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1、ll just(赶上)it.14.Our head teacher always(鼓励)usto solve problems by ourselves.40.People of Shanghai has i usto improve the rubbish collecting system.41.The boy high praise for his efforts to helphis classmateslast term.42.Happiness in the doctors eyes every time shesees a patient get well.43.A classi

2、cal concert online nextmonth.44.Some climbers of gettingto the top of Mount Qomolangma for a long time.45.Lucy the new books when I entered theclassroom.16.In the face of danger, all thefirefighters were brave and(没 有一个)of them gave up.47.Flying in the sky, we can see thefascinating city(在下 面).48.Do

3、ing sports can make peoplehappier,(健康),and more confident.49.Prepare yourself for everything(在前面)oftime, and you will be successful.50. I believe you will s(success)in passingthe English exam.51.As I was trying to find my way out,I suddenly some noise.(hear).When you visit New York, dont missBroadwa

4、y. It has been famous for its theaters since the early century.(twenty)52.一What are you going to do with theclothes?Someclothes will be given to the poor and the others will be sent to factories for. (recycle).They hoped to see the problem solved. (peaceful)53.Were really I to live in such a powerfu

5、l country.54.A friend of will come toenjoy the warm sunshine anddelicious fruit in Panzhihua soon. (I)55.The children were reallywhen they lay on the beach,(relax)56.The computer is one of thegreatest in the twentieth century, (invent).We all hope that those baby pandasin the zoo can grow u p. (heal

6、thy)57.The two sisters usually wear thesame clothes, but they (wear) differently yesterday.58.The bird can (飞)in the skybecause it has two wings.59.She was so (瞌睡的)that shewent to bed early last is a (秘密)between youand me. Dont let others know it.61.Belly, you should b (in is

7、 the first step tosuccess.1.11 cant tell you the e time. My watchgoes a few minutesslower.66.Could I (借)yourdictionary?67.So far, (千)of peoplehave died of COVID-19.68.Computers were (创造) not longago, but they are very useful for us.69.In autumn, quite a few (树叶) turn yellowand fall off the trees.70.

8、Hainan is in the (南方) of China.71.Among the four of year, Hike winter best.72.Usually, parents thesmallest success of their children.73.We realized that everythingseemed to have changedin one night.74.Sally is my best friend. She alwayssits me silently whenI am sad.75.Everyone likes to Mr. Smithscla

9、sses. They are alwaysinteresting and lively.76.Turn(向左)at the second crossing and you canfind the bank.77.If you work hard, your examscore w川(力口倍),the teacher said to Jim.78.(无论什么)difficulties you meet, never give up easily.79.Because of the COVID-19, only afew(市场)were open in our city last spring.8

10、0.Our school (邀请)severalheroes to the graduation ceremony last year.81.Make sure there are no(错误)inyour test paper before handing it in.82.What would you like to eat on your (生日)?83.This elephant(重量是)many times more than this panda.84.I ve finally realized why my grandpaloves (喝)tea.85.We were (不幸的)

11、withthe bad weather this weekend.86.That store sells things at high (价格),butthey re really good.87.Although my grandfather is(九十)years old, he is still in good health.88.We all(仰慕)those heroes who work hard to fight against the virus (病毒).89.American eating habits are quite different from(我们的).90.We

12、 graduate from junior high school soon, butour(友情) will continue forever.91.(不管)its summer or winter, Mudanjiang is a good place to take a holiday.92.Great changes have taken place in hometown. ( we) Let s go swimming in the river this afternoon.一We d better not. If s (danger)Nick gave his mother a

13、scarf on her birthday. That madeher very happy.(forty)My father stopped smoking, (final)1.Some in the medical research helpedcontrol the terribleillness. (achieve)31.Sam, did you really fix the computer by?32.This city recycles nearly 85% of its usedplastic.33.I think you should ride your bike to wo

14、rk going bycar.34.He spoke no English and was completely during thevisit.35.My grandfather often that he wantsto go back and livein the countryside.36.The high-speed railways have made our trip veryc.37.We should show kindness to doctors who aretrying to p our lives.38.W your help, the program could

15、nt havebeen so successful.39.My younger sister is old enough to dressh.40.Listen to a piece of light music and you willfeel r.41.People can set up roadside businesses but theymust avoid /palujn/.42.As for the coming summer/holadei/,1 w川 first do a part-time job.43.China will announce the new(高度)ofMo

16、unt Qomolangma.44.Id like to express my(感谢)foryour help.45.Im sure that the song will become even more(流行).46.My pet cat often hides its toys under those47. Her motherher goodbye as she goes to schoolevery day.48.I travelShaoxing and Hangzhou twice a week.49.It wasone oclock, but she still didntshow

17、 up.50. The dishso delicious that I couldnt wait to taste it.51.The worried mother is looking forward to (hear) fromher daughter.52.Most people dont like (rain) daysbecause they make people feel sad.53.To my disappointment, the new movie is so(meaning).54.Now many wild animals are in (dangerous). We

18、 should protect them.55.Subways make our lives (easy) thanbefore.56.My neighbour is a famous(sing) and sheoften does charity work.57.Which dog do you think is(lazy), Hoboor Eddie?I think Eddie is.58.My grandparents live(peace) in thecountryside and they like the life there.59.一Why is your desk(tidy)

19、?一Because I painted a picture there just now.60.Sandy helped me put the sofa(agenst)thewall.61.The old couple have two sons and both of themare怫递员).62.My sisters hero is Audrey Hepburn but my hero isdifferent from(她的).63.Please(将圈起来)thenew words and look them up in the dictionary.64.Every Monday, we

20、 watch the raising of thenational flag in the playground(除三同 itrains.65.At yesterdays meeting, I(控制)thespeed of speaking and made myself heard clearly.66.For lunch, I usually have rice, meat and(vegetable).1.11 havent seen my grandpa for a long time. I(想念)him so much.68.As the saying goes, The(早的)bi

21、rdcatches the worm.Lets meet (在,,夕卜面)theschool gate at 8 tomorrow morning.70,Tony(几乎不)hasany spare time for his hobbies.71.Wuxi opera is part of the local culture and ithas a(持久)value.72.The idea of wearing a mask in public is now,(wide) accepted.73.People started to get(patient) afterwaiting at the

22、 gate for two hours.74.We are who we are today because of the(choose) we made yesterday.75.Anne Frank went into(hide) with herfamily and wrote the famous diary.76.Don t worry. Hobo is a smart dog and I m sure he (come) back soon.77.Schools are still closed in some countries (stop) the spread of the

23、virus.78.Millions of young people(fight) inWorld War II so we could live in peace.79.一 Have you found any useful clues, sir?- We(work) on it. There s nothing much lean say at the moment.80. “When the book(publish) in November,T m going to donate all the money to help those people in need, said J.K.R

24、owling.二根据首字母及句意补全单词,并将单词的正确形式完整地填写在答题卡上(每空一词)1.L is a meal that you have inthe middle of the day.2.In many countries, New Years Day fa I Ison the first day of J.3.Theyve been good friends s they were little kids.4.China has a history of more than fivet.5.He always arrives e thanothers, as he has th

25、e key to theclassroom.6.A the traffic was heavy, wegot to the railway station ontime.7.Whether she wins or whether shel, this is her last game.8.My parents are very s with me.l am not allowed to hangout with friends even on weekends.9.Many young people look up to these basketballh such asYao Ming an

26、d Michael Jordon and want to become like them.10.Many road accidents can be a if we all follow trafficrules.11.We Chinese held many activities tocelebrate our countrys 70th birthday on O 1st, 2019.12.Because of COVID-19, I am asked totake my t before entering school to see if I have a fever.13.When

27、we are in danger, its veryimportant to make a good(决定).14.0ur teachers often encourage us toface the difficulties(勇 敢地)and try to overcome them.15.To save people s lives, the doctorsand scientists are risking their lives to do(医学的)research.16.There isnt a cloud in the sky. Itsgoing to be tomorrow, (

28、sun).Hes a quiet artist and doesnt liketo talk much, but his work, (shout)17.People who are warm-hearted set goodexamples to society because they pass on their to people around them.(kind).Whats your plan after the exam?Weare going to take a flight to Chengdu when the exam isover (direct)20.Its late

29、 autumn now. The tree haslost all of leaves. (it)21.Their school is as big as o.1.1In summer, its much h in Xian than that in Xichang.23.Parents shouldnt push their kids sohard, they should utheir children.24.Each time when you make a(决定),you should think carefully.25.This(科学家)words helpthe young learn many secrets of the ocean.26.Please tell me your/ adres /.I will go to see you tomorrow.27.1know the city well

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