企业开展标准化工作,根据龙源电力技术有限公司烟电经字20021号文关于修编制定公司标准体系实施方案的通知的指示精神,按企业标准体系的构成和编写的基本规定的要求,以相关的国家标准、行业标准为依据,结合公司产品的实际情况,特制定本标准。本标准由烟台龙源电力技术有限公司总经理工作部提出。本标准由烟台龙源电力技术有限公司技术开发部起草。本标准由烟台龙源电力技术有限公司技术开发部负责管理和解释。本标准第一版于2003年1月1日发布,并于2007年1月1日重新修订。起草人: 唐宏、陈学渊、纪少华

2、、张孝勇、程跃彬、李春岩、刘鹏、李本伟、薛若连审 核: 张孝勇审 定: 唐 宏批 准: 王公林 安全措施 0第一章 绪论 1第二章 等离子燃烧器工作原理 2第三章 等离子点火燃烧系统构成 5第四章 等离子点火系统的安装 22第五章 等离子点火系统的调试 28第六章 等离子点火系统的运行 39第七章 等离子点火系统的维护 47附页 DLZ-200型等离子点火系统的应用业绩 470 Safety Precautions安全措施This manual herein claims本说明书声明 This manual includes all the basic measures and precaut

3、ions necessary for the safe and reliable operation of plasma ignition and stabilized combustion system. However, supplementary data may be indispensable for special utilization, In such case, it is recommended that you contact with your nearest Yantai Longyuan branch or our headquarter for technical

4、 support, Using unauthorized parts for repair and/or operation by unqualified personnel may jeopardize the normal and safe operation of the system, which may lead to accident and equipment breakdown,列出了等离子燃烧系统安全和可靠运行所需的所有基本措施。对特殊的应用,可能需要附加补充资料和说明书,如果遇到这种情况,请与烟台龙源公司最近的办事处(分公司)或直接与本部联系,以求技术支援;如果在修理等离子

5、燃烧设备时使用了未经厂家认可的零件,或是由不具备资格的人员进行不正确的操作将会增加出现危险的机会,这将可能导致事故的发生及设备损坏。 Please follow all the safety precautions in this manual.本手册所有安全提示请严格遵守。 Please read carefully the safety data and information in this manual.请仔细阅读本说明书所提供的安全信息。WARNING!警 告! The electric gun will load high voltage that exceeds safety v

6、oltage. Please do not touch the instrument; this may cause severe injure, death and serious damage to the equipment. 在设备运行过程中,本装置电子发射枪将出现危险电压,切勿触摸。否则,将导致死亡和严重的人身伤害以及财产损失。 The electric gun is placed in a safety hood. Electric wire, cooling water inlet and outlet go under the hood. Keep away from the

7、hood if any malfunction occurs in this part unless you are maintenance staff. 本装置电子发射枪被罩在一个安全防护罩内,防护罩下部为电气,冷却水进、出接口,此部位有可能引发故障,非专业维护人员切勿接近。 Only experienced staff who entirely understand and get completely familiar with all the safety precautions, structure, operation and maintenance included in thi

8、s manual are eligible for operating this system.只有首先完全熟悉本使用说明书所包括的安全注意事项,结构安装,操作以及维护说明的相当熟练的人员才能从事本装置的工作。 The successful installation and safe operation rely on careful transportation, proper maintenance, correct connection, installation operation and maintenance.本装置成功和安全的运行依赖于精心的运输和适当的保管,以及正确的连接,操作

9、安装和维护。The power cabinet inlet and isolating transformer bear voltage high above safety range even when the plasma generator is not in working mode. Please do not do any maintenance and repair work unless power is off. All power must be shut down and and hang warning sign on the equipment before any

10、maintenance and repair work.即使是在等离子发生器不工作时,电源柜进线及隔离变压器亦带有危险电压,非停电状态,切勿进行任何工作,在从事任何维护和修理工作之前,电源柜所有电源必须切断并挂警示牌! 现场所有工作必须遵守国家电力安全规程以及电力系统两票三制等保证安全的规章制度。Chapter 1. Introduction第一章 绪 论The traditional ignition and combustion stabilization of big industrial pulverized coal boiler utilizes heavy oil natural

11、 gas or other scarce fuel. With the worldwide scarcity of energy and the ever-increasing oil price, fuel oil for power plant is under growing pressure, and quantity of oil used for ignition and combustion stabilization is thus regarded as a key index. Decreasing the average diameter of pulverized co

12、al, increase the pre-heat temperature of coal-air mixture and secondary air, preheat burners as well as small oil guns are traditional ways to reduce oil consumption; and there leaves little space for these methods to improve. Revolutionary technology is needed to further reduce oil consumption, and

13、 even to realize zero oil consumption. This technology should meet the cost-benefit concern of power plants and improve the ecological environment, DLZ-200 plasma ignition system uses direct air plasma for ignition, and is able to ignite meager coal with low volatile(10%) and start boiler from cold

14、state without oil, The plasma ignition system is the ideal ignition and combustion stabilization equipment, comparing with traditional oil ignition, it has the following advantages: 大型工业煤粉锅炉的点火和稳燃传统上都是采用燃烧重油或天然气等稀有燃料来实现的,近年来,随着世界性的能源紧张,原油价格不断上涨,火力发电燃油愈来愈受到限制。因此锅炉点火和稳燃用油被做为一项重要的指标来考核,为了减少重油(天然气)的耗量,传

15、统的做法是提高煤粉的磨细度,提高风粉混合物和二次风的预热温度,采用预燃室燃烧器,选用小油枪点火等等,但是,这些方法已到了尽头,若要进一步减少燃油到最终不用油,必须采用与传统上完全不同的全新工艺,这种工艺应既可保证提高燃烧过程的经济性,又可以改善火电厂的生态条件DLZ-200型等离子煤粉点火装置,采用直流空气等离子体作为点火源,可点燃挥发分较低的(10%)贫煤,实现锅炉的冷态启动而不用一滴油,是未来火力发电厂点火和稳燃的首选设备,采用等离子点火装置,点火和稳燃与传统的燃油相比有以下几大优点:1) Economic; The operation and maintenance cost is on

16、ly 15%-20% of oil ignition, and plasma ignition technology can save tens of millions of investment and trial operation cost.经济:采用等离子点火运行和技术维护费仅是使用重油点火时费用的15%20%,对于新建电厂,可以节约上千万的初投资和试运行费用;2) Environmental friendly: the electro-static precipitator can be applied at the beginning of ignition , reducing

17、dust pollution at the early stage of ignition, Whats more, using coal as the only fuel, oil transportation and storage could be reduced therefore the environment is improved. 环保:由于点火时不燃用油品,电除尘装置可以在点火初期投入,因此,减少了点火初期排放大量烟尘对环境的污染;另外,电厂采用单一燃料后,减少了油品的运输和储存环节,亦改善了电厂的环境;3) High efficiency高效:The plasma cont

18、ains particles with great energy that can accelerate thermo chemical transfer and promote complete burning, such as atoms(C,H,O), radicle(OH, H2, O2), ion(O2、H2、OH、O、H) and electrons as well.等离子体内含有大量化学活性的粒子,如原子(C、H、O)、原子团(OH、H2、O2)、离子(O2、H2、OH、O、H)和电子等,可加速热化学转换,促进燃料完全燃烧;4) Simplicity: Power plant m

19、ay operate with only one kind of fuel, and the system and operation is simplified简单:电厂可以单一燃料运行,简化了系统,简化了运行方式;5) Safety: Removing oil system from burning boilers reduce many accidents caused by oil system.安全:取消炉前燃油系统,也自然避免了经常由于燃油系统造成的各种事故。Conclusion结论:With all the advantages of plasma ignition and co

20、mbustion stabilization system mentioned above, it is the optimum choice for coal burning boilers, and also the best substitute for in current oil system of power plants. In year 2002, the State Power Corporation publicized Instruction of plasma ignition system for power plant boilers, promoting plas

21、ma ignition technology all around the country.既然采用等离子技术点燃煤粉锅炉经济、高效、简单、安全、环保,有百利而无一害,当然是燃煤锅炉的首选设备,是目前燃油系统改造的最佳替代产品。2002年国家电力公司发布了电站锅炉等离子点火技术应用指南,推广等离子点火技术。Chapter 2. Theorem of plasma burner第二章 等离子燃烧器工作原理2.1 Ignition theorem点火机理This system uses DC(280-350A), and strikes arc under medium air pressure

22、of 5-15Kpa, getting stable DC air plasma within a strong magnet field. Plasma forms a partial hyper temperature(T5000K) area with large temperature grads in the primary burning chamber, the pulverized coal releases volatile within 10-3 seconds, scatters and burns quickly through the hyper heat of pl

23、asma. This reactivity occurs in gas and alter the particle grade of the mixture, therefore the burning of pulverized coal is greatly accelerated and the threshold of energy needed(E) for burning is greatly reduced.( EPlasma=1/6EOil) 本装置利用直流电流(280-350A)在介质气压5-15Kpa的条件下接触引弧,并在强磁场下获得稳定功率的直流空气等离子体,该等离子体

24、在燃烧器的一次燃烧筒中形成T5000K的梯度极大的局部高温区,煤粉颗粒通过该等离子“火核”受到高温作用,并在10-3秒内迅速释放出挥发物,并使煤粉颗粒破裂粉碎,从而迅速燃烧。由于反应是在气相中进行,使混合物组分的粒级发生了变化。因而使煤粉的燃烧速度加快,也有助于加速煤粉的燃烧,这样就大大地减少促使煤粉燃烧所需要的引燃能量E(E等=1/6E油)The plasma contains particles with great energy that can accelerate thermo chemical transfer and promote complete burning, such

25、as atoms(C,H,O), radicle(OH, H2, O2), ion(O2、H2、OH、O、H) and electrons as well. Moreover, plasma can increase 20%-80% volatile compared with ordinary ignition, that is to say plasma is able to reproduce volatile, which is of great significance to meager coal with little volatile. 等离子体内含有大量化学活性的粒子,如原子

26、(C、H、O)、原子团(OH、H2、O2)、离子(O2、H2、OH、O、H)和电子等,可加速热化学转换,促进燃料完全燃烧,除此之外,等离子体对于煤粉的作用,可比通常情况下提高20% 80%的挥发份,即等离子体有再造挥发份的效应,这对于点燃低挥发份煤粉强化燃烧有特别的意义。2.2 Theorem of plasma generator等离子发生器工作原理图2.1 等离子发生器工作原理图The plasma generator, using magnet field stabilized air medium, is composed of coil, cathode and anode. The

27、 cathode is made of metal or non-metal with high electrical conductivity. The anode is made of high electrical conductivity, high 本发生器为磁稳空气载体等离子发生器,它由线圈、阴极、阳极组成。其中阴极材料采用高导电率的金属材料或非金属材料制成。阳极由高导电率、高导热率及抗氧化的金属材料制成,它们均采用水冷方式,以承受电弧高温冲击。线圈在高温250情况下具有抗2000V的直流电压击穿能力,电源采用全波整流并具有恒流性能。其拉弧原理为:首先设定输出电流,当阴极3前进同阳

28、极2接触后,整个系统具有抗短路的能力且电流恒定不变,当阴极缓缓离开阳极时,电弧在线圈磁力的作用下拉出喷管外部。一定压力的空气在电弧的作用下,被电离为高温等离子体,其能量密度高达105 106W/cm2,为点燃不同的煤种创造了良好的条件。2.3 燃烧机理图2.2 燃烧机理图根据高温等离子体有限能量不可能同无限的煤粉量及风速相匹配的原则设计了多级燃烧器。它的意义在于应用多级放大的原理,使系统的风粉浓度、气流速度处于一个十分有利于点火的工况条件,从而完成一个持续稳定的点火、燃烧过程。实验证明运用这一原理及设计方法使单个燃烧器的出力可以从2T/H扩达到12T/H。在建立一级点火燃烧过程中我们采用了将经过浓缩的煤粉垂直送入等离子火炬中心区,T5000K的高温等离子体同浓煤粉的汇合及所伴随的物理化学过程使煤粉原挥发份的含量提高了20% 80%,其点火延迟时间不大于1秒。点火燃烧器的性能决定了整个燃烧器运行的成败,在设计上该燃烧器中心筒出力约为500 800kg/h,其喷口温度不低于1200。另外我们加设了风粉冷却技术避免了煤粉的贴壁流动及挂焦,同时又解决了燃烧器的烧蚀问题。该区称为第一区。第二区为混合燃烧区,在该区内一般采用“浓点浓”的原则,环形浓淡燃烧器的应用将淡粉流贴壁而浓粉掺入主点火燃烧器燃烧。这样做的结果既利于混合段的点火,又冷却了混合段的壁面。如果在特大

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