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1、7)-What a smart sweater you are wearing! -_A_A.Thank you. B.It alsofits you well. C.Its cheap. D.Just so so.8)-I do apologyize to you for the delay in replying to your leter. -_C_A.You are welcome. B.Take it easy. C.Nerer mind. D.OK.9)-Oh,That coat is a bit expensive for me.Sorry to have troubled yo

2、u. -_A_A.How about this one? B.You have to buy it,I think. C.But it fits you very well.D.Thats all right.10)-You speak very good English. -_A_A.Its very kind of you to say so. B.No,I cant. C.You are right. D.Thats all right.11)-Excuse me for being late. -_A_A.Thats all right. B.You shouldnt do so. C

3、.Sorry to hear that. D.I forgive you.12)-Is that Mary speaking? -_B_A.Who are you? B.Whos that? C.Im here. D.Whats your name?13)-Im sorry to trouble you. -_C_A.Youre welcome. B.You cant say so. C.With pleasure. D.Not at all. 14)-Our team won the match yesterday. -_C_A.Is that so? B.What a pity! C.Co

4、ngratulations! D.Why not?15)-Hello,havent seen you for ages.You look fine. -_A_A.Thank you,you look well,too. B.Hello,where have you been?C.Im not fine these days. D.I met you just last week.16)-A pleasant journey to you! -_B_A.I certainly will have. B,The same to you. C.Goodbye. D.Sure,a pleasant j

5、ourney.17)-How much is it altogether? -_C_A.No,thank you. B.Its so kind of you. C.Its free. D.Thank you.18)-Help yourself to some meat. -_D_A.I dont like meat. B.Ill eat as much as possible. C.The meat is not delicious.D.No,thanks.Ive had enough.19)-Let me introduce myself.Im David Gilbert. -_A_A.Pl

6、eased to meet you. B.Glad to have met you. C.Im very pleased. D.I have known you before.20)-_C_ -Thank you,I certainly will.A.Congratulations. B.Happy birthday. C.Say hello to your husbandd.D.Ill give you a ride.21)-Id like you to come to my birthday party next Saturday. -_D_A.No.Im afraid I cant. B

7、.Sorry,I dont want to. C.Yes,I can.Thank you very much.D.Id love to,but Ill be very busy next Saturday.22)-_C_ -Yes,please,I like apples.A.Do you like one? B.May I have one? C.Would you like one? D.Will it please you?23)-Shall we go shoping this Sunday? -_A_A.Good idea! B.Ive no idea. C.Yes,you will

8、. D.See you then.24)-Anything to drink? -_B_A.Thats all right. B.Two beers,please. C.Coke for me,too. D.I dont feel like eating much.25)-Would you like to have diner with my family? -_C_A.All right. B.Thats all right. C.Id like to. D.No,I wont.26)-Lets go for a flower show.What do you say? -_D_A.No,

9、I wouldnt. B.I didnt say anything. C.Yes,I would. D.All right.Lets go.27)-Do you want to have ice cream or just water? _-_D_A.Come on. B.As you like. C.Yes,both. D.Neither,thank you.28)-Which do you prefer,meat or fish? -_C_A.As you like. B.All right. C.Either will do. D.Nothing.29)-Will you be able

10、 to come to the party? -_B_A.I believe,yes. B.I am afraid not. C.I dont hope so. D.I dontexpect.30)-Would you lend me your pen? -_C_A.Yes,give you. B.OK,use it. C.Sure,here you are. D.It doesnt matter.31)-Excuse me,may I ask you a question? -_C_A.No,you dont. B.Yes,you may ask. C.Sure.What is it? D.

11、No,you may not.32)-May I know your name? -_D_A.You know its impolite to ask somebodys name. B.Yes,you may. C.No,you cant.D.Call me Bill.33)-Ill be away for a moment.Would you mind looking after my littlee sister? -_C_A.Oh no,Ill be out,too. B.Of course.I will. C.Ill be glad to. D.Im busy now.34)-Let

12、 me help you with your luggage. -_C_A.Yes,please. B.I know youll help me. C.I can manage.Thank you all the same.D.Yes,of course.35)-Would you please lend me a hand? -_D_A.Dont mention it. B.No,I wouldnt. C.Thatsall right. D.With pleasure.36)-Can I help you? -_D_A.Yes,you can. B.With pleasure. C.No,y

13、ou cant. D.Im looking for a T-shirt.37)-Im sorry I cant follow you.Would you mind saying that slowly?A.No,of course not. B.No,I wouldnt. C.Ive no idea. D.No,I would.38)-_A_ -Ive just asked where you are from.A.Pardon? B.Repeat. C.Excuse me! D.Whats wrong?39)-Its fine and warm today.What about walkin

14、g home? -_A_A.Thats a good idea. B.Good,thanks. C.Oh,its not good. D.Thats very kind of you.40)-Whats the weather like today? -_D_A.I like it very much. B.It looks like it. C.Its well. D.Its rather windy.41)-Hi,Mary,you look very tired. -Yeah,I_D_for a whole week.A.worked B.had worked C.have worked

15、D.have been working42)-He gave me_A_on how to study English well.A.some advicee B.advices advicee D.the advicee43)-Hans is_D_of the three boys.A.the clever B.the cleverer C.cleverest D.the cleverest44)-Look_B_!Thrers a car coming.A.up B.out C.back D.over45)-Mother promised she_B_me an English-C

16、hinese dictionary as a gift for my birthday.A.wasbuying B.would buy C.bought D.will buy46)-The Web provides an environment in which it is quick and easy to_C_ideas with others.A.change D.know47)-The red rose is her_B_.A.favor B.favorite D.best48)-Ill never forget the day_A_

17、I became a doctor.A.when B.which C.of which that49)-For a successful businesss,friendly and_C_staff are essentiall.A.lovely B.hard C.efficient D.respective50)-The furniture in his room is quite different_B_in yours.A.from those B.from that C.from that one D.from those ones51)-Strict_B_measures

18、have been taken during the Presidents D.save52)-These two areas are similar_C_they both have a high rainfall during this season.A.that B.besides C.because D.except53)-We are interested in the weather because it_B_us so directly-what we wear,what we do,an even how we

19、feel.A.benefits B.affects C.guides D.effects54)-Science and technology have_C_in important ways to the improvenment of agriculturel production.A.attached B.assisted C.contributed D.witnessed55)-When he went out,he would wear sunglasses_A_nobody would recognize that though that D.

20、in case56)-I went along thinking of nothing_A_,only looking at things around particular harmony doubt brief57)-Salaries for_D_positions seem to be higher than for permanent B.optional C.voluntary D.temporary58)-The littlee girl was so frightened that she just woul

21、dnt_A_her grip on my arm.A.loosen B.remove C.relieve D.dismiss59)-Ten days ago the young man informed his boss of his intention to_A_.A.resign B.reject C.retreat D.replace60)-I was so_C_in todays history lesson.I didnt understand a thing.A.amazed B.neglected C.confused D.amused61)-Both the teachers

22、and students have_A_to the library of the university.A.access B.come C.use D.path62)-Its very_D_of you not to talk aloud while the baby is asleep.A.considering B.considerable C.careful D.considerate63)-When I go out in the evening I use the bike_A_the car if I can.A.rather than spite of C.regar

23、dless of D.other than64)-Color and sex are not relevant_B_whether a person is suitable for the job.A.on C.for D.with65)-Peter would rather do his homework than_B_to New go B.go C.going D.having gone66)-In my opinion,hes_D_the most imaginative of all the contemporary all B.a

24、t best C.for all far67)-The owner and editor of the newspaper_C_the conference.A.were attending B.were to attend to attend D.are to attend68)-To our_B_,Geoffreys illnesss proved not to be as serious as we had feared.A.anxiety B.relief C.view D.judgment69)-By the time you get to New York,I_

25、D_for London.A.would be leaveng B.have already left leaving D.shall have left70)-The football game comes to you_D_from New York.A.lively C.alive D.living71)-She never lost her_A_for teaching.A.enthusiasm B.enthusiastic C.engine D.theme72)-Tom was very happy when his parents told him that they_A_back to America soon.A.would come B.will come C.i

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