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1、执笔人:黄伟 编写日期:2017年2月一、课程性质与任务国际商务谈判是国际经济与贸易专业的专业基础课程,融多学科、多方面的知识于一体,具有很强的实践性、操作性的课程。该门课程的主要教学任务是以人才培养与社会需求相适应为核心,强化理论与实践相结合,通过本课程理论和试验课程学习,使学生掌握并运用国际商务谈判策略、技巧、跨文化沟通能力,以实现以“知识、能力、素质”交融培养和“厚基础、强特色、重创新”为课程培养目标。二、课程教学目标1.通过本课程的学习,了解国内外经典的谈判理论,包括谈判产生的原因、谈判结构、双赢理念、合作原则谈判法、谈判力、利益分配法则、信任法则、博弈论在谈判中的应用、两分法谈判与复


3、际问题的能力、独立思考的能力和创新思维的能力和团队合作能力。三、课程教学内容、要求及学时分配1.理论教学Chapter I An Overview of IBN one class hourSection Concept and characteristics of international business negotiation Principles of Business Negotiation The types of international business negotiation Form & Approaches of Business CommunicationKey p

4、oint: Negotiations are a struggle of wits and capabilities as well as a chase of strategy and skills. Under the circumstance of market economy, business negotiations covering everywhere and any time can contribute to a significant impact on companies survival and development.The corresponding course

5、 teaching objectives:1Chapter The theories of international business negotiation one class hour The Economic theory The Basic Psychological Theory of Business Negotiation Integrative approach and win-win principleGame theory and the principle of good faith The models with the theory of comparative a

6、dvantage and the theory of reciprocal demand are widely used to ensure the price of trade. The models of the theory of trade mainly shows why international trade happens and whether the profit distribution in trade is balanced or not.Difficult point: concept Personnel quality, psychological and the

7、group composition of International Business one class hour psychology in International business negotiation Individuals psychological activities during the international business negotiations The qualities negotiators should possess Groups composition of international business negotiation This chapt

8、er shows Maslows Hierarchy of Needs, pointing out 5 degrees of peoples need, extending the business negotiation theory and its different uses in business negotiations, and explains the relations between ability and negotiations, qualities and negotiations and introduces different kinds of qualities

9、and finally analyzes the features and divisions of the negotiations groups. Differences of Culture in International Business Negotiations one class hour Cultural factors affecting the style of business negotiations Cultural differences on international business negotiation The business negotiation c

10、ustoms and styles in the prime region The cultural differences have different influence in business negotiation. Cultural factors in negotiation style and cultural difference will have impacts on negotiation. It deals with the way to treat cultural differences in negotiation. Preparations for Busine

11、ss Negotiations one class hour The Preparations of Business NegotiationsSection II The Information Preparation for Business NegotiationsSection III Business negotiation plansSection IV Simulated Negotiation Preparation of negotiators is to set up a team, which includes the scale of the negotiation t

12、eam, the quality of negotiators which should be possessed by the negotiators and division cooperation between group members and so on. The information collection is to better understand each others intentions, to make proper plans and negotiation tactics, strategies and the basic premise. Business N

13、egotiation Strategies one class hour Section I Strategies of Starting Stages Section II Strategies of offer Section III Strategy of consultation stageSections IV Strategies on the Stage of Striking a Bargaining Business negotiation strategy is generic terms of approaches, measures, techniques, tacti

14、cs, tools and combinations of general application to achieve a specific goal in the process of business negotiations. Communication Skills in Business Negotiations one class hour Sound Language in Business Negotiation The silent Language in Business Negotiation Word processing in business negotiatio

15、n All the languages used can fall into two categories: verbal language and non-verbal language, language, the bridge in negotiation is the primary factor to success or failure for the negotiation. So how to use appropriately the skill of language is a major concern and consideration for the negotiat

16、ors. Different Forms of Tactics in Business Negotiation Negotiation skills for the superior Negotiation skills for the inferior Negotiation skills for the balanced Choice and application of business negotiation tactics mostly depends heavily on the strong or weak strength of both sides. Exerting tac

17、tics expertly and skillfully is helpful to achieve the successful negotiation and reach objectives. The focus of this chapter is talking about the often-used negotiations skills for the negotiators in different position. Risk Aversion in International Business Negotiation Analysis for the Risks of I

18、nternational Business Negotiations How to Forecast & Control Risks in International Business Negotiation Methods to Avert Risks There are a wide range of complex factors that influence the success or failure of business activities. What we should make clear in international economic cooperation is t

19、hat risks are difficult to be averted in business activities, we need to find chances to increase relatively stable return as well as to decrease the rates of causing different loss in the future. Etiquette for International Business Negotiation one class hourSection 1 Summary for Etiquette in Inter

20、national Business Negotiation Basic Business Etiquette Etiquette for International Business Negotiation Etiquette is the rules of international business negotiation if the communication processes violate the etiquette, it would not only undermine the feelings of both parties, but also affect the oth

21、er aspects of yourself and evaluation, even lead to breakdown of the talks. So clearing the way for the smooth progress of negotiations is very important.2. 实验教学:实验内容:序号内 容实验实践学时Liaoxi environmental industry park investment2The office delay pay compensation3Negotiation on finance lease4Alteration of

22、 the right of distribution5Dispute on contract of purchase and sale of peanut 6Suspension of claim7Steel trade warehouse loans8The joint venture of waste tire processing production base9Export payment settlement10Relocation compensation合计 Experiment 1 2 class hours Liaoxi environmental industry park

23、 investment. Experiment Aim:1. understand the process of business negotiation, including its concept, strategy and skill, psychological warfare spyware, how to solve the problem existed to put forward new solution.2. how to break deadlock during negotiation to promote win-win result. Experiment Theo

24、ry1. Win-win Concept and Traditional Concept2. How can both sides win 3. How to communicate with partner and solve the problem. Experiment Content1. understand the process of Negotiation2. the characteristic of international negotiation. Experiment Demand1. each student learn the negotiation process

25、 2. offer how to handle and manage the win-win concept during the negotiation. Experiment Guidance1. Explain the structure of international negotiation according to the case.2. How can both sides get win-win result. Help students review the win-win theory. Experiment 2 2 class hours The office delay

26、 pay compensation1.learn how to collect necessary information and locate the target decision2.form the staff negotiation teams3.choice of negotiation venues1.Collaborative Principled Negotiation 2.Invent Options for Mutual Gain1.Putting the above theory into the case2.Focus on Interests Not Position

27、s1.Prepare for the detailed data and material of the partner2.realize the programme prepared for the negotiation 3.find out the shortage for each side during the process of negotiation1.students are divided into several groups with four in each group, two students are sellers and the other two are b

28、uyers.2.continue the negotiation between two sides from where it stopped.3.the two students will discuss between themselves first and make decisions on final offer for the deal. Experiment 3 2 class hours 1.Team cooperation to overcome obstacle or weak point during negotiation2.put the theory into to the simulation practice and get the summary from the

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