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1、人际关系 这是增加幸福指数的一条至关重要的外部条件。我们感到不快乐的最深层原因,往往就是人际关系欠佳。与搭档或者爱人的关系陷入激烈的冲突中,会让我们产生遭到背叛和遗弃的感觉。父母和孩子之间如果缺乏同情心和无私关怀,会产生隔阂与痛苦。当我们面临这类问题时,最好的办法就是直面难题,修复关系,或者学着继续前行。Step 3: Share第三步:分享如果你发觉生活状态或者做的某项决定对幸福生活有重大帮助的话,记得与你的朋友们分享。将有用的发现与更多人分享,这对增进自己的幸福和他人的幸福都有积极作用阅读理解1. Whats the happiness formula according to the p

2、assage?2. Why can we never completely adapt to new or chronic noise pollution?3. How could we make both ourselves and the neighbors feel good?4. Where does the unhappiness come from?5. What is the positive way to face with the cruelly conflictual relationship? 1. The formula refers to H (happiness)

3、= S (your biological set point for feeling happy) + C (the conditions of your life) + V (the voluntary choices you make). 2. Loud noises trigger one of our most primitive fear responses and we can never fully relax if we are surrounded by intrusive noise. 3. If we need our TV, radio or music up loud

4、, wearing headphones demonstrates our kindness and consideration to our neighbors. 4. Our unhappiness often comes from poor relationships with others.5. What you can do is to either mend the relationship by confronting what is going wrong or learn to move onUNIT 2 City Design城市设计When Im being driven

5、 through a city from o当我从旅馆乘车穿行城市前往会议中心时,映入眼帘的是无处不在的汽车和停车场。全世界的城市都陷入了困境,数以百计的城市日常生活的质量正在不断下降。在一些城市,每天呼吸空气等于抽两包香烟。每天上班族驱车时因街道和道路堵塞而寸步难行,耽搁的时间逐年升高,郁闷也随之加深。In response to these conditions针对上述情况,我们可以看到一种新城市主义的理念正在兴起。在短短的几年内,许多城市的人行道上不再允许停车,新建和改造了更多的停车场,建立了一套以公共汽车为基础的极为成功的快速运行系统,兴建了数百公里的自行车道和步行街,高峰时段的交通拥

6、挤得以减缓,种植了更多的树木,并吸收当地市民直接参与社区的改善工作。城市设计以人为本的理念使这些城市的生活质量有了很大的提高。Now government现在,各地政府的规划者们都在尝试寻找为了人而不是为汽车设计城市的方法。汽车应带给人们活动的便捷。但是在一个不断城市化的世界里,存在着一个根深蒂固的矛盾,即汽车与城市之间的矛盾。超过一个临界点之后,随着汽车数量的累加,汽车提供的不再是便捷,而是停滞。Based on this perspective, 基于这个观点,无论在发达的工业国家还是发展中国家,一些城市将会通过远离汽车来极大增加市区的通畅。让我再次提醒你,城市是为了人,不是为了汽车而建设

7、的。挤满汽车的城市就像恐怖的科幻小说里描绘的全是机械,没有人性。为了避免这场灾难,我们最好开始设计可持续发展的城市。1.What means of transportation does the author take to the conference center?2. According to the first paragraph what is happening in cities where there are more cars?3. What does the last sentence the vision of a city designed for people in

8、paragraph 2 mean?4. Why is there an inherent conflict between the automobile and the city in urban areas?5. How would a city look like if cars were everywhere?1. (He takes) a bus.2. Cars not only do harm to peoples health but also cause heavy traffic jam.3. Design cities for people not (for) cars.4.

9、 Because people depend largely on cars.5. There would be all cars (mechanism) no-human.UNIT 3 Population人口A very important world problem is the increasing number of people在我们这个星球上居住的人越来越多,是一个很重要的全球问题。如果继续按照现有的增长率发展下去,那么有限的土地及土地资源很快不能养活这么巨大的人口。So why is this huge increase in population taking place?

10、那么为什么会出现人口的大量增长呢?这的确是因为知识的广泛传播和众所周知的“死亡控制”的结果。毫无疑问,你肯定听到过“生育控制”这个术语。“死亡控制”是大不相同的。它承认了医生和科学家的工作,现在他们能够留住那些患有各种各样绝症的病人的生命。而这些绝症在不久之前还是不可治愈的。通过大范围的技术创新,其中包括耕作方法和对绝症的控制,我们已经找到降低死亡率的方法。然而,正是这项成功给人类带来最大的威胁。If we examine the amount如果计算一下维持不断增长的人口所需的土地量,我们就能意识到这个问题。如果这个星球上的每个人都平均分一块土地,我们每个人会拥有五万平方米。这个数字看似相当

11、振奋人心,而当我们计算一下每个人的实际可用耕地之后,就知道情况不太乐观了。因为世界上超过3/5的土地都不能生产粮食。Obviously, with so little land to support us, 显然,能够养活我们的耕地如此之少,我们就应该想方设法不要让耕地继续减少下去。但是,我们并没有这样做!反而我们正在消耗它的“本钱”其不可再生的化石燃料与其它矿藏,它们是在几百万年的时间里才形成的,然而现在,几十年内就会被消耗殆尽。我们对待其它通常不被看做是不可再生的重要自然资源也是如此,譬如肥沃的土地、地下水和千百万与我们共同居住在地球上的物种。1. What can be learnt a

12、bout the population growth at present?2. According to the article, what contributes to the population increase?3. What is the doctors job according to paragraph 2?4. Why isnt there enough land to support human beings?5. In paragraph 4 the fertile soils are considered as _.1. It continues to increase

13、 / grow at its present rate.2. Death Control3. They keep people who suffer from incurable diseases alive.4. Because the worlds land has already been taken up / occupied by the ever-increasing population. 5. non-renewableUNIT 4 Earthquake地震Earthquakes may be ranked as one of the most devastating地震是人类

14、所知的最具有破坏力的自然灾害之一。自从有记载以来,估计由地震造成的死亡达数百万以上,地震造成的破坏更是不计其数。地震造成的破坏如此之大,死亡如此之多,主要是由于地震引发的建筑物倒塌、岩石崩落、洪水、火灾、疾病等现象造成的,而不是由于地震本身。The great majority of all earthquakes大多数地震发生在两个独特的地理位置。一个是环太平洋地区及相邻的大陆架,另一个是从印度东部延伸到阿特拉斯山脉,其中包括喜马拉雅山、伊朗、土耳其和阿尔卑斯地区。那里随时随地都可能发生地震。This element of the unknown has for centuries几个世纪以

15、来,这种对于地震的未知性更大大地增加了地震的可怕和恐惧性。但近几年来已有迹象表明地震预测是可能的。通过分析动物行为的变化,地壳运动的方式,地球磁场和地心引力的变化以及监测到的轻微地震的频率,科学家在预测地震发生的时间和地点上已取得了不断的成功。因此,世界性地震预警网络已经运转,而且已经帮助人们对大范围的破坏做好准备,而这些破坏也可能是完全不能预料的It is doubtful that man will ever be able to control earthquakes人类是否能完全控制地震并消除它的破坏力还未可知。但是,随着我们对地震发生的方式和原因有了更多的了解,在地震发生之前,我们就

16、能更好地应对可能造成的破坏。1. What are the causes of the great part ofthe damage and loss of life?2. Where are the two most active earthquake belts in the world?3. What fact does “element of the unknown in paragraph 3 refer to?4. What four ways are used to anticipate earthquake activity?5. What is the authors at

17、titude toward the possibility of earthquake predictions?1. Collapse of buildings and the effects of rock slides, floods, fire, disease and other phenomena from earthquakes.2. The area encompasses the Pacific Ocean and its contiguous land masses, East Indians to the Atlas Mountains.3. It refers to th

18、e fact the earthquakes can happen anywhere at any time.4. a) analyzing changes in animal behavior b) patterns ofmovements in the earths crust c) variations in the force of gravity and the earths magnetic fieldd) observation of the frequency of minor earth tremors5. Earthquake prediction is becoming

19、more and more possible.UNIT 5 The Aftermath of BP Gulf Oil Spill英国石油公司墨西哥湾原油泄漏In the aftermath of the BP oil spill, 英国石油公司原油泄漏事件之后,奥巴马总统的一次公开讲话表达出了无数科学家、环保主义者以及墨西哥湾居民的心声。他在讲话中提到,“我们正在应对的是一场巨大的、史无前例的环境灾难”。每天足足有21万加仑的原油泄漏并污染着墨西哥湾,这使得很多人为这次事件对环境所造成的短期和长期的危害感到担忧The oil spill could severely damage fragil

20、e ecosystems这次原油泄漏事件对脆弱的生态系统带来的严重破坏会持续很多年,甚至数十年。被石油污染的海滩很难被清理干净。更糟糕的是,泄漏的石油对海滩造成污染的时间正是海鸟筑巢和海龟游到岸上孵蛋的季节。Even worse is the effect the oil spill could have还有更糟的事情,石油污染还可能影响敏感的湿地和红树林海岸,而这将是几乎不可能被清理干净的,有些人甚至担心这将是永久性的毁坏。这些湿地是捕鱼业和水产品工业的摇篮,也是多种野生动物的栖息地和繁殖地。由于这些湿地面积远远大于海滩的面积,所以它们面临破坏的风险就大大增加了Fully 98 percen

21、t of the fish and shellfish harvested在墨西哥湾捕获的鱼类和贝类中足有98%依靠河口生存,这些河口就是江河与海水汇合的地方。而河口又依赖于湿地保证其水的质量并为水产品供应链提供基础。湿地是很多物种觅食、栖息和繁殖的场所。The waters of the Gulf of Mexico are homes to墨西哥湾水域也是成百上千种水栖动物的家园。石油对海水造成污染的时间越长,水产品食物链被污染的程度就会越大,这最终会造成大量的鱼类死亡以及水产品被严重污染而无法食用。1. In the first sentence President Obama voic

22、ed the concems ofcountless scientists. what does the word voice mean?2. How long could the damage to the ecosystem last?3. How important are the wetlands to the wildlife?4. Why are estuaries dependent on wetlands?5. How will the oil spill affect the seafood in the Gulf of Mexico?1.Voice here means t

23、o express an idea of. 2.The damage to the ecosystem could last decades. 3.The wetlands are a vital habitat and breeding ground for many species of wildlife.4.Estuaries are dependant on wetlands for their water quality and to provide a basis for aquatic food chains.5.Many fish will die and the seafoo

24、d will be too contaminated for consumption.UNIT 6 Green Computers“绿色”电脑 Computer manufacturers, chipmakers and software companies目前,电脑生产商、芯片制造者和软件公司都纷纷开发“绿色”产品来满足那些环保意识强烈的消费者的需求。一些科技公司开发了更节能的生产线,还有一些公司推出了减少现有电脑耗电量的软件。电子制造企业不断扩展工艺利用循环材料生产新电脑,并鼓励消费者循环利用旧电脑。某些环保类电子产品可能需要消费者多花些钱,但仍有很多环保电脑的价格跟传统电脑差不多Seve

25、ral factors are pushing companies to be greener有几大因素推动着电脑公司更注重环保。许多企业希望走在环保法规的前面,赢得环保投资者的支持。同时,随着能源价格上涨,他们正尝试吸引那些设法节省费用的消费者。 The computer industry has been working on improving 计算机工业多年来一直致力于减少能源消耗,新焦点已经放到了毒性和循环利用上来了。例如,联想集团使用的塑料中有10%至25%是用回收的水瓶制造的。上个月,英特尔集团将新款芯片投放市场,据称这些芯片不用耗费更多的能量就可以加快计算的速度。该公司还开发了

26、一种叫做“远程唤醒”的技术可以使计算机在使用者不需要通过网络检索文件的时候保持低耗能的模式。惠普开发了一个叫做自动开关的新功能,可以不在工作状态的打印机进入休眠模式,一旦再次使用,又会很快地恢复到工作模式。惠普2009年生产的个人桌面激光打印机就已经安装了这项功能。惠普公司还将注意力优先放在了制造材料上,他们生产的一款喷墨打印机就是由83%的回收塑料制造的。Experts say that keeping your old computer专家表示,就对环境的影响而言,对旧电脑再利用,让其避免流入垃圾场填埋比买台新电脑更好。1.Why are computer manufacturers co

27、nsidering developing greener products?2. Compared to the old computer, the price of the greener machine is_.3. From the three examples, Lenovo, Intel and HP, we can know that_ .4. What is the function of Auto-On /Auto-Off?5. What does the last sentence in the last paragraph mean?Exercises1. Because

28、they want to meet the requirements of environmentally conscious consumers.2. A little / slightly / a little bit more expensive.3. Companies want to stay ahead of environmental legislation and to get good impression from (garner favor with) green investors. On the other hand they are trying to appeal

29、 to people who want to save their expenses because of high energy price(或 With energy prices high, they are trying to appeal to people who are looking for ways to chip away at expenses). 4. It can put inactive printers into a sleep mode and can quickly powe back up once used again. 5. Dont throw you

30、r old computer away as trash in order to keep the environment clean.UNIT 7 Cell Phones手机 What would life look like without cell phones? 没有手机的生活会变得怎么样呢?今天畅销的手机都有MP3播放器、电视、音乐、无线相片打印等功能。手机在过去几年里的变化非常大,随着每次新产品的问世,手机制造商们都会再次陷入苦恼之中。该怎么创造下一代人气商品呢?制造商该怎样做才能了解手机使用者们不久的将来真正想要的东西,并且区分畅销与滞销的产品呢?业内人士指出最受欢迎的手机是具有能够简单地迎合顾客个人喜好的尖端功能的手机。Manufacturers believe that the success of the cell phone lies制造商相信手机的成功取决于高速网络的构建和开发以提供如影像或视频、音乐、高速互联网的服务。在这些网络运营的同时,业内人士正在考虑将电话、显示屏以及服务进行彻底的重新设计,使其新的功能使用简化。这些开发产品结合了一种让使用者可以在手机浏览器上定制体育比赛得分或新闻等服务的软件,可以代替PDA(掌上电脑)和其它

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