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1、_ 姓名:_ 考号:_题号项目内 容 及 问 题赋分得朗读Most of us have probably been angry with our friends, parents or teachers. Perhaps they said something you didnt like, or you felt they were unfair. Sometimes, people can stay angry for years about a small problem. Time goes by, and good friendships may be lost. When we

2、are angry, however, we are usually the ones affected. Perhaps we have seen young children playing together. Sometimes they have disagreements and decide not to talk to each other. However, this usually does not last for long. This is an important lesson for us: We can solve a problem by learning to

3、forget.4自由交谈或看图说话1. Talk about study2. Talk about travel3. Talk about sports 4. Talk about school life:5. Talk about hobbies 6. Talk about holiday plan7. Talk about future plan8. Talk about festivals9. Talk about friends10.Talk about lifestyle6总 分 评 定 等 级 考核教师_ 考核组长_2009年5月 日本溪市2009年学业考试英语口语测试题(二)_

4、姓名:_ 考号:_My biggest problem is that Im too busy. When I was young, I used to have so much time, but these days I get up early and stay in school all day. Then I go right home and eat dinner. Before I started high school, I used to spend a lot of time playing games with my friends, but I just dont ha

5、ve the time anymore. In the evening, I used to watch TV or chat with my grandmother, but now I have to study. I love music, and my father used to take me to concerts. These days, I hardly ever have time for concerts. I do my homework and go to bed. I really miss the old days.自由交谈看图说话 考核教师_ 考核组长_ 本溪市

6、2009年学业考试英语口语测试题(三)_ 姓名:_ 考号:_At our school, we sometimes have a special day to help others. Last year we went to an old peoples home and sang songs and performed a play for them. The old people were very happy. We should be allowed to take time to do things like that more often. For example, we sho

7、uld visit primary schools and help teach young students. I want to be a teacher when Im older so it would be a great experience for me. Other students would like to do other jobs. For example, my friend Tian Ge wants to write for a newspaper. She should allowed to volunteer at the newspaper office o

8、nce a week. 考核教师_ 考核组长_本溪市2009年学业考试英语口语测试题(四)得分My best friend, Mei, has a problem. There is a really important English speech contest for our whole city next month. Our classmates want her to represent the class in the school contest. Everyone is sure she will win. Its probably true. Mei is very cle

9、ver, and can speak English really well. In fact, she always comes top in the school exams. The problem is that shes very shy. She doesnt want to let her friends down, but shes terrified of speaking in front of other people. I cant think of any good advice to give her, but you always come up with goo

10、d solutions to peoples problems. What do you think I should tell Mei?本溪市2009年学业考试英语口语测试题(五)Dear pen pal,Im having a great time in Hong Kong although I have to be honest and say that I prefer Shanghai. Still, it a great place to visit and Im lucky to be here for my six-month English course. Some othe

11、r students are learning French. I might like to learn it too. What language would you like to learn? Theres just so much to see and do here. Last night I went to a Chinese music concert. Most of my friends like loud music that they can dance to. I prefer quiet, traditional music so the concert suite

12、d me just fine. What kind of music do you like?本溪市2009年学业考试英语口语测试题(六)Did you know that tea, the most popular drink in the world, was invented by accident. Although tea wasnt brought to the Western world until 1610, this beverage was discovered over three thousand years before that. According to an a

13、ncient Chinese legend, the emperor Shen Nong discovered tea when he was boiling drinking water over an open fire. Some leaves from a nearby bush fell into the water and remained there for some time. The emperor noticed that the leaves in the water produced a pleasant smell. Later he decided to taste

14、 the hot mixture. It was quite delicious. And in this way, one of the worlds favorite drinks was invented.考核教师_ 考核组长_ 本溪市2009年学业考试英语口语测试题(七)My family and I want to take a trip this summer somewhere in eastern China. I hope you can provide me with some information about the kinds of vacations that yo

15、ur firm can offer. We would like to travel to an exciting place and we dont mind how far we have to go. It has to be a place where we can do lots of outdoor activities; we especially love hiking and swimming, but any kind of outdoor activity is fine. We also need to stay in an inexpensive hotel or a

16、partment. It would be nice if we could get a room with a kitchen so we could save money by cooking our own meals. Also, please let us know if its best to travel by plane, train or bus. 2009年5月 日本溪市2009年学业考试英语口语测试题(八)Last week everyone was trying to cheer up Jimmy, the Bike Boy. But this week Jimmy i

17、s happy again. On Monday he told a radio interviewer that he had run out of money to buy old bikes. He also put up some sings asking for old bikes and called up all his friends and told them about the problem. He even handed out advertisements at a local supermarket. Then he told the teachers at sch

18、ool about his problem and they set up a call-in center for parents. The strategies that he came up with worked out fine. He now has sixteen bikes to fix up and give away to children who dont have bikes. 考核教师_ 考核组长_ 2009年5月 日本溪市2009年学业考试英语口语测试题(九)Ive never been late for school, but yesterday I came v

19、ery close. My alarm clock didnt go off, and by the time I woke up, my father had already gone into the bathroom and I had to wait for him to come out. I had to really rush. I took a quick shower, and I had some breakfast, and then ran off to the bus stop. Unfortunately, by the time I got there, the

20、bus had already left. I started walking, but I knew I couldnt get to school on time. Luckily my friend Tony and his dad came by in his dads car and they gave me a ride. When I got to school, the final bell was ringing. I only just made it to my class.本溪市2009年学业考试英语口语测试题(十)Asking for information or help is a very common and necessary act

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