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1、四川省成都市锦江区学年九年级上学期一诊英语试题2021年锦江区一诊英语A卷(共100分)第二部分 基础知识运用(共30小题,计40分)六、选择填空。(共15小题,计20分)A.从以下各题的A、B、C三个选项中选择正确答案。(共10小题,每小题1分:计10分)()31 Looking up the dictionary is useful way when you meet a new B. a C. the()32. When people step into a new situation, they usually have to give a short in ord

2、erto let others know them quickly.A.examination B. suggestion C introduction( )33. In Jennys eyes, giving is much more important than , so she always tries herbest to help people in needA.spending B. receiving C caring()34. Thanks for being supported, all the preparations for Chengdu 2021 FISU World

3、University Gaines are going well.A.widely B. nearly C normally()35 People are to wear masks when they appear in the public places in order to keepsafe during COVID-19 pandemic.A.allowed B. discovered C supposed()36. By the end of the last year, there five new subway lines nmning in Chengduincluding

4、the self-driving Line 9.A.had been B. were C. have been()37. The great popularity of the blind boxes this year must be their nice appearanceMaybe But I think the excitement of being surprised is . However, wed spendsmartly A. important B. more important C the most important()38. Linda, I think you s

5、hould choose your smart clothes are proper for todaysformal meeting.Great! I will have a try.A. what B. whose C. that()39. Nobody is perfect the imperfect parts, life isnt complete.A. With B. Without C. Besides()40. saw Wang Ming studying in the library half an hour ago. Could you tell me now?Oh. ye

6、s, he is still thereA. what he is studying for B. who he is studying with C whether he is thereB.补全对话。根据对话内容,从下边方框中选出适当的选项补全对话。(共5小题,每小 题2分;计10分)A: Hi. Lisa. Have you watched the new program Bravo Youngsters (华彩少年)from CCTV?B: 41 What kind of TV show is it?A: Talent show The young who are talented i

7、n singing, dancing and playing different musical instalments can join the program.B: Sounds interesting. 42 A: Yes. The show is mainly about traditional Chinese culture Some of the performers can add their creative ideas into the performancesB: Like what?A: For example, a boy can use erhu to play th

8、e most popular songs 43 B: So cool! 44 A: Yes, their shows amaze the fans around the world.B: What do you think of the show?A: The show gives excellent performers a good chance to achieve their dreams 45 B: Oh, I cant wait to watch it now!A.Not yet. Fm not available this week.B.And we can even enjoy

9、 Beijing Opera on the show.C Is there anything different from other talent shows?D.I really love the shows that arc both traditional and international.E.Whats more, it shows Chinese young peoples cultural confidence.41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 七、完形填空。阅读下面两篇短文,根据短文内容,从A、B、C三个选项中选出可以填入 空白处的最佳答案。(共15小题,计20分。A篇

10、每小题2分,计10分;B篇每小题1 分,计10分。)AIt is winter now. At school, sometimes I fall asleep in class Many of my classmates are the same.Why are we so tired in die winter? Some say its because of the cold weather, others say that schoolwork is too heavy. One day while I was having a sleep at break time, someone

11、said to me. Dont sleep. Look! The weatlier today is so 46 . I stood up and looked outside It wasfoggy (有雾的),and I dont usually think foggy weather is fine. Tliat day, 47 , I tried toenjoy the sceneAll of a sudden I started to see the day 48 . Tlie sun was slimmg through the fog 一 itwas beautiful. I

12、was enjoying what I could see so much that I forgot my 49 . I felt happy.I understood why I was tired. It wasnl schoolwork; it wasnt the weather. It was because I wasnt optimistic (乐观的)enough.If we can learn how to enjoy it, winter can be beautiful too. If we learn to love this icy. foggy time of th

13、e year, it will be so much 50 to love the other seasons. If we stay awake, areoptimistic and look at life with a fresh eye, we will find much beauty in winter.46. A. strangeB.badC. nice47. A. thoughB. soC however48. A. clearlyB. differentlyC. beautifully49. A. sadnessB. tirednessC. pleasure50. A. ea

14、sierB. harderC. funnierBOnce, there lived a deer. He 51 other animals very well. Even the lion respectedhim very muchOne day, a group of traders lost tlieir way in the forest. They didnt know what to do. feelingso 52 . When they looked up, they saw the deer standing by. The deer told them to followh

15、im. They had nothing to lose, so they followed him The deer led them out and walked back intothe forest. What the deer did 53 the leader of the traders a lot, he felt the king shouldknow about it.The traders went to the king and told him about the wonderful deer and his kindness. The king did not li

16、sten to the words 54 the deers kind beha-ior. He just heard that they hadfound a wonderful deer. He decided to go and hunt the deer 55 .When he went into the forest with his soldiers, they saw the deer 56 staying on the grass The king looked at the deer and the long antlers and said. None of you sho

17、uld shoot at him, that is 57 animal. His antlers will make the walls of my palace much more beautifiil/ Saying tliis, he shot at the deer, the forest is not quiet any more. Luckily, the deer ran awa y.The king went deep into the forest to mn after the deer again. Suddenly, he fell into the watering

18、hole. He cried for help but nobody heard. Without a thought, the deer ran to him and 58 its strong antlers. The kuig was tliankfiil and fell at die deers feet 59 ashamed (羞愧的)of himself. The deer let the king sit on his back and took him back to his city. To thank what the deer had done, the king in

19、vited the deer to his palaceAs we can see, if we can learn to help our 60 when theyre helpless, we are sure towin friends for life54. A. influencingB. praisingC. suggesting55. A. at onceB. at lastC on time56. A. proudlyB. politelyC. peacefully57. A. yourB. myC. his58. A. loweredB.shookC. lifted59. A

20、. simplyB. totallyC. hardly60. A. enemiesB. friendsC kings第三部分 阅读理解(共15小题,计30分)八、阅读下而短文,根拯短文内容判断句子的正误。正确的涂“A”,错误的涂“B”。(共5 小题,每小题2分;计10分)A fire started on some grasslands near a farm. The fire department (消防队)was called to put out the fire But the fire was more than the fire department could deal wit

21、h. so someone suggested that a nearby volunteer group should be calledEven though there was some doubt that the volunteers would be of any help, the call was made The volunteers arrived in an old fire truckThey rushed straight toward the fire, drove right into the middle of the fire and stopped! The

22、 volunteer firefighters jumped off the truck and started spraying (喷)water in all directions. Soon, they put out most of the fire.Watching all of this, the farmer was touched that the volunteer firefighters were so brave He was thankful that his farm was saved He gave the volunteers with SI00,000 to

23、 express his thanks.A local news reporter later asked the volunteer fire leader what they planned to do with the money. Thats clear: he replied. The first thing were going to do is to fix the brakes (杀ij车装置) on our fire tnick!.Hahaha!()61. The fire was too big for the fire department to put out.()62

24、. People were not sure that the fire could be put out with the help of the volunteer group ()63. The volunteer group wanted to put out the fire so much that they rushed into the middle of the fire.()64. Tliere must be something wrong with the brakes on the fire departments truck()65. The volunteer f

25、irefighters would spend $100.000 fixing the brakes on their fire truck.九、阅读下而两篇短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案。(共10小题,每小题2分;计20 分)A36-year-old Joey Chestnut won the Hot Dog Eating Contest with a world record of eating 75 hot dogs in 10 minutes in Brooklyn, in New York City, on July 4、2020.The Hot Dog Eating Contest

26、 started by Major League Eating (MLE) has been on for years. There were about 35 million viewers online in the US and Canada this year.For coronavims safety, the 5 eaters stood at a nine-meter-long table, compared to the typically 15 All the eaters wore face masks right up to their first bite At las

27、t. Chestnut beat others with great difficultiesChestnut started competitive eating in 2005 while he was a university student in California. His first major victory came that spring when he wolfed down three kilograms of fried vegetables in 11 minutes and 30 seconds. He won the right for his first ho

28、t dog-eating contest two months later and ate 32 hot dogsBy 2011, Chestnut began to focus full-time on training, perfecting the skills pausing his fast eating with short drinking of water.Over the past years. Chestnut has become the greatest competitive eater of all time breaking 49 records official

29、ly recognized by MLE Among them are 141 hard-boiled eggs in eight minutes and 121 cakes in six minutesChestnut won lots of money from the competitions, and he gave the money to charity programs Chestnut said, biggest goal is to win enough money to build and fix my old pnmary school. I first discover

30、ed I had a talent for eating, so I d like to give sometlimg back/()66. , a lot of people watched the contest online in the US and CanadaA. For a serious competition B. Fora new record C For coronavirus safety()67. From the passage, we know .A.Chestnut broke 49 records of eating hot dogsB.Chestnut an

31、d the other 4 eaters joined the competition last yearC.Chestnut has been a competitive hot dog eater for over 15 years()68. The five eaters stood next to each other this year.A. 1.80 meters B. 2.25 meters C. 3.75 meters()69. Which of the following questions is answered in the passage?A.Why did MLE hold this competition?B.How many records did Joey Chestnut break?C.When did Joey Chestnut start eating hot dogs?()70. The reasons why Chestnut could break so many records are having lots of views his talent for eating the love of much money full-time training his you

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