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高三英语第一轮复习 语法专题2学案 外研版必修2文档格式.docx

1、 形容词作状语表示伴随或结果,并不表达动作的方式。 He returned home,safe and sound.他安然无恙地回到了家。 He went to bed,cold and hungry.他又冷又饿地去睡觉了。 Surprised and happy,he stood up and accepted the prize. 又吃惊又高兴,他站起来接受奖品。 can not/never与enough或too连用表示:无论怎样都不过分;越越好。 One can never be too careful in the street. 在大街上,你再小心也不为过。 You can not

2、be careful enough/too careful to study. 在学习方面,你再细心也不过分。 副词 有些副词置于句首可修饰全句,作评注性状语 Fortunately,he was not drowned and was saved by the PLA. 幸运的是,他没被淹死,被解放军救了。 Happily for her,her stepmother was kind to her. 使她高兴的是,她的继母对她很好。 Luckily,he was not hurt in the accident. 幸运的是,他在这次事故中没有受伤。 Obviously,your answe

3、r is absolutely wrong. 很显然,你的答案绝对错了。 Naturally,you will want to discuss this problem with your parents.你自然想和你的父母商量一下此事。 熟记下列几句有关形容词、副词的固定搭配 Hes dead/blind drunk (very drunk) 他喝得酩酊大醉。 Hes wide awake.他完全没有睡意。 Its raining/snowing heavily.雨/雪下得很大。 Hes sound/fast asleep.他睡得很沉。 Hes moving/breathing/drinki

4、ng/smoking heavily. 他吃力地移动/喘着粗气/酒喝得多/烟抽得多。 The traffic/His moustache is heavy.交通拥挤/他的胡子浓密。 The population of China is larger than that of Japan. 中国人口比日本多。 The price of the book is high/low.这本书的价格很高/低。 The book is expensive/cheap.这本书很贵/便宜。 有些副词还可以作连词,但作副词时,常放在句末,如though,(ever) since,in case等 She prom

5、ised to phone.I heard nothing,though. Though she promised to phone,I heard nothing. 她答应要打电话来,可我没听到回信儿。 too much,much too too much所要表达的是much (多)的意思;much too所要表达的是too (太)的意思。 The teacher gave us too much homework today. 老师今天给我们留的作业太多了。 I am much too pleased to see you.见到您,太高兴了。 形容词和副词的比较级和最高级 表示倍数的三种句

6、型 (1).times as原级as. He can run three times as fast as John. (2).times the size/length/width/height etc.of. This table is three times the size of that one. (3).times比较级than. This table is three times bigger than that one. 同等程度的比较 用,the,such.as引导 He is a worker as good as Peter.(He is as

7、 good a worker as Peter.)他和彼得一样是个好工人。 Linda is the same height as Jenny.琳达和詹妮一样高。 Henry is such a good student as Peter. 亨利和彼得一样是个好学生。 与比较级有关的结构及运用比较级的注意事项 (1)“比较级than”表达一方超过或低于另一方的情况 You look much younger than I do.你看上去比我年轻多了。 She doesnt work harder than you (do)她工作不如你努力。 误区警示 用介词by表示相差的程度 She is t

8、aller than I by three inches.(She is three inches taller than I)她比我高三英寸。 (2)“比较级and比较级”意为“越来越” As summer is ing,the day is being longer and longer. (3)“the比较级,the比较级”意为“越就越” The more careful you are,the fewer mistakes youll make. (4)“the比较级of the two名词”表示“两者中较的那个” The taller of the two boys is my br

9、other. (5)运用比较级表达最高级的概念时,常用“否定词比较级”结构和以下结构: 比较级than I have never heard a better voice than yours. 我从未听过比你更好的嗓音。 Julia is taller than any other girl in her class. Julia is taller than the other girls in her class. Julia is taller than the rest of the girls in her class. 朱丽叶是她们班上最高的女生。 (6)比较级的特殊含义以及一些

10、特殊结构 more than多于,no more than仅仅,less than少于,not less than 至少,less形容词than不如。 It is less cold today than it was yesterday.今天没有昨天冷。 (7)使用比较级应注意的问题 比较的范围 如果比较的范围不一样,表达方式也应不同。 China is larger than any_other_country_in_Asia.(比较的范围一致) China is larger than any_country_in_Africa.(比较的范围不一致) 比较的对象要一致 相同的对象可以比较

11、,不同的对象不能进行比较 The population of China is larger than that of any other country in the world.(人口与人口相比,要用代词that) 注意比较结构中的省略现象 由于日常交际的需要,在彼此都明白的情况下,比较对象往往省略 What do you think of the film? I have never seen a better one.(后边省略了than this film) Toms position,if not better(后边省略了than Jacks),is at least as goo

12、d as Jacks. 比较级的修饰语:much,even,far,rather,still,any,no,a bit,a little,a head,two metres,a great deal,a lot,by far等。 最高级的用法 (1)最高级是表示三者或三者以上中程度最高的比较方式,常用“the最高级”的结构表示。这种句式一般常有比较范围的介词短语。 Zhang Hua is the tallest of the three. He works (the) hardest in his class. (2)most 前如没有定冠词the,就没有比较的意思,只是用来加强语气,有“很

13、,非常”之意。 This is a most interesting story.这是一个很有趣的故事。 (3)最高级可被序数词以及much,by far,nearly,almost,by no means,not quite,not really,nothing like等词语所修饰。 Of all the students,Jacks oral English is almost the best. 在所有的学生中,杰克的英语口语几乎是最好的。 1(xx年天津卷)It was a nice house,but_too small for a family of five. Ararely

14、Bfairly Crather Dpretty 【解析】句意为:那是一套很不错的房子,可是对一个五口之家来说太小了。rather too太;rarely:not often,seldom不常,很少,频度副词;fairly相当地,适度地,表示程度的副词;pretty adv.相当,颇,还;pretty certain相当可靠(有把握);pretty good相当好。 【答案】C 2(xx年天津卷)Im not surprised that he became a writer.Even as a child he had a_imagination. Aclear Bcautious Cfunn

15、y Dvivid他成了作家,我毫不惊讶。孩提时,他就有活跃的想像力。vivid生动的,逼真的,栩栩如生的;clear清晰的,清楚的,明白的;cautious小心的,谨慎的,慎重的;funny滑稽的,诙谐的。 【答案】D 3(xx年宁夏海南,全国卷)How much_she looked without her glasses! Awell Bgood Cbest Dbetter她不戴眼镜看起来好得多!此句为感叹句,how可修饰形容词和副词,但此题还考查much修饰比较级,故选D。 4(xx年全国卷)Its high time you had your hair cut;its getting_

16、. Atoo much long Bmuch too long Clong too much Dtoo long much你该理发了,头发太长了。much too long太长了。 【答案】B 5(xx年福建卷)It seems that living green is_easy and affordable.A small step makes a big difference. Aexactly Bfortunately Csurprisingly Dhardly绿色生活方式似乎惊人地容易且廉价。迈开一小步,就会带来大不同。surprisingly:unusually or unexpec

17、tedly不寻常地,出乎意料地。 6(xx年浙江卷)The ines of skilled workers went up._,unskilled workers saw their earnings fall. AMoreover BTherefore CMeanwhile DOtherwise有经验的工人的工资在上涨,但同时没经验的工人却看着他们的工资下降。根据句意是指有经验工人和非技术工人工资涨落的对比情况,meanwhile意为“同时”,故选C。 7(xx年浙江卷)It took_building supplies to construct these energysaving hou

18、ses.It took brains,too. Aother than Bmore than Crather than Dless than建造这些节能住宅不仅仅需要建筑用品,还需要用脑。more than意为“不仅仅”。 8(xx年浙江卷)John is very_if he promises to do something hell do it. Aindependent Bconfident Creliable DflexibleJohn是可以信赖的。如果他答应做某事,他一定会做的。根据后句:如果他答应做某事,就会去做。据此得出他是个可信赖的人。 9(xx年辽宁卷)Usually Joh

19、n would be late for meetings.But this time,_to my surprise,he arrived on time. Alittle Bmuch Cever Deven约翰平时开会总是迟到。但是这次,令我特别惊讶的是他竟然准时到会了。much十分,非常,修饰介词短语to my surprise,在此表示程度,以加强语气。 10(xx年辽宁卷)Peters jacket looked just the same as Jacks,but it cost_his. Aas much twice as Btwice as much as Cmuch as tw

20、ice as Das twice much as彼得的夹克衫看起来与杰克的一样,但是却是他的价钱的两倍。考查倍数句型“倍数as原级as.”。 1(xx届浙江杭州高中月考)To our surprise,we got_people to attend the meeting as we expected. Aas twiceBtwice many Ctwice many as Dtwice as many 【解析】考查倍数的表达法。其形式为:A谓语倍数as形容词或副词原级asB。 2(xx届江苏盐城中学一测)Im not a little tired today after giving the

21、 room a thorough cleaning and I have never had_today. Aas tiring a day as Bas a tiring day Ctiring as a day as Dday as a tiring as 【解析】考查比较结构。在同级比较的结构中,第一个as是副词,在本句中修饰tiring,因此选择A。 【答案】A 3(xx届福建部分重点中学联考)The situation of the global finance crisis was_worse than expected. Arather Bfairly Cvery Dany 【解

22、析】考查副词。本题中所使用的副词必须能够修饰形容词的比较级,rather与any符合条件,但是any用于否定句或疑问句中,因此选rather。 4(xx届江苏淮安月考)Rome was not built in a day.You should set_goals and work hard to achieve them. Aalternative Bconsiderable Csubjective Drealistic 【解析】考查形容词辨析。根据首句“罗马不是一天建成的”可以看出这里是说“制订可实验的目标”,因此选D。realistic明智的,能够实现的。 5(xx届浙江嘉兴一中摸底测验

23、)She devoted herself_to her research and it earned her a good reputation in her field. Astrongly Bextremely Centirely Dfreelystrongly强烈地;extremely极其地;entirely完全地;freely自由地。这里的意思为:她把自己完全投入到研究工作中。 6(xx届杭州学军中学月考)Broadly speaking,I would agree with Shirley,though not_. Awidely Bentirely Cextremely Deven

24、tually 【解析】考查副词辨析。句意为:一般地说,我是赞同Shirley的,尽管我不完全同意她的观点。widely广泛地,普遍地;extremely极端,非常;eventually最后,终于。 7(xx届安徽两地联考)I go_to the stadium when theres a game.But usually I watch it on TV. Atypically Banxiously Cfrequently Doccasionally句意为“有比赛时,我偶尔去体育馆观看,但我通常在电视上观看”。根据“But.”可知选D。A、B不符合语意,C项表示“经常”,与“But.”相悖。

25、8(xx届江西抚州一中期中测试)It is said that the_building was designed by a famous Frenchman,who has thousands of excellent works all over the world. Ared stone beautiful Bstone beautiful red Cbeautiful stone red Dbeautiful red stone 【解析】本题考查形容词排序。冠词、数词排最前,接下来是主观性的形容词,最靠近被修饰的名词是表客观性的形容词,如颜色、国籍和材料等。 9(xx届山东淄博一中月考)Steves description of the place was so_that I could almost picture it in my mind. Abitter Bvivid Csensitive DcourageousSteve把那个地方描述得如此生动以至于我差不多在脑海里把它想像出来了。注意picture在句中作动词,意为“想像”。bitter有苦味的,辛酸的;vivid行动的,栩栩如生的;sensitive敏感的,灵敏的; courageous勇敢的。根据语意可

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