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1、t pull my punches. I told her exactly what I think of her.(我没有手下留情。我清楚表达对她的想法。Did she cry? It must have hurt her feelings.(她哭了吗?那一定很伤她的心。dead set against something坚决反对Are you sure you dont want to reconsider his proposal?(你确定你不要重新考虑他的提案吗?Listen, Im dead set against his plan. So dont waste your time.

2、(听着,我坚决反对他的构想。所以你别浪费时间了。not enough room to swing a cat没有足够的转身空间The living room is too small.(客厅实在太小了。I agree! Theres not enough room to swing a cat.(我同意!连转身的空间都没有。at the top of ones lungs声嘶力竭I yelled at the top of my lungs to get toms attention. But he seems to be deaf.(我声嘶力竭地大喊想要引起汤姆的注意。不过他像是聋了一样。D

3、idnt you see that he was wearing earphones? Every time he listens to rock-n-roll, he turns the volume way up.(你没看见他戴着耳机吗?他每次听摇滚乐总把音量开到最大。at the helm掌控全局How long has our CEO been at the helm?(我们的总裁当家多久了?For almost two decades. We need some fresh blood- thats for sure.(快二十年了。我们需要一些新血是毋庸置疑的。a domino ef

4、fect骨牌效应Those workers make good money. Why are they on strike?(这些工人的收入不错。他们为什么要罢工呢?Its a domino effect. Other lower-paid workers just got their wages raised, so now everybody wants more money.(这是骨牌效应。其它工资较低的工人刚获得加薪,所以现在每个人都想要更多钱。another story另一回事I like to stay up late. Its the best time for me to wr

5、ite.(我喜欢熬夜。那是我写作最好的时间。But its quite another story for those of us who have to be at work by 8 a.m.(但那对我们这些得在八点前上班的人来说就完全是另外一回事了。at ease轻松自若Were you nervous the first time you taught in front of the whole class?(你第一次站在全班面前讲课会紧张吗?Not really. My students were so cute that they made me feel completely a

6、t ease.(其实还好。我的学生很可爱,他们让我觉得非常轻松自在。at the eleventh hour在最后一刻Thank God, youre here. I thought you might not be able to make it.(感谢上帝,你终于来了。我还以为你到不了了。I looked everywhere to find my passport. Then I found it at the eleventh hour.(我到处找我的护照。终于在最后一刻找到了。at the end of ones rope失去耐性m at the end of my rope wit

7、h you. Are you coming with me or not?(我对你失去耐性了。你到底要不要跟我一起去?Give me ten more minutes. I want to know how the show ends.(再给我十分钟。我想知道这个节目的结局如何。above board光明正大地Our company imports drugs from America. The procedure is all perfectly above board.(我们公司从美国进口药物。所有程序都是合法的。Hey, take it easy. I just want to know

8、 how many days it will take to import the goods.(嘿,放轻松,我只是想知道货物进口需要几天的时间而已。as slippery as an eel奸诈狡猾m hesitating whether to buy the computer from that salesman.(我还在犹豫要不要跟那个售货员买计算机。Dont trust him. Hes as slippery as an eel.(别相信他。那家伙狡猾得很。as right as rain非常健康Hows Sharon since her surgery last month?(莎朗

9、上个月开刀之后的状况如何?Shes as right as rain. I saw her the day before yesterday and she looked great.(她身体相当健康。我前天看到她的时候她气色看起来很好。around the clock全天候What should I do if Im about to run out of gas at midnight on my way home?(如果我车子的油在半夜回家的路上快用完了该怎么办呢?t worry! Plenty of gas stations offer services around the cloc

10、k.(别担心!很多加油站都提供二十四小时的服务。a square meal丰盛的一餐I miss my moms cooking.(我真怀念我妈做的菜。Yeah, me too. She always whips me up a square meal whenever I go home.(对啊,我也是。每次我回家她总是很快就做了丰盛的菜肴。fun and games轻松愉快的事A: Life isnt all just fun and games, you know.生活不全然是轻松愉快,你知道的。B: Dont tell me stuff I already know.我跟我说些我已经知

11、道的事。put your mind to something致力于某事,专心于某事You can do anything when you put your mind to something.(如果专心一志,任何事情都能达成.)Thats easy for you to say!你说得倒轻松!Work harder? That要更努力工作?你用说的比较容易!no matter what无论如何m not missing my TV show no matter what!无论如何我绝不错过我要看的电视节目。go through经历 You have to go through pain to

12、 get to pleasure.享乐前得先吃苦。 I know that.我懂。pick up搭载,pick someone up就是开车去接某人 Ill pick you up around five.我大概五点时会去接你。 Thanks. See you then!多谢。到时见!make someone useless让某人身体不舒服Not getting enough sleep always makes me useless.我睡眠不足都会身体不舒服。jet lag搭长途飞机产生的时差I get jet lag for a week after traveling overseas.

13、我出国旅游之后一周都会有时差。get settled安顿好We want to get settled before we go out tonight.我们今晚出去之前最好先做好准备。have the hots for.迷恋某人Did you hear that Kelly has the hots for Robby?你有听说凯莉在迷恋罗比吗?goof around做愚蠢的事情取乐The teacher yelled at us for goofing around in class.老师对我们大吼大叫只是要在班上耍人取乐罢了。Now that you mention it,.既然你提到了

14、Now that you mention it, I am getting hungry.既然你提到,那我肚子饿了。on the sidelines在边线区(看球),球场的边线sidelines区域座位会特别贵,或是保留给记者。用在球场外的状况,则表示事情就在眼前上演If were lucky we can watch the game on the sidelines.若我们幸运的话,我们可以在边线区看比赛。hurts to lose输了很难过吧?!有挑衅的意味,是赢家对输家耀武扬威时说的话m OK. But it always hurts to lose, man.我没问题。但是输了总是难

15、过的,老兄。poster board写布告用的硬纸板The poster board has all the football information on it.这块布告板上有全部美式足球的信息。lounge around (在室内)闲晃 How do you spend your week off?你休假的礼拜都怎么过? I just lounge around the house.我就待在家里闲晃。be sick of. 对感到厌烦 Do you like living in New York?你还喜欢住在纽约吗? Yeah, but sometimes I get sick of al

16、l the noise and traffic.喜欢啊,但有时候我对这些噪音和交通混乱感到厌烦。make fun of. 取笑 Why do you look so sad?你看起来怎么这么难过? Everyone made fun of my new haircut!大家都在取笑我的新发型!financial department财务部门The financial department handles all of our banking.财务部门负责我们所有的银行业务.come along进展 How is your play coming along?你的表演准备得如何了? Great!

17、 All the actors are doing a good job.很好!所有演员都表现很好.concentrate on全神贯注于m trying to concentrate on my job right now.我现在正试着要专心工作. OK, sorry for disturbing you.好,对不起吵到你.watch out for.留意,照顾You have to watch out for insincere people.你得小心那些虚情假意的人。The thing is.重点是,事情是这样的 。用在句首,引出整句话The thing is, I have plans

18、 on Saturday night.事情是这样的,我星期六晚上有计划了。take it easy on.对好一点,手下留情Slow down there, buddy. Take it easy on the booze.老兄,喝慢点。喝酒喝慢点。带去(地方)。介词to后面接名词Could you please show us to a nice hotel?你可以介绍一家不错的饭店嘛?mystery meat* DefinitionAnimal flesh that has been cooked so long and so badly that it cannot be

19、 identified; an unappealing food item of unknown origin.* Example1) Oh, no. It looks like mystery meat is on the menu again.* EtymologyA mystery is something that cannot be explained or known. This phrase refers to mysterious dishes that are typically served to defenseless students in dining halls.h

20、ot pot 火锅 What do you feel like having for dinner?你晚餐想吃什么? Its kind of cold out. Why dont we have hot pot?外面有些冷。不如我们去吃火锅。bottom line底线ll give you $2000 for that car.我用两千元买你那部车。m sorry, but my bottom line is $3000.抱歉,可是我的底价是三千元。dohAn exclamation that usually follows the sudden realization that you di

21、d something stupid.1) Two plus two is five. Doh! I mean four!Homer Simpson, the notorious cartoon family man, is given credit for popularizing this expression. Feel free to use it any time you do something dumb.This is all new to me.这一切对我都是新的经验。用在面对新事物时,表达自己什么都不懂的意思 This is all new to me, so let me

22、know if I make a mistake.这是我的第一次,所以错了请告诉我。 Youre doing great so far.目前为止你表现很好。give.a taste of ones own medicine对以牙还牙 How should I respond to his attack?我要如何响应他的攻击? I think you should give him a taste of his own medicine.我认为你应该以牙还牙。yuppieA young person who works in business, makes lots of money, and

23、buys luxury items; often used in a derogatory way.1) Tom is a classic yuppie - he has an expensive car, an expensive apartment, and an expensive wife.Comes from the first letters of the phrase Young Urban ProfessionalWhat a mess!真是乱!The bird got out of the cage. What a mess in here!鸟从笼子跑出来了。这里真乱!yaw

24、nerSomething that is boring or completely uninteresting.1) The film was a real yawner - I fell asleep after the first twenty minutes.yawn (when you open your mouth, take a deep breath, and stretch your muscles) is a sure sign that you are sleepy or bored.Pardon me你说什么?在此表示不敢相信自己听到的话Pardon me? Did yo

25、u just tell me to shut up?你刚刚是叫我闭嘴吗?Watch your mouth.说话当心一点。(表示对方说了不该说的话,或是说话的态度不好)Watch your mouth! That language is terrible!注意你说话的态度!你用字很不文雅!stay up熬夜,很晚都不去睡m going to bed at ten.我要十点上床。 Why?s Friday. You should stay up late like me.为什么?今天是星期五。你该跟我一样熬夜。It doesnt matter.(某事)根本无关紧要。(在此表示不耐烦,要对方不要扯上

26、一些不相关的事)t matter who wins, just try your best.谁赢根本无所谓,只要尽你所能。map out 画地图Lets map out what to do on our trip.我们来画地图,看看这次旅行要去做些什么!have all the luck(某人)的运气很好。have no luck则表示运气很差Some people just have all the luck.有些人运气就是很好.t count on it.别指望了。You want to get your money back?你想把钱拿回去?别指望了be firm in ones op

27、inion坚持己见When you speak to him, be firm in your opinions.你跟他说话的时候,要坚持己见。do no good没用,没有好处,do good to.表示“对某事有帮助”Yelling at me will do you no good.大声吼我对你没好处。Definition: To stay too long as a guest; to annoy ones host or benefactor.Example: 1) You should find your own apartment before you wear out your welcome at you

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