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1、当那个年仅26岁的诗人 约翰济慈 去世时,那时的作家们完全不能接受,他们只能大略的判定在那一年,他们的人生是失败的。“短暂的生命是不完整的人生”,这个观点是不合逻辑的,因为一个人一生应该通过他们为这个世界留下了什么及他们的精神与美德来判定的。参考译文1如果人们说起“英年早逝”的确有什么意味的话,他们一定是认为相比之下某些死亡更合天意。年迈而终很少被称作未尽天年,人们认为长寿即意味着生命的圆满。但是,一个年轻如果与世长辞,人们便认为他最好的年华尚在后头,其前途无可限量。然而历史否定了这种说法。在有名的“英年早逝”者中,我们回想起玛丽莲-梦露和詹姆斯-迪恩,他们的生命既短暂又圆满。约翰-济慈26岁

2、就去世了。虽然作家们难以接受这一事实,但他们过了26岁,就会半开玩笑的说他们此生是失败的。视英年早逝为不圆满的观点是不合逻辑的,因为衡量生命的尺度是生命留给世界的印迹,是生命的力度和美德.原文正在意大利进行国事访问的中国国家主席胡锦涛7月22日在总统府与意大利总统进行了会谈。Hu Jing-tao主席说,中意两国虽然相距遥远,社会制度、文化传统、经济发展程度也存在差异,但两国关系很好。现在两国合作的深度和广度不断扩大,意大利是中国在欧洲重要的贸易伙伴。两国经济互补性强,双方开展经贸合作的潜力很大。中国政府支持和鼓励中国企业界同意大利同行多往来,使两国的经贸合作更富有成果。On July, 22

3、nd, the Chinese President Hu Jing-tao, who has been visiting to the Italy, meets with the Italian President at the presidential palace. President Hu said, though China is far away from Italy, the social systems, cultural tradition the traditional cultural and the levels of economic development are a

4、lso very different; we two countries are in a good relationship. At present, with the deepened and widened of the cooperation between our two countries, Italy now is Chinas important trade partner (will be a very important business companion) in Europe. Because it is strong in each others economic c

5、omplement, there must be a great potential when we are in economic cooperation. The Chinese government will support and encourages the Chinese business exchange between the two countries (associate with the Italian businesses which are in the same occupation,) so that make the economic cooperation m

6、ore successful fruitful.It was regarded as a very difficult question, which even confused the best mathematicians. Is baffling to 使困惑 Even the lawyer (would have trouble proving) couldnt prove the judge Sloan had not is not consistent in his rulings on the persisted in the judgment of the profession

7、al beggars problem. The presidents Governors car slid quietly was driven out of the parking lot and disappeared in the dark into the night.第 二 章 Week 1st ,2nd P17 例2 How can the aircraft bear the heavy load! It carries the heart of the person in liberated area, the hope of the whole Chinese people a

8、nd the destiny of our country. What a heavy load this aircraft bore! It carried the hearts of 例5. She works in the Chinese serve center of the overseas study.At Chinese Service Center for Scholarly Exchange例6. Though the saying “Doing is better than saying” may be old-fashioned, it is no less a trut

9、h. Hold the truth or still workOver-worn phrase 例7.In this workshop, it is used to both material and sample processing. The worship processes raw materials on clients demand and process according to investors sample as well.例8. I dont have the right to make the decision; I must ask my top kick first

10、. I cant decide on it personally. I have to ask the top kick.例9 “轻重”He always puts the trivial over the important.Matters should be handled according to priority.Do not know the proper way to act.“意思”够意思 Really kind you are! But I insist that you should accept it, do not feel embarrassed.”不好意思”有点意思

11、Marry behaved amorously toward John.例13. I didnt get the good seat when I saw the film yesterday.Buy a ticket for a good seat例14. Our school hasnt set doctorate program yet.例15. Many talents are graduated from the national key university.That national prestigious university has prepared batches of q

12、ualified graduates for the society.例16. Its a big united company with the coordinated-process producing lines of spinning, weaving and dyeing textile printing. This factory is a big united enterprise 城市学院已经形成了产学研一条龙的科研体系The ZUCC has formed an integrated system for the scientists research of producin

13、g, studying, and researching.例19. The business conglomeration is a company which is head by the foreign trade, and is based on the industry. This is a group enterprise with foreign trade 例20. We believe that it will not be long before our production go globalinternationally recognizedfind their way

14、into world market will meet the world in a few years.例21. The task of reaching the aim of comparatively well-off standard in ten years is difficult, because of the large number of the Chinese population, the lower-off standard and the unbalanced uneven development in every area. (in different parts

15、of the country the relatively comfortable standard of living low economic starting level chinas huge population will not be easy to reach within this decade)例25. My older sister has been preaching at me again about my lack of neatness.例26. This case is difficult to solve, but the person on trial hav

16、e received the advice from the lawyer in advance. It was a tough case, but the man on trail had been carefully primed by his lawyer.例29. We make a big progress, while it doesnt mean that we only need to stand still but not to work hard. We can not therefore rest on ones laurels without aiming higher

17、.例33. Like most people here, he likes eating potatoes.例34. They were active in consolidating their victories gains.例36. He thinks that in this way can make the program develop totally so as to decrease the possibility of stop in the half way. He thought this would lessen the chance of the projects b

18、eing stopped before it really got under way.例40.Those were the questions that he came up with about the American political system. These are his questions on the American political system. These are what he put forward about 例42. We should speed up to reform our economic. We should (make great effor

19、ts to ) accelerate the (pace of) economic reform.例43. Last year, the agricultural of our country were in big harvest. Our country saw good harvest (in agriculture) last year.例44. Our primary task at present is to finely popularize and apply the achievement of the scientific research. Our principal i

20、n disseminating and applying the result of scientific and technological research 例46. History wont be repeated .( repeat itself) 例49. The buses give hand to the travelers to visit the Great Wall. Buses provide easy access to the 例50. He dealt with the press conference successful finally. After all,

21、he survived the press conference.例55. I heard that there is a seat in your company, so I wanted to have a try. But could you do me a favor first? I heard there is an opening/vacancy in your company and I would like to fill it .But will you pull 例57. This factory produces every kind of aiguilles that

22、 all satisfied the API standard. It has the advanced techniques, the novelty structures, and the high-quality steels, the elaborate productions and the serve examine of qualities. All of them have reached the advanced techniques in the same kind of aiguilles in China.Bits of all types manufactured i

23、n the factory conform to the API standards. With novel design and fine workmanship, they are made of quality steel in advanced technology. All the products have passed strict quality test and reached in all respects the advanced level of the domestically-made bits of the kind.P22 课后练习1 Youd better a

24、sk Mr. Li for advices in advance instead of acting reckless. You should not take any hasty action. You should first ask Mr Li for advice . ask sb. to prime you 2 This citys polices strike the gangland in the public entertainment and the hotels regular. The city police conduct periodic vice sweeps of

25、 hotels and public entertainment places.3 This poor country receives the relief food from the city every year. Every year the poor country gets grain handouts from provincial authorities.( Relief grain 救济粮)4 But whats more important was that the French failed in winning a share of the market which t

26、hey called the competitive products such as machine tool, photograph and computer which was in great requirement. More to the point, however, is Frances failure to establish a major presence in the market for what the France called point forte products, those in greatest demand, such as machine tool

27、s, cameras and computer5 My only spiritual sustenance is reading. Reading has become my only meat and drink/spiritual sustenance.6 Therefore, we should make efforts to improve the quality of the intensive product, meanwhile, pulling together in develop the high-technology products, so as to rational

28、ize the countrys industrial structure gradually. Thus, while striving to raise the quality of labor-intensive products, efforts should also be pooled for the development of hi-tech products so as to gradually straighten out the countrys industry structure,/ so as to make the countrys 7 Independence

29、doesnt mean the exclusion of everything foreign, while also doesnt mean to be in blind exclusives. But independence does not mean shutting the door on the world, nor does self-reliance mean blind opposition to everything foreign.8 I am only an ordinary teacher, so I have to require my friends friend to recommend the book to t

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