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1、Elders should bear in mind that they are much indebted to their parents for their birth and growth.(定语从句,宾语从句)(同上)this picture reveals a n ot-un comm on phcnome non of how elders are treated by their grow-up chi ldren in some of the fami 1 ies in china .(双重否定表肯定、被 动表达)(2003 温室花朵 17 分)the real implic

2、ation of the anthor is that everyone has to meet difficulties in their life experience, so wo have to make adequate preparations for them.(名词替代动词,系表结构)(题 口 同上 12 分)this time, the flower can not stand in the heave rain.(不用 缩写表示正式)(题目同上 12 分)we can not imagine a society full of aduIts having the ahili

3、ty like seven - year-old children. (it is beyond imagination that)(名词代替动词, 缩写问题)(题 1=1 同上 10 分)1 ooking at it careful ly , the flower is protected from the rain outside the warm house.(垂悬结构,主被动分清)(题冃同上 6 分)there are two picture , one is said that a flower can not be hurt by rain and wind,She grows w

4、onderful.(多一个谓语存在混乱一并列或降级)(2004 终点又是新起点 16 分)the market economy and competitive society drives many people to study hard for higher academic degrees.(主谓一致)(2002 文化交流 4 分)a beautiful american girl is wearing chinese clothes is sibling to us.(汉语思维的彫响,主语从句)2、 考研写作应对对策II:结构(1) 审题阶段(2) 各段充实3、 考研写作应对对策III

5、(1) 有话可说(2) 不离正题第二篇结构科学内容充实2.1考研写作应对对策II:结构注意逻辑2.2三段分别覆盖情况:首段三种:图画描述、现象描述、寓意象征(可以在第二段)中心段三种:原因分析、利弊分析、举例说明尾段三种:判断评论&问题建议、个人选择、现实运用2. 3详细解析2. 3. 1图画描述四旬:第一句对画面的简单概括,第二三句描写lEf面内容,最后一旬点明中心,即象征 或寓意(这句也可以放在第二段第一句:承上启下)图画描述段的首尾句常用有:(1)A: 一幅图首句:KThis is an interesting and thought-provoking picture, (extrao

6、rdinary/meaningful)探 As is shown in the picture, (depicted/conveyed/drawn/i1 lustrated)探 The picture shocks us beyond description, (reveals only the tip of an ugly iceberg.用于反面意义图画)B:幅图尾句探 The meaning conveyed by the picture is clear but profound: 揭示中心(drawing/photo)It is obvious that-揭示中心Obviously揭

7、示中心(2)两幅图首句The two pictures are interesting and thought一provoking.(extraordinary/meaningful)As is shown in the first picture. 第一幅图描述 whereas the second picture depicts第二幅图描述(dcpicted/conveyed/drawn)As depicted in the pictures第一幅图描述and第二幅图描述探 As we can see from the first picture 第一幅描述,in the seco nd

8、picture, however第二幅图描述探 The two pictures reveal a not uncommon phenomenon 总结画|自|图像两幅图尾句Comparing the two pictures, we can con elude that 揭示屮心The meaning convoyed by the pictures is clear but profound: 揭示屮心 (drawing/photo)8 It is not difficult to conclude the symbolic meaning of the pictures揭示 中心2. 3

9、. 2现象简介四句:第一句是对相关现状的概括介绍,笫二三句进一步细节介绍,最后一句点明主题, 可能带來的后果。现象简介段常用首尾句:首句(开门见山说现彖)Tt is really common that 介绍现象(有图说图,没图说事)It is not uncommon that. 介绍现象(有图说图,没图说事)The drawing reflects the common phenomenon of名词性现象描述Recently, there has been a growing concern among the public over thei ssue/phenomenon that介

10、绍现象(有图说图,没图说事)(Today/Nowadays )Lately, the discussion of(现象)has aroused nationwide attention among the public.B;尾句The meaning conveyed by the phenomcmon is clear but profound : 揭示屮心(revealed/implied)The profound imp 1 ication of the phenomenon is that揭示中心Therefore, it is obvious that揭示屮心2. 3. 3寓意象征第

11、一句对画而的简要评价,第二三句对画而简单描述,第四句得出结论,揭示主 题。如果出现在第二段就在第二三句进行拓展。寓意象征段常用首尾句首句As can be seen form the picture, the drawer tells us that-说出画而的寓意 (cartoon/photo)What the picture illustrates is a profound topic in our daily life which often causes our concern说出画血的寓意It is not a difficult job for us to make clear

12、the meaning of the picture说 出寓意Therefore,说出深层寓意(广泛的)The majority of people would agree that你的结论。2.3.4原因分析四到六句:第一句阐述屮心说明有多种原因,第二三句列举原因(并列的原因,注意连 接),第四局本段结论(强调已列举的原因及产牛的结果过渡作用)。原因分析段框架示例:There are a variety of reasons for the phenomenon. For one thing举一个原伏I。 ForAnother,另一个原因。(as a result,结论。)Why does

13、this phenomcnon appear? I think there are several possible reasons for this.First and formost, 举一个原因:furthermore,另个原因:last but not least,最后一个原因。其他首句还冇:I have three reason for my cone1us i on/pred i c i t i on/as sumpt i on.To the best of my knowledge, the following reasons may contribute to this phe

14、nomenon.As far as I am concerned, several reasons can be identified.具他列举原因还可丿山The main reson for the phenomenon is that-举一个最重要典型的原因:another major reason is due to另一个原因(注意用名词性短语结构)In the first place, Secondly, Finally,The first reason is,and the second one isNot only because-, but also because2. 3. 5

15、利弊分析一定冇利冇弊六句:第一句总结说有利冇弊(一定不要用Every coin has two sides.俗!):第二 三旬写优势以及拓展推导:笫四五旬写劣势以及拓展推导:第六句写利弊相当或利大于弊或 弊大于利。利弊分析段框架示例We can easily recognizo the both sides of the phenomenon. The advantages can be concluded as follows To begin with, 第一个优势:moreover, 第二个优势:However, there are al sodrawbacks to the pheno

16、men on. For one thing, 第一个劣势:for another, 第二 个劣势。It is not a difficult job to be aware of the attractions and the shortcomings of the phenomenon.On the one hand,列举优点。On the other hand,列举缺点。其他可用的过渡方式:For all the advantages mentioned above, 讨论主题 is by to no means without any 1 imi tations, as 1 isted

17、below. For one thing, 劣势一,for another, 劣势二For my part, T maintain that the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages.In spite of the situation of讨论主题,its weaknesses are insignificant compared with itsStrengths.2. 3.6举例说明注意切题(汕灯)第一句说明中心与现实的关系,即寓意和例子的关系(过渡)中心思想和牛活 的紧密联系。第二三句一个例子及其相关拓展(例子和其后 果),第四五句乂一个

18、例子及 其相关扩展,第六句给出木段结论(说明已举例和中心的关系)*本段第一句和最后一旬 要相互呼应举例说明段框架示例:As an example of 主题,。 说出事例。另一事例 also provides us with a goodi 1 lustration. Obviously, 结论。Tt is not hard to find proper examples in our daily life . Firstly, 举例。Besides, , 再举一例。Therefore, the phenomenon has been so common that we have to tak

19、e actions to shift the situation.(最后一句用于尾段是提建议时)When it comes to the phenomenon, 一个例了 must be concerned here. It also comesto me that 另一事例。Take as an example.2. 3. 7判断评论容易操作,说出自己的看法。好的现彖要发扬光大,不好的现彖给出改进建议。三仙 第一句给岀承上启下的总结(屮心强调),第二句自己观点(注意观点一定要与 前面提到的一致,不要再提出任何新的观点或看法),第三句强调自己观点的合理性(only 倒装句的使用)。判断评论段的

20、首句选择:To the best of my undertanding, it is advisable that we take a rational attitude towards this issue, (positives dialectical)For my part , I believe that 说自己看法。Tt goes without saying that 说上文结论。My point of view is that 说自己观点。2. 3.8问题建议相关人士应该做的事。三句(尾段):第一句点明存在的问题,第二句给出建议及带来的好的结杲,第三段给 出本段结论(对白己的解决

21、方案的评价:用only倒装句显示其价值和强调)。问题建议段框架示例:For my part, it is imperative for us to take drastic measures. For one thing, 建议一o For another, 建议二。Only in this way can way 建议实施后的结果。In deed,上面提到的结论。As far as T am concer ned, we shoul d work out concrete solution to problem of 问题或现状 For instance, 建议。Only by doing

22、this canway 建议实施后的结果。Ino rderto 冃 标,there are some suggest i on s avai I able. In the first place , 建议一o Moreover建议一。Accordingly , i t is the high time that we placed great emphasis on this phenomenon. (一定用过去时)。2. 3. 9个人选择三旬:第一句点明自己选择,第二句说明选择原因,第三旬声明其优势作总结。切忌在观点上摇晃,如果需要偏向某一观点就一贯坚持本观点:如果是两观点对比就不 要显示偏

23、向;如果是两观点选其一就在选择后不再动摇。个人选择常用首句:In my opin ion 自 己的选择 is my favor.As for me, 1 prefer选择的to未选的。All in all , I would say that 选择的 get my approval.2. 3. 10现实运用通过寄予希望,号召做结尾。三句:第一句点明其价值,第二句列举其运用或现实中启示,第三句给出运用后的预期 效果(展望、号召、希望)。现实运用常用首旬:In deed, there is a widespread con cern over 说现实。As the public awarencss

24、 of 现实 heightens, people will try hard to change the situation.Now an increasing number of people come to realize that说实话。常用表示展望的句型:Only by doing this a harmonious relationship will not be contrary to our expectations.(用在描述两者关系时)We should be con fide nt in our expectati on of a bright future in this

25、 area.(用 在期待某事有所改善时)A better situation is not going to be far from us.2. 4考研写作最实用论证方法总结:因果式:图画描述原因分析解决建议例证式:现彖描述举例说明判断评论类比式/对比式:描述利弊分析判断评论第三篇实战写作3. 1考研写作科学的写作过程:1. 审题分清题型。拿到题后,分析该题口是议论文、说明文、记叙文或帖信通知类的文 体(历年来的考研英语作文题都属于论说文),以及题目中所给的信息是段首句、提纲、还 是图表或关键词。不同的题型要求使用不同的语言风格和写作方法。分清题型,脑了里就对 采用什么风格和方法写作有了一个初

26、步的概 念。比如:如果题H是议论文,就要想到必须在 文章中使用充分的例证来说理:如來是书信体,就必须注意使用书信的格式,用诚恳牛:动的 语言來打动读者。揣摩题意。根据题目中的一些词汇信息,来确定文章的主题,限定写作范围。比如,1996 年的题Id是:good health.从health这个词可以确定,这篇作文的主题应该是健康,而不是 娱乐或具他的事物;而从题口里出现的good这个词可以将作文的主题缩小到良好的健康。再结合所给出的outline,确定具体的写作思路和范围。再比如,近儿年常考漫画作文,刚 刚结束的2004年考研英语作文也是一篇漫画式作文,题目是终点又是新起点。许多考 牛在看到这个

27、题目之后感觉不难,也很熟悉,但乂不知该如何下笔,具体该写些什么。首先 我们要缩小话题范围或者说是将如文的内容具体化(narrowing down the topic)。我们可 以结合人到社会问题、小到个人情况来展开话题。比如说:为了屮办奥运会,我们屮国人努 力了十余年,企盼了十余年,在2001年我们终于实现了这一夙愿。至此,我们可以为申奥 画上一个圆满的句号了。但同时这也是一个新的起点,我们又必须立即着手准备2008年的奥 运会。再比如2003年的春天,我们正常的工作和牛活被一场可怕的瘟疫打乱了,这就是人 们闻之而色变的SARS.通过儿个月全社会齐心协力的奋战,我们终于战胜了这个恶魔。这是 一个终点,同时它也是一个新起点,一个需要人们改变不健康的生活方式的新起点,一个人 类维护生态平衡的新起点。我们也

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