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1、新东方英语四级级听力技巧大学英语四级听力技巧听力材料的选材原则一般基于以下三点:一. 对话部分为校园生活中的一般对话,句子结构和内容不太复杂.二. 短文部分的材料是题材熟情节不太复杂的故事、讲话或叙述等.三. 所用词汇不超过教学大纲词汇表规定的范围.听力内容:1. 短对话 (Short conversation)2. 长对话 (Long conversation)3. 短文 (Passages)4. 复合式听写(Compound dictation)一简短对话部分:该部分一般是日常生活中的对话,即衣、食、住、行、工作、学习、生活等话题,场景可分为校园、公共场所(银行、机场、医院、邮局、交通工具

2、等)、家庭、办公室等方面。每题1分。简短对话的形式:一般是男士说一句,女士说一句,然后根据他们的对话内容由第三方提出一个问题。该部分一般是日常生活中的对话,即衣、食、住、行、工作、学习、生活等话题,场景可分为校园、公共场所(银行、机场、医院等)、家庭、办公室等方面。每题1分。简短对话的类型:按照简短对话的内容或句型,我们可以把该部分分为以下类型: 问对话发生的地点和场所:Where does the conversation most probably take place?Where does this conversation most likely occur?Where are the

3、 two speakers?不同的场景下人们交谈用语也不同,例如:校园:campus, dorm, library (renew the books, overdue, pay a fine, bookshelf), lab, canteen, roommate, professor, semester, term, pass, fail, exam, course, credit, resume,tutor, graduate, presentation, speech, report, lecture, paper, scholarship等。银行:open an account, cas

4、h the check, buy travelers check, ATM, draw/deposit money, balance, savings等。餐馆:menu, a table for two, a table in the corner/by the window, full, on diet, treat, order, course, salad, wine, dessert,waiter, reserve, take order等。机场:board, flight, gate number, check in, boarding pass, seat-belt等。交通:due

5、 to arrive, fast train, non-stop train, xx minutes late, postpone, delay, break down, traffic jam, flat tire, speeding, pay a fine等。医院:Do you have an appointment? Whats the matter with you?take ones temperature, have a fever, have a sore throat, keep coughing, toothache, headache, physician, surgeon

6、, doctor, nurse, operation-room, emergency room, ward, visiting hours, prescribe, pill, capsule等。邮局:business hours, parcel, postage, letter, stamp等。家庭:darling, sweet heart之类的比较亲近的称谓语,watch TV, fix the washing machine, grocery, mow the lawn, sofa, kitchen, dining-room, have a bath等。旅馆:check in/out, m

7、ake a reservation, register, reception desk等。找房子:价格高,太吵,难找这样的问题的答案选项一般是由介词in或at后面加一个地点构成的。如:M: How many hours are you taking this semester?W: Eighteen, plus two hours of lab.Q: Where does the conversation most probably take place?A. In a restaurant.B. In a bank.C. At an office. D. In a university.该题

8、的关键词是semester和lab.提问人物关系或人物的身份:此类对话提供一个情节,能反映所涉及的人的关系或身份,关键词可以参考第1点中列出的。 (1) 问人物的关系:Whats the probable relationship between the two speakers? 如:M: Good evening, Madam. There is a table for two over there. This way, please.W: Thank you. Could I see the menu, please?Q: Whats the relationship between t

9、he man and woman?A. Husband and wife. B. Waiter and customer.C. Salesman and customer. D. Host and guest.该题的关键词是menu和Madam.(2) 问人物的职业身份:Who is the man/the woman? 如:M: According to your ad in this mornings paper, you have an apartment for rent.W: Yes, I have. Its on the second floor. Would you like t

10、o have a look? Come this way, please.Q: Who is the woman?A. A bank clerk.B. A secretary.C. A landlady.D. A doctor.该题的关键词是an apartment for rent和ad.计算类。一般涉及时间和价钱的运算。(1)问活动发生的时间或具体几点。该类的题一般不会直接告诉我们时间,会涉及到时间的一些简单的加减运算。要注意一些关键词,如:a quarter (to/past), half (past), daily, weekly, fortnight等。 W: Bob, are yo

11、u going straight home after school today? M: No. I have a class until one oclock, and after that Im going to spend a couple of hours at the library before going home.Q: When is Bob going home this afternoon?A. Around 5:00.B. Around 3:00.C. At 2:00.D. At 1:00.本题的关键是until one oclock,和to spend a couple

12、 of hours at the library before going home。(2) 商品的价格。该类的题也涉及到一些简单的加减乘除运算。要注意一些关键词,如:10% off, discount, double, half the price, couple, pair, dozen, a real bargain, on sale,change等。尤其要注意单件商品的价格,买多件商品是否优惠,找零,以及最后的问题是说话人要付的钱、单件商品的价格、还是买若干商品需要付的钱。如: W: Heres a ten-dollar bill. Give me two tickets for to

13、nights show, please.M: Sure. Two tickets and heres a dollar forty cents change.Q: How much does one ticket cost?A. $ 8.60.B. $ 4.30C. $ 6.40.D. $ 1.40本题的关键是ten-dollar bill, two tickets, a dollar forty cents change.人物的计划或打算。 这类问题中第一个说话人往往会提出一种观点或提议或建议,要仔细听第二个说话人是同意还是反对。 (1) 第二个说话人同意第一个人的观点或提议或建议.如:W:

14、You need a rest. Youve finished your exams. So why dont you go away somewhere for a long weekend?M: Thats a good idea. Perhaps Monica will come with me.Q: What will the man probably do? A. To have a good rest. B. To see Monica. C. To go abroad for the weekend. D. To take an exam.本题的关键是Thats a good i

15、dea,说明第二个说话人同意第一个说话人的观点。(2)第二个说话人不同意第一个人的观点或提议或建议,大多数情况下是礼貌委婉地表达自己的不同意见,所以要特别注意: 如:M: Mary, would you like to go to the movies with me after dinner?W: Well, Ill go if you really want me to, but Im rather tired.Q:What can we learn from the conversation?A. The woman does not want to go to the movies.B

16、. The man is too tired to go to the movies.C. The woman wants to go to the movies.D. The man wants to go out for dinner.本题的关键是but人物的感觉状态。除了根据说话人的语气判断之外,对话中出现的关键词可能有:excited, disappointed, overjoyed, relieved, upset, unhappy, blue, depressed, relaxed, anxious, tense, worried,angry等。 W: Werent you ner

17、vous when the professor called on you in class?M: Id say I was shaking all over.Q: How did the man feel when he was called on?A. Worried and frightened.B. Very relaxedC. Quite unhappy.D. Angry with the professor.本题的关键是I was shaking all over.交通或交通工具。该类的对话一般涉及交通工具晚点或交通出现了某些问题。对于交通工具晚点的问题,有时会谈论正点时间和推延的

18、时间,然后再说原因。这类题的关键词是:be caught in a traffic jam, the rush hour, flat tire, break down, traffic accident, behind schedule, due等。 W: Im sorry, sir. The train is somewhat behind schedule. Take a seat, and Ill tell you as soon as we know something definite.M: Thank you. Ill just sit here and read a magazi

19、ne in the meantime.Q: What can we conclude about the train from the conversation?A. The train is crowded. B. The train is late.C. The train is empty.D. The train is on time.本题的关键是behind schedule.请求或建议。表示请求的句型一般有:Can you? Would you? Would you mind ? 表示建议的句型一般有:If I were you, Id Shall we? Why not? Per

20、haps we should. It would be better ifHow about ? M: Can I use your new car, Auntie? W: Yes, of course, if you drive it carefully. Q: Whats the aunts answer?A. She agrees to lend him the car. B. She offers him the car.C. She refused to lend him the car. D. She is pleased to lend him the car.本题的关键是Yes

21、, of course,虽然后面又附加了条件if you drive it carefully.释义、替换或上下义。该类对话的选项中会用单词替换或解释对话人表达的意思,同时考查听力和词汇。 W: Have you finished reading my research report? I put it on your desk last week.M: Yes, but you have to revise some parts of it, if you want to get it published.Q: What does the man suggest that the woman

22、 should do?A. Put her report on his desk.B. Read some papers he recommended.C. Mail her report to the publisher.D. Improve some parts of her paper.本题的关键是理解revise的同义词是improve. M: Nancy, why were you late today? W: I overslept and missed the bus. Q: Why was Nancy late?A. She got up later than usual. B

23、. The bus was late.C. She forgot she had class. D. Her clock was slow.overslept也就是got up later than usual。有些题尽管问题可能问的是含义之类,但其实考查的是同学们对上下义关系的掌握。如:M: Let me see. Ive printed my family name, first name, date of birth and address. Anything else?W: No, thats all right. Well fill in the rest of it if you

24、just sign your name at the bottom.Q: What has the man been doing?A. Having an interview. B. Filling out a form.C. Talking with a friend. D. Asking for information.上义词为概括性词语,下义词所表示的则是具体的东西。本题中能够概括男士所做之事的应该是选项B。人物对某件事物的观点或态度,或考生从对话中能获得什么信息或结论。该类的题难度较大,类型也比较繁多复杂。需要考生全面理解对话内容。What does the man mean (imp

25、ly) ?What does the womans answer suggest?What can we learn from the conversation?What can be concluded from this conversation? W: You seem to have a lot of work to do at your office. Youre always staying late and working overtime.M: Thats true. But its no bother to me. The work is interesting. I don

26、t mind working extra hours at all.Q: How does the man feel about his job?A: He enjoys it very much.B: He doesnt care much about it.C: He doesnt mind even though its tedious.D. He hates working overtime.本题的关键是The work is interesting.询问对方的观点和态度问题中有一大类是含有虚拟语气的。该类型一直是英语四级热门考点。这就要求同学们了解虚拟语气的表意功能,根据虚拟语气判断

27、正确选项。如:W: Im thinking of going to Austin for a visit. Do you think its worth seeing?M: Well, I wish I had been there.Q: What do we learn from the conversation?A. The man is planning a trip to Austin.B. The man has not been to Austin before.C. The man doesnt like Austin.D. The man has been to Austin

28、before.I wish I had been there.说明说话人没有去过。含but的题型该题型中第二人的答话由两部分组成,先是一个简单的短句,后是一个较长的句子,短句和长句之间用but连接.but后的长句是答案的关键. 表示同意与肯定的常用语(*表示跟表面意思相反的、需要特别注意的表达方法) 1同意或肯定对方陈述的观点如:Tony is very hard-working.表示同意的常用语就有:(1) With no doubt.(2) There is no denying.(3) * I cant agree more.2. 对询问观点的句子的肯定回答如: How was the

29、concert?表示肯定的常用语就有:(1) Not bad.(2) It was terrific!(3) It was amazing!(4) It was fantastic!(5)* Ive never been to a better one.3同意帮助对方如:Can you help me with the math problem?(1) No problem.(2) You can count on me.(3) Its a piece of cake.(4) Sure.4. 同意对方的提议如:Shall we go to the seaside for the weekend

30、?(1)* Why not?(2)* I really cant wait.(3)Thats what I have in mind. 表示怀疑与否定的常用语(*表示跟表面意思相反的、需要特别注意的表达方法) 1怀疑与否定对方陈述的观点如:Tony is very hard-working.表示否定的常用语就有:(1) Are you kidding?(2) I know you dont mean it.(3) He is by no means hard-working.(4) He is anything but hard-working.(5) * He is the last man that I think hard-working.2. 对询问观点的句子或知识性的问题的否定回答(1) 对询问观点的句子如: How was the concert?

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