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1、1.puzzled adj.困惑的,茫然的puzzling adj.令人迷惑的puzzle n.谜;难题;vt.& vi.(使)迷惑;(使)为难puzzlement n.迷惑,令人困惑的事物,谜2.disappear vi.消失;失踪disappearance n.消失;appear vi.出现,显现;似乎appearance n.出现;外观,外貌3.assume vt.假定;认为assumption n.假定,假设4.occur vi.发生5.amazing adj.令人惊奇(惊叹)的 amazed adj.吃惊的amaze vt.使惊奇,使惊诧amazement n.惊奇;惊愕6.evid

2、ence n.证据evident adj.明显的7.base n.基地,大本营;底部;基础;vt.以为基础8.exist vi.存在 existence n.存在9.humour n.幽默humorous adj.幽默的10. award n.奖,奖品,奖金;vt.授予,奖励11.attack vt.&vi.&n.攻击;进攻12.strength n.力量,力气13.belong vi.应在(某处);适应14.convince vt.使确信,使相信convincing adj.令人信服的convinced adj.坚信的,有信念的.阅读识记单词15.unexplained adj.无法解释的,

3、神秘的16.incident n.发生的事情(尤指不寻常的或讨厌的)17.witness n.目击者,证人;vt.目击,见证18.creature n.动物,(具备某种特征的)人19.flash n.&vi.闪光,闪耀 n.施工;建筑物21.aboard adv.&prep.在(轮船、飞机、火车等)上;上(轮船、飞机、火车等)22.possibility n.可能性23.detective n.侦探24.dismiss vt.不予考虑;解雇;解散25.enthusiastic adj.热情的;热烈的;满腔热忱的26.appropriate adj.适当的

4、ank n.(文件等)空白处,空格;adj.空白的;无表情的 n.折扣29.organize vt.组织,筹备;安排,处理organized adj.有组织的;系统的organizer n.组织者,安排者organization n.组织;机构30.reserve n.(动植物的)保护区;储备;vt.预订;保留;储备31.survive vi.&vt.生存,挺过(难关)survival n.幸存,存活survive vi.&vt.幸存;生存survivor n.幸存者语境活用用所给词的正确形式填空1.Sitting on a sofa in her room,Welty,

5、a slim figure in a simple gray dress,looked pleased with this explanation(explain).(2016全国)2.Its difficulties appear(disappear) so great that,however hard we work,we fail again and again.(2016天津)3.In spite of the largescale construction(construct) of roads and highways,there is still much room for i

6、mprovement.(2015江苏) 4.We must accept the possibility(possible) that we might be wrong.5.Luck plays a vital role in Judys survival(survive).(2015陕西)6.If it werent for Rachel Carson,the environmental movement might not exist(existence) today.(2016全国)7.We had to keep track of our belongings(belong),and

7、 if something was lost,it was not replaced.(2016浙江)8.At my high school,there were about only four active clubs and organizations(organize) that students could be a part of.(20161.step up加紧,加强,促进2.due to由于,因为 up出现,现身4.take charge of负责,掌管5.make up编造,捏造,杜撰;构成6.look into调查;检查7.belong to属于8.make o

8、nes way to前往,到去运用上述短语完成片段Li Lei is interested in unexplained mysteries and he is always dreaming of being a detective.Last week,1.due to(由于) the heavy rain,a car knocked into a tree.The driver wasnt injured at all while the car was badly damaged.Police who 2.took charge of(负责) the case made a statem

9、ent that they would soon 3.look into(调查) it.However,Li Lei learned that there was a flash of light around the driver when the accident occurred.So Li Lei assumed that maybe some aliens 4.showed up(出现) and saved the driver.When asked about the possibility,police said it was just an amazing story

10、de up(编造) by someone.1.感官动词宾语宾语补足语Witnesses also say they saw Justin walking towards his house at 10:45 p.m.目击者也说,当晚10点45分他们看见贾斯廷朝自己家的方向走去。仿写一个妇女看到他在哭就让他在商店外面等。(2015全国)A woman saw him crying and told him to wait outside the shop.2.“表语be主语”的完全倒装结构Standing inside were lots of strange creatures with wh

11、ite skin and large black eyes.(飞船)里面站着许多白皮肤的怪物,个个都长着又大又黑的眼睛。正在说话的是我的弟弟,刚从美国回来。Speaking now is my brother,who has just returned from America.3.状语从句的省略When asked about the possibility that Justin was taken by aliens,Detective Sam Peterson.当被问及贾斯廷被外星人带走的可能性时,侦探萨姆彼得森当参观艺术展览的时候,我们讨论了伟大艺术家的作品。(2016While v

12、isiting the art exhibition,we discussed the great artists works.4.Sb./ said to do sth.The Yeti is said to be a large,hairy animal that walks on two feet like a human being.据说,野人是一种体格高大多毛的动物,像人类一样用两脚行走。据说John去年写了两本书。John is said to have written two books last year. puzzled adj.困惑的,茫然(1)Im still

13、 slightly puzzled as to why she never called us.她为什么从不给我们打电话,我仍然感到有点困惑。(朗文词典)(2)He puzzled over the question all evening.他整晚都在苦苦思索这个问题。(1)be puzzled about对迷惑不解(2)puzzle over/about苦思冥想;绞尽脑汁be in a puzzle (about) (对)迷惑不解(3)puzzling adj.令人迷惑的基础知识训练单句语法填空(1)Their reason for doing it is still a puzzle to

14、 me.(2)He had a puzzled(puzzle) look on his face.(3)His last paintings are perhaps the most puzzling(puzzle),which even puzzle all the artists.写作能力提升一句多译(4)消防员对这场火灾的起因困惑不解。The firemen were in a puzzle about the cause of the fire.(puzzle n.)The firemen were puzzled about the cause of the fire.(puzzle

15、d) assume vt.假定(设);(1)In art criticism,you must assume the artist has a secret message hidden within the work.在艺术评论中,你得假设艺术家藏了一个秘密信息在作品中。江苏)(2)It is generally assumed that stress is caused by too much work.普遍认为,压力系工作过重所致。(3)Assuming (that) he is innocent,he must be set free.假使他是无罪的,就应当释放他。(1)assume

16、sb./ be.认为某人(事)It is assumed that.人们认为assuming (that).假设(引导条件状语从句)(2)assumption n.假定;设想;担任;采取on the assumption that.假定在英语中,有些看上去是现在分词或过去分词的词,实际上可直接用作介词或连词。这一类单词有:(1)supposing conj.假设;如果;(2)provided/providing conj.假设;(3)given prep.鉴于;考虑到;(4)considering prep.& conj.鉴于;(5)concerning prep.关于;(6)in

17、cluding prep.包括;包含单句语法填空(1)His assumption that he would win proved wrong.(2)It is assumed that mental health is related to physical health.(3)We are working on the assumption that the conference will take place as planned.(4)Assuming(assume) that you are right about this,what shall we do?(5)Let us a

18、ssume it to be(be) true. evidence n.证据(1)Yet there is evidence suggesting that the trend is growing.然而有证据表明这种趋势正在增长。(2)It must be evident to all of you that he has made a mistake.你们一定很清楚,他犯了个错误。evident adj.明显的;明白的be evident to sb.对某人来说很明显Its evident that.很明显evidence是不可数名词,不与不定冠词连用,也不用复数,要表示几条证据,通常要借

19、助piece。(1)It was evident that all the evidence we collected proved him to be guilty.(2)Jim said there was no clear evidence that they meant to cheat investors.(3)He gave no evidence of leaving.(4)The man unfolded the paper and glanced at it,but his thoughts were evidently(evident) elsewhere. base vt

20、.以为据点(或总部等);把(总部等)设在;以为基础n.基地,大本营;基础(1)A good marriage is based on trust.美满的婚姻建立在互相信任的基础上。(2)Our next meeting will be on the basis of this agenda.我们下次的会议将以本议程为中心议题。(1)base.on/upon.把建立在;以为根据be based on/upon以为根据(基础)(2)basis n.原因,缘由;基准,准则;方式;on the basis of在基础上基础知识训练用base的正确形式填空(1)Basing an important d

21、ecision more on emotion than on reason,you will regret it sooner or later.(2)Based on my own opinion,this one is far better than that one.写作能力提升句式升级(3)The restaurant is based on trust,and it is working all right.(改为含有定语从句的复合句)The restaurant,which is based on trust,is working all right.The restaurant

22、,which is working all right,is based on trust. exist vi.存在,生存(1)If it werent for Rachel Carson,the environmental movement might not exist today.如果没有蕾切尔卡逊的话,环保运动今天可能就不存在。(2)Nowadays,there are still many people wondering when the earth came into existence.现在仍有许多人想知道地球是何时产生的。(1)exist on靠为生There exist(s

23、)/existed.某地有;存在(2)existence n.存在;come into existence产生;成立;开始存在in existence存在(3)existing adj.目前的,现存的(1)exist只用作不可数名词,因此没有被动语态,且通常不用于进行时。(2)There exist(s)/existed.表示“存在;有”,there不要换成it。(1)There exists a good way to solve the existing(exist) problem in geography.(2)This is the oldest Hebrew manuscript

24、in existence(exist).完成句子(3)你知道这种机器人是什么时候问世的吗?Do you know when this kind of robot came into existence?(4)某位哲学家认为,存在的事物都是合理的。According to some philosopher,everything in existence is reasonable.(5)他们要靠这一点收入生活是不可能的。It was impossible for them to exist on such a small income. award vt.授予;奖励;判定n.奖;奖品,奖金(1)

25、She was awarded a medal for bravery.她因勇敢而获得奖章。(牛津词典)(2)She won an award for her outstanding performance.她凭借杰出的表现获得了奖励。award sb.award sb.sth.把某物颁发给某人win/receive/get an award for因而赢得/得到/获得奖项(1)要表示多少奖金,通常用“an award of 钱数”这样的形式。(2)表示“授予”时可接双宾语。(1)They awarded the first prize to John.(2)He receive

26、d an award from the government for his contribution to agriculture.(3)He received an award of 10,000 in compensation for his injuries. convince vt.使确信;使相信;使信服;说服,劝说(1)I tried to convince myself that the trouble was with the problem itself,not with me.我努力说服自己麻烦是问题本身所引起的,而不是我自身(的麻烦)。(2)What he said so

27、unds very convincing.他的话听起来很有说服力。(1)convince sb.of sth.使某人相信某事convince do sth.说服某人做某事(2)convinced adj.确信的;深信的be convinced of/that.相信(3)convincing adj.令人信服的(1)His mother has been trying to convince him to see(see) a doctor.(2)This last argument is the most convincing(convince) to me.(3)Convincing(convince) others of something is really a challenging task.(4)How can I convince you of her honesty?(5)He was convinced of it

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