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1、2、 Students can improve the confidence of learning English, and not afraid of speaking English、III Teaching procedures:Step 1 Warming up and lead-inI will let them talk about what kind of weather condition they like and the reason why they like such weather、 Meanwhile, I will lead them to review the

2、 words about weather、微博教师资格证复习资源Step 2 Pre-listeningShow them a map of weather report as follows and I will play the role of an audience and students play the weather reporters、 I will ask and they should report the weather、 I will lead them to get familiar with the following sentence patterns:-What

3、s the weather like in 、 in summer?-It is 、inin winter、Step 3 While-listening1、 Ask them to listen to the passage on the textbook for the first time and then tell me what they have heard、2、 I will play the tape for the second time and ask them to pay more attention to the sentence how do they enquire

4、 weather and how do they answer、 The sentences are as follows:-Whats the weather like in America in winter, Betty?-Its snowy in New York in winter、3、 Let students listen to the tape for the third time and answer the following questions、Whats on the lake?Whats the weather like in the park?Whats the t

5、emperature?Is it snowy in England in December?Whats the weather like in America in winter?s the weather like in Australia?Step 4 Post-listeningI will ask them to read this conversation with partners、 Then I will ask them to do a conversation according to the following map、 I will give them 3minutes

6、to prepare and then I will invite some pairs to share their conversation、Step 5 Summary and homeworkSummary: Ask one student to summarize what they have learnt today、 Then the teacher will add if something is missed、Homework: Search on the internet and find out the weather condition of tomorrow and

7、then make a weather report in next class、IV Blackboard design-以“Dealing with trouble”为例教学目标【知识与技能】1、学习单词dial,argue(argument), purse,dealwith,crowd,railing, detail, handcuff等。2、课文的阅读和理解。【过程与方法】1、培养学生的阅读理解能力。2、提高学生自然运用英语交流的能力。【情感态度与价值观】通过讨论提高学生自我保护意识,渗透情感教育。教学重难点【重点】1、通过阅读猜出生词的意思。2、描述一个难忘或有趣的经历。【难点】用英

8、语阐述自己的观点及想法。教学过程Step 1:pre-task preparation1、围绕本课内容,用本章节前卡通人物的交谈,了解本章节所要学的知识和交通工具有一定关系。2、接着呈现出有关上海的一些交通工具图片,复习交通工具的名称,个别学生回答老师提出的问题,作一个有关数字的测试,随后引入求救电话号码,为课文的引入作好铺垫。Step 2:While-task preparationWhat number do we dial to call?We dialto call 进行操练,引出其他一些有关的查询号码,考察学生在日常生活中的能力。完成A-What do you know about?

9、接下来告诉学生本课所需学的课文是一篇日记,告诉学生什么是日记,简单说明日记与书信的区别,自然过渡到课文,要求学生在阅读前看文中的title、subtitle、pictures后,让学生讨论后回答发生了什么事?老师再进行指点完成。B-Look and think,培养、训练了学生的阅读技巧及观察能力,为课文阅读、理解进一步作好了铺垫。Step 3:Reading procedure1、让学生默读课文后,对课文内容已大致了解,然后要求学生完成Task-1 Do T or F exercise,并校对以核查理解情况;随后教师带读课文加深学生对课文的理解及对单词的正音,之后要求学生单独做Task-2根

10、据课文回答问题,为了活跃课堂气氛,安排游戏时间,一学生用肢体语言表达意思,另一学生猜词,然后出示单词图片然学生说出单词,学生积极性较高。2、为Step 4作准备,要求学生做Task3Read and think学生听录音校对答案,即训练学生的听力能力,又达到对知识的巩固与运用。并校对答案;Step 4:Post- task activity小组讨论:How can proect ourselves form being robbed and deal with the robbery?学习小组的成员在一起讨论后整理再由组长发言阐述他们的观点。Step 5:Assisnment1、根据所学课文要

11、求学生写一篇日记,锻炼写作能力;2、小组为单位将课文改变成课本剧表演,激发兴趣,培养表演能力。板书设计重点单词教学反思自我反思,便于以后的提高。人教版七年级上Unit 2 This is my sisterSection B 2a-2c My familyTeaching topic: My familyPeriod: one periodTeaching objectives:Knowledge and skill objectives:Students will be able to grasp seven words: family, grandfather, grandmother,

12、parents, brother, sister, cousin、Grasping the sentence pattern These are and using it to introduce their family、Students can find out the specific information in passageProcess and method objectives:Through individual work, pair work and group work, improving Ss ability of independent thinking and c

13、ooperation、Through individual work, students can get the reading skill of finding out specific information、Emotion, attitude and values objectives:Be aware of the importance of family and learn to love their family members、Teaching contentsWords: family, photo, grandfather, grandmother, parents, bro

14、ther, sister, cousin、Sentence pattern: These areKey and difficult points: grasp the words and sentence pattern and learn to introduce their own family、 And find out the specific information from the text、Difficult points: how to improve their interest in joining the class、Major steps and time alloca

15、tion:、Lead in (2)、Pre-reading (10、While-reading (20、Post-reading (10V、 Summary (2)VI、 Homework (1Activities and justification、Lead inActivity: listen and sing a song Family FingersReason: the music will arouse Ss interest and the teaching content would be naturally led in、Pre-readingPlay the tape of

16、 this passage, and let students guess the main idea of this passage、 through listening, ss can practice their listening skill as well as get the main idea of this passage、III while-readingFast-reading Ss read the passage quickly and then try to figure the roles in the pictures、Careful reading:Activi

17、ty 1: read the passage again and fill in the blanks1、 My name is _、2、 Alan and Mary are my _、3、 Bob and Eric are my _、4、 Cindy is my _、5、 Helen is my _、Activity 2: read the passage again and answer the questions below、1、 Where are my grandfather and grandmother?2、 Where is Bob and Eric?3、 Who is Cin

18、dy?Activity 3: teach all the new words and the sentence pattern、 activity1 and activity2 lay a foundation for activity3, and Ss can easily grasp the content through these activities、Post-reading Ss introduce their own family to his or her partner by using the structure of the passage、 invite several

19、 groups to come to the front to introduce his family and give the best group reward、 activity 1 can help Ss practice what they have just learned and activity 2 can cultivate Ss awareness of cooperation and competition、Summary ss summarize what they have learnt, and teacher give supplement if necessa

20、ry, and remind them that they should love their families、 review what they have learnt in time, and this kind of summary also reflects the new teaching concept、Homework introduce the picture in the text book to your parents、 the open homework would review what they have learned in class but promote

21、communication between parents and children as well、教学原文:Unit 7 How much are these pants?课型:新授课(听说课)课时:1课时教学内容:Section A (1a-1c)教学目标:1、知识与技能目标所有学生都能会读会说会写新单词,如sock, shirt, T-shirt, sweater, shoes, skirt, dollar所有学生都能理解并掌握句型How much is this/ are these、? Its X dollars、/ Theyre X、 dollars、2、过程与方法目标Stude

22、nts will learn how to use the sentence pattern “how much ?” to ask about prices、3、情感、态度与价值观目标学习本课,学生能在浓浓的英语环境中增加对英语的学习兴趣,并且知道更多的关于问价等日常交际的说法。教学重点New words:sock, shirt, T-shirt, sweater, shoes, skirt, dollarSentences: How much is this/ are these、? Its X dollars、/ Theyre X、教学难点To learn and apply the k

23、ey structures into Ss daily life in this period、教学工具(或教学准备):图片,多媒体,书本,具体的关于衣物的实物Step1 Lead-in学生刚上课时心理仍处于紧张状态,通过用英语以轻松愉悦的方式向学生打招呼,缓解紧张气氛,继而利用具体的衣物和PPT向学生展示具体的衣物图片,假设教室是一个服装店,诱发学生兴趣,引出主题。Step 2 Presentation通过1a和图片,实物和单词卡片教学生新单词sock, shirt, T-shirt, sweater, shoes, skirt, dollar、 并通过听1b的材料,引入新句型How much is this/ are these、? Its X dollars、/ Theyre X、 再次听这段材料,让学生跟读。Step 3 Practice & consolidation通过大小声活动对单词进行一个训练,然后将学生分组,以小组为单位,利用本节课所学的词句进行自主对话练习,之后,再抽取个别小组进行全班展示,通过这种方法激发学生的竞争意识,保持学生学习积极性,锻炼学生口语能力。学生展示完以后,给出合理、积极的评价。Step 4 Summary根据板书内容,提问学生一些相关的问题作为总结。Step 5 Homework学生回家后将自己的衣物用英语贴上标签。

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