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1、高一英语阅读理解练习12高一英语阅读理解练习(1) 阅读理解 (共20小题:每小题2分,满分40分)A Valencia is in the east part of Spain. It has a port on the sea, two miles away on the coast. It is the capital of a province that is also named Valencia. The city is a market centre for what is produced by the land around the city. Most of the cit

2、ys money is made from farming. It is also a busy business city, with ships, railways, clothes and machine factories. Valencia has an old part with white buildings, coloured roofs, and narrow streets. The modern part has long, wide streets and new buildings. Valencia is well known for its parks and g

3、ardens. It has many old churches and museums. The university in the centre of the city was built in the 13th century. The city of Valencia has been known since the 2nd century. In the 8th century it was the capital of Spain. There is also an important city in Venezuela(委内瑞拉) named Valencia. 1.From t

4、he text, how many places have the name Valencia? A. one B. two C. three D. four 2. What is the main difference between the two parts of Valencia? A. The colour of the building B. The length of the streets C. The age of the buildings D. The colour of the roofs 3. When was Valencia the most important

5、city in Spain? A.2nd century B.8th century C.13th century D. 20the century 4. What is Valencia famous for? A. Its seaport B. Its university C. Its churches and museums D. Its parks and gardens 5. The main income of the city of Valencia is from its _. A. markets B. business C. factoriesD. farmingB Pl

6、ants are very important living things. Life could not go on if there were no plants. This is because plants can make food from air, water and sunlight. Animals and man cannot make food from air, water and sunlight. Animals get their food by eating plants and other animals. Therefore animals and man

7、need plants in order to live. This is why we find that there are so many plants around us. If you look carefully at the plants around you, you will find that there are two kinds of plants: flowering plants and non-flowering plants. Flowering plants can make seeds. The seeds are protected by the frui

8、ts. Some fruits have one seed, some have two, three or four, and some have many seeds. But a few fruits have no seeds at all. An example of a fruit without seeds is the banana fruit. Most non-flowering plants do not grow from seeds. They grow from spores(胚芽)。 Spores are very small. Some spores are s

9、o small and light that they can float in the air. We may say that spores are quite the same as seeds. When these spores are all on wet and shady places, they usually grow into new plants. 6. The main idea of the first paragraph is that _. A. plants are important for life B. plants cannot grow withou

10、t air C. there are many plants in the world D. we can not live without water 7. Plants can make food from_. A. flower, water and air B. water, sunlight and air C. air, water and soil D. air, sun and light 8. What can we infer(推断) from the passage ? A. Of all living things animals are most important

11、B. Spores are seeds C. All fruits of flowering plants have seeds D. Without plants, man will die out 9. This passage may be taken from_. A. a medicine book B. a novel C. a science magazine D. an experiment report 10. The underlined word “protected” in the third paragraph can be replaced by _. A. dam

12、aged B. polluted C. prevented D. guarded C Mrs. Blake teaches English in a large school in the inner area of a big city on the west of coast. Even since she was a young girl,she has wanted to become a teacher. She has taught eight years now and hasnt changed her mind. After she graduated from high s

13、chool, she went on to college. Four years later, she received her bachelors degree (B A) in English and her teaching certificate(证书)。 Then she went to teach in the secondary schools of her state. In the summers, Mrs. Blake takes more classes; she hopes to get a masters degree (M A)。 With an MA, she

14、will receive a higher salary and if possible, she hopes to get a doctors degree as well. The school day at Mrs. Blakes high school, like that in many high schools in the United States, is divided into one hour each. Mrs. Blake must teach five of these periods. During her free period, which for her i

15、s from 2 to 3 P.M. , Mrs. Blake must meet with parents, make out examinations, check assignments at all, Mrs. Blake works continuously from the time she arrives at school in the morning till the time she leaves for home late in the afternoon. 11. How long is it since Mrs. Blake graduated from middle

16、 school? A. four years B. eight years C. twelve years d. twenty years 12. According to the article, which is the right order of the degrees a person can receive after going to university? A. a doctors degree a bachelors degree a masters degree B. a bachelors degree a masters degree a doctors degree

17、C. a masters degreea bachelors degree a doctors degree D. a bachelors degree a doctors degreea masters degree 13. How many degrees has Mrs. Blake achieved so far? A. one B. two C. three D. none 14. Which of the following sentences is not true? A. Mrs. Blake teaches in the inner area of big city on t

18、he east of the United Sates B. Mrs. Blake has turned her wish of becoming a teacher into reality. C. Mrs. Blake is still studying in her holidays in order to get higher degrees. D. The working hours in the school where Mrs. Blake works are similar to those of many other high schools in the states. 1

19、5. According to that third paragraph,Mrs. Blake is _ during the school day. A. lonely B. free C. funny D. busy D To swim across the English Channel takes at least nine hours. Its hard work and it makes you short of breath. To fly over the channel takes only twenty minutes as long as youre not held u

20、p at the airport, but its an expensive way to travel. You can travel by hovercraft (气垫船)if you dont mind the noise and that takes forty minutes. Otherwise, you can go by boat, if you remember your sea-sickness pills. All these means of transport have their problems, and the weary(厌烦的)traveler often

21、dreams of being able to drive to France in his own car. “Not possible, you say. Well, wait a minute. People are once again considering the idea of a channel tunnel or bridge.” This time, the great London Council(议会)is looking into the possibility of building a channel link straight to London. A brid

22、ge would cost far more than a tunnel, but you would be able to by rail or by car on a bridge, yet a tunnel would provide a rail link only. Why is this idea being discussed again? Is Britain realizing the need for links with Europe as a result of joining EEC? Well, perhaps, the main reason, though, i

23、s that a tunnel or bridge would reach the twenty square kilometers of Londons discussed dockland(船坞)。 A link from London to the continent would stimulate(刺激) trade and revitalize(使重新具有活力)the port, and would make London a main trading center in Europe. With a link over the Channel, you could buy your

24、 fish and chips in England and be able to eat them in France while they are still warm! 16. From the lines we can see that people crossed the Channel by _ in the past. A. air B. boat C. swimming D. A, B, or C 17. The weary traveler thinks the best way to cross the Channel is _. A. by swimming B. in

25、his own car C. by air D. by hovercraft 18. A tunnel would cost_ a bridge. A. far less than B. as much as C. far more than D. as little as 19. According to the passage, a link from London to the continent would be_. A. necessary for its trade B. important for its politics C. useful for its industry D

26、. helpful for its culture 20. The main idea of the passage is_. A. how to develop the trade of London B. when to cross the Channel C. how to get to Europe from London more conveniently D. what to do in the developing of traveling 参考答案:1-5 CCBDD 6-10 ABDCD 11-15 CBAAD 16-20 DBAAC高一英语阅读理解练习(2)A The sk

27、y usually looks light blue. But if you went to the top of the highest mountain, went to the top of the highest mountain, where there is less air between you and the sun to scatter the sunlight, the sky would be deep, dark blue. And if you rode in a rocket high above the earth, where there is no air

28、at all to scatter the sunlight, the sky would be so dark that it would be black. Sometimes the sky doesnt look blue. At sunrise and sunset, the light from the sun sometimes is scattered in such a way that you see red, orange, and other colors in the sky. 65. The sky usually looks light blue because

29、_. A. the sun is light and blue B. the air is light and blue C. the air scatters the sunlight D. the sunlight is blue 66. The sky looks dark blue when _. A. there is less air between you and the sun B. there is high mountain C. the mountain is highest D. you climb a mountain 67. The sky looks black

30、if _. A. you ride in a rocket B. the rocket is high in the sky C. the rocket is high above the earth D. there is no air to scatter the sunlight 68. Sometimes the sky doesnt look blue because _. A. the sun is rising B. the sun is setting C. the air has different colors D. the light from the sun is scattered in a different way 69. A good title for this passage would be _. A. The Sky Looks Blue B. Why the Sky Looks Colorful C. The Beautiful Sunlight D. Something About the Air B More and more often we heard of people talking about Karaoke(卡拉OK)。 But what

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