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1、旗子是红色的,中央有个白色大圆圈。(名词)(2)Have you found out new people to circle. 你找到新的可圈出来的人了吗?(动词)4.(1)midsummer 仲夏,夏天的中期。(2)midautumn 仲秋 midautumn festival 中秋节(3)midday 中午。(与noon同义)Do you allow midday naps ?你们允许中午午睡吗?(4)midnight子夜,午夜It was well after midnight by the time Anne returned to her apartment.安妮回到寓所的时候早就

2、过了午夜5. prevent 阻止,阻挠。prevent sb.from doing sth. 阻止某人不让他做某事。It seems that we can do nothing to prevent this from happening. 我们似乎没有什么办法阻止这件事发生。5. honor 尊重,荣幸。(1)Its quite an honor to be given this task. 被赋予这项任务,我感到很荣幸。(用作名词)(2)Stonehenge was a place to honor ancestors. 巨石阵是用来向先辈表示敬意的。(用作动词)重难点分析1. not

3、 only. but (also). (1) not only. but (also).在句中常用来连接两个对等的成分,also可以省略。如:He is learning not only English but (also) French. 他不但在学英语,而且还在学法语。She speaks Russian not only in class but (also) at home.她在课堂上和家里都说俄语。 Not only Zhou Xia but also her parents are fond of watching football matches. 不但周霞,而且她的父母都喜欢

4、看足球比赛。Not only you but also he is tired of having one examination after another.不但你,而且他也讨厌一次接一次的考试。Not only is the teacher himself interested in foreign films,but also all his students are beginning to show an interest in them. 不但老师自己对外国电影感兴趣,就连他所有的学生也开始对外国电影感兴趣了。Not only does Miss Li like music, bu

5、t (also) she likes sports. 李小姐不但喜欢音乐,而且还喜欢体育。注意两点:就近。指谓语形式取决于离它近的主语。Not only the students but also the teacher reads English every day. 一致。not only 与 but also后面所接的词类要一致。She can not only sing but also dance.2. .people go to this place as they want to see the sun rising on the longest day of the year.

6、 人们来到这个地方,是想在一年中最长的这一天里看到太阳的升起。例如: (1)He had to go to a part-time job after work because he needed money for his marriage. 他下班后还得兼职,因为他结婚需要钱。 在询问尚未确定的原因时,必须用because.Eg.Did he buy many books becasuse he was fond of reading?他买许多书是因为他喜欢看书吗?(2)Since you know you are wrong, you had better admit it at onc

7、e. 既然你知道你错了,你最好赶快承认。Now that you are busy, let me do it for you.既然你忙,就让我给你做吧。(3)As he couldnt express himself freely, he had to make some gestures. 由于他不能表达自如,只得用手势。3. as you walk there,you can feel the energy from your feet climb up your body.你在那儿走的时候,就能体验到有股能量从脚心向上通透全身。解析:As在这里的意思是“当的时候”。用作连词,引导时间状

8、语从句。 one was sure what Stonehenge was used for.没人能够确定巨石阵是用来干什么的。eg.Used he to get up early? = Did he use to get up early?(2) used to的反义疑问句有两种构成方法, He used not to get up early. = Heusednt to get up early. eg. They got used to living in the countryside他们已习惯于住在农村。 Ive got used to being a vegetarian

9、我已经习惯吃素食。 He is used to hard work他习惯于艰苦工作。其中:比较:He was used to the cold weather after he lived there for two years 在那里住两年后,他已习惯了寒冷的天气。I think it is a bit difficult for you to get used to the humid weather here 我想,让你习惯于这里潮湿而炎热的天气有点困难。Youll soon get used to living in the country 很快你就会习惯于住在乡下了。(5)be us

10、ed to do sth.是动词use的被动语态.在这种结构里,to是不定式符号。The metal bar was used to force the door open 这根金属棒是用来把门撬开的。The dinning hall was used to hold a big meeting 餐厅被用于举行一次大型的会议。6. (1) it was built to celebrate a victory over an enemy 建成巨石阵的目的是用来庆祝针对敌人的胜利。(2) Stonehenge was built slowly over a long period of time

11、.巨石阵的建造经历了漫长的时期。典型例题分析1. Not only Li Ming but also I _(be) students. 答案:am考点:Not only, but also 连接主语,谓语动词形式采用就近原则。题干的意思是,不仅仅小明,连我在内都是学生。be的形式要按照就近原则来确定。2. Not only she but also he _(learn) English. learns题干的意思是,不仅仅是她,连他在内都学英语。learn的形式要按照就近原则来确定。3. Not only _ run his machine, but _ repair it. A. can

12、he; he can B. he can; can he C. can he can he A连接两个简单句,not only放句首,其后句子要部分倒装,but also 后语序不变题干的意思是,他不光能够操控机器,而且还能够维修它。not only放句首,其后句子要部分倒装,由he can变为can he.4. Not only _ polluted but _ crowded. A. was the city were the streets B. was the city; the streets were C. the city was;B写作样例与解析 时代的进步,科技与社会的发展,

13、使得人们的生活方式无时无刻不在发生着深刻的变化。100年之后的学校和学生生活将是什么么样呢?请你立足于目前科技发展的现状,展开合理的想象,推测一下那个时代你们的具体情况。写作要求: 1. 字数控制在80-120字之间。 2. 想象要合理,有理有据,但不要拘泥于固定而狭隘的思维模式。 3. 合理应用本单元的核心语法点-情态动词表推测。感悟中考:1.(2018黄冈中考真题模拟)- Whos the man over there ?Is it Mr Black? -I _ be him.Hes much taller. A.may not B.cant C.will not D.mustnt2.(2

14、018天津中考真题模拟) - Where are you going this month? - We _ go to Xiamen,but we are not sure. A.neednt B.must C.might D.mustnC情态动词might表语气比较委婉的推测。意思是“有可能”。题干的意思是,这个月你打算往哪里去?有可能去厦门。但还没有最后确定下来。3.(2018广东中考真题模拟) - Someone is knocking at the door.Is it Ann? - It _ be her.She is giving a performance at the thea

15、ter now. A.may B.must C.cant D.mustncant表语气非常明确地否定推测。意思是“不可能”。题干的意思是,有个人在敲门。是安吗? 不可能的。她现在正在剧院表演呢。4. (2018丹东中考) Whose pencil box is this? It _ be Toms. It has his name on it. A. must B. may C. might D. cant专项训练基础训练1. 根据汉语提示填空。(1) Have you _ (收到) my letters in the past few months?(2) The _ (目的) of thi

16、s party is to raise money for the poor people.(3) The Second World War was so long a _ (时期) that many people died from it. (4) He is such a rude and selfish man that he has made himself _ (敌人) of many other people.(5) We believe in the _ (力量) of our friendship. (5)energy 题干的意思是,对于我们之间友谊的力量,我们都很信仰。en

17、ergy是不可数名词。2. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。(1)The _ (lead)of both the countries have made an agreement since the first meeting.(2)What kind of dictionaries would you like,educational ones or _ (medicine) ones?(3)The _ (express) on her face shows that she feels much happier than any of us.(4)_ (british) is in the we

18、st of Europe.(5)One of the worlds famous _ (history) interests is the Stonehenge.能力提升练习1. 单项选择。(1) This big house _ an old woman in the town.A. is B. belongs C. belongs to D. belong to(2) - _ notebook is this?- its Toms.A. Who B. Whom C. What D. Whose(3) This is _ mother.A. Ann and Johns B. Anns and

19、 Johns C. Anns and John D. Ann and John(4) - My school is very near a busy street. - It _ be very noisy.A. can B. must C. cant D. mustnt(5) - Must we finish my homework now?- No, you _. You may have a rest first.Amustnt B. cant C. may not D. dont have to(6) Sam _ come with us tonight, but he isnt ve

20、ry sure yet. A. must B. may C. can D. will(7) I thought they _ like something to read, so I have brought them some books. A. may B. might C. could D. must(8) - Are you going to Beijing by air?- Its fast but expensive. So I am not sure. I _ take a bus. A should B. may C. must D. will(9) - Could I bor

21、row your pen?- Of course you _.A. can B. must C. should D. will(10) Mary _ be in Toronto. I saw her in town only a few minutes ago.A. mustnt B. shouldnt C. cant D. may not 解析:题干的意思是,我的学校离一条繁华的大街不远。它一定是是非常的吵闹。2. 根据句意,选用“must”, “could”, “might”,或者“cant”填空。(1) The notebooks _ be Mings. They were on her

22、 desk.(2) The homework _ be Jacks. He wasnt at school today.(3) The football _ be Johns or Tonys.(4) They all play soccer.So they _ be on the playground. (5) The English book _ be Li Leis. Hes the only one whos studying French .答案与解析3.根据汉语意思完成句子。(1)-Whose notebook is this ?-It_(它一定是汤姆的).It has his name on it .(2)-Whose French book is this ?-It_(它可能吉姆的).He studies French.(3)-Whose guitar is that ?- It_(它可能属于Alice).She plays the guitar .(4)-Whose T-shirt is that ?-It_(它不可能是迈克的).It is (太小了)for him .(5)I wonder if the prize _(属于) her.

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