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1、typeIDIDChineseChineseEnglishEnglish1 汽车电梯Automobile lift2 病床电梯bed lift3 双层电梯double decker elevator4 杂物电梯dumbwaiter lift5 电梯elevator6 消防员电梯firemans elevator7 载货电梯freight elevator8 载货电梯goods lift9 液压电梯hydraulic lift10 电梯lift11 船用电梯lift on ships12 汽车电梯motor vehicle lift13 观光电梯observation lift14 观光电梯pa

2、noramic lift15 乘客电梯passenger lift16 客货两用梯passenger/freight elevator17 客货电梯passenger-goods lift18 住宅电梯residential lift19 杂物电梯service lift20 服务电梯service elevator21 乘客电梯passenger elevator22 多层轿厢电梯multideck elevator23 楼梯升降机stair elevator24 轮椅电梯wheelchair elevator25 验收试验acceptance test26 空气压迫噪音(听觉到的噪声)ac

3、oustic noise27 调试员adjuster28 提前开门advance door opening29 接触角/曳引角/缠绕角angle of contact30 接触角/曳引角/缠绕角angle of traction31 接触角/曳引角/缠绕角angle of wrap32 司机attendant33 平均载荷average load34 平衡轿厢负载averager car load35 巴式合金babbit36 轿底间隙bottom clearances for car37 底部端站/底层端站bottom terminal floor38 底部端站/底层端站bottom ter

4、minal landing39 故障修理breakdown maintenance40 缓冲器行程buffer stroke41 越过楼层(不停站楼层)by-pass floor42 轿厢底部余行程car bottom-runby43 轿厢深度car depth44 轿厢入口car entrance45 轿厢高度car height46 轿厢宽度car width47 运送能量carrying capacity48 轿顶检修站car-top inspection station49 中心线central line50 轿厢入口净尺寸clear entrance to the car51 普通区

5、域common sector52 普通井道common well53 合同栽荷contract capacity54 对重底部余行程counterweight bottom-runby55 命令区域demand sectorPage 1type56 方向区域directional sector57 对接操作docking operation58 提前开门door advance opening59 开门洞净高door clear opening height60 开门洞净宽door clear opening width61 开门宽度door opening width62 预开门door p

6、remature opening63 预先开门door pre-opening64 开门洞毛高door raw opening height65 开门洞毛宽door raw opening width66 复绕double wrap67 下行高峰间隔down-peak interval68 动态区域dynamic sector69 电气干扰electrical interference70 电气噪声electrical noise71 群组电梯elevators in group72 快速梯候梯厅express lobby73 直达运行express-run74 装修完成面finished f

7、loor level75 消防服务fireman service76 固定区域fixed sector77 层站间运行时间flight time78 层间距离/楼层间距floor to floor distance79 楼层间高度floor to floor height80 楼层到楼层间的时间floor to floor time81 前侧井道壁深度front wall depth82 前侧井道壁宽度front wall width83 顶层高度headroom height84 重载楼层heavy duty floor85 顶层高度height above the highest leve

8、l served86 最高返回楼层highest reversal floor87 电梯曳引绳曳引比hoist ropes ratio of lift88 井道hoistway89 基站home landing90 点动inching91 独立操作independent operation92 独立服务independent service93 检修操作inspection operation94 检修速度inspection speed95 重载服务intensive duty service96 重载交通intensive duty traffic97 层间距离/层间运行距离interfl

9、oor distance98 层间越过时间interfloor flight time99 层间越过时间interfloor jump time100 间隔interval101 层站landing102 层站入口landing entrance103 层站区landing zone104 钢绳同向捻法Langs lay105 绳锁捻合方式lay106 左向绳股left lay107 平层leveling108 平层准确度leveling accuracy109 平层区leveling zone110 电梯司机lift attendant111 轻载服务light duty servicePa

10、ge 2type112 轻载交通light duty traffic113 乘载间隔时间loading interval114 本楼层区local zone115 最低返回楼层lowest reversal floor116 机房machine room117 机房面积machine room area118 机房深度machine room depth119 机房高度machine room height120 机房宽度machine room width121 主楼层main floor122 基站main landing123 主端站楼层main terminal floor124 中载

11、交通medium duty traffic125 远距监测monitoring remote126 多梯井道multiple well127 乘客人数number of passenger128 呼叫控制on-call control129 一比一缠绕one-to-one roping130 电梯司机operator131 一般绳股ordinary lay132 停靠parking133 停靠楼层parking floor134 停靠区parking zone135 载荷百分数percentage load136 性能指标performance index137 周期性试验periodic t

12、est138 底坑pit139 底坑深度pit depth140 底坑高度pit height141 预定基站predetermined landing142 滑轮间pulley room143 额定载重量rated capacity144 额定载重量rated load145 额定速度rated speed146 右向绳股right lay147 绳锁绳股rope lay148 往返全程时间round trip time149 越程runby150 运行间隙running clearance151 安全测试safety test152 计划控制scheduled control153 区域s

13、ector154 井道shaft155 井道深度shaft depth156 井道电气shaft electrification157 井道高度shaft height158 井道照明shaft lighting159 井道公差shaft tolerance160 井道宽度shaft width161 轿厢立柱side stile162 井道内牛腿sill station163 单梯井道single well164 单绕single wrap165 隔层停靠操作skip-stop operation166 弹簧缓冲器复位buffer return spring167 不在运行的时间standi

14、ng timePage 3type168 静态区域static sector169 系统应答时间system response time170 终端楼层terminal floor171 轿顶间隙top clearances for car172 对重装置顶部间隙top clearances for counterweight173 顶端越程距离top height174 顶端越程距离top run by175 最高端站楼层top terminal floor176 顶层端站top terminal landing177 电梯曳引型式traction types of lift178 交通分析

15、traffic analysis179 进出时间transfer time180 电梯提升高度travel height181 提升高度traveling height of lift;lifting height of lift182 行程计数trip counter183 二比一绳绕two-to-one roping184 离开时间unloading time185 开锁区域unlocking zone186 上行箭头up arrow187 上呼梯up call188 上行高峰up-peak189 上行高峰间隔up-peak interval190 上行高峰乘客到达率up-peak pas

16、senger arrival-rate191 上行高峰交通up-peak traffic192 上端楼层upper terminal floor193 高层区upper zone194 候梯间隔waiting interval195 候梯时间waiting time196 井道well197 井道深度well depth198 井道宽度well width199 缠绕winding200 油压缓冲器工作行程oil buffer stroke201 弹簧缓冲器工作行程spring buffer stroke202 综合保养comprehensive maintenance203 保护性能的维修保

17、养performance guaranteed maintenance204 有计划的维修保养planned maintenance205 预防性维护保养preventative maintenance206 更换维修replacement maintenance207 定期维修scheduled maintenance208 全面维修保养full maintenance209 楼层floor210 合同负荷contract load211 高层区端站express zone terminal floor212 高层区侯梯走廊express zone lobby213 单层运行时间single

18、 floor flight time214 多层运行时间multiple floor flight time215 开门区door zone216 一般绳股regular lay217 合同速度contract speed218 乘客候梯时间passenger waiting time219 高层区high rise zone220 行程travel221 行程计数journey counter222 手动卷绕handwinding223 轿顶空间car top clearancePage 4type224 钢丝绳rope225 检修门/通道门access door226 航空细索air co

19、rd227 警铃alarm bell228 警铃按钮alarm bottom229 报警系统alarm system230 卸扣anchorage231 角架支架angle bracket232 防捣乱装置anti-nuisance device233 补偿绳防跳装置anti-rebound of compensation rope device234 框线architrave235 到达铃/到站钟头arrival bell236 饰条astragal237 安全饰条safety astragal238 自动关闭器automatic closer239 锁杆bar lock240 垂直中分门b

20、i-parting doors241 制动器brake242 制动器鼓轮brake drum243 制动衬垫brake lining244 制动磁铁brake magnet245 制动靴brake shoes246 制动器扳手brake wrench247 缓冲器buffer248 缓冲器开关buffer switch249 减振器bumper250 随行电缆的固定装置cable hangers for travelling cables251 接受呼梯指示器call accepted indicator252 召唤盒calling board253 呼梯按钮call button254 凸轮

21、cam255 轿厢缓冲器car buffer256 轿厢按钮car button257 轿厢顶板car canopy258 轿厢装饰顶car ceiling259 轿厢即将到达指示器car coming indicator260 轿厢门;轿门car door261 轿门开关器car door closer262 轿门联锁car door interlock263 轿门锁car door lock264 轿厢安全门car emergency exit265 轿厢安全窗car emergency opening266 轿壁car walls267 轿厢壁car enclosures268 轿厢出入

22、口car entrance269 轿厢风扇car fan270 轿厢地板car floor271 轿厢架/轿架car frame272 轿厢扶手car handrail273 轿厢隔音car isolation274 轿厢控制面板car operating panel275 轿厢底/轿底car platform276 轿厢位置显示car position indicator277 轿厢位置显示car position panel278 呼叫登陆指示器car registration indicator279 轿厢顶;轿顶car roofPage 5type280 轿厢地坎car sill281

23、 轿厢立柱car sling282 轿厢开关car switch283 轿顶car top284 轿顶空间car top clearance285 轿顶照明装置car top light286 轿顶防护栏杆car top protection balustrade287 轿厢通风car ventilation288 轿厢car289 中分门center opening door290 离心式限速器centrifugal governor291 链轮chain sheave292 地坎cill293 栅栏门collapsible door294 碰撞开关collision switch295 补

24、偿链装置compensating chain device296 曳引绳补偿装置compensating device for hoist ropes297 补偿绳装置compensating rope device298 补偿绳轮compensating rope sheave299 控制柜control cabinet300 控制屏control panel301 控制器controller302 对重装置;对重counterweight303 对重缓冲器counterweight buffer304 对重块counterweight filler305 对重保护网counterweigh

25、t guard306 对重导轨counterweight guide rail307 对重头counterweight header308 门刀coupler309 轿顶接线盒cross connection box310 液压缸cylinder311 护墙板dado312 导向轮deflector sheave313 脱轨开关derailment switch314 方向指示器/层站方向指示精神器direction indicator315 方向限位开关direction limit switch316 位移式限速器displacement type governor317 反绳轮diver

26、sion sheave318 导向轮divertor319 门地坎door cill320 关门按钮door close button321 关门限位door close limit322 关门按钮door close pushbutton323 关门器door closer324 门触点door contact325 门控制door control326 门导块/门滑块door gib327 门导轨door guide-rail328 门导靴door guide-shoes329 门吊架/门导轨架door hanger330 吊架轮/门滑轮door hanger sheave331 吊门导轨

27、door hanger track332 门头door header333 门联锁door interlock334 门限位开关door limit switch335 门联杆door linkagePage 6type336 门锁装置door locking device337 开门按钮door open button338 开门限位door open limit339 开门机/门机door operator340 门地坎door sill341 门导轨door track342 门驱动片/门刀door vane343 重开门装置door-reopening device344 复绕轮dou

28、ble wrap sheave345 驱动轮/曳引轮drive sheave346 驱动器(驱动单元)drive unit347 曳引轮driving sheave348 动态制动dynamic braking349 地震保护装置earthquake protection device350 地震传感器earthquake sensors351 紧急照明emergency lighting352 紧急电源装置;应急电源装置 emergency power device353 急停开关emergency stop switch354 紧急开锁装置emergency unlocking devic

29、e355 蓄能型缓冲器energy accumulation type buffer356 耗能型缓冲器energy dissipation type buffer357 信号显示器enunciator358 超载指示器excess load indicator359 极限开关final limit switch360 消防开关firemans switch361 消防开关盒firemans switch board362 防火层门;防火门fire-proof door363 导轨连接板(件)fishplate364 选层器floor selector365 楼层停止开关floor stopp

30、ing switch366 门触点gate contact367 齿轮gear368 有齿轮曳引机geared traction machine369 无齿轮曳引机gearless traction machine370 发电机generator371 铃gong372 限速器governor373 限速器滑轮governor pulley374 限速器绳governor rope375 限速器张紧轮governor tension pulley376 限速器张紧绳轮governor tension rope sheave377 渐进式安全钳gradual safety378 槽groove3

31、79 梯群监控盘group control supervisory panel;380 梯群监控系统group supervisory control381 导轨guide rails382 靴衬guide shoe busher383 导靴衬垫guide shoes gib384 导靴guide-shoes385 层门方向指示灯hall direction indicator386 厅门灯和钟hall lantern and gong387 厅门按钮hall pushbutton388 盘车手轮handwheel389 牵引绳hauling rope390 上门套head jamb391 铰

32、链门;外敞开门hinged doorsPage 7type392 曳引绳hoist ropes393 承重梁hoist suspension beam394 井道门hoistway door395 厅门hoistway door396 厅门联锁hoistway door interlock397 厅门机械锁hoistway door mechanical lock398 空心导轨hollow guide rail399 水平滑动门horizontally sliding door400 油压缓冲器hydraulic buffer401 空转轮idler sheave402 轿顶检修装置insp

33、ection device on top of the car403 瞬时式安全钳instantaneous safety gear404 导轨最下端固定件jack stool and clamps405 钳块jaws406 钥匙开关key switch407 钥匙开关盒key switch board408 踢脚板kick plate409 垫片kicker shim410 爬梯ladder411 层站按钮landing button412 层门方向指示器landing direction indicator413 层门;厅门landing door414 厅门联锁landing door interlock415 层门门套landing door jamb416 层门安全开关landing door safety switch417 层门指示灯landing indicator418

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