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本文(秋新目标英语Unit6 When was it invented教材全解加课后练习讲解附答案文档格式.docx)为本站会员(b****3)主动上传,冰点文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰点文库(发送邮件至service@bingdoc.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

秋新目标英语Unit6 When was it invented教材全解加课后练习讲解附答案文档格式.docx

1、要点详解1.the style of the shoes鞋子的款式扩展:in style 时髦的 out of style 过时的eg: Her clothes are always in style.2.My pleasure!非常愿意!辨析pleasure / pleased / pleasantpleasure n. 高兴,愉悦 My pleasure. /With pleasure / Its a pleasure. -Thanks for helping me. My pleasure.pleased adj 高兴的 be pleased to do sth 乐于做某事 be ple

2、ased with 对。满意Donot mention it. I am very pleasedtohelp you. The teacher was pleased with the students performance.pleasant adj 令人愉悦的 Wish you a pleasant journey.3.Think about how often its used in our daily lives.Dont you read the daily news in todays newspaper?daily作副词时,每日,每天 The milkman comes dai

3、ly to our house.4.Well, you do seem to have a point看来你说的确实有道理have a point意为:有道理 You have a pointIt would be better to wait till tomorrow.5.The pioneer of different inventions were listed there.list 列表,列清单 List them and you will never forget them.list还可作名词 意为:名单,清单 I didnt see his name on the list.6.

4、For example, it mentioned that the zipper was invented by Whitcomb Judson in 1893.mention意为;提到,说到,其后可接that引导的宾语从句。He mentioned that the food was invented by a Chinese.mention sth( to sb )Nobody mentioned anything to me about it.mention doing sth= Whenever I mention havin dinner together, he says hes

5、 too busy.注意:Dont mention it. Z主要来回答感谢,有时也用来回答道歉。-Thank you very much. -Dont mention accident 意为偶然,意外地 eg; I knew his name by accident.8.nearly adv 几乎,差不多nearly表示“接近”,常可与almost换用,但在具体数字前常用nearlyalmost 强调“差一点。就”(=very nearly),可置于no, none, nothing等词前(nearly不可以)He said almost nothing worth liste

6、ning to9. It is said that a Chinese ruler called Shen Nong was the first to discover tea as a drink.It is said that表示据说。 eg: It is said that he is a rich second generation.It is believed that/ It is reported that/ It is known thatruler 意为统治者,支配者 A king is a ruler.10. Some leaves from a tea plant fel

7、l into the water and remained there for some time. fall into 落入,掉入fall asleep 入睡 fall down 倒下,落下 fall off 跌落,从。掉下来 fall over 被。绊倒remain 此处意为停留,逗留 How long will you remain here?remain 作连系动词,表示:仍然是;保持不变,相当于keep He is in danger, but he remains calm.11. It produced a nice smell so he tasted the brown wa

8、ter. smell可做可数名词,也可做不可数名词This flower hasnt much smell.Theres a smell of cooking.12. The tea trade from China to Western countries took place in the 19th century.辨析:take place 与happentake place 表示必然性的发生或指根据计划或安排举行的,无被动语态happen 表偶然性的没预料的发生,无被动语态The opening of the play will take place tomorrow night.13

9、. Even though many people now know about tea culture, the Chinese are without doubt the ones who best understand the nature of tea.doubt 名词,意为:疑惑,疑问。Without doubt 意为:毫无疑问,的确eg; If there is any doubt, you had better make certain.Without doubt she has been working hard.doubt作动词,意为:怀疑,不相信 I have no rea

10、son to doubt him.注意;doubt 在肯定句中,后面常接whether 从句,否定句中常接that 从句We doubt whether he will come. There is no doubt that our experiment will succeed.14. anybody用法:常用于否定句和疑问句;用于肯定句意为:任何人Anybody can do the work well.15.The earthquake happened all of a sudden, but luckily, the villages were brought to a safe

11、place.sudden意为:突然的 There was a sudden change in the weather.all of a sudden 意为突然,猛地,相当于suddenlyHe came to us all of a sudden=He suddenly came to us.Unit 6 When was it invented?一、单选( )1. When I passed by the park, I noticed the children _ basketball there. A. play B. to play C. playing( )2. Sorry, Ma

12、ry. I took your notebook _. - It doeent matter. A. by mistake B. by accident C. by hand( )3. I didnt wake up _ I heard the alarn clock. A. after B. since C. until( )4. Mum added some _ but the chips are not _. A. salt, enough salty B. salty, salt enough C. salt, salty enough( )5. - _, you can work o

13、ut the math problem very easily. - I see. Thank you very much, Miss Wang. A. By the way B. On the way C. In this way( )6. Leo, shat do you think is the most helpful _ in modern times? - I think it is the computer. A. invent B. invention C. inventor( )7. They decided that all the wood would be used _

14、 building . - Of course. The buklding needs it. A. for B. by C. with( )8. This kind of machine _ cutting paper. A. used for B. is using for C. is used for( )9. - _ out plan, there will be a meeting next Monday. - Oh, thanks. I will be there on time. A. With the help of B. Because of C. According to

15、( )10. The sun _ at night. Do you agree with me? A. Yes, I think so. A. can be seen B. cant see C. cant be seen( )11. The milk _ strange, It has gone bad, I think. A. is tasted B. taste C. tastes( )12. I dont like chocolate but Sue _. A. does B. liked C. doesnt.( )13.I will be away for _. A. sometim

16、es B. some time C. some times D. sometime( )14. He tried his best to do everything to make his young sister _ again. A. laughing B. to laugh C. laugh( )15. What _ will happen? A. do you think B. are you thinking C. you think( )16.She tried many times to pass the exam, and _ the end she succeeded. A.

17、 by B. at C. in ( )17.James didnt come _ the bell rang. A. until B. when C. before( )18.Only a few hundred of these animals _ today. A. stay B. remain C. keep( )19 _ he isnt tall enough, he is good at basketball. A. Because B. Although C. Since( )20.Take these plates away to the kitchen and _ some c

18、lean ones. A. take B. bring C. fetch二. 完形填空:People all over the world enjoy sports, because sports can help them keep _1_ and live long. Some sports or games go back _2_ years, like running or jumping. Chinese boxing, for example, has a very long history. But basketball and volleyball are very new.

19、Andnew sports or games come to world nearly all the time. Many people like to watch _3_ play sports games. Tey dont play themselves. They buy tickets or _4_ their TVS to watch the games. Often they get very _5_ and happy when “their” player or team _6_ the match.People play different ganes in differ

20、ent seasons. Swimming is fun in warm weather, _7_ skating is good in winter. Some sports are _8_ interestingthat people everywhere enjoy them. For example, basketball _9_ by about 100 million people in more than 200 countries. People can play it in parks, schools or factories. _10_ fun it is to watc

21、h an NBA match!( )1. A. health B. healthy C. healthily( )2. A. thousand B. thousand of C. thousands of( )3. A. others B. the others C. the other( )4. turn on B. turn off C. turn down( )5. A.interested B. exciting C. excied( )6. A. beats B. wins C. fights( )7. A. though B. so C. but( )8. A. very B.qu

22、ite C. so( )9. A. plays B. is played C. is playing( )10. A. What B. What a C. How参考答案单选15 CBCCC 6-10 BACCC 1115 CABCA 1620 CABBC完型15 BCAAC 610 BCCBA七年级下册第Unit6 When was it invented? 学习目标与考点分析考点分析:unit6核心语法之一般过去时的被动语态学习重点谈论发明以及用途,分析复合句的句子结构,理解同位语的用法学习方法Section B Do You Know When Basketball Was Invent

23、ed?Basketball is a much-loved and active sport that is enjoyed by many for fun and exercise. It is over 100 years old and is played by more than 100 million people in over 200 countries. It is believed that the first basketball game in history was played on December 21,1891. Then in 1936 in Britain,

24、 it became an event at the Olympics.Basketball was invented by a Canadian doctor named James Naismith, who was born in 1861. When he was a college teacher, he was asked to think of a game that could be played in the winter. Dr Naismith created a game to be played inside on a hard floor. Dr Naismith

25、divided the men in his class into two teams and taught them to play his new game. Players on the same team must work together to get the ball in the other teams basket. At the same time, they need to stop the competing team from getting the ball into their own basket.Today, the popularity of basketb

26、all has risen around the world, with many young people dreaming of becoming famous players. In China, you can sometimes see people playing basketball in parks, schools and even factories. Basketball has not only become a popular sport to play, but it has also become a popular sport to watch. Although Americas NBA games are the most famous, the CBA games are becoming more popular in China. The number of foreign players, including Chinese players, in the NBA has increased. There are also more a

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