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1、I will have no trouble_your find B.finding C.find D.about finding16.Id rather we_skiing this year instead of hiking.A.went B.go C.have gone D.will go17.It_her three hours to repair her bike.A.spent B.took C.cost D.made18.If it hadnt been_Christine, I would never have met B.on

2、C.for D.with19.She may need some help_shes new here.A.but B.although C.and D.as20._she thought about what had happened,_she felt.A.More, sadder B.More, more sad C.The more, the sadder D.The more, the more sad21.You have to make sure you are courageous_strong before you get good as

3、 well as well D.and as well as22.Music has always brought comfort and_to people throughout the world.A.pleasing B.pleased C.please D.pleasure23.I think weve learned a lot about_in this first class.A.another B.the other another D.others24.She never took a taxi, even though she could_to.A.o

4、ffer B.bear C.afford D.take25.Drinking and driving is one of the most common_of traffic accidents.A.causes C.course D.cause26.We had planned to play tennis but_it was raining, we went swimming instead.A.since B.though C.if D.so27.The mist prevented him_seeing very B.away C.from D

5、.to28._most kids prefer watching TV to reading.A.In nowadays B.Nowadays C.Present days D.Current days29.Its best if you can get someone local to show you the_.A.sight B.sightseeing C.sightseer D.sights30.I have the greatest confidence in John because he is honest, efficient and_.A.reliant B.dependen

6、t C.rely D.reliableU4-U86.It is really impossible for us to arrange the meeting_such short notice.A.on C.with D.by7.It was the kind of morning when you wake up and feel C.alive D.lively8.Japan will increase its auto exports to the United States_25%.A.with D.by9

7、.Im fed up with waiting. I wont longer B.some longer C.more longer D.any longer10.We need to _how were going to get on out over at11._people watched the 1884 Summer Olympics.A.Millions of B.Millions C.A million of D.Million of12.Her unhappy face_with me t

8、houghout the rest of my journey.A.continued B.remained C.maintained D.kept13.There arent many people in tea house.I suppose its still_early for people to have tea.A.much C.very D.too14.The office has been closed for the last_days.A.few B.a few C.fewer D.few of15.The government has promised to_m

9、ore money on education.A.cost B.spend D.pay16.They both laughed, feeling like two_schoolgirls.A.careful B.careless C.carefree D.caring17.In the past few weeks there was a sudden drop_the worlds oil production.A.on B.from D.in18.Some scientists_that the Earths temperature will rise by as

10、much as 5over the next 20 years.A.prefer B.present C.predict D.prevent19.There was a noise outside, and Bill_his around B.moved on C.made up D.reached for20.The accident_early on Tuesday morning.A.has happened B.was happened C.happened D.was happening21._you are unable to answer, pe

11、rhaps we should ask someone else.A.So B.Since C.While D.Although22._, his first year as President was regarded as a success.A.General B.General speaking C.Generally D.In generally23.This has been used in space to produce_electricity_water.A.not only,but also B.both,and C.any more,than D.whether,or24

12、.The question then simply became_he lied to us or not.A.whether C.what D.which25.I saw my father_the building; so I went downstairs to meet him.A.enters B.entered enter D.entering26.Many of_are still in a serious condition and have to be kept in hospital.A.the injure B.the injured C.t

13、he injuring D.the injuries27.I can use a computer, but_repairing them I dont know a it comes to B.if it comes to C.when it comes to it comes to28.When_something expensive such as a watch, youd better do some comparison B.buying C.bought buy29.Here are some tips t

14、hat might make your air travel safer and_tiring.A.fewer B.less C.much D.more30.You should have warned me. But I_warn you.A.did C.didnt D.dont翻 译U11.这条街道看起来像一个花园。(look like)The street look like a garden.2.她女儿想出国留学1年。(abroad)Her daughter wants to study abroad for a year.3.这家店出售报纸、杂志以及图画书。(as well

15、 as)The store sells newspapers, magazines as well as picture books.4.我宁愿在乡村(countryside) 过周末。(would rather)I would rather spend the weekend in the countryside.5.我们的经理(manager)这星期外出度假去了。(on holiday)Our manager is away on holiday this week.U21.过马路时,她紧紧地牵着小男孩的手。(cross the road, firm, keep hold of)She k

16、ept a firm hold of the little boys hand as they crossed the road.2.咱们出去吃饭吧,除非你太累了。(have dinner out ,unless)Lets have dinner out,unless you are too tired.3.上周末我第一次去看棒球赛。(baseball game, for the first time)Last weekend I went to a baseball game for the first time.4.千万不要放开你所爱的人。(let go of)You should nev

17、er let go of someone you love so deeply.5.在和别人告别时你可以握手。(shake hands, when doing sth)You may shake hands when saying goodbye to people.U31.这个地区名声确实糟糕。(reputation)The area has a really bad reputation.2.我过去常常花很多时间看书。(used to)I used to spend a lot of time reading.3.她在英国出生,却在英国被抚养长大。(raise)She was born i

18、n Britain but raised in America.4.他从不与他意见不一致的人交朋友。(disagree)He never makes friends with those who disagree with him.5.下一个节目5分钟后开始。在此期间,请先听些音乐。(in the meantime)The next program will start in 5 minutes. In the meantime, please listen to some music first.U41.这本书看起来似乎蛮有趣。(seem to be)This book seem to be

19、 rather interesting.2.你应该随时准备听取好的意见。(keepopen)You should always keep your ears open for good ideas.3.我们将开一个会来讨论这个问题。(call a meeting)We are going to call a meeting to discuss this problem.4.我们必须缩小东部和西部地区之前的经济差距。(bridge the gap)We must bridge the economic gap between the eastern and the western areas.

20、5.出口棉花在这个国家的经济中起到重要作用。The export of cotton plays an important part in the countrys economy.U51.你能专心听我讲话吗?(concentrate on)Can you concentrate on what I am saying?2.我们已经决定坚持我们的计划。(stick to)Weve decided to stick to our plan.3.他总能提前完成任务。(schedule)He can always finish his task ahead of schedule.4.你最好把想要买

21、的东西列一个清单。(make a list)Youd better make a list of the things you want to buy.5.我向他问好,但他只快速地瞥了我一眼,什么都没说。(glance at)I greeted him, but he just glanced at me quickly without saying anything.阅 读U11.The writer is very much like her mother, but she definitely doesnt have her _.A.nose B.character C.mouth D.

22、quick temper2.From paragraph 2 , we can know that she is _A.violent C.friendly D.sad3.She is not a keen reader because she doesnt like _A.staying at home B.being outside C.traveling D.creative things4.From Paragraph 3, we can infer that her hair is _A.long B.straight C.curly D.short5.In the

23、 text, the writer gives us some information about _A.her look B.her character C.her interests D.all of the aboveU21.In social settings, older person is introduced to a younger one B.a woman is introduced to a man C.a guest in introduced to the host or hostess D.a group is introduced to a perso

24、n2.Which of the following greeting customs is NOT mentioned in the text?A.Shaking hands B.Kissing each other C.Having a meal together D.Smiling at each other3.Which of the following is the greeting custom is Chile?A.When two women first meet, they never kiss each other on the cheek. B.People usually

25、 shake hands when they meet for the first time. C.Women greet only female friends with a kiss.D.Men give their friends warm hugs but never kiss women on the cheek.4.In the United States when meeting their friends or family members, _A.people rarely shake hands B.people often hug or kiss hands

26、often kiss women and men often kiss women but no other men5.People sometimes think that the British are not friendly because they _A.often hold your hand for a very short time when shaking hands B.never shake hands when they are first introduced C.always greet you with too firm a handshake D.a

27、lways hold womens hands for very long when shaking handsU31.Chelsea is a place where _A.a large population is livingB.ambitious actors would not grow upC.promising actors would leave for a better futureD.there are three middle schools and several churches2.The couple decided to raise their children is Chelsea because

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