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1、Aon Bwith Cto7 -What can you do, Lin Tao?-_.AI like sportsBI am wellCI can tell English stories8She doesnt have _ milk, but she has _ coffee.A some, some B any, some C some, any9I usually go to bed _ ten oclock.Ain Bat Con10Tom can play the guitar, _ he cant play it very well.Aand BOr Cbut11 It is g

2、ood for us _ every morning.A run B to run C running12I like _ my bike _ weekends.A to take; in B catching; at C to ride; on13 We have _ breakfast _ seven oclock_ morning.Athe; in, at B/; at, in the C/; on, in14-Does your friend want _ a movie(电影)this evening?-Yes, but she needs_ this after work.Ato

3、go , doB go to, doingC to go to, to do15_, please?I think its about 5:30.AWhat time is it BWhat the time CWhen it is16Do you _ walk to school?No, _. I live too far away.Aoften; never Busually; often Calways; usually17-_- By bus.AWhere does he work?BHow does he go to work?CWhen does she go to work?18

4、-_ it take you to walk from your home to your office?-It takes only twenty minutes.AHow long is B How long doesC How many time does19Mike is _ boy.Aone 11-years-oldBan 11-year-oldCone-11-year-old20 _ boats on the river, but _ only a ropeway . So the students go to school _ the ropeway.A There are no

5、t, there is, onB There is no, there is, inCThere are no, there is, on二、完型填空完形填空Mike and Ann are_They live in a large house. The house is_the foot of a mountain (big hill). Near the mountain 21 a lake.There are four people in the family: Mike, Ann, their father and their mother. Their father is a far

6、mer. He 22 a farm not far from their house. Their mother is at home. She is a housewife (家庭主妇). Mike and Ann go to school every day. They are in the same school, but they are_. Mike is in Grade 2. Ann is in Grade 1.21Abrothers and sisters Bbrother and sister Ca brother and sister22Aat Bin Con23Ahas

7、Bthere is Cis there24Aworks at Bis working Cworks on25Ain different grades Bin a different grade Cat different grades三、多任务混合问题 Our school is in the center of the town(城镇). But we_in the countryside(农村). Mum thinks it is quiet there. It is about 15 kilometers_my home to school. It_me an hour to go to

8、 school by bike. It is difficult for me_to school before eight oclock in winter if(如果)it snows(下雪). Sometimes I am late_5_class. And I have _up early and eat breakfast_in the morning. I am always tired in the evening. I tells my parents_it. Daddy finds(找到)a job in a supermarket(超市) in the town. We m

9、ove(搬到)to a house there. Its not far from the train station and I can _ the school bus. The bus_ takes about 25 minutes. Now Im not afraid to be late for school. And I can play soccer with my friends after supper.26Alive Blives Clove27Ato Bfrom Cget28Atakes Bbrings Cgets29Agetting to Bget Cto get30A

10、at Bin Cfor31Atake Bget Cto get32Aquick Bquickly Cwell33Aabout Bfor Cin34Ato take Bby Ctake35Atake Bride Crun四、阅读单选People go to work in different ways(通过不同的方式). Some people go to work on foot because they live near(离近)their work places(地点). Some people go to work by bike because they live farther aw

11、ay(更远), or they like riding bikes. They think its good for their health. Today more people have private (私人的) cars, so they can go to work in their cars. In the south of China, many people even go to work by boat because water is around(在周围) their houses. Will people go to work by plane? I think so,

12、 if necessary(如果必要的话).36Some people like to_ to work because they live near their work places.Aride bikes Bon foot Cwalk37Some people go to work by bike because they think _.Aits cheapBits easyCits good for their health38Today more people have private (私人的) cars , so they _ to work.Awalk Bride bikes

13、 Cdrive39In the south of China, why do many people go to work by boat?ABecause its funny.BBecause water is around their houses.CBecause they dont have cars.40The writer thinks some people will go to work _if necessary.Aby boat Bby plane Cby bikeDo you want to be an artist ( 艺术家 )Do you want to be an

14、 artist? Come to our club, and you can find yourself in happiness(快乐). We have lessons about the guitar, drums, the violin and the piano for just ¥20 each. You can also learn to sing, to dance for ¥25 each. If you like art, you can be satisfied(满意的), tooits just for ¥30 each!41How many instruments(乐

15、器)does the ad mention(提到)?AFour BFive CThree42How much is it for a piano lesson?A¥25 B¥20 C¥3043We cant learn about _ in the club.Aswimming Bart Cviolin44If you want to learn about the guitar and dance, you should pay(付款)_.A¥45 B¥20 C¥3045What does “lessons” mean(意思是)in the ad(广告)?A听 B教训 C课程All stud

16、ents need to have good study habits(习惯 ).If you have good study habits, you can learn things quickly. You also remember easilyDo you like to study in the living room? This is not a good place because it is usually too noisy. You need to study in a quiet place, like your bedroom. A quite place will h

17、elp you only think about one thing, and you will learn better.Before you begin to study, do not forget to clean your desk. A good light is important, too. Youll feel tired easily if there is not enough light(光线). So you should have a clean and bright lamp(灯).46If you have good study habits, you will

18、_.Alearn things quicklyBremember things easilyCboth A and B47The living room is not a good place for study because it is too_.Aquiet Bnoisy Cclean48You are feeling tired easily if the light is _.Agood Benough Cbad49You should remember to _before you study.Aclean the deskBtidy the roomCturn the light

19、50The best title(题目) for the passage is “_”.AGood Study HabitsBHow to StudyCLight is ImportantOnce a great boxer (拳击家), Tom Brown, went to a restaurant(饭馆)for dinner.He put his bag near the door, but he was afraid that someone would take it. So he got out a pen and a piece of paper and wrote on it:

20、“The great boxer, Tom Brown, left his bag here. Hell come back in a few minutes. ” He put the paper on his bag and went to have his dinner. When he came back, his bag wasnt there. But he found a piece of paper on the ground. It said: “A great runner took away your bag, and he will not come back. ”51

21、Tom Brown went to the restaurant _.Afor his bagBto see the runnerCto have his meal52Mr Brown was afraid _.Ato put down his bag near the doorBhe couldnt find his penCthieves would take his bag awayDhe couldnt get enough food himself from the restaurant53Mr Brown wrote the words on the paper because h

22、e _.Athought the thief would not steal(偷)his bag when he read the wordsBwas a boxerCwanted to catch the thief54When Mr Brown came back he _.Afound another piece of paper on the groundBfound his bag wasnt there55Which is not right?AMr Brown was foolishBThe runner was a thief.CThe boxer knew the runne

23、r.五、填写适当的句子补全对话 口语运用。A:Can I help you?B:Yes,please._ 56_I want to order a birthday cake for my mother._ 【小题2】_A fruit cake,please. What would you like to write on it?_ 57_OK.Whats your phone number?_ 58_Whats your address?_ 59_ANo.88 Changan Street. BPlease write “Happy Birthday to Mother”.CTomorrow

24、 is my mothers birthday.DIts 8910566.E.What kind of cakes would you like?六、根据句意填空用所给单词的适当形式填空60My sister sometimes _ ( dress ) herself at 6:20 a.m.61There are some_(piano ) in the room.62We must brush our_(tooth )every day.63It takes me 20 minutes _( do) my homework every day.64If you are _(interest

25、) in the job, please call 878-6452.七、句型转换语言运用.65Mary wants to have breakfast at six fifteen. (变同义句)Mary wants to have breakfast at a _ _ six.66He takes the No.1 Bus to school.(同义句转换)He goes to school _ No.1 _.67Bill does his homework at nine in the evening. ( 变否定句 )Bill _ _ his homework at nine in t

26、he evening.68Lisa wants to join the chess club?(对划线部分提问)_ club _ Lisa want to join?69Itsabout 2 kilometersfrom my home to the cinema.(对划线部分提问)_ _ is it from your home to the cinema?八、用所给单词的正确形式填空改错 Tony is my friend of70_ America. He is a student in a middle school.The school is about five kilomete7

27、1_ from his home. He usually go72_to School by bike. Sometimes ,he takes73_ bus .How about his parent74_? His father works to75_ a hospital .Its very far, so he have 76_to drive there every day. It takes he77_about fifty minutes. His mother work78_ in bank. It 79_also very far. She often goes there by subway.九、材料作文80根据图表所给材料写一篇60单词左右的作文 (书写要认

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