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1、12. over the years 在这些年期间 13. in the town centre 在镇中心 14. turninto 把变成 15. a steel factory 一家钢铁厂 16. put the waste into the river 把废料扔进河里 17. take action to improve the situation 采取行动改善情况 18. much cleaner 干净得多 some ways 在某种程度上,在某些方面 20. have a beautiful modern town 拥有一个美丽现代化的城镇 21. most of my

2、old friends 我的大多数老朋友 22.move away 搬走 23. see each other as often as before 和过去一样频繁的见到彼此 24 play cards and Chinese chess 打牌,下中国象棋 25. feel a bit lonely from time to time 有时感到有点孤单 26.the amazing changes 令人惊奇的改变 27.have an interview with sb. 采访某人 28. all ones life 一生 over ten bicycles 修十多辆自行车

3、 30.the changes in Beijing 北京的变化 31.over the past century 上个世纪期间 32.learn more about 更多了解关于 33.clean and fresh air 干净新鲜空气 condition 居住环境 35.railway station 火车站 to and from the town by bus 乘公交进出城镇 37.another big change 另一个大变化 38.used to live in old houses 过去住在旧房子里 39.move into new

4、 flats 搬进新的公寓 40.return from the USA 从美国回来 41.go abroad 出国,去国外 primary school 在小学 43.keep in touch with each other 互相保持联络 municate by email 通过电子邮件交流 45.make communication much easier 使沟通更容易 used to (doing) sth 习惯于(干)某事 47.on ones own 独自地,独立地 48.narrow and dirty roads 又窄又脏的公路 49.wide

5、and clean streets 宽阔而干净的街道 trees on birth sides 两边绿树 spaces 开阔的空地 their free time 在他们的空闲时间 53.enjoy a comfortable life 享受舒服的生活 【句型学习重点】1.You used to be so kind to me. 你过去对我那么 好 。2.It took a long time to wait for the next one. 等下一辆公共汽车要花费很长时间3.Do you know Sunshine Town very wel

6、l, Mr Chen?陈先生你对阳光镇很了解吗?4.When I got married in 1965, my wife and I moved two blocks away and weve lived in this area since then. 当我1965年结婚时,我和我的妻子搬到两个街区以外,此后一直住在这里。5.It has become impossible for us to see each other as often as before.对我们来说像以前一样经常见面变得不可能。6.Anyway, its good to see the amazing change

7、s in the town. 不管怎样,能看到小镇这些令人惊叹的变化,还是不错的。7.We havent seen each other since then. 我们自从那时就再也没见过。8.Many changes have taken place in Moonlight Town over the years.这些年月光镇发生了许多变化。【重点语法】现在完成时态讲解一 定义: 动作发生在过去对现在造成了影响或结果。特点是既涉及过去,又联系现在:动作是过去发生的,结果是现在存在的。1 Eddie has eaten Hobos food. 此句是现在完成时。“吃”的动作是过去发生的,而对现

8、在所造成的结果是Hobo没有食物吃了。2 Look! The blackboard is so clean now. He has cleaned the blackboard. (他已经擦过黑板了。)这句话所表示的结果是黑板现在是干净的。3 He has come here. 这句话的意思: He is here now.二 现在完成时构成:肯定句: 主语+ have/has +done(动词过去分词)否定句: 主语+ havent /hasnt + done疑问句: Have/Has + 主语+ doneHave you.? Has he.?Yes, I have Yes, he has.

9、No, I havent. No, he hasnt . (has 用于第三人称单数,have 用于其他所有人称。)课后作业:中考指南P119-123教学反思8B Unit 2第 2 课时Travelling1.能正确运用四会单词和短语 2.熟悉课文并能运用重点句型3.现在完成时的应用.四会词汇和短语现在完成时的应用。 学习方法Task-based approachTape-recorder Blackboard 一词汇(听写)二重点词组Welcome 短语:1.去南山度假 go to South Hill for ones holiday2.去过那儿 have been there3.加入某

10、人 join sb4.做准备 get ready .为做准备 get/be ready for sth5.度假 be on holiday6.拿我所有的东西 get all my things7.如此兴奋 be so excited8.带上包 take the bag9.名胜 places of interest10.小美人鱼 the Little Mermaid11.的首都 the capital of 12.来自某人的故事 come from the story by sbReading 短语:1.香港之旅 a trip to Hong Kong2,互相见面 see each other3

11、.很想念某人 miss sb so much4.玩得很开心 have a fantastic time doing sth /have a good time doing sth /have fun doing sth/enjoy oneself5.整天 the whole day6.乘地铁去公园 get to the park by underground7.高速运行 move at a high speed8.整个旅途中 through the ride9.匆忙去某地 hurry to spl.10.在路上 on the way11.例如 such as12.变得兴奋 get excite

12、d13.一天中最精彩的部分 the best part of the day14.跟着跑,追逐 run after15.忍不住一直做某事 cant stop doing sth16.游行之后 after the parade17.看一部4-D电影 watch a 4-D film18.像魔术 be like magic19.闻到苹果派 smell the apple pie20.感觉到风 feel the do some shopping22.几个钥匙链 a couple of key rings23.在的末尾 at the end of24.看焰火 watch the f

13、ireworks25.在焰火下看起来明亮而又美丽 look bright and beautiful under the fireworks 26.不久见 see you soonGrammar 短语:1.下周回来 come back next week2.此刻 at the moment3.呆在那儿一周 stay there for a week4.参加一个会议 attend a meeting5.在沙滩上玩 play on the land6.顺便说一下 by the way7.寒假的第一天 the first day of the winter holidayIntegrated ski

14、lls 短语:1.有天然美景的地方 places of natural beauty2.海滨城市 seaside cities3.主题公园 theme parks4.整年 all year round5.在寒冷雨雪天气爬山 climb the mountains on cold and snowy days 6.做某事的最好时间 the best time to do sth7.在一年的那段时间 at that time of year8.有的计划 have some plans for9.出差 be on business10.乘直达的航班 take a direct flight11.为你

15、核实一下 check it for youStudy skills 短语:1.用下面的五个要点 use the following five main points2.在寒假期间 during the winter holiday3.享受自然美 enjoy the natural beauty4.在湖边去钓鱼 go fishing by the lake5.你感觉怎么样? How did you feel?6.谁在那儿? Who was there?Task 短语:1.要点和细节 main points and details2.动身去某地 leave for spl3.三个半小时 three

16、 and a half hours/three hours and a half4.去最著名的主题公园 go to the most famous theme park5.买了许多礼物给我们的亲戚 buy a lot of presents for our relatives 6.一家海鲜餐厅 a seafood restaurant7.非常喜欢这次旅行 enjoy this trip very much三重点句子1.我将要去南山度假。 Im going to South Hill for my holiday. 2.我想对我而言这不会是什么假期了。I dont think itll be a

17、 holiday for me. 3.你去过哪儿度假? Where have you been on holiday?4.关于它有什么特别之处? Whats special about it?5.它来自汉斯克里斯蒂安安徒生的故事。It comes from the story by Hans Christian Andersen6.我们自从上周就没见面了。 We havent seen each other since last week. 7.今天我们在迪斯尼呆了一整天。 Today we spent the whole day at Disneyland. 8.首先,我们在太空山黑暗中的室

18、内过山车玩得很开心。First,we had fun on Space Mountainan indoor roller coaster in the dark.9.接着,我们匆忙赶到饭店很快吃了饭。Next,we hurried to a restaurant to have a quick meal.10.每个人都变得很兴奋当迪斯尼人物巡游在下午晚些时候开始时。Everybody got excited when a parade of Disney characters began later in the afternoon.11.我跟着他们跑,忍不住一直拍照片。 I ran afte

19、r them and couldnt stop taking photos.12.我给同学们买了几个钥匙环。我相信你们会喜欢的。 I bought a couple of key rings for classmates.Im sure youll love them.13.希望你在那儿玩得开心! Hope youve enjoyed yourself there!14.桑迪从未去过南山。 Sandy has never been to South Hill. 15.我几天没有看见吴老师了。 I havent seen Mr Wu for days.16.你最近去过一些地方吗? Have yo

20、u been anywhere recently?17.他和他的父母去了农村。He and his parents have gone to the country. 18.他们将要明天下午回来。 Theyll be back tomorrow afternoon. 19.董先生从出生起就住在这里。 Mr Dong has lived here since he was born. 20.游行结束好几个小时了。 The parade has been over for hours. 21.她从上周二起离开了家。She has been away from home since last Tue

21、sday. 22.它开始了大约半个小时。 It have been on for about half an hour. 四重点语法 1、have/has been to + 地点 去过(已经回来了) I have been to Beijing before. 我以前去过北京2、have/has gone to + 地点 去了(还没回来了) Where is my father, mum?He has gone to Beijing.3、 have/has been in + 地点 呆在某地 I have been in Nanjing for 3 years. 我在南京呆了三年了。中考指南

22、P124-128 总 课 题8B Unit 3第 3 课时Online tours1.能正确运用四会单词和短语 2.熟悉课文并能运用重点句型3.掌握一般过去时与现在区别与联系四会词汇和短语一般过去时与现在区别与联系。Presentation, Practice, Consolidation.Tape-recorder ,Blackboard 二次备课听写单词重点词组Comic strip Welcome to the unit(p34-35) tours 在线旅游 2.change the channel 换频道 with friends 和朋友聊天 4.look

23、 like a TV 看起来像个电视机 for information 搜索信息 word processing 做文字处理 7.send and receive emails 收发电子邮件 videos 观看视频 Reading(p36-39) the top of 在的顶部 the bottom of 在的底部 3.the world-famous trade centre世界著名的商业中心 the southern end of 在的最南端 5.a hard days work 一天艰苦的工作 6.hear of 听

24、说 on it 单击它 8.since the early twentieth century 自从20世纪初以来 famous for 以而闻名 the centre of the island 在岛屿的中心 11.many companies and international banks 许多公司和国际银行 12.on New Years Eve 在除夕夜 13.fall through the darkness 在黑暗中落下 14.a large green lawn 一大片绿草坪 15.start your new tour 开始你的新旅程 16

25、.be called 被称为 Grammar(p40-42)1.visit the Palace Museum 参观故宫 2.climb Mount Huang 登黄山 3.learn to swim 学会游泳 4.write an email to 写一封电子邮件给 5.many places of interest 许多名胜 Integrated skills(p43-44) to use the website 怎样使用网站 2.learn about a city 了解一个城市 3.on the north-east coast of Australia 在澳大利亚东北海岸线

26、上 4.look like 看起来像 5.take an online tour on the website 进行一次网上之旅 6.lots of pictures of Sydney 许多悉尼的照片 7.a ship with many sails 有许多帆的轮船 pleasure 不客气 on the Print icon 单击“打印”图标 Study skills & Task(p45-p47)1. all over the world 全世界2. ask the way 问路3. order meals 点餐4. daily English 日常英语5. a

27、n island country 一个岛国6. be made up of 由组成7. the capital city 首都城市8. have a long history拥有悠久的历史 famous for 以而著名10. history and culture历史与文化11. learn a lot about关于了解很多 wet and cold 既潮湿又寒冷13.prepare for为做准备 tickets and hotels 预定门票和酒店15.see the doctor 看医生16.places of natural beauty 美丽的

28、自然风景重点语法现在完成时和一般过去时现在完成时和一般过去时都表示过去发生的动作,但在具体的语境中,这两种时态有明显的区别。现在完成时表示到说话时为止已经发生或完成(不一定结束)的动作或状态,强调造成的结果或对现在产生的影响。如:I have bought a new mobile phone. 我买了一部新手机。(言下之意:我有新手机用了。I have been to London many times. 我去过伦敦很多次。我对伦敦较熟悉。一般过去时表示过去某个时间发生的事情或存在的状态,说话的侧重点在陈述过去发生的事情或状态。I went to Shanghai last month. 注意:现在完成时通常和频度副词或表示一段时间的状语连用。many times, never, t

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