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五年级上册英语试题期末专题复习补全对话 牛津上海版三起含答案Word文件下载.docx

1、 What does she want to be in the future? She likes Art. She is good at drawing. She wants to teach Art. 3.补全对话A. Its raining heavily now.B. there are some black clouds in the sky.C. Lets read books at home.D. The wind is blowing gently.Mum: Hows the weather today,Alice?Alice: Its windy. _ I see. We

2、can go to the supermarket after lunch.(after lunch) Look, Alice, _They are moving quickly. Its going to rain. Oh,Mum. _We cant go out now. Yes. But we can go after the rain stops. _ Thats a good idea. 4.补全对话A. Is she doing her homework?B. Is that Sue?C. No, she isnt.D. She is in her bedroom.E. Shes

3、writing a letter.Amy: Hello! This is Amy. _Ken: No. This is Ken. Hi, Ken. Where is Sue? No, she isn Is she drawing a picture? What is she doing in her bedroom? Shes busy. _You can make a phone call in the evening. OK. 5.补全对话A. Is he cooking dinner?B. He is washing the dishes.C. Where is my Dad?E.Wha

4、t is she doing?Sam: Good afternoon, Mum. Good afternoon, Sam. Hes in the kitchen. No, he isnt. _ Wheres my sister? Is she in the kitchen, too?t._s reading a book.6.补全对话A. Where is the bus stop?B. Which bus goes there?C. Its about 5km(公里) away.s on Jiefang road.E. You are welcome.A: Excuse me. Tm new

5、 here. Wheres the Happy Hotel?B: _Its quite far from here. How far (远)is it from here? _You can take a bus. Bus No. 106.s over there, on the right. Thank you very much. 7.从所给出的句子中选出合适的完成对话。A. We must be careful with fire.B. We mustnt play with matches at home.C. I can put out fires.D. Are you afraid

6、 of fire?E. What mustnt we do in the forest, Mr Li?Ann: Hi, Mr Li. Welcome to our school._Mr Li: No, Im not. Im a fireman._Fire is dangerous (危险的).Dont play with fire._ What mustnt we do at home, Mr Li? We mustnt play near fires._Tim:_t smoke in the forest. OK. I understand. Thank you, Mr Li. 8.从所给出

7、的句子中选出合适的完成对话。A. What is your Grandpa doing?B. Is your mother cooking?C. Are you having a good time in Sanya?D. She is painting a picture.E. Im in the living room.Dad: Hi, is that Betty?Betty: Yes, its me,Dad. Hows your holiday?_ Yes, I am. I am at the beach now. Where are you, Betty? Yes, she is co

8、oking dinner in the kitchen.Dad: He is reading a book. How about your Grandma? What is she doing? _Shes good at painting.9.从所给出的句子中选出合适的完成对话。A. We often play football after school.B. We are in different classes.C. I like white and Teddy likes black. D. Do you like the same sport?E. Who is this boy?D

9、avid: Hi, John._John:s my friend. His name is Teddy. Hes eight. He Are you in the same class? No._But we are in the same school. We both like sport. Yes. We both like playing football._ Do you like the same colour? No. We like different colours._答案解析部分一、补全对话来源:学科网ZXXK1.【答案】E;D;B;A;C 【考点】陈述句,疑问句 【解析】

10、【分析】(1)根据对话上下句联系,根据答语是Sure.当然。When你的生日是什么时候?想到邀请对方来参加生日聚会,问句应该是一般疑问句,Can you come to my birthday party, Linda?琳达,你能来参加我的生日聚会吗?可知选项E符合题意,故答案为E.(2)根据对话上下句联系,问句是When答语指生日的日期, Its on 5th January.是1月5日。可知选项D符合题意,故答案为D.(3)根据对话上下句联系,答语是It begins at half past six in the evening.晚上六点半开始。指聚会的开始的具体时间,问句what ti

11、me引导,指什么时间开始,What time does the party begin?什么时间开始的聚会?可知选项B符合题意,故答案为B.(4)根据对话上下句联系,Please bring some red things to the party. It. 请带些红色的东西去参加聚会。这是一个“红色派对”。根据前句聚会以红色为主题,那会想到最喜欢的是红色,Red is my favourite colour.红色是我最喜欢的颜色。可知选项A符合题意,故答案为A.(5)根据对话上下句联系,A “red party”?“红色派对”?根据前句句意表示惊讶,很感兴趣的样子,That sounds i

12、nteresting.听起来很有趣。可知选项C符合题意,故答案为C.【点评】考查补全对话,日常交际用语的应用,要紧扣话题,根据上下文逻辑关系进行准确判断。2.【答案】C;E;B (1)根据所给的对话上下句联系,问句是Who is that girl?那个女孩是谁?答语主语用she她,She is my friend.她是我的朋友。(2)根据所给的对话上下句联系,答语Yes. We are both in Class One.对.我们都在一班。根据答语问句是一般疑问句,主语是第二人称,Are you in the same class?你在同一个班吗?(3)根据所给的对话上下句联系,答语是She

13、 lives near our school. She comes to school on foot.她住在我们学校附近。她走路来学校。根据答语句意问句指怎样去学校的,How does she come to school?她是怎么来学校的?(4)根据所给的对话上下句联系,问句是What does she want to be in the future?她将来想成为什么样的人?根据问句句意,答语指一种职业,She wants to be a teacher in the future.她将来想当一名教师。(5)根据所给的对话上下句联系,答语是She likes Art. She is go

14、od at drawing. She wants to teach Art.她喜欢美术。她擅长绘画。她想教美术。根据答语句意,问句应该是想教什么科目,What subject does she want to teach?她想教的科目是什么?3.【答案】D;(1)根据所给的对话上下句联系,Its windy. 起风了。前句指天气情况,后句I see. We can go to the supermarket after lunch.我懂了.午饭后我们可以去超市。能去超市证明风不大,The wind is blowing gently.风轻轻地吹着。(2)根据所给的对话上下句联系,后句是They

15、 are moving quickly. Its going to rain.他们移动得很快。要下雨了。要下雨了,移动很快的是黑云,there are some black clouds in the sky.天空中有一些黑色的云。(3)根据所给的对话上下句联系,We cant go out now.我们现在不能出去。不能出去想到是下雨了,可知选项A符合题意, Its raining heavily now.现在雨下得很大。故答案为A.(4)根据所给的对话上下句联系,Thats a good idea.这个主意真不错。好主意表示有事可做了,Lets read books at home.我们在

16、家看书吧。【点评】考查补全对话,日常交际用语的应用,要紧扣话题,根据上下文逻辑关系进行准确判断.4.【答案】B;C;E 【考点】介绍,谈论人或物 【解析】【分析】这是是一篇介绍人相识并询问正在做什么的对话. A. Is she doing her homework? 她真正做作业吗? 那是Sue吗?t. 不, 她没有.D. She is in her bedroom. 她在她的卧室.s writing a letter. 她正在写信.(1)根据回答不是. 这是Ken. 可知本句是B. Is that Sue? (那是Sue吗? ) 故答案为: B.(2)根据问句: Sue在哪里? 回答用D.

17、She is in her bedroom.( 她在她的卧室.) 故答案为: D.(3)根据回答不, 她没有. 问句是A. Is she doing her homework? (她真正做作业吗?) 故答案为: A.(4)根据问句她正在画画吗? 回答用C. No, she isnt. (不, 她没有.) 故答案为: C.(5)根据句子她很忙.可知本句是E. Shes writing a letter. (她正在写信.) 故答案为: E.【点评】这是考查补全对话的题目. 理解上下文意思是关键.5.【答案】C;(1)根据所给的对话上下句联系, Hes in the kitchen.他在厨房里。根据

18、答语句意,问句用where引导,可知选项C符合题意,我爸爸在哪里?故答案为C.(2)根据所给的对话上下句联系,No, he isnt.不,他不是。答语是否定回答,问句是一般疑问句,可知选项A符合题意,他正在做饭吗?(3)根据所给的对话上下句联系,No, he isn根据前句句意,本句是陈述句,指爸爸正在做某事,可知选项B符合题意,他正在洗盘子。故答案为B.(4)根据所给的对话上下句联系,No, she isnt.不,她不是。根据前句句意,本句是陈述句,主语用she她,指在某地,可知选项D符合题意,她在卧室里。故答案为D.(5)根据所给的对话上下句联系,Shes reading a book.她

19、正在读一本书。根据答语句意,问句用what引导,可知选项E符合题意,她正在干什么?故答案为E.【点评】本题考查了补全对话,先翻译对话句子,然后根据上下句联系,选择合适的句子填空。6.【答案】D;(1)根据所给的对话上下句联系,问句是Where快乐旅馆在哪里?答语应该是指路,可知选项D符合题意,Its on Jiefang road.它在解放路上。(2)根据所给的对话上下句联系,问句是How far is it from here?离这儿有多远?答语指距离,Its about 5km away.这是大约5公里。(3)根据所给的对话上下句联系,答语是Bus No. 106.106公共汽车。问句用w

20、hich引导,询问乘坐哪路公共汽车,可知选项B符合题意,Which bus goes there?哪辆公共汽车去那儿?(4)根据所给的对话上下句联系, 答语是Its over there, on the right.在那边,在右边。问句用where引导,询问某物在哪特殊疑问句,可知选项A符合题意,Where is the bus stop?公共汽车站在哪里?(5)根据所给的对话上下句联系,Thank you very much.非常感谢你。别人感谢你,你要有礼貌说You are welcome.不客气。7.【答案】D;【考点】谈论人或物 【解析】【分析】A. We must be carefu

21、l with fire.我们一定要小心用火。t play with matches at home.在家里我们禁止玩火柴。 我可以扑灭火。 D. Are you afraid of fire?你害怕火吗?李先生,在森林里我们禁止做什么?(1)根据下句No, Im not.知上句是一般疑问句,故答案为D。(2)根据 Im a fireman.知消防员是可以扑灭火的,故答案为C。(3)根据上句Fire is dangerous知火很危险,所以要小心,故但为A。(4)根据上句What mustn知提问在家禁止做什么,故答案为B。(5)根据下句We mustnt smoke in the forest

22、.知上句在问森林禁止做什么,故答案为E。【点评】考查补全对话,浏览对话大意,根据上下句选择合适的答案。8.【答案】C;D 【考点】情景交际 【解析】【分析】这是谈论家人正在做什么的对话.是的. 我现在正在海滩.可知问句用一般疑问句, 用C. Are you having a good time in Sanya?(你在三亚玩得好吗?(2)根据问题Betty, 你在哪里?可知回答用E. Im in the living room.(我在客厅.)故答案为:是的, 她正在厨房做晚餐.可知问句用一般疑问句, 用B. Is your mother cooking?(你妈妈在做饭吗?(4)根据回答他正在读

23、书. 可知问句是A. What is your Grandpa doing? (你爷爷正在做什么?(5)根据问题她正在做什么?可知回答用D. She is painting a picture.(她正在画画.) 故答案为:【点评】这是考查补全对话的题目. 正确理解上下文是解题的关键. 9.【答案】E;【解析】【分析】这是介绍朋友情况的对话.(1)根据回答:他是我的朋友。应该用E. Who is this boy?(这位男孩是谁?) 故答案为:E.(2)根据后面句子:可是我们在同一个学校。可知本句用B. We are in different classes.(我们在不同的班级。(3)根据回答:是的。我们都喜欢踢足球。本句是D. Do you like the same sport?(你们都喜欢同一项运动吗?(4)根据前面句子:是的. 我们都喜欢踢足球。可知本句用A. We often play football after school.(我们经常放学后踢足球。(5)根据前面句子: 我们喜欢不同的颜色。可知本句用C. I like white and Teddy likes black. (我喜欢白色,Teddy喜欢黑色。【点评】这是考查补全对话的题目:首先阅读短文, 注意上下文意思,然后选择合适的句子。

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