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1、1近几年大学生们热衷于考取各类各样的证书Topic l:Certificate Craze On Campus 1近几年大学生们热衷于考取各类各样的证书,校园内显现“考证热” 2产生这种现象的缘故 3在我眼里 Nowadays there is a “certificate craze” on campusThousands of college students are keen on working for various certificates,such as CET Band 4 and Band 6 certificates,Business English Certificate

2、,and other different professional certificates But why is there such a craze? First,it has much to do with the fierce competitive WorkforcemarketIt is widely believed that the more certificates a college student has on graduation,the better chance he has for a decent jobSecond,many students just wan

3、t to prove themselves by working for a certificateThey have been interested in a certain field and have worked hard on it,so they want a certificate to justify their efforts I think the certificate craze is good for both the society and studentsWhen students combine their work for some certificates

4、with their academic efforts, their college life will be more fruitful than otherwiseTopic 2:On Food Safety 1接连发生的食物平安问题引发大伙儿的紧密关注, 比如牛奶问题 2请分析一下食物平安的重要性 3你以为相关部门应采取什么方法增强食物平安 The problem of food safety has attracted much attention recentlyEveryone is astonished at the news that thousands of babies s

5、uffered from serious health problems because they had been fed with some poisonous milk products The issue of food safety is SO important that we cannot afford to ignore itFor one thing,food safety concerns the well-being of all the people in the countryFor another,failure to ensure the safety of fo

6、od causes damage to the image of our government,especially when such food is exported to other countriesFurthermore,unsafe food can undermine consumers confidence in the food industry,which may cause disastrous effect to our economy Therefore,our government should take all measures to make sure that

7、 all the food in our country is safe to eatThe government must strictly carry out food safety standards,and impose severe punishment on those who violate themTopic 3:Avoid Plagiarism 1论文剽窃(plagiarism)象几回显现 2由此带来的问题 3如何杜绝这种状况 Plagiarism has been an increasingly serious problem on campusMany college s

8、tudents use others ideas without reasonably stating the sourcesEven some professors are discovered to have borrowed passages from the works of others Undoubtedly plagiarism has much bad effectFirst,those whose works have been plagiarized suffer losses because their efforts were not duly recognizedSe

9、cond,those who plagiarize also endure great mental pressuresPlagiarism may have brought them something they need for the moment,but they are always in a fear that someday their plagiarism may be disclosed,and then their career may be totally destroyedFinally,plagiarism brings negative impact on the

10、ordinary peopleThey may lose their faith in the academic field and no longer believe in the saying “Honesty is the best policy To avoid plagiarism,both prevention and correction are neededFor prevention,all people should be taught lessons on the various forms of plagiarismFor correction,severe punis

11、hment is called for when plagiarism is discoveredTopic 4:My View on Writing a Biog 1愈来愈多的大学生以写博客来记录生活,表达情感, 发表意见 2有人支持有人反对 3我的观点 More and more college students are becoming bloggersThey keep blogs to note down what happens to them,to describe their emotions and feelings,and to express opinions on cu

12、rrent affairs There are different views regarding this phenomenonSome people think its a good idea for college students to keep a blogThey say blogs do not only provide an outlet for the students inner feelings like traditional diaries,but also provide a channel through which young people can commun

13、icate with one anotherOthers think differentlyThey are afraid that some students have spent too much time on their blogs,trying hard to win clicks and repliesTherefore both their academic work and their everyday interpersonal relationships may suffer In my opinionboth views are reasonableWhile writi

14、ng blogs are advisable,the students also need to be aware of its potential shortcomingsTopic 5:Cars and Air Pollution 1私家轿车愈来愈多污染问题随之产生 2解决的方式是 3我对这种现象的方式 Too many cars have caused a lot of serious problems in our worldBesides congestion,accidents and fast fuel consumption,car8 are responsible for a

15、 good part of air pollution in big cities One possible solution is to design and develop clean cars and clean fuelsIn Shanghai,some of the public buses begin to run on natural gas,which does not give off as much carbon dioxide as petrol Another solution is to develop modern public transportation sys

16、tems and restrict the use of private carsIf the price of petrol rises constantly and the public vehicles are efficient and convenient enough,most people will not buy private carsThus,the total number of cars in big cities will reduce greatly On the whole,the elimination of air pollution needs the co

17、llective efforts from the government,the public and the environmentalistsTopic 6:On Volunteering 1愈来愈多的人从事志愿工作 2志愿工作对需要帮忙的人和社会都有利,对志愿者本身也有益处 3我以为 The volunteering spirit has spread among the Chinese people in recent years,especially among young people Volunteering is of tremendous benefits to both t

18、hose in need and societyTake the Wenchuan Earthquake as an exampleHundreds of thousands of volunteers play an active role in Wenchuan quakehit areasAnd they contribute daily necessaries,offer medical help and psychological help to the disaster relief work Besides, volunteering would be beneficial to

19、 the volunteers themselvesGetting involved in volunteering, volunteers will be exposed to a new environment, and they can learn how to work well in a team, how to improve their interpersonal skills and organizational skills,all of which are critical for their professional growth As a college student

20、,I sincerely hope that everyone would join the volunteering workIt is not only good to our society,but also a chance for US to grow and to learnTopic 7:A Letter to Computer Hackers 1随着电脑的普及,电脑黑客们也愈来愈猖獗; 2分析他们的所作所为给社会、他人带来的损失; 3奉劝他们为了自己和他人能平安、和谐地生活与工作不要再做不该做的情形了。Dear hackers, With the growing popular

21、ity of the Internet and online transactions, one of the universal issues that has caused increasing concern is how to stay safe online, but your name never fails to cause panic among netizens When you,hackers,use your computers to gain unauthorized access to information on other peoples computers,yo

22、u are committing crimesOn the one hand,with your breaking into computer systems run by banks,companies and even government departments, some confidential documents or data will be at risk of being leaked outOn the other hand,your existence makes people doubt the safety of the Internet and hesitate t

23、o be involved in activities such as on1ine business In an age of computer technology and network, cyber security is what we are looking forNo matter how interested in hacking you have ever been, please convert our interest, for example,into safeguarding our Internet. Yours sincerely, JohnTopic 8:Ple

24、ase Be Punctual 1现今社会,一些年轻人时刻观念淡薄,常常不守时 2不遵守时刻有什么危害 3大学生应该从自身做起 With the advent of the era of knowledge economy,time is treasured by an increasing number of peopleHowever, many young people attach little importance to punctuality,which,in my opinion,will give rise to many problems First,you may impr

25、ess other people as being unreliable and dishonestWhen you are late for a job interview,the boss may refuse to give you the chance since people tend to assume that if you cannot fulfill your promise,you have no sense of responsibility and can do nothing wellSecond,others may think that you show no r

26、espect to them Therefore,university students should learn that punctuality is a good habitBeing punctual,you are showing respect to others and,in return,you will win others respect and trustTopic 9:On Overseas Study 1有人以为出国留学是个人进展的最正确选择 2也有人坚持在国内也能实现自己的理想 3我的观点 With the deepening of reform and openi

27、ng-up of our country,many people dream of going abroad for further studyThey insist that the modern research facilities, world famous professors and excellent environment in those foreign colleges can help lay a perfect foundation for their future development However,there are still many people who

28、favor studying at homeThey argue that studying abroad is too expensive and doesnt payThey also point out that there are no language and cultural barriers if they study in our country Both opinions are acceptable in some senseIf students have the chance and financial resources,they should seize the o

29、pportunity to go abroad and broaden their eyesOn the other hand,if conditions dont permit,they can pursue their studies in top universities at homeWhat counts is not the place where they study,but what they can learnTopic 10:On Students Being Tutors 1目前很多大学生利用假期寻觅家教等工作; 2大学生当家教,既能够自食其力,又能够丰硕自己的假期生活;

30、 3请你就此现象发表观点。 About two weeks from now,college students will begin to enjoy their long summer holidaysMany are looking for odd jobs,of which tutoring is almost the most popular one These students say,by doing parttime jobs,they can not only make some money for next terms tuition,but also enrich thei

31、r holidaysThey prefer to be tutors because this has more to do with what they have learned in class As a student, I myself have also been a tutorBut I didnt wait in line until 1 was chosenI put up an advertisement with my school scripts attachedSo,my suggestion to my fellow students is:be a tutor on

32、ly when you are good at your coursesTopic 11:On TV Shows 1时下电视真人秀(如超级女声、妄图中国等节目)超级流行 2有人以为真人秀专门好,能够展现自己,体会人一辈子, 有人却不喜爱 3我的观点 Nowadays,TV shows are very popularTV programs like Super Girls and Dreams in China have attracted thousands of people to participate,and many more wait to watch them when they are on show Why are so many people interested in such programs? Advocates say that the

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