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1、The organization was founded in the spring of (the year)2010.这个组织是在2010年春天成立的。6.牢记高考中常见的纯不可数名词,它们是:baggage (luggage), furniture, health, fun, space, advice, word (=news), progress, information, news, 以上不可数名词永远不能与不定冠词连用。Beyond the stars, the astronaut saw nothing but space.除了星星,宇航员只看见太空,看不到别的东西。7.西洋乐

2、器名词前往往用定冠词,但是当此类名词用作普通名词时,可以和不定冠词连用。此外,中国乐器名称前不用冠词。play the pianoplay the violinplay the guitarplay erhuHe is playing a borrowed violin.8. 专有名词前冠词的用法比较复杂,但一般情况下,不含普通名词的纯专有名词前不用冠词,如:Beijing, New York等。但是:1)在江河、湖泊、海洋、山脉、群岛、海峡、海湾、运河前用the.the Changjiang Riverthe Hudson Riverthe West Lake2)在由普通名词构成的专有名词前

3、用the.the Great Wallthe Summer Palace3)有一些地名,如果是以纯专有名词开头的,一般不用冠词,但如果是以普通名词开头的,一般用定冠词。Beijing University但也可说the university of Beijing9. 有无冠词的区别go to school 去上学go to the school 到学校去(不一定是去上学)go to church 去做礼拜go to the church 去教堂go to bed 就寝go to the bed 向床走去be in hospital 在住院be in the hospital 在医院里by da

4、y 在白天by the day 按天计算take place 发生take the place of 代替in possession of 拥有某物in the possession of sb. 为某人所拥有in future 今后in the future 将来in place of 代替in the place of 在的地方out of question 毫无疑问out of the question 不可能的in sight of 能看见in the sight of 据的见解(2010年高考北京卷)1. First impressions are the most lasting.

5、 After all, you never get _ second chance to make _ first impression. A. a; the B. the; the C. a; a D. the; a【解析】答案A。考查冠词。在序数词前加不定冠词,表示“又,再”;加定冠词,则表示顺序。这两种用法在本题中都有体现。句意为:第一印象是最持久的。毕竟,你决不可能再有一次机会去给别人留下第一印象。 (2009年高考辽宁卷)2.This area experienced _ heaviest rainfall in _ month of May. A. 不填; A. B. a; the

6、 C. the; the D. the; a 【解析】答案C。第一空为形容词的最高级用the,第二空用the特指五月这个月。句意是:这地区五月份遭受最强降雨。(2009年高考全国卷)3. Lets go to _ cinema - thatll take your mind off the problem for _ while. A. the; a C. a; the D. a;【解析】答案B。go to the cinema属于固定词组,the cinema表示泛指的电影院;for a while表示短暂的时间,“一会儿”。句意是: 咱们去看电影吧,这样就会暂时忘记这个烦恼。(2009年高

7、考全国卷II) 4. What I need is_ book that contains _ ABC of oil painting. A. a; 不填 B. the; 不填 C. the; an D. a ; the 【解析】答案D。第一空为泛指,第二空的 the ABC of 表示“.的入门;的基础知识”。我所需要是一本含有油画入门知识的书。(2009年高考北京卷)5. The biggest whale is _ blue whale, which grows to be about 29 meters long - the height of _ 9-story building.

8、the B. a; a C. a; the D. the;考查冠词的用法。第一空用the + n表示类别,是指blue whale 这一类动物;第二空用a表示泛指。最大的鲸鱼是蓝鲸,它可以长到大约29米长,一座九层楼的高度。基础演练:1.【10辽宁】There are over 58, 000 rocky objects in _ space, about 900 of which could fall down onto _ earth. the B. 不填; the C. the; 不填 D. a; the【答案】B【考点】考查冠词。【解析】第一空in space 是固定短语, 不用冠词,

9、 第二空名词earth属于独一无二事物的名词, 其前必须用定冠词。句意:太空中有超过58,000的岩状物体, 其中大约900有可能掉到地球上。2. 【10浙江】Many lifestyle patterns do such great harm to health that they actually speed up weakening of the human body. / B. /; the C. a; the D. /; /【考点】本题考查冠词。【解析】句意:许多生活方式对人类的健康有害, 他们加速了人类身体的衰退。本题考查冠词, 对有害用短语 “do harm to”表示, 中间无

10、需冠词;之后的weakening是由动词的ing形式表示抽象的名词, 表达一种概念、状况时需要加上the。3. 【09浙江】I dont understand what the engineer means, but Ive got _ rough idea of _ project plan. a B. 不填; 不填 D. a;【答案】D【考点】考查冠词的用法。【解析】前空构成短语get a + adj + idea of sth, 泛指一种大体的想法, 后空指双方都知道的那个project计划。4. 【08全国II】Its not _ good idea to drive for four

11、 hours without _ break.A. a ; a B. the ; a C. the ; the D. a ;【答案】A【解析】句意为:开车四个小时而不休息不是一个好主意。第一空 “一个好主意”是泛指;without a break是习惯用法, break也是泛指。5. 【08四川】In the United States, there is always _ flow of people to areas of _ country where more jobs can be found. the B. the ; a C. the; the D. a;在美国, 总有人不断地涌

12、入乡村地区, 在那里可以找到更多的工作。a flow of表示 “大量涌入(某地)”;the country/countryside表示 “乡村”, 与定冠词the连用。6. 【07 全国II】Could you tell me the way to _ Johnsons, please?Sorry, we dont have _ Johnson here in the village. a C. /; the D. the;【解析】第一空:姓氏复数前加the表示一家人, 第二句中a Johnson指 “一个叫Johnson的人”。7. 【07 北京】I looked under _bed a

13、nd found _book I lost last week. A.the; a B. the: the C. 不填;the D. the:;不填【解析】两空都表示特指。提升突破:1.【07江西】Many people have come to realize that they should go on _balanced diet and make _ room in their day for exercise. A.a;/ B.the; a C.the;the D./;a【解析】第一空表泛指;第二空room意为 “空间”, 表抽象概念, 是不可数名词。2. 【07 重庆】Gorge

14、couldnt remember when he first met Mr. Anderson, but he was sure it was _ Sunday because everybody was at _ church.A. /; the B. the; / C. a; / D. /;【答案】C【解析】第一空泛指 “是在一个星期天”;at church是固定词组。3. 【06 全国】I know you dont like music very much. But what do you think ofmusic in the film we saw yesterday?A. 不填

15、;不填 B. the; the C. the; 不填 D. 不填;the【解析】music意为 “音乐”, 前不用冠词。第二个music指电影中的音乐, 表示特指, 要用定冠词the。4. 【10重庆】Everything comes with price; there is no such thing as free lunch in the world.A. a, a B. the, / C. the, a D. a, /【解析】price意思是 “代价”, 为可数名词, 第二空前边有no,后面的名词不用冠词, 故选 D项。5. 【10山东】If we sit near _ front o

16、f the bus, well have _ better view. A. 不填; the B. 不填;a C. the; a D. the;【考点】本题考查冠词在具体语境中的使用。【解析】 句意应为 “如果我们坐在公共汽车的前部, 就会有更好的视野”表示 “某空间内部的前部”时, front前要加定冠词the; have a good view是习惯搭配, 表示 “视野开阔, 视野良好”之意;所以C项符合语境。6. 【10江苏】The visitors here are greatly impressed by the fact that_ people from all walks of

17、 life are working hard for_ new Jiangsu.A.不填; a B. 不填;the C. the;【答案】A.【解析】第一空,来自社会各阶层的人. 是不特指,不用冠词. 第二空, 在Jiangsu 前有形容词new 因此,应加冠词a.表示一个全新的江苏。7. 【2011江西卷22】Its said John will be in a job paying over 60,000 _ year. Right, he will also get paid by _ week. the B. a; the C. the; a D.a;【考点】考查冠词在具体语境中的用法

18、。【解析】前一句句意为:据说John将会有一份年工资超过60000美金的工作,表时间单位每年,冠词用a,后一句说没错,他也将会以每周的方式得到薪水。by后面接具体的计量方式用定冠词the。因此选B。基础题:1.Of all reasons for my decision to become a university professor,my fathers advice was most important one.a B./;a C./;the D.the;答案: D解析: 成为大学教授的原因,为有所指,因此第一空为定冠词。第二空因为有第一空的范围of all the reasons,故第二

19、空为最高级,填定冠词。2.The Wilsons live in A-shaped house near the coast.It is 17th century cottage. /;the C./;the; 根据house,cottage两个空都必须填冠词,从而排除A、C两项;第二空后的17th century只表示房子的年代特征,而不表示具体的顺序,故答案选D项。3.We can never expect bluer sky unless we create less polluted world. a B. a; a D. the; A4.The biggest w

20、hale is _ blue whale, which grows to be about 29 meters longthe height of _ 9-story building. B5.Some people fear that _ air pollution may bring about changes in _ weather around the world. / C. an; A 考查冠词用法。Air pollution 是抽象名词这里是泛指,weather 这里是特指全球的气候,根据the weather around the world 可知。6.Lets go to c

21、inema-thatll take your mind off the problem for while a C. a; B 考查冠词的用法go to the cinema 表示具体的某地,for a while 固定搭配,表示“一会儿”。7.What pity that you couldnt be there to receive prize! a B. the; C 考查冠词。第一空所填冠词与上下文构成固定句型what a pity that,用不定冠词a;第二空后名词表示表特指,用定冠词the,选C。8.In order to find _ better job, he decide

22、d to study _ second foreign language. a B. a; a C. the; B 考查冠词的用法。该题的意思是:为了找到一个更好的工作,他决定再学习另外一门外语。第一空表示泛指;第二空用a +序数词+名词表示又一,再一。9.I dont understand what the engineer means, but Ive got _ rough idea of _ project plan. a B. 不填; 不填 D. a;10.Washing machines made by China have won worldwide attention and

23、Haier has become popular name. B. /; a C. /;D. the;提升题:1.What I need is book that contains ABC of oil painting. 不填 B. the; 不填 C. the; an D. a;2. In review of 44 studies,American researchers found that men and women who ate six key foods daily cut the risk of heart disease by 76%. A.a;the B.the;a C.a

24、;/ D./; C review是可数名词,表示泛指要用不定冠词a。heart disease心脏病,前面不加冠词。3.Everywhere man has cut down forests in order to grow crops,or to use wood as fuel or as building material./ C./;the D./;/ 本题考查冠词的用法。第一空为可数名词表类别,有三种形式,一是可数名词单数前加不定冠词,二是可数名词单数前加定冠词,三是用可数名词复数不加冠词。第二空指砍下的木材、材料,因此应加定冠词。4.For him stage is just me

25、ans of making a living.a B.the;a C.the;the D.a; stage在该句中表示“从艺”,是一个抽象概念,其前不可加不定冠词;means为单复数同形的名词,由句意可知此处应表示“一种方式”,用a means of。5.According to World Health Organization,health care plans are needed in all big cities to prevent spread of AIDS. A.the;/ B.the;the C.a;a D./; the World Health Organization(世界卫生组织)属于“the+普通名词”构成的专有名词;the spread of AIDS属于特指,表示AIDS的蔓延,of AIDS作定语,故spre

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