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外研版学年外研版英语选修8 1617版 module 4 section ⅱ introductionreading and vocabularyWord文档下载推荐.docx

1、Ill e back in an instant.我一会就回来。 tell sth.apart区分开(教材P44)It is also quite easy to tell British and American English apart.要将英式英语和美式英语分辨开来也很容易的。tell.from. 把与区分开to tell the truth 说实话 根据判断tell the difference 说出区别To_tell(tell)the truth,I dont like her.说实话,我不喜欢她。Can you tell the difference betwee

2、n them?你能说出他们之间的区别吗?Its not always easy to tell right from wrong.分辨是非并不总是很容易的。 (教材P44)Perhaps correctness doesnt matteras long as speakers can understand each otherits munication that counts.也许正确与否不要紧只要说话的人互相明白就行重要的是交流的本身。(1)matter vi.重要;要紧;有关系(常用于疑问句和否定句中)(1)It doesnt matter. 没关系。(2)matter n. 事情;问题

3、;麻烦事;毛 病;物质It is a matter of. 这是一个的问题Whats the matter (with.)?() 怎么了?出了 什么毛病?as a matter of fact 事实上;实际上no matter wh/how. 无论;不管It doesnt matter to me what you do.你做什么对我无所谓。It was a matter of life and death for them.这事对他们来说生死攸关。Whats the matter with Bill?比尔怎么了?As a matter of fact,blog is short for we

4、bblog.事实上,blog这个词是webblog的缩写。(2)count vt.& vi.计数;认为;指望(on);很重要;很有价值;起作用 n总数;数数count on/uponrely on 依赖;依靠;期待;指望count.(as.) 认为(某事物或某人)count against sb. 认为对某人不利count in 把(某事物或某人)算在内count for nothing 没有任何价值It/That doesnt count. 那不算数/那不重要。You cant always count on the help from others.你不能总是指望别人帮助。See how

5、many cups we have,but dont count in the cracked ones.看看我们有多少杯子,不过不要把这几个有裂纹的算进去。 lie in在于;处于某种状态;位于(教材P44)But the main differences between Australian English and other varieties of English lie in the individual sounds and intonation patterns.但澳大利亚英语和其他几种英语的最主要区别在于单音和音调模式。lie down 躺下休息lie in/on/to the

6、 east of 位于的东部/东面lie awake 醒着Happiness doesnt lie in happiness,but in the achievement of it.幸福不在于它本身,而在于追求的过程。Japan lies to the east of China.日本位于中国的东部。She lay down for a while after lunch.午饭后她躺了一会儿。 debate n辩论;讨论 v讨论;争论;思考(教材P45)Today there is a debate in Singapore about which variety of English is

7、 the best.今天在新加坡有一种关于哪种英语最好的争论(1)have/hold a debate on/over/about. 举行一场关于的辩论under debate 在讨论中(2)debate sth.with sb. 与某人讨论debate on/over/about. 就辩论I dont wish to debate my opinions with you.我不想就我的看法与你辩论。The whole question is still under debate.整个问题还在讨论之中。.语境填词1To get an _ answer,I called her up _.She

8、 replied that she would do so _ she got the relevant information.(instant) 【导学:72880014】2It was a heated _.They _ something with each other from morning to evening.(debate)3He _ in bed and _ to me that he was ill.(lie)4I failed _ the words on the blackboard,which were not easily _.(recognise)5It _ w

9、hether we discuss those important _ or not at the meeting.(matter)【答案】1.instant;instantly;instantly2.debate;debated3.lay; recognise;recognisable5.matters;matters.选词填空or rather,as well as,as long as,end with,lie in,in particular,tell.apart,agree on1_you promise something to him,youd better do

10、 it.2John,_his parents,has been to Guangzhou during their holiday.3Can you _the twin sisters _?4The key to resolving the unemployment problem _creating more job opportunities.5She stressed that point _in todays meeting.【答案】1.As long well as3.tell;apart 4lies particular(教材P44)In this se

11、nse everybodys use of languagewhether English,Chinese,or any otheris different.从这种意义上来说,每个人对语言的使用不管是英语、汉语,还是其他任何语言都是不一样的。【要点提炼】本句中“whether English,Chinese,or any other”作language的同位语,对language进行解释说明,其中whether.or.作“不论还是”解,用于连接平行结构,作此意解时,whether.or.还常用于引导让步状语从句。He seemed undecided whether to go or stay

12、.他似乎还没有决定去留。Whether the weather is fine or not tomorrow,I will pay him a visit.无论明天天气好坏,我都会去看他。名师点津whether/if的用法区别:引导宾语从句时,两者的含义区别很小,一般可通用。用whether,不用if的情况有:与or或or not连用时;作介词的宾语时;在动词不定式之前;discuss后的宾语从句中;主语从句、表语从句和同位语从句中;在容易引起混淆产生歧义的情况下,就不可用if,而须用whether。完成句子1你是去还是留由你来决定。_ you leave _ stay,its up to

13、you.2只要你不把书弄脏,就可以借给你。 【导学:72880015】You may borrow the book _.【答案】1.Whether; long as you keep it cleanPerhaps correctness doesn【分析】as long asso long as意思为“只要”,引导条件状语从句,its munication that counts为强调句型,强调的是主语munication。【翻译】也许正确与否不要紧只要说话的人互相明白就行重要的是交流本身。学业分层测评(十).单句语法填空1What _(count)is not your ap

14、pearance but your ability.2Whether he deserves what has happened to him is still _ debate.3Ill lend him money as long as he _(pay) back on time.4Ill tell him the news _(instant)I see him.5After so many years she was still immediately _(recognise)6His _(ancestor)were from Africa.7Dont let yourself de

15、spair;this will only make _(matter)worse.8I would like to focus on one question _ particular.9The party ended _ a nice song.10His failure in the exam lies _ his carelessness.【答案】单句改错1Well have a picnic tomorrow as long

16、as it wont rain._2I recognised Jane instant I saw her in the street.3You can count on him help you with the task.4Shandong lies to the east of China.5What doesnt matter whether you go there or not.【答案】1.wontdoesnt2.instantinstantly或在instant前加the3.在help前加to4.toin5.WhatIt.阅读理解Much has been written abo

17、ut the differences between British English and American English.French French and Quebec French have a similar relationship.However,nothing quite matches Australian English for its lively colorful phrases.Some words and expressions are quite naturally taken from British slang.Some words have pletely

18、 more different meanings in Australia than in Anglophone countries north of the Equator.A number of monlyused words have been shortened considerably.Other words are indigenous (本土的) to Australia and derived from Aboriginal terms,such as “boomerang”and “kangaroo”In general,however,the wonderful slang

19、 of Australian English is primarily because Australians take English as a game to be played,and they love to have fun with it.Some of the words and expressions are readily understandable but others can be incredibly obscure in their meanings and derivations.In addition to the slang, Australian pronu

20、nciation can be peculiar.To the casual listener it sounds similar to Cockney pronunciation,but it differs in many ways.Australian speech also tends to be more contracted,with some sounds and even entire syllables omitted.Australian pronunciation has slight regional variations,and city speech tends t

21、o be faster than country speech.Some oversimplified rules of Australian speech are to speak slightly nasally,to contract any word of more than 2 syllables and to convert terms into diminutives wherever possible.Most obvious in Australian speech are the “I” sound for “A”and “Ah” for “R”These can best

22、 be illustrated with examples of pronunciations such as “egg nishner” “air conditioner”,“Gdye,myte” “Good day,mate” “Strine” “Australian”,or “Wyne chevva cold share” “Why dont you have a cold shower”,(American English has some similar examples,as in the phrase“Jeet jet” “Did you eat yet?”)In general

23、, the differences in Australian English are more amusing than irritating,despite the occasional confusion that may result.Give it a burl!( Please have a try! )1The article mainly talks about _.Athe history of Australian EnglishBall kinds of EnglishCthe differences in Australian EnglishDthe differenc

24、es between English and French【解析】主旨大意题。全文主要讲的是澳大利亚英语的不同之处。【答案】C2What does the underlined word “peculiar” in the second paragraph mean?AUnique. BSuperior.CPotential. DFigurative.【解析】词义猜测题。除了俚语,澳大利亚的发音也是独特的。peculiar意为“独特的”。【答案】A3Which of the following statements about Australian English is TRUE accord

25、ing to the passage?A. Its words and expressions are derived from British slang.BIts words include some Aboriginal terms.CThe only differences in its pronunciation are the “I” sound for “A” and “Ah” for “R”DIts words and expressions are easy to understand.【解析】细节理解题。根据第一段中的“Other words are indigenous(

26、本土的) to Australia and derived from Aboriginal terms.”可以得出B项正确。【答案】B4It can be inferred from the passage that_.A. British English and American English are quite differentBthe lively phrases in Australian English are beyond parisonCin Australian English city speech is usually faster than country speechDthe differences in Australian English will not cause confusion【解析】推理判断题。根据第一段第三句可以推断出,澳大利亚英语中短语的形象和生动性是无可比拟的。.完形填空Everybody knows how to learn.Learning is a natural thing.It begins the_1_we are born.Our first teachers are our families.At home we le

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