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1、,Antoine de Saint-Exupry安东尼德圣-埃克苏佩里,The Little Prince,闫岩,Antoine de Saint-Exupery,(video1),The narrator of the story is a pilot whose plane has something wrong and lands in the Sahara.,And here he met the Little Prince.Little by little,he learned more about the prince from words dropped by chance.,P

2、eople could not understand the narrators first drawing until he drew out every detail.It was a picture of a boa constrictor in the act of swallowing an animal.To his disappointment,they thought it was a hat.And after several times of modification,these grown-ups made out his idea in the end.But the

3、little prince could understand this picture at the beginning.In a conclusion,I think it is because those grown-ups are short of imagination and their thoughts are complicated.Their hearts are not pure any more.,The Little Prince has a pure heart and a rich imagination,so we should read this book wit

4、h our real heart.Only by doing so can we understand this story thoroughly.,The little prince lives on a planet called Asteroid B612.He has an unique rose of his own.He loves her very much.(video2),It seems ridiculous that he fell in love with a flower,but their true love is moving in fact.At first,h

5、e was attracted by her charming appearance.However,she begun very quickly to torment(折磨)him with her vanity(虚荣).Gradually,he had soon come to doubt her.,Finally,He decided to broke up with her.Then he left his own planet and took an exploration at some neighbor planets.But he still could not forget

6、his lover.,On his own journey,he met different kinds of people.,The little prince was puzzled and said:“The grown-ups are certainly very,very odd(古怪的)”.,The seventh planet-Earth,On earth,little prince saw a snake、a flower with three petals(花瓣),and he climbed a high mountain.He wanted to talk with th

7、e mountain but he only got the echo(回声)。,He felt a bit lonely.At that moment,a fox appeared,“But if you tame(驯服)me,then we shall need each other.To me you will be unique in all the world.To you I shall be unique in all the world.”,The fox told him about the ture friendship between each other.And the

8、n,he made friends with the fox.,One day,he went to the garden which was full of beautiful flowers that looked like his flower on B612 planet.He realized that his flower wasnt the unique flower in the world.He laid down in the grass and cried.,It is time you have waste for your rose that makes your r

9、ose so important.The fox told him his rose is unique because she is his rose and was tamed by him.From that,the little prince begins to treasure his ture love and sincere friendship.,He wanted to go back to his own planet by the bite of a snake.,After one year from his departure of his own planet,he

10、 thought it was time for him to go home because he understood that he should be responsible to his rose.,Its too far.I can not carry this body with me.Its too heavy.,In the end,the Little Prince disappeared in the desert,leaving the pilot alone,sad and depressed.,Unlike other fairy tales,the little

11、prince themes seems to be so subtle and complex that people can get a new reading comprehension everytime.There are three themes of this book.1.Looking for the truth of life from the perspective of children.2.Tell readers the empty,blind and foolish of some adults by childlike view of the little pri

12、nce.3.The authors understanding of love and responsibility.,In my opinion,this book is written for adults instead of children.On account of the deep meanings between the lines,innocent children maybe cannot undersand it very well.So the author asked the indulgence(宽容)of the children who may read thi

13、s book for dedicating(奉献)it to a grown-up.,The grown-ups used to be pure,but the realistic world has changed them greatly.Of course,we cannot shift the responsibility onto them,because thats it all the time.We must make up our mind to change the current situation thoroughly.And I hope those grown-up

14、s who have lost their childishness can find themselves by reading this novel.In a word,this book is worth reading.,Every grown-up was a child before,but,not many remember.,It is the time you have wasted for your rose that makes your rose so important.,你在你的玫瑰花身上耗费的时间使得你的玫瑰花变得如此重要。,“If you love a flower that lives on a star,it is sweet to look at the sky at night.All the stars are abloom(开着花的)with flowers”,如果你喜欢一朵长在某颗星星上的花,那夜里看天空就会觉得很温馨.所有的星星都好像开着花,Thank you,

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