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本文(广东小升初英语专题教案讲义第四讲词性代词介词连词特殊疑问词Word文档格式.docx)为本站会员(b****3)主动上传,冰点文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰点文库(发送邮件至service@bingdoc.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、数单数形式复数形式myselfourselvesyourselfyourselveshimself/ herself/ itselfthemselves不定人称oneself常考搭配: by oneself 靠某人自己 teach oneself=learn by oneself 自学 help oneself to 随便吃点 enjoy oneself 玩得开心反身代词的构成规律记忆口诀反身代词有规律,第三人称宾格加,其余开头用物主,复数ves替f3. 指示代词:this,these,that,those指示代词用法口诀:介绍人物用指代,this these距我近,that those离我远

2、,this that指单数。these those表复数,单复加be不相同,this that跟is,回答事物it代。these those必加are,回答人/物they来替,若是what提问物,回答要用it/they。若是用who提问人,人称代词来应答,无论单数与复数,其后都可加名词。情景若是打电话,Im和Youre可不行,This is指我是,That is说对方。that/those置than后,代替前面同类物。指示代词:指示代词用法离谈话对方_的人或物4. 疑问代词疑问代词在句中起名词词组的作用,用来构成疑问句。疑问代词有:what, who, whose, whom, which,

3、whatever, whichever ,whoever, whomever5. 不定代词由some, every, no, any 分别与one, thing 和body 组合即可得到以下复合不定代词:-some-any-no-every-body-one-thing复合不定代词用法:复合不定代词作主语时,谓语动词用_形式。修饰形容词时,放在_。后面可以跟 _(to do/doing)。some与any的用法:一些some用于_anyeach和every的用法:每一each强调_(整体/个体);作主语时,谓语动词用_(单数/复数)形式;指两个或两个以上中的每一个。every指三个或三个以上中

4、的每一个。【介词】1:介词的定义和分类1) 介词(preposition 简写_.)又称作_(前置/后置)词,表示名词、代词等与句中其他词的关系,在句中_(能/不能)单独作。2) 介词可以分为_介词,如:in the morning;_介词,如:at home;by car;in the east以及原因介词、数量介词和其他介词。本讲主要学习时间介词、地点介词,方位介词和方式介词的用法。2:时间介词in/on/at的用法介词in/on/at用法:1) _ 后接:年份、季节、月份或一段时间,如:in the morning/afternoon/evening; in autumn; in Feb

5、ruary; in 2016; in a week(in+一段时间,表将来)2) _ 后接:星期、具体日期、特定的日子和节日,如:on Monday/on Monday afternoon;on weekdays; on Childrens Day;on March 8th;on a summer evening;on the evening of May 1st, 20123) _ 后接时间点和具体时刻。at seven oclock;at noon/night/midnight;at the weekend3:地点介词in/on/at的用法根据图片信息和首字母提示,填入适当的单词,完成句子

6、(1) (2)(3)(1) I was born i_ G_.(2) There are many b_ o_ the desk.(3) Ali is s_ a_ home.地点介词in/on/at用法:1) _ 表示地点时,指比较_(大/小)的场所。如:at the school gate;at homeat the party;at the Beijing railway station;at No.2 Baker Street;at the bus station。2) _ 表示地点时,指比较_(大/小)的场所。in Beijing;in the south of America3) _

7、 表示地点时,中文意思是“_”,强调与表面接触。on the map; on the wall; on the road4:方位介词in/on/to的用法看图,用in/on/to填空(1) Guangdong is _ the east (东方) of China.(2) Guangdong is _ the east of Guangxi.(3) Guangdong is _ the north (北方) of Hainan Island.介词in/on/to在表示方位时的用法:1) _ 表示在内部,如:Guangzhou is in the south of China.2) _ 表示毗邻

8、、接壤,如:Canada lies on the north of America.3) _ 表示“在范围外”,强调不接壤、不相邻,不包含。Japan lies to the east of China.5:方式介词by/with/in/on/的用法你会搭车吗?看图,根据首字母提示,填入适当的单词,完成句子。 (4)(1) Sally usually goes to s_ b_ bike.(2) The Chen family will go to the b_ i_ a car.(3) In Guangzhou, many young people go to w_ o_ a bus.(4)

9、 Western people have their meals on a plate w_ a k_ and fork.介词by/in/on/with在表示方式、手段或工具时的用法:1) _:凭借工具或手段,名词前不用冠词,若后接动词,则用动名词形式。还可接交通工具的单数名词,且名词前不加修饰词。by bus,by joining the English club,by hand2) _:指具体的工具或手段、方法。with a pen.3) _:用于封闭型的交通工具前,且该名词前有限定词。in a car也可以表示用某种材料以及语言、声音等,名词前不加冠词,如:in English。4) _

10、:用于开放型或半开放型的交通工具前,且该名词前有限定词。有时用于固定词组。on a bike;on foot还可以表示“以方式”,用于手段、通讯方式等,如:on the phone6:其他介词用法划出下列句子中的介词写在括号内,并在横线上写出其中文含义1) She has breakfast before 7 oclock.2) Id like to have a rest after lunch.3) My father usually takes photos during his holiday.4) Mr. White is from America. He goes to work

11、from Monday to Friday.5) The present is for him. He waited it for a month.6) Six is the number between five and seven.7) There are some Americans among us.8) They are going to take a walk around the lake.9) Do go across the street at the traffic lights.10) Go along Zhongshan Road.11) It takes them a

12、bout ten minutes to walk through the park.12) They are talking about Moyan.13) The legs of the desk are red.14) My western friends enjoy food like hamburgers, sandwiches and salad.15) At Christmas, my father likes dressing up as the Father Christmas.16) Dr. SunYasent was against the emperor.( ) _) _

13、 ( 我是小小总结家:大多数介词都有自己本身的含义,因此句意理解很重要,选用哪个介词很多时候就是通过语境去判断的。 7:介词短语大集结试试找出划线部分短语的正确含义:1) He islooking forhis bike.A. 照顾 B. 查阅 C. 寻找 D. 看着2) Peterheard fromhis mother yesterday.A. 听到 B. 收到来信 C. 看望 D. 接待3) The boy is afraid ofsnakes.(选出划线短语的中文含义)A. 喜欢 B. 害怕 C. 讨厌 D. 捉4) Moyanis famous asa writer and heis

14、 famous forits novels(小说).A. 因 而著名;作为 而著名 B. 作为 而著名;因 而著名C. 因 而著名;因 而著名 D. 作为 而著名;作为 而著名5) It is impolite tolaugh atthe disabled people. A. 嘲笑 B. 跟踪 C. 盯着看 D. 开玩笑常考短语归纳:看谁知道得多,写出下列短语的含义1)介词+名词on holidayon footon the wayon the left/righton TVon dutyon timeon salein Englishin bedin the bedin front ofi

15、n dangerin troublein timein the endat the top ofat workon businessfor example2)动词+介词arrive in/attalk abouttalk withwait forget onget offlook forlook afterturn onturn offturn downturn upput ontake offget upget tolook atlisten toworry abouthelpwithdo well inthink oflaugh atleave forhear from3)形容词+介词be

16、 different tobe good atbe interested inbe late forbe worried aboutbe good forbe careful withbe afraid ofbe famous forbe famous asmore thanbe angry withbe full ofbe filled withbe proud of4)其他by +交通工具lots of/a lot ofplenty ofat least重点比较:英语中有些词组有没有定冠词the,意思区别很大,此类词组有:at table在进餐at the table在桌旁in hospi

17、tal在医院(住院)in the hospital在医院(工作或探望)卧病在床躺在床上in/at church在做礼拜in/at the church在教堂里【连词】连词的定义和分类1) 定义:连词是用来_词与词、词组与词组或句子与、表示某种逻辑关系的虚词。2) 分类:连词可以表_(如:and)、转折_(如:but)、_(如:because、so)、_(如:or)、_(如:if)、_(如:than)、_(如:though)等关系。连词从结构上还可以分为两大类:_连词(如:and,or,so)和_连词(如:when)。并列连词: and, or, but(1) Yaoming is tall _

18、 Mr. Pan is short.(2) Which colour is better, white, brown, _ purple?(3) They are singing _ dancing. and,or,but的用法总结连词例句and意为“_、_”,表_(并列/转折)。连接谓语时,两个动词形式要_。Mary and Tom are both from England.Tom likes singing and dancing.or意为“_、_”,表示“和”时,用于_(肯定/否定)句。It isnt a ball or a pet.Hurry up, or you will be l

19、ate.but意为“_、_“,表_(并列/转折)I like the dress, but it is a bit too expensive.从属连词: because,if,when,before,after,until,so,thoughbecause意为“_”,表_(原因/结果),_(不能/能)与so连用。Tom likes English because its interesting.if意为“_”,表示假设或条件If it rains, I will stay at home.when意为“_”,表示时间He was watching TV when I got home.bef

20、ore意为“_”,表示两个动作发生的前后关系。Wash your hands before you eat.afterHe does some exercise after lunch.until意为“_”,表示“直到某个动作发生,另一个动作才发生”。常用于notuntil句型,意为“_”。I didnt go to bed until he came home.so意为“_”,表_(原因/结果),_(不能/能)与because连用。I was hungry, so I ate three hamburgers.though意为“_”,表_(条件/让步),不能与but连用。Though you

21、 are sick, you must ask for a leave.连词词组1) both.and. 意为“.和.都”、“不但.而且.”、“既.又.”,表示并列(两者都) 。She _ speaks and _ Japanese.(她不但会说日语而且还会写。)Both _ and _ _ students.(他和我都是学生。2) not onlybut also. 表示“不但.而且.”,“不仅而且.”,“既又.”, 表示并列(但是强调后者)。We were not only _, but also _.(我们又饿又累。She likes not only _ but also _.(她不仅

22、喜欢游泳而且喜欢跑步。3) as well as 意为“还有.、不但.而且.”,表示并列,但是强调前者。试试口头翻译例句、注意谓语动词的形式He as well as his friendslikestraveling.She can swim as well as dance.4) eitheror 意为“ “要么要么”,“不是就是”,“或者或者”,表示选择(二选一)。_ come in or _ out.(要么进来,要么出去。I want to visit either _ _ London.(我想参观巴黎或者伦敦。5) neithernor意为“既不也不”、“和都不”,表示选择(两个都不选)I have _ time _ money.(我既没时间又没钱。She likes neither _ nor _. (她既不喜唱歌也不喜欢跳舞。6) so that 意为“以便、为了”,表示“目的”。I get

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