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1、A.must goB.goC.will goD.would go7.You will not be about your food in time of great hunger.A.specialB.particularC.peculiarD.specific8.I wish you go with me tomorrow.A.willB.wouldC.shallD.can9.There is much I enjoy about the changing seasons,but my favorite time is the from fall to winter.A.transmissi

2、onB.transformationC.transitionD.transfer10.In some countries, the Grown-up celebration is a very formal .A.accidentB.eventC.incidentD.matter11. ,so he didn t come to school last week.A.Though he was illB.Being illC.Having been illD.He was ill12.He will be back in day or twoA.aB.theC.anD./13.During r

3、umspringa, Amish teenagers can do they want to do.A.whatB.thatC.whateverD.those14. today, he would get there by Friday.A.Would he leaveB.Was he leav ingC.Were he to leaveD.If he leaves15.These rules are similar the first rule I just discussed.A.toB.withC.as16.They all rema ined in the lecture hall.A

4、.sta ndB.sta sta nd17.If I had come here yesterday, I him.A.would have see nB.would seeC.have see nD.saw18.Most rites of passagehave three , or parts, in the ritual: separation,tran siti on, and in corporati on.A.stagesB.proceduresC.tasksD.periods19.This movie is no t for childre n

5、to see: it contains too much viole nee andtoo many love sce nes.A.profo undB.validC.dece ntD.upright20.The crowd cheered wildly at the sight of Liu Xiang, who was reported the world record in the 110-meter hurdle race.A.breakingB.having have break21.Many people like white color

6、 as it is a of purity.A.symbolB.signC.signalD.symptom22.A student is allowed to leave the room a teacher has givenpermission.B.only ifC.even soon as23. N(n)ew kimonos are expensive, many women do not buythem.A.Because;soB./;C./;andD.As;24.Many of my mothers friends Buddhism.A.believeB.believe

7、 inC.have faith inD.have confidence in25.He has been doing badly his operation.A.since everB.from then onC.ever sinceD.after thatII.Word Formatio n.Directi ons: Complete the sen ten ces with the proper form of the words in the brackets.1.She had atte nded an in terview, at her boyfrie nd insist). (2

8、.After their meeting, both men described the talks as frank, friendly and (con struct).3.The young man met all the health (qualify) a fighter pilot n eeds.4.In modern society, work and ongoing education are becoming (separate); lear ning has become a life long n ecessity.5.Both the sisters work in a

9、 supermarket wrapp ing and (delivery) gifts.6. (expose) to lead is known to damage the brains of young childre n.7.Through some (fortun ate) accide nt, the in formatio n reached me aday late.8.He is a uni versity professor who (special) in the history of Russia nempire.9.Is it possible to (pursuit)

10、economic reform and democracy at thesame time?10.The border crossing with Egypt is restricted to travelers with special permission,and the crossings with Israel are virtually (penetrable) forPalesti nia ns.III.Blank Filling.Directions: Complete the sentences, usingthe proper form of the expressions

11、listed below.preside overout ofwith a willkeep to on eselfacco unt forstuck forburst withas it werein terms ofaverage outbe true ofto be sure1.My in come caries from mon th to mon th. It to be about 5,00ua n.2.Yes, now we know that the owner of the coal mine is responsible for the death ofthe 43 min

12、 ers. But on one can yet how he could have hidde n thefacts for so long.3.I took the teacherswarni ng and decided to work . As time went by, Ibega n to improve rapidly. My efforts proved to be very reward ing.4.I never felt at ease in front of strangers when I was a kid, so I usually5.I forgot the t

13、ime careless ness. So by the time I got to the ci nema themovie was all but over.6.He did no t look very impressive pers onal appeara nee, but he turnedout to be a man of very unu sual tale nts.7.The 33 Chilea n coal miners were love for their country whe n theywere fin ally brought up to the surfac

14、e safe and sound.8.There are corrupt officials . But I believe there are hon est officialsaround as well who care about the people and their own good n ame, and will rise to the occasi on whe n the mome nt comes.9.Many young people fresh out of uni versity are a reas on ablyin expe nsive place to li

15、ve. The city gover nment knows this and has promised to see to it that they will soon have apartments they can afford.10.It is un derstood that duri ng the preside nts abse nee, the vice-preside nt will the weekly meeti ng.IV.s milkClozeThe man who brings my milk used to knock for his money for the

16、week while I was eati ng breakfast on Saturday morni ng.is1 lately he has bee n arrivi ng before I get up. Staff 2 mea n that four men are sharing five rounds. So he has to start 3 . Delivering milk to people s homesscarcely good bus in ess, especially whe n the con sumer may have a choice of two or

17、 three firms 4_a si ngle road. 5 my local difficulties, however, labor troubles arenot as acute as a few years ago. There are eno ugh men prepared to make an early morning stake 6 an open-air job 7_a fair measure of freedom. _8 they didstop calling, women should find 9 hard work to collect all the m

18、ilk they need 10_ self-service stores. Dairies 11_ that stopping deliveries in the United States resulted in falli ng sales.Market ing ideas have in cluded in troduci ng extra lin es, 12 dairy products, 13_ the milkme n can carry to in crease turno ver. Already they have take n over many rounds give

19、n up by bakeries. One dairyman said: “Itwon tbe long _14 the milkman delivers more bread than milk. ” Some milkmen alteliver pd5it seems as though diversification will be limited only 16 the size of the vans.So the milkma n is likely to remai n a familiar 17 , and the dairy products he sells 18chang

20、e very much in this decade. Flavored milk is popular on the Continent. In Britain those who like it buy plain milk and add their own flavoring. 19 the returnable bottle con ti nues to be used. As long as it has a reas on able life30 to 40 trips are usualthe cost of collectio n and clea ning is 20 .1

21、. A) SoonB) JustC) AfterD) When2. A) storageB) lackC) shortD) shortages3. A) earlyB) earliestC) earlierD) more early4. A) serv ingB) deserv ingC) reserv ingD) preserv ing5. A) In spite ofB) in case ofC) Because ofD) With6. A) for the reas on ofB) for the sake ofC) in order forD) as for7. A) withB) f

22、orC) inD) to8. A) IfB) ThoughC) AsD) Because9. A) thatB) itC) thisD) X10. A) fromC) intoD) through11. A) noticedB) are awareC) get to knowD) un dersta nd12. A) except forB) for exampleC) in additi on toD) such as13. A) for whichB) in whichC) of whichD) which14. A) thatB) whe nC) afterD) before15. A)

23、 andC)soD) however16. A) forB) byD) with17. A) figureB) nu mberC) staffD) rate18. A) are uni ikely toB) are likely toC) are surely toD) are likely notto19. A) SoB) ForC) EvenD) As20. A) worthyB) worthwhileC) worthlessD) worth1-5ACCBA 6-10 BBBCBABBBCII. Word formation1. insistence 2. constructive6. e

24、xposure 7. unfortunateIH . Biank filling答案1115 DACCA 16203. qualifications4. inseparable8. specializes9. pursue1. averages out 2. account for 3. with a will6. in terms of 7. bursting with 8. to be sure.IV.Cloze1-5 BDCAA6-10: BAABABAACC 21255. delivering10. impenetrable4. kept to myself 5. out of9. s

25、tuck for 10. preside over11-15: BCDDA16-20: BAACB综合英语(二)复习资料2I.Multiple Choice1. is not con sidered a good practice.A.To make promises without keep ing themB.Made promises without keep ing themC.Maki ng promises without keep ing themD.She makes promises without keep ing them2. many earthquake victim

26、s, but they also helped them to recover from theshock.A.Not only did the medical team saveB.The medical team not only savesC.Not on ly the medical team savedD.Not only does the medical team save3.The fact that he was able to avoid the seem in gly in evitable crash made him an ati onal hero. The ital

27、icized part is .A.attributive clause B. subjective clauseC. appositive clause D. objective clause4. his n ervous ness, he kept shak ing my hand and woulrlet go of it.A. Owe to B. Because C. Ow ning to D. Owi ng to5.I like to sleep the win dows ope n.A. as B. whe n C. with D. if6.The job was not very

28、 well paid. She took it just in terest.A. because B. out of C. with D. in7.Well, we agreed that ni ght that we meet here aga in exactly twenty yearsfrom that date and time.A. will B. are going to C. was going to D. would8.She is to what people thi nk of her.A. sen sible B. reas on able C. sen sitive D. sen time ntal9.What the lecturer has said every one prese nt.A. is concerned about B. applies forC. is concerned in D. applies to10.The struggle between the two parties became so bitter that it was almost ariot.A. in the nature of B. in terms ofC. in the respect of D.

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