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1、C*C: Sin gle or doubleD: Sin gle or back答案:B有疑问去论坛* 2、 Jane: Carol, you look Very well.Carol: Thank you, Jane. You look Won derful too. Your Weeke nd tennis musthave done you gooD.Jane: .回答正确C That S Very kind of you Are you kiddi ng? Thank you any Way YoU think so? S enCoUraging I don t believe it.

2、 You are flattering me 3、 Salesgirl: Good morning, miss. Can I help you?Mary: d like half a kilo of Oranges, please.Salesgirl: . Any thi ng else? No, tha nk you. TheSe Oran ges are for you GiVe you the Oran ges There you areG D: Here are you*有疑问去论坛t you work harder?* 4、 three days to go before the f

3、inal exams, should n On Byf* D: WithD Their CakeS are to StriVe for Their CakeS are to StrUggIe for Their CakeS are to die for Their CakeS are to Pay for答案: are formed by in the form Of form forms* 7、 Ann: Do you still have a headache, Bill?Bill: Yes, I do. And now I have a fever and cough Con Sta n

4、tly.Ann: S Very regretfulC B: S PitifUI S too bad S worse* 8、 The members of an exte nded family are by blood or by marriage. related relate relative relatesA9、 The nu clear familytwo Pare nts (mother and father) and their ChiIdre n. Con SiStS of Con SiSt of is Con SiSted of Con SiStS Of at by有疑问去论坛

5、* 11 、 Customer: EXCUSe me, sir.Customer: I d like to CaSh a check. Would you PIeaSe tell me WhiCh Window should I go to? You Can CaSh CheCkS over there at Win dow 6. What? Can I help you? Yes, may I help you?厂 C: It S all right. It doesn t matter.12、RebeCCa:light colors dont really SUit him.Dora: R

6、eally? Well, PerSOnally, I think he WearS the Wrong colors. ACtUaIly I dont think Bob has chose n the right suit. I love the Way Bob dresses. He always looks so smart. How funny Bob looks in that jacket! Bob S new coat looks Very expensive.13、Therepepper, salt, mustard and SOmetimeS Vinegar on the t

7、able. are is be*有疑冋去论坛m StarVi ng. 14、 Tommy: Mommy, When Will We have dinner? IMother: .We have to Wait for daddy. I IIIBII III III III I A: Soon,honey Quickly, honey OK, honey All right, honey* 15、 In most heavy rains in this area will CaUSe problems. areas None Neither Not No ThatS all right SPeak ing I am Helen S me ThiS is me WhiCh Where Whe n* 20、 They usually go for a Walk in With each other after supper. compa ny COmPariS On relati On Conn ecti On

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