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1、子帅以正,孰敢不正?Ji Kangzi asked about government, Confucius said, “To govern is to keep straight. If you take a lead in doing so, will who dare to act otherwise?子张问政。“居之无倦,行之以忠。Zi Zhang asked Confucius about government. Confucius said, “Let the officials work untiringly at their posts, and let all their a

2、cts be loyal.”“其身正,不令而行;其身不正, 虽令不从。Confucius said, “If the ruler is personally upright, all will do well even though he does not give orders, but if he is not personally upright, even though he gives orders, no one will be obedient.” 叶公问政。“近者悦,远者来。Duke Yeh asked about good government, Confucius said

3、, “It exits when those at hand are pleased and those distant approach.”哲理篇On Philosophy“知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐之者。Confucius said, “They who prefer it the way are better than those who know it, and they who delight in it are better than those who prefer it.”“三军可夺帅也,匹夫不可夺志也。Confucius said, “The commander of t

4、he army may be carried off, but the will of a common man can not be made to change.”“知者不惑,仁者不忧,勇者不惧。Confucius said, “The man of wisdom never feels puzzled, the man of benevolence never worries, and the man of courage never fears.”子在川上曰:“逝者如斯夫!不舍昼夜。Standing by a river, Confucius said, “Time goes on a

5、nd on just like the flowing water in the river, never ceasing day or night!“不患人之不己知,患其不能也。” Confucius said, “Do not worry about mens not knowing of you, but about your own incapacities.”“贫而无怨难,富而无骄易。Confucius said, “To be poor without resentment is far harder than to be rich without presumption.”“道不

6、同,不相为谋。Confucius said, “Men who differ in their principles cannot take counsel with each other.”子曰: “人无远虑,必有近忧。Confucius said, “If a man gives no thought to problems which are still distant, he will be worried by them when they come nearer.”“躬自厚而薄责于人,则远怨矣。Confucius said, “He who demands much from hi

7、mself and little from others will certainly keep himself away from resentments.”“过而不改,是谓过矣。Confucius said, “To have faults and to be making no effort to amend them is to have faults indeed!“爱人者则人爱之,恶人者则人恶之。Confucius said,“He who loves others will be loved by others; he abhors others will be abhorred

8、 by others.”孔子曰:“存亡祸福,皆在己而已。Confucius said, “Life or death, fortune or misfortune, all depend on oneself.”“凡事豫则立,不豫则废。Confucius said, “In doing anything, if one is fully prepared, he will succeed; if not, he will fail.”教学篇On Teaching andLearning“学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆。Confucius said, “He who learns without t

9、hinking is lost. He who thinks without learning remains puzzled. ”“中人以上,可以语上也;中人以下,不可以语上也。Confucius said, “To those who are above average, one may speak of the higher things; but to those who are below average, one may not speak of higher things.”“我非生而知之者,好古,敏以求之者也。Confucius said, “I was not born wi

10、th knowledge; but, being fond of the ancient culture, I am quick to seek it.”“群居终日,言不及义,好行小慧,难矣哉!Confucius said, “Those who spend a whole day together without speaking any words of righteousness, but only petty clever talk, are indeed difficult to educate.”“弗学何以行,弗思何以得,小子勉力。Confucius said, “Without

11、learning, one cannot make progress; without thinking, one cannot obtain anything. My disciples, you must try hard.”仁德篇Onbenevolenc and Virtue“巧言令色,鲜矣仁!Confucius said, “It is rare, indeed, for a man with clever talk and a pretentious face to be benevolence.”“唯仁者能好人, 能恶人。Confucius said, “Only a man of

12、 benevolence knows how to love people and how to hate them.”“德不孤,必有邻。Confucius said, “A man of virtue will never stand alone, he will always bring companions.”“君子怀德,小人怀土;君子怀刑,小人怀惠。Confucius said, “A gentleman cherishes morality; a petty man, the soil. A gentleman cherishes the rules and regulations,

13、 a petty man, small favors.”“巧言乱德。小布忍,则乱大谋。Confucius said, “Sweet words may make virtue degenerate. Slight impatience may spoil great goals.”言行篇On Words and Deeds “君子欲讷于言而敏于行。Confucius said, “A gentleman should be cautious in word but prompt in deed.”季文子三思而后行。子闻之,曰:“再,斯可矣。Ji Wenzi took action only a

14、fter thinking three times. On hearing of this, Confucius said, “Twice is enough.”“君子成人之美,不成人之恶。小人反是。Confucius said, “A gentleman enables the good wishes of others, not their bad ones. A petty man does just the opposite.”“君子耻其言而过其行。Confucius said, “A gentleman is ashamed to let his words outrun his d

15、eeds.”“其言之不怍,则为之也难。Confucius said, “He whose words are unrestrained will have difficulty doing them all.”“不逆诈,不忆不信,抑亦先觉者,是贤乎!Confucius said, “The man who does not doubt about the deceit of others nor rechon upon promises not being kept but is conscience of both beforehand is really a sage!“君子不以言举人,不

16、以仁废言。Confucius said, “A gentleman does not accept a man for his words alone, nor does he reject a good suggestion because of the man alone.”“众恶之,必察焉;众好之,必察焉。Confucius said, “When everyone dislikes a man, enquiry is necessary; when everyone likes a man, enquiry is also necessary.”“不慎其前而悔其后,嗟乎!虽悔无及矣。C

17、onfucius said, “If one does not consider a matter carefully before doing it, but regrets having one it, though regretful, there is no remedy.”修身篇 On Self-Cultivation“见贤思齐焉,见不贤而内自省也。Confucius said, “When you see a man of virtue and talent, think of emulating him; when you see a man lacking virtue an

18、talent, look within and examine your own self.”“君子坦荡荡,小人长戚戚。Confucius said, “A true gentleman is always clam and at ease; a petty man is always worried and full of distress.”“君子和而不同,小人同而不和。Confucius said, “A gentleman is conciliatory but not blindly accommodating. A petty man is blindly accommodatin

19、g but not conciliatory.”“君子泰而不骄,小人骄而不泰。Confucius said, “A gentleman is dignified, but never haughty; a petty man is haughty, but never dignified.”“君子求诸己, 小人求诸人。Confucius said, “A gentleman makes demands on himself; while a petty man makes demands on others.”“君子矜而不争,群而不党。Confucius said, “A gentleman

20、is dignified, but not quarrelsome; sociable, but not clannish.”“君子固穷,小人穷斯滥矣。Confucius said, “A gentleman withstands hardships, but a petty man is reduced he loses all self-control.”义利篇On Justice and Benefit“君子之于天下也,无适也,无莫也,义之与比。Confucius said, “A gentleman, in his dealing with the world, shows no pr

21、eferences, but he is inclined in favor of righteousness.”“君子喻于义,小人喻于利。Confucius said, “A gentleman is conscious of what is moral, while a petty man is conscious of what is profitable.”“君子上达,小人下达。Confucius said, “A gentleman reaches complete understanding of what is just and benevolent; a petty man r

22、eaches complete understanding of what is profitable.”“小人不耻不仁,不畏不义。Confucius said, “A petty man does not feel shameful for his unvirtuous conduct, nor does he fear that he has done something unjust.”“父子之道,天性也,君臣之义也。Confucius said, “The relationship between father and son is inborn while that between

23、the monarch an officials originates from justice.”诚信篇On Honesty and Trust“君子周而不比,小人比而不周。Confucius said, “A gentleman stresses unity, but he is free from collusion, the petty man acts reversely.”“欲人之信己也,则微言而笃行之。Confucius said, “If you desire to have others faith in you, you should speak less and act

24、studiously.”诗礼篇On Etiquette, Poetry and Music孔子谓子夏曰:“礼以修外,乐以制内。Confucius said to Zi Xia, “Etiquette is used to standardize ones outer conduct, while music can be used to cultivate ones inner soul.”孝悌篇On Filial Piety and Fraternal Duty“事亲孝,故忠可移于君,是以求忠臣必于孝子之门。Confucius said, “Loyalty in serving ones parents can be applied to the service of the monarch. Therefore, officials loyal to the monarch must come from families of filial piety.”

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