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1、Thanks for your attention and cooperation. 谢谢你的关注和合作。Kind Regards,Advisory Note on Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome (HAVS) 对手臂振动综合征注意事项I. Introduction (介绍)adidas Groups 2010 Health & Safety Guidelines highlight the need to consider bio-mechanical risk factors in the workplace, including vibration. This A

2、dvisory Note provides more specific guidance on the steps to be taken to identify vibration hazards, measure vibration, apply control measures, notify workers of any hazard and conduct medical surveillance to safeguard workers against the harmful effects of hand-arm vibration. 阿迪达斯集团2010的健康及安全指南强调需要

3、在工作中考虑生物机械的危险因素,包括振动。本注意事项,提供了更具体的指导,可采取的步骤来确定测量振动,振动的危害,采取控制措施,通知任何危险的工人和进行医学监控保护工人免受手臂振动危害。Hand-arm vibration is vibration transmitted to the arms through the hands. It can damage both the small blood vessels and small nerves of the fingers, resulting in two specific injuries: vibration- induced w

4、hite finger and vibratory neuropathy. Together, these injuries are known as hand-arm vibration syndrome (HAVS) and result in numbness, loss of finger coordination and dexterity, clumsiness and an inability to perform fine motor tasks. HAVS is a chronic progressive disorder with a latency period that

5、 may range from a few months to several years. In its worst form, it can lead to long term disability. The most common sources of vibration in the workplace tend to be due to the use of hand-held or hand operated tools, including grinders and drills. In footwear factories, for example, special atten

6、tion should be given to midsole and upper roughing and high frequency bonding, while for golf club factories, the risk will be from metal polishing and grinding processes, where stationary grinders are used. Grinders of various types may also be in use when making metal parts for retail fixtures and

7、 fittings, or by maintenance workers employed on site. 手臂振动是通过手传递到手臂振动。这可能会损坏小血管和小神经的手指,在两个特定的伤害:振动性白指和振动性神经病。在一起,这些损伤被称为手臂振动综合征(HAVS),导致麻木,手指的协调能力和灵巧的损失,动作笨拙,无法进行精细动作的任务。有是一种慢性进行性疾病的潜伏期范围可以从几个月到几年。在其最严重的形式,它可以导致长期残疾。在工作场所的振动最常见的来源往往是由于手持式或使用手工操作工具,包括打磨和演习。在制鞋厂,例如,应特别注意的中底和鞋面的粗加工和高频率的接合,而高尔夫俱乐部的工厂,风

8、险将由金属抛光研磨过程,采用固定的研磨机。各种类型的磨床也可能被使用时,零售的固定装置和设备的金属零件,或维修工人在现场。Identifying signs and symptoms on HAVS at an early stage is important. It will allow an employer to take action to prevent the health effects from becoming serious for employees. The early symptoms include any combination of tingling and n

9、umbness in the fingers, not being able to feel things properly, loss of strength in the hands, the fingers going white and becoming red and painful on recovery particularly in the cold and wet and probably only in the tips at first. 在早期阶段确定对有症状是很重要的。这将允许雇主采取行动防止员工对健康的影响日趋严重。早期症状包括刺痛和麻木的手指的任何组合,不能够感觉

10、到的东西,在手的强度损失,手指要白,成为恢复尤其在寒冷和潮湿可能只在顶部最初红痛。II. Procedure to Identify Hazards on Vibration (识别危险振动过程)To identify hazards from vibration in the workplace, the following steps should be taken : 在确定工作场所的危险,从振动,应采取以下步骤:1. Conduct a complete walkthrough to find out which processes involve workers being regu

11、larly exposed to vibration. 进行一个完整的演练中要找出过程所涉及的工人经常暴露在振动。Social & Environmental Affairs Advisory Note on HAVS/ June 2013 2 (SEA有在2013年2月咨询)2. See whether there are any warnings of vibration risk in the equipment handbooks. Selection of new equipment or tools should always consider the risks they pos

12、e and the least hazardous equipment should be purchased. 看看是否有任何的警告,在设备振动风险手册。新设备或工具的选择应该考虑的风险构成和最危险的设备应购买。3. Ask employees if they are experiencing any of the symptoms of HAVS and whether the equipment being used produces high levels of vibration or uncomfortable strains on their hands and arms. 让员

13、工如果他们遇到任何的有症状和是否正在使用的设备在它们的手和手臂产生高水平的振动或不舒服的菌株。4. Discuss hand-arm vibration with supervisors, employees, and the union (if there is one) or employee representative. Develop and agree a policy for managing vibration risks which will provide reassurance to employees about their job security and expla

14、in why co-operating with your risk control measures and health surveillance programme will be in their best interests. 讨论与上司,员工手臂振动,并结合(如果有)或员工代表。发展并同意政策管理风险,将振动员工对他们的工作的安全提供保证和解释为什么公司和你的风险控制措施和健康监测方案的操作将在他们的最佳利益。5. Make a list of equipment that may cause vibration and what sort of work it is used f

15、or. 列出设备,会引起振动和它是用于什么样的工作。6. Collect information about the equipment from equipment handbooks (model, power, vibration risks, vibration information, etc.). 收集设备手册设备信息(模型,动力,振动的风险,振动信息,等)。7. Make a list of employees who use the vibrating equipment and which jobs they do. (让员工使用振动设备清单和他们所做的工作。)8. Note

16、 as accurately as possible how long employees hands are actually in contact with the equipment while it is vibrating. (注意尽可能准确多久员工手中实际上是与设备振动时。9. Ask employees which equipment seems to have high vibration and about any other problems they may have using, for example, its weight, awkward postures nee

17、ded to use the tool, difficulty in holding and operating it, etc. (询问员工,设备似乎高振动和他们可能已经使用,例如,它的重量的任何其他问题,笨拙的姿势需要使用的工具,难以保持和操作它,等。III. Vibration Measurement and Threshold Limits (振动测量和阈值限制)If the above screening for risk indicates a potential or serious hazard, then physical measurements must be taken

18、 to determine the vibration exposure of the workers to the tools or equipment they are using. Often local safety regulations will specify threshold action levels above which hand transmitted vibration must be controlled and medical surveillance undertaken. In the absence of formal regulations, use t

19、he Threshold Limit Values (TLVs) and guidelines recommended by the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists, which are based on the recommendations of the International Organization for Standardization (see, for example, ISO 5349 on vibration measurement and ISO 2631, which offers g

20、uidance on exposure to whole body vibration). 如果上面的风险筛选表明一个潜在的或严重的危害,那么物理测量必须确定振动暴露的工人,他们的工具或设备的使用。通常当地的安全法规将指定阈值的行动水平以上的手传振动必须控制和监控进行医学。在制度缺失,使用阈限值(TLV)和指南由美国政府工业卫生会议的建议,这是基于国际标准化组织的建议(见,例如,ISO 5349和ISO 2631的振动测量,它提供了对接触全身振动的指导)。A complete assessment of exposure to vibration requires the measuremen

21、t of vibration acceleration in meters per second squared (m/s2). Vibration exposure direction is also important and is measured in well-defined directions. Vibration frequencies and duration of exposure are also determined. How hard a person grips a tool affects the amount of vibrational energy ente

22、ring the hands; therefore, hand-grip force is another important factor in the exposure assessment. 暴露于振动的一个完整的评估需要米每秒振动加速度测量的平方(米/ s2)。振动暴露的方向也很重要,在明确的方向测量。振动频率和持续时间的曝光也被确定。如何努力,一个人掌握的工具影响振动能量进入手量;因此,手握力是暴露评估的另一个重要因素。The prevalence and severity of HAVS usually increase as the acceleration level and

23、duration of use 速度水平和使用时间通常会增加HAVS的发生率和严重程度 Environmental Affairs Advisory Note on HAVS/ June 2013 3 IV. Control Measures(控制措施) A detailed summary of control measures is given in Appendix 1 to this Advisory Note. For immediate actions, suppliers should take the following steps: 控制措施,详细总结在附录1中给出的这个咨询

24、注意。立即行动,供应商应采取以下步骤:Preventive Maintenance (预防性维护)1. Ensure equipment is properly maintained and repaired to avoid increased vibration caused by faults or general wear. Test machinery and equipment regularly for vibration to see that it works as normal, and is safe, and change bearings in time to red

25、uce vibration. 2. Ensure tools or machinery parts are lubricated and tuned. 3. Ensure tools are kept sharp or rough (for example, sanding belts) so that they remain efficient and replace consumable items such as grinding wheels so that equipment is efficient and keeps employee exposure as short as p

26、ossible. 1。确保设备的正确维护和修理,避免因故障或一般磨损引起的振动增加。机械设备的振动试验经常看到它是正常的,并且是安全的,并改变轴承的振动时间减少。2。确保工具或机械部件进行润滑和调整。3。确保工具保持尖锐或粗糙的(例如,砂带)使它们保持有效和更换易损件如砂轮使设备效率和保持员工的曝光时间尽可能的短。Work Schedules (工作进度)1. Reduce the amount of time using a tool in one go by arranging other jobs that do not involve exposure to vibration in

27、between. 2. Rotate work during the day so as to reduce the daily exposure to hand-transmitted vibration. 3. Plan work to avoid individuals being exposed to vibration for long or continuous periods i.e. several shorter work periods are preferable. 4. Arrange short-breaks to exposed workers. 5. Set up

28、 a maximum working time for each process with hand transmitted vibration. 6. Limit the use of vibrating tools to 1 or 2 days a week, if full-time operation is not required. 在一个去安排,不涉及振动之间的其他工作使用一个工具,减少大量的时间。旋转白天工作以减少对日常接触手传振动。计划工作,避免个人暴露在长的或连续的时期,即几个较短的工作周期是可取的振动。4。安排短暂的休息时间工人。5。设置最大工作时间为每个过程的手传振动。6。限制振动的工具到每周1天或2天的使用,如果全职工作是不需要的。Others (其他)1. Introduce stretching exercises during work breaks to massage and exercise workers fingers for good blood circulation. Keeping the body and hands warm and dry helps to maintain a good

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