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本文(推荐下载BBC经典《行星地球》英文解说词全集文档格式.docx)为本站会员(b****4)主动上传,冰点文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰点文库(发送邮件至service@bingdoc.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、本文可编辑可修改,如果觉得对您有帮助请收藏以便随时查阅,最后祝您生活愉快 业绩进步,以下为(完整word版)BBC经典-行星地球英文解说词(全集)的全部内容。行星地球英文解说词第1集 PLANET EARTH From Pole to PoleA hundred years ago there were one and a half billion people on Earth。 Now, over six billion crowd our fragile planet Earth. But even so, there are still places barely touched by

2、 humanity. This series will take to the last wildernesses and show you the planet Earth and its wildlife as you have never seen them before。 Imagine our world without sun。 Male Emperor penguins are facing the nearest that exists on planet Earth Earth winter in Antarctica。 Its continuously dark and t

3、emperatures drop to minus seventy degrees centigrade。 The penguins stay when all other creatures have fled because each guards a treasure: a single egg rested on the top of its feet and kept warm beneath the downy bulge of its stomach。 There is no food and no water for them, and they will not see th

4、e sun again for four months. Surely no greater ordeal is faced by any animal. As the sun departs from the Antarctic it lightens the skies in the far north. Its March and light returns to the high Arctic, sweeping away four months of darkness. A polar bear stirs. She has been in her den the whole win

5、ter. Her emergence marks the beginning of spring. After months of confinement underground she toboggans down the slope. Perhaps to clean her fur, perhaps for sheer joy。 Her cubs gaze out of their bright new world for the very first time。 The female calls them, but this steep slope is not the easiest

6、 place to take your first steps. But they are hungry and eager to reach their mother, whos delayed feeding them on this special day. Now she lures them with the promise of milk, the only food the cubs have known since they were born deaf and blind beneath the snow some two months ago. Their mother h

7、as not eaten for five months and has lost half her body weight. Now she converts the last of her fat reserves into milk for her cubs. The spring sun brings warmth but also a problem for the mother. It starts to melt the sea ice. That is where she hunts for the seal she needs to feed her cubs. And sh

8、e must get there before the ice breaks up。 For now though its still minus thirty degrees and the cubs must have the shelter of the den. Its six days since the bears emerged and spring is advancing rapidly. But even now blizzards can strike without warning。 Being so small, the cubs are easily chilled

9、 and they will be more comfortable resting in the den. But their mother must keep them out and active。 Shes becoming weak from hunger and theres no food on these nursery slopes。 The sea ice still holds firm, but it wont last much longer。 Day 10, and the mother has led her cubs a mile from the den。 I

10、ts time to put them to the test。 Theyve grown enormously in confidence, but they dont have their mothers sense of urgency。 At last it seems that theyre ready for their journey and theyre only just in time, for a few miles from the coast the ice is already splitting. Now the mother can start hunting

11、for the seals they must have, but shes leading her cubs into a dangerous new world。 Nearly half of all cubs die in their first year out on the ice. Summer brings 24 hours of sunlight and the thawing shifting landscape。 Further south the winter snows have almost cleared from the Arctic tundra. Northe

12、rn Canadas wild frontier. Here nature stages one of her greatest dramas Every year three million caribou migrate across the Arctic tundra. The immensity of the herd can only be properly appreciated from the air。 Some herds travel over 2,000 miles a year in search of fresh pastures. This is the longe

13、st overland migration made by any animal。re constantly on the move。 Newborn calves have to be up and running the day they are born。 But the vast herds do not travel alone。 Wolves. Packs of them, eight to ten strong, shadow the migration. And they are hungry. Its the newly born calves that they are a

14、fter. Running directly at the herd is a ploy to generate panic. The herd breaks up and now its easier to target an individual。 In the chaos a calf is separated from its mother。 The calf is young, but it can outrun the wolf if only it manages to keep its footing。 At this stage the odds are even - eit

15、her the caribou will make a mistake or after a mile the wolf will give up。 Midsummer on the tundra and the sun does not set。 At these latitudes the suns rays are glancing and not enough of their energy reaches the ground to enable trees to grow. Youll need to travel 500 miles south from here before

16、that is possible。 These stunted shrubs mark the tree line - the beginning of the boreal forest the taiga. The needleshaped leaves of the conifers are virtually inedible so this forest supports very little animal life. Its a silent place where the snow is unmarked by footprints。 In the Arctic winter

17、snow forms a continuous blanket across the land. But as spring creeps up from the south the taiga is unveiled。 This vast forest circling the globe contains a third of all the trees on Earth and produces so much oxygen it changes the composition of the atmosphere. As we travel south so the suns influ

18、ence grows stronger and at 50 degrees of latitude a radical transformation begins. Summers here are long enough for broadleaf trees to replace conifers。 Broadleaves are much easier to eat and digest so now animals can collect their share of the energy that has come from the sun. Its summer and these

19、 forests are bustling with life。 But the good times will not last. Broad leaves must be shed in winter for their damage by frost。 As they disappear, so the land becomes barren with little for animals to eat。 The inhabitants must migrate, hibernate, or face months of near starvation. The Amur leopard

20、 the rarest cat in the world. Here, in the deciduous forests of eastern Russia the winter makes hunting very difficult. Pray animals are scarce, and theres no concealing vegetation. The cub is a year old and still dependent on its mother。 Deer are frequent casualties of the harsh winter and these le

21、opards are not above scavenging from a corpse。 African leopards could never survive here, but the Russian cats have thick fur to shield them from the cold. There are only forty Amur leopards left in the wild and that number is falling。 Like so many creatures, the cats have been pushed to the very ed

22、ge of extinction by hunting and the destruction of their habitat. The Amur leopard symbolises the fragility of our natural heritage. The future of an entire species hangs on survival of a tiny number of mothers like this one. All animals, rare or common, ultimately depend for their energy on the sun

23、。 In Japan the arrival of the cherry blossom announces the beginning of spring. The suns energy brings colour to the landscape。 The earth, as it makes its annual journey around the sun, spins on a tilted axis。 And its this tilt that creates the seasons。 The advance of the seasons brings constant cha

24、nge。 As the suns influence diminishes in the north, so the deciduous forests of America begin to shut down losing their leaves in preparation for the dark cold months ahead. One season hands over to another。 Some organisms thrive on decay, but most must make special preparations for winter and a lif

25、e with little sun. Whole populations of animals are now forced to travel great distances in pursuit of food and warmth。 300,000 Baikal teal gather to escape from the Siberian winter by migrating south to Korea - the worlds entire population in a single flock. But there are parts of the world that ha

26、ve no seasons. In the tropics the suns rays strike the earth head on and their strength is more or less constant all year round。 That is why the jungle grows so vigourously and supports so much life. This forest covers only 3 percent of the planets surface, but it contains more than 50 percent of al

27、l its plants and animals. The canopy is particularly rich。 There are monkeys, birds and millions of species of insects, exactly how many we have no idea. The character of the forest changes as we descend, becoming ever darker and damper, favouring different kinds of animals and plants. Less than 2 p

28、ercent of the sunlight reaches the floor, but even here there is extraordinary variety. In the great island of New Guinea there are 42 different species of birds of paradise, each more bizarre than the last。 This forest is so rich that nourishing food can be gathered very quickly。 That leaves the ma

29、le six-plumed bird of paradise with time to concentrate on other matters like tidying up his display area。 Everything must be spick and span. All is ready。 Very impressive, but no one is watching. The superb bird of paradise calls to attract a female。 And he has more luck. But what does he have to d

30、o to really impress her? She retires to consider her verdict. Its hard not to feel deflated when even your best isnt good enough. The sun influences life in the oceans just as it does on land。 Its richest parts are those where waves and currents bring fertilising nutrients to surface waters that are

31、 bathed in sunlight. The seas off the Cape in South Africa have this magic recipe and are hugely productive. Summer is the time of plenty and its now that the seals start to breed。 The strike of a great white shark lasts a mere second。 Slowing it down forty times reveals the technique and immense st

32、rength of this massive predator。 If surprise fails, there will be a chase. The shark is faster on a straight course but it cant turn as sharply as the seal, its agility versus power。 Once the seals have finished breeding the giant sharks will move on. Its now becoming clear that great whites migrate thousands of miles across the oceans to harvest seasonal abundances in different seas. The sun, beatin

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