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1、其它系动词仍保持其部分词义。 (系动词) 1. This is an English-Chinese dictionary. 这是本英汉辞典。2. The dinner smells good. 午餐的气味很好。3. He fell in love. 他堕入了情网。4. Everything looks different. 一切看来都不同了。5. He is growing tall and strong. 他长得又高又壮。6. The troubleis that they are short of money. 麻烦的是他们缺少钱。7. Our well has gone dry. 我们

2、的井干枯了。8. His face turned red. 他的脸红了。基本句型 三此句型句子的共同特点是:谓语动词都具有实义,都是主语产生的动作,但不能表达完整的意思,必须跟有一个宾语,即动作的承受者,才能使意思完整。这类动词叫做及物动词。 (及物动词) 1. Who knows the answer? 谁知道答案?2. She smiled her thanks. 她微笑表示感谢。3. He has refused to help them. 他拒绝帮他们的忙。4. He enjoys reading. 他喜欢看书。5. They ate what was left over. 他们吃了剩

3、饭。6. He said Good morning. 他说:“早上好!”7. I want to have a cup of tea. 我想喝杯茶。8. He admits that he was mistaken. 他承认犯了错误。基本句型 四此句型的句子有一个共同特点:谓语动词必须跟有两个宾语才能表达完整的意思。这两个宾语一个是动作的直接承受者,另一个是动作的间接承受者。通常这一间接承受者用一个介词来连接,当动作的间接承受者在动作的直接承受者之前时,这一介词往往被省略。 (及物) (多指人) (多指物)1. She ordered herself a new dress. 她给自己定了一套

4、新衣裳。2. She cooked her husband a delicious meal.她给丈夫煮了一顿美味的饭。3. He brought you a dictionary.他给你买了一本字典。4. He denies her nothing. 他对她什么都不拒绝5. I showed him my pictures. 我给他看我的照片。6. I gave my car a wash. 我洗了我的汽车。7. I told him that the bus was late. 我告诉他汽车晚点了。8. He showed me how to run the machine. 他教我开机器

5、。基本句型 五此句型的句子的共同特点是:动词虽然是及物动词,但是只跟一个宾语还不能表达完整的意思,必须加上一个补充成分来补足宾语,才能使意思完整。 (及物) (宾语) (宾补) 1. They appointed him manager. 他们任命他当经理。2. They painted the door green. 他们把门漆成绿色。3. This set them thinking. 这使得他们要细想一想。4. They found the house deserted. 他们发现那房子无人居住。5. What makes him think so? 他怎么会这样想?6. We saw

6、him out. 我们送他出去。7. He asked me to come back soon. 他要我早点回来。8. I saw them getting on the bus. 我看见他们上了那辆公共汽车。但常用的英语句子并不都象基本句型这样简短,这些句子除了基本句型的成分不变外,通常是在这些成分的前面或后面增加一些修饰语(modifier)而加以扩大。这些修饰语可以是单词(主要是形容词、副词和数词),也可以是各种类型的短语(主要是介词短语、不定式短语和分词短语)。下面以基本句型五为例:We found the hall full. 我们发现礼堂坐满了。We found the grea

7、t hall full of students and teachers.我们发现大礼堂坐满了学生和教师。We found the great hall full of students and teachers listening to an important report.我们发现大礼堂坐满了学生和教师,在听一个重要报告。We found the great hall full of students and teachers listening to an important report made by a comrade from the Peoples Daily on curr

8、ent affairs in East Europe.我们发现大礼堂坐满了学生和教师,在听人民日报的一位同志作有关东欧局势的重要报告。不同的动词使用的句型也不尽一样,因此在学习动词时,应掌握动词的类型。以 get 为例:Hes getting angry. (S V P)He got through the window. (S V M)Youll get a surprise. (S V O)He got his shoes and socks wet. (S V O C)He got himself into trouble. (S V OM)He got her a splendid p

9、resent. (S V o O)在句子中词类和词的位置也影响句子的句型和意思:I found the book easily.我很容易地找到了这本书。(S V O M)I found the book easy. 我觉得这本书很容易。 (S V O C)I have to do something. 我得做点事。I have something to do. 我有点事做。 复合句复合句(Complex Sentence)由一个主句(Principal Clause)和一个或一个以上的从句(Subordinate Clause)构成。主句是全句的主体,通常可以独立存在;从句则是一个句子成分,不

10、能独立存在。从句不能单独成句,但它也有主语部分和谓语部分,就像一个句子一样。所不同在于,从句须由一个关联词(connective)引导。复合句(The Complex Sentence):句子中有一个或一个以上的从句,叫做复合句。复合句可分为: 1).定语从句(The Attributive Clause);2).状语从句(The Adverbial Clause);3).名词性从句(The Noun Clause)一、 定语从句 定语从句的定义 定语从句在句子中作定语,用来修饰一个名词、名词词组或者代词。 先行词和引导词 被修饰的名词、名词词组或代词叫做先行词;在先行词和定语从句之间起连接作

11、用的词叫做引导词。引导词分为“关系代词”和“关系副词”。 关系代词和关系副词 关系代词有:who, whom, whose, that, which, as。关系副词有:when, where, why。 注意:关系副词里面没有how。如果要修饰方式,用that或in which引导,或者不用引导词。I dont like the way (that, in which) he eyed me. 我不喜欢他看我的那个样子。 关系代词:who 关系动词who在从句中主要作主语,在非正式语体里who还可以作从句中的宾语。He is the man who wants to see you. He

12、is the man who I saw in the park yesterday. whom He is the man (whom) I saw in the park yesterday. (whom在从句中作宾语) whose whose 用来指人或物,(只能用作定语, 若指物,它还可以同of which互换)。They rushed over to help the man whose car had broken down. Please pass me the book whose cover is green. (of which the cover/the cover of

13、 which)which(1) which指物,在从句中作主语或宾语,作宾语时在非正式语体中可以省略。They needed a plant which didnt need as much water as rice. The farm (which) we visited yesterday is located in the suburb of Beijing. which(2) 当在which和that面前进行选择的情况下,一般情况下要选which:1.在非限制性定语从句中通常用which作引导词,而不能用that做非限制性定语从句的引导词。2. 修饰整个主句。I never met

14、Julia again after that, which was a pity. 3. 修饰谓语部分。He can swim in the river, which I cannot. 4. 介词 + which They are all questions to which there are no answers. that(1) that多用来指物,有时也可以用来指人;在从句中作主语或宾语。指物的时候多用that,也可用which。Its a question that (which) needs careful consideration. (指物,作主语。) Who is the

15、man that is reading a magazine under the tree?(指人,作主语。The girl (that) we saw yesterday is Toms sister. (指人,作宾语,可省略。)that(2) 在以下的情况中,只能用that作引导词,而不能用which作引导词。1. 先行词为all , everything, anything, nothing, little等不定代词时。All (that) she lacked was training. 2. 先行词被形容词最高级修饰时 This is the best film that I hav

16、e ever seen. 3. 先行词被序数词和the last修饰时 4. 先行词中既有人又有物时 They talked about the teachers and the schools that they had visited. 5. 主句是含有who或which的特殊疑问句,为了避免重复时 二、 状语从句1 地点状语从句地点状语从句通常由where, wherever 引导。Where I live there are plenty of trees.Wherever I am I will be thinking of you. 2 方式状语从句 方式状语从句通常由as, (j

17、ust) asso, as if, as though引导。1) as, (just) asso引导的方式状语从句通常位于主句后,但在(just) asso结构中位于句首,这时as从句带有比喻的含义,意思是正如,就像,多用于正式文体,例如:Always do to the others as you would be done by.你希望人家怎样待你,你就要怎样待人。As water is to fish, so air is to man.我们离不开空气,犹如鱼儿离不开水。Just as we sweep our rooms, so we should sweep backward ide

18、as from our minds.正如打扫房屋一样,我们也要扫除我们头脑中落后的东西。2) as if, as though两者的意义和用法相同,引出的状语从句谓语多用虚拟语气,表示与事实相反,有时也用陈述语气,表示所说情况是事实或实现的可能性较大。汉译常作仿佛似的好像似的,例如:They completely ignore these facts as if (as though) they never existed.他们完全忽略了这些事实,就仿佛它不存在似的。(与事实相反,谓语用虚拟语气。He looks as if (as though) he had been hit by lig

19、hting.他那样子就像被雷击了似的。It looks as if the weather may pick up very soon.看来天气很快就会好起来。(实现的可能性较大,谓语用陈述语气。说明:as if / as though也可以引导一个分词短语、不定式短语或无动词短语,例如:He stared at me as if seeing me for first time.他目不转睛地看着我,就像第一次看见我似的。He cleared his throat as if to say something.他清了清嗓子,像要说什么似的。3 原因状语从句 比较:because, since,

20、 as和for 1) because语势最强,用来说明人所不知的原因,回答why提出的问题。当原因是显而易见的或已为人们所知,就用as或 since。I didnt go, because I was afraid.Since /As the weather is so bad, we have to delay our journey.2) 由because引导的从句如果放在句末,且前面有逗 号,则可以用for来代替。但如果不是说明直接原因,而是多种情况加以推断,就只能用for。He is absent today, because / for he is ill.He must be il

21、l, for he is absent today.4 目的状语从句 表示目的状语的从句可以由that, so that, in order that, in case等词引导,例如:You must speak louder so that /in order that you can be heard by all.Better take more clothes in case the weather is cold.5 结果状语从句 结果状语从句常由so that 或 suchthat引导,掌握这两个句型,首先要了解so 和 such与其后的词的搭配规律。so和 such其规律由so与

22、such的不同词性决定。such 是形容词,修饰名词或名词词组,so 是副词,只能修饰形容词或副词。 so 还可与表示数量的形容词many, few, much, little连用,形成固定搭配。so foolish such a fool so nice a flower such a nice flower so many / few flowers such nice flowers so much / little money. such rapid progress so many people such a lot of people ( so many 已成固定搭配,a lot

23、of 虽相当于 many,但 a lot of 为名词性的,只能用such搭配。sothat与suchthat之间的转换既为 so与such之间的转换。The boy is so young that he cant go to school.He is such a young boy that he cant go to school6 条件状语从句 连接词主要有 if, unless, as/so long as, on condition that 等。.if 引导的条件句有真实条件句和非真实条件句两种。非真实条件句已在虚拟语气中阐述。unless = if not. Lets go

24、out for a walk unless you are too tired.If you are not too tied, lets go out for a walk.7 让步状语从句 though, although注意: 当有though, although时,后面的从句不能有but,但是 though 和yet可连用Although its raining, they are still working in the field. 3) ever if, even though. 即使Well make a trip even though the weather is bad.

25、4) whetheror- 不管都Whether you believe it or not, it is true.5) no matter +疑问词 或疑问词+后缀everNo matter what happened, he would not mind.Whatever happened, he would not mind.替换:no matter what = whateverno matter who = whoeverno matter when = wheneverno matter where = whereverno matter which = whicheverno

26、matter how = howeverno matter 不能引导主语从句和宾语从句。(错)No matter what you say is of no use now.(对)Whatever you say is of no use now.你现在说什么也没用了。(Whatever you say是主语从句)(错)Prisoners have to eat no matter what theyre given, (对)Prisoners have to eat whatever theyre given. 囚犯们只能给什么吃什么。8 比较while, when, as 1)as, wh

27、en 引导短暂性动作的动词。Just as / Just when / When I stopped my car, a man came up to me.2)当从句的动作发生于主句动作之前,只能用when 引导这个从句,不可用as 或 while。When you have finished your work, you may have a rest.3)从句表示随时间推移连词能用as,不用when 或while。As the day went on, the weather got worse. 日子一天天过去,天气越变越坏。9 比较until和till 此两个连词意义相同。肯定形式表示的意思是做某事直至某时,动词必须是延续性的。否定形式表达的意思是直至某时才做某事。动词为延续性或非延续性都可 以。 正确使用这两个连词的关键之一就在于判断句中的动词该用肯定式还是否定式。肯定句:I slept until midnight. 我一直睡到半夜时醒了。Wait till I

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