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1、雅思口语10大经典卡对应所有考题人物类(突出此人对你产生的影响)part2经常会考关于各种人物的描述,包括老人、朋友、小孩。这时候我们就需要掌握一些常见的具有代表性的思路以及表达方式了。描述人的时候,我们通常可以包括以下思路:1. Whats the relationship between you and the person?/How did you get to know the person?2. What kind of person he/she is?3. What influence does this person have on you?/Why do you like t

2、his person?凡是讲到人物类的话题,建议大家多点从“此人对自己产生的影响”这方面扩展,这样才能说出真情实感来,否则就会显得很dry,流水账式的描述是没有人愿意听的。例如讲到family member这一话题,可以选择突出“亲情”这个概念,凸显家庭成员对自己的成长带来的影响,这个影响可以包括很多方面啊,例如well-mannered有礼貌,compassionate 有爱心的,confident自信的,industrious 勤奋的,optimistic 乐观的,level-headed遇事冷静的,modest 谦虚的,considerate体贴的,versatile 多才多艺的。当然,

3、单纯堆砌一对形容词,是没办法说服人的。所以,我们要在一个点上重点扩展说,例如想要充分表现此人的considerate,我们就要拿出“真凭实据”-实例,让此人的待人体贴的一面得到充分的展示。也就是说,我们平时生活要多点养成叙事的习惯,不要仅仅是摆弄一两个词汇。1.a person who has a healthy lifestyle describe a person who has a healthy lifestyle you should say who he/she is what he/she looks likehow you got to know him/her whatlif

4、estyle he/she has and explain the reason why you think his/her lifestyle is healthy 好咯,以下就是a person who has a healthy lifestyle的变种卡a good friend of yours (这朋友有健康生活方式,值得学习)a good student you would like to study with a neighbour you know an elderly person you knowtwo people from the same family(增加多一个人

5、即刻)2. a famous person (not in your country)you would like to meet Describe a famous person youadmire You should say Who he/she is What he/she does How you got to know him/herWhat makes him/her famous And explain the reason why youadmire him/her好咯,以下就是a famous person的变种卡a person in the news you would

6、 like to meetan advertisement (这个名人在广告里面,所以吸引你)a musical event(如果这个名人是歌星,就可以转这个)a good leader you admire (记住leader不一定是那种政治领袖或者商业领导噢,也可以是小范围的小领队,例如:学生会主席、旅行团领队、篮球队队长)地点类(突出你去到此地方的亲身感受)描述地点的话题一般要求我们描述自己去过或者想去的一个地方,大家可以用以下常见的思路:1. Where is it located?2. What is your first impression of it?3. What is it

7、 like?4. What can people do there?描述地方的时候,最忌讳的就是死板地介绍这个地方的外貌、功能、设备等等,要让听者眼前一亮,最好是分享自己去到此地方的经历以及亲身感受。例如我们是被当地的小吃snacks吸引了呢?还是沉浸在tranquil and serene scenery宁静的风光里呢?或者是被丰富的recreational activities 休闲活动吸引了?又可能是你在这个地方发生的一件事令到你对此地方印象深刻?地点不应该是静止的,每个你要介绍的地点,都要说出感情来,也就是分享你与这个地点的故事。所以,大家平时多点尝试描述某个地方发生的事,会得到意想不

8、到的收获。3. a historic place/site/attraction that interests youDescribe a historic place that interests you You should say Where it is How you got to know about itWhat influence it had on youAnd explain the reason why you are interested in it 好咯,以下就是a historic place的变种卡A historic buildingyou enjoyed vis

9、iting a place you would travel to a street you know well (in your hometown) a journey/trip in your childhood(去参观这个地方) a photo (去参观时拍的照片)4. aplace near water that you visitedDescribe aplace near water (lake, sea, river.) that you visitedYou should say where it iswhat you did there who you went with w

10、hat can people do thereAnd explain the reason why you like going there好咯,以下就是a place near water的变种卡 a popular leisure centre near your placean open place for relaxation a walk you regularly take a place you would travel to a public facility a garden/park you like to visit a house/apartment you would

11、 like to live in(依水而建的) a restaurant you like (海边的餐馆)a workplace (an office/shop) a shop/shaopping mall you know (也可以是靠水边而建的)经历类(突出这次经历过程中的心情变化)5. a happy /unforgettable event happened to you Describe a happy/unforgettable event happend to you You should say What it was When it happened What you wer

12、e doing then Whom you were with thenAnd explain the reason why you felt happy好咯,以下就是a happy event的变种卡a correct decision you made (例如选择某次旅行或者举办某次surprise party,很成功) aenjoyable conversation on the phone a wedding a family event a family photo (那天拍的)a journey/trip in your childhood a day off work/study

13、 a positive change in your life (可以是某一次的event帮助你的个性改变) a good personality of yours (可以是那一次的改变) a musical event a sports competition you watched or attended 6.a situation thatmade you angry Describe an experience when you got angry You should say When it happened Where it happened Who there wereAnd e

14、xplain the reason why you were angry好咯,以下就是a situation that made you angry的变种卡along-distantjourney(旅途中遇到塞车,把计划全打乱了)a bad weather experience a journey that took longer than you expected物品类(突出物品背后的意义)我们在生活当中经常会向朋友推荐或者分享一件对自己很重要的物品,特别是女孩子啊,经常会向朋友推荐一件服饰、一个电子产品、一本书等等。描述物品的话题很 多,有没有办法找到其中的关联,以归类准备呢?其实,物品无

15、论千变万化,其背后所存在的意义都是一样的,例如:这件服饰、这个电子产品以及这本书,都可以 是你收到的一份礼物啊,送你这个礼物的人,其对你的期待以及感情都是一样的,所以,你只要描述好以下几步就好:1. What it is like?2. When and where you use it?3. How you feel about it?4. Why it is important to you?讲到物品背后的意义,无非是自己成长过程的影响了,我们可以突出这个物品的“教育意义”,例如让自己变得更加睿智wise了,更加自信confident了,更加坚持自己的理想了persistent了。大家养成

16、习惯,每天尝试描述一件对你有意义的物品,然后重点强调其对自己的具体意义所在就好了。7. an important gift you received(or sent)Describe a special gift you received/sent (to others)You should say What it is Where/when you bought /receivedit Who you sent /sent it to you How special it is And explain the reason why you want to send it to him/ he

17、r. and explain why you like it 好咯,以下就是an important gift 的变种卡Something expensive you would like to buy when you have a large amount of money(可以是你要送人的礼物)a shop you often visit(卖此礼物或物品的商店)asmall but successful company you know故事类(突出此故事“情”的元素) 8.a wellknown/traditional(legendary) storythat is wellknown

18、in your countrydescribe a wellknown/traditioanl story that is wellknown in your country you should say when you heard about ithow you got to know itwhat itis about and explain what the most impressive part of it 好咯,以下就是a story的变种卡 a (foreign) movie youwatched recently(关于这个故事的电影,即使是国外的,也可用相同的故事) ason

19、g youheard on a special occasion(音乐背后的故事)your favorite book A character from your childhood story an advertisement (与此故事有关的)爱好类(突出此爱好对你身心带来的益处)“爱好”这个话题几乎是交流场合中不可缺少的一部分,爱好的类型有好多,常见的有doing sports, traveling, surfing the Internet, reading等等。我们常见的思路有:1. How you got to know about it? 2. How you do it?3.

20、What influence on you?谈到为什么喜欢上这个爱好,大家应尽量解释充分一点,最好就是强调此爱好对我们身心带来的影响的整个过程,我们可以像讲故事一样,谈到此爱好如何帮助自己gain knowledge,也可以提到此爱好如何让自己变得更加relaxed and think more clearly的,更可以提到次爱好如何让自己走出isolation,变得更加communicative的。总之,多强调此爱好对自己身体和心灵上的帮助就好啦。9. An exciting/extreme sport that you have seen (or taken part in)Describ

21、e an exciting sport that you have seen (or taken part in) You should say What it is How you know about it How popular this sport is in your country Where you saw (or took part in) this activity How this sport was played/ doneWhat it was about this sport that made it exciting for you好咯,以下就是an excitin

22、g sport的变种卡asports match/competition you watched or attended an outdoor activity your favorite clothes style(与你爱好以及个性相关的服饰)a TV program you like (与你爱好以及个性相关的电视节目)10. your ideal job (与你的爱好紧密相关)Describe a job you think you will be good atYou should say What the job is, What kind of things you can do W

23、hats the difference between the job you are doing What you plan to do What you could get from itAnd explain the reason why you want to do it好咯,以下就是your ideal job的变种卡ajob which can make to make a better world(可以是你的理想工作) an education program(可以是与你的理想工作有关的)anewspaper/magazine you like to read(关于自己理想工作或者爱好的报刊杂志)something you want to succeed in其它类(以下卡片可能无法从经典卡转过来,请另外准备)A wild animal in your country or your city

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