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1、bald eagle白头鹰bird of paradise 极乐鸟giant salamander 娃娃鱼Ccat 猫crab 螃蟹camel 骆驼cow 母牛calf 小牛cock 公鸡chicken 小鸡crocodile 鳄鱼cricket 蟋蟀crane 鹤carp 鲤鱼cetipede 蜈蚣cobra 眼睛蛇crow 乌鸦cuckoo 布谷鸟crayfish 小龙虾Ddog 狗duck 鸭子duckling 小鸭deer 鹿dove 鸽子donkey 驴dolphin 海豚dragonfly 蜻蜓drone 雄蜂Eeagle鹰eel鳗鱼elephant 大象Ffish 鱼frog 青

2、蛙fox 狐狸fly 苍蝇firefly 萤火虫flea 跳蚤ferret 雪貂Ggoose 鹅giraffe 长颈鹿goat 山羊gazelle 小羚羊grouse 松鸡grasshopper 蚱蜢grass snake 草蛇Kkitty 小猫koala 考拉kingfisher 翠鸟kangaroo 袋鼠Hhorse 马hare 野兔hedgehog 刺猬heron 苍鹰hermit crab 寄居蟹hippopotamus 河马Llark 云雀lion 狮子leopard 豹lamb 羊羔lizard 蜥蜴lobster 龙虾large prawn 大对虾locust 蝗虫ladybir

3、d 雌鸟Mmagpie 喜鹊monkey 猴子mouse 老鼠mole 鼹鼠marmot 土拨鼠mantis 螳螂mosquito 蚊子moth蛾子mallard 野鸭mare 母马Nnightingale 夜莺nanny 雌山羊Oox 牛owl 猫头鹰ostrich 鸵鸟octopus 章鱼oyster 牡蛎otter 水獭Ppig 猪panda 熊猫penguin 企鹅peacock 孔雀parrot 鹦鹉pigeon 鸽子platypus 鸭嘴兽python 蟒蛇pheasant 野鸡puma 美洲豹Qquail 鹌鹑queen ant 蚁后queen bee 蜂王Rrabbit 兔子r

4、at 老鼠robin 知更鸟reindeer 驯鹿rattlesnake 响尾蛇rhinoceros 犀牛Sswan 天鹅swallow 燕子swallowtail 凤尾蝶sparrow 麻雀starling 八哥sheep 羊snake 蛇squirrel 松鼠spider 蜘蛛scorpion 蝎子snail 蜗牛seagull 海鸥seal 海豹shrimp 虾sardin 沙丁鱼shark 鲨鱼swordfish 剑鱼sea horse 海马sea turtle 海龟sea wrchin 海胆Ttiger 虎turkey 火鸡tortoise 乌龟tuna 金枪鱼turtledove

5、斑鸠Vvole 田鼠vulture 秃鹫wall lizard 壁虎Wwolf 狼whale 鲸walrus 海象woodpecker 啄木鸟worm 蚯蚓Yyellow weasel 黄鼠狼yak 耗牛Zzebra 斑马动物英语儿歌Old McDonald (Play With It) Lyrics and ActionsKey GesturesFarmer - Pretend to hold on to your overall straps.Cow - Pretend to milk a cow.Horse - Use the ASL sign. Place your thumb on

6、your right temple and bend your index and middle fingers up and down.Pig - Push the tip of your nose up with one finger.Sheep - Pretend to pet a sheep.Duck - Open and close your full hand in front of your mouth, imitating a ducks bill.Rooster - With your fingers spread wide, touch your thumb to your

7、 forehead, representing a roosters comb.Old McDonald had a farm. E-I-E-I-O. Farmer gesture.And on that farm he had a COW. E-I-E-I-O. Cow gesture.What does a COW say? Shrug your shoulders to indicate asking a question.Meow? Elicit, “No!” answers by shaking your head “no.”Oink?” answers.Moo? Elicit a

8、big, “YES!” answer by nodding your head up and down.With a moo moo here. Continue making the cow gesture and “moo, moo” to the left.And a moo moo there. “Moo, moo” to the right.Here a moo. “Moo” to the left.There a moo. “Moo” to the right.Everywhere a moo moo. “Moo, moo” as you move your head in a circular motion.

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