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1、小升初代词练习题带答案小升初代词练习题带答案一、选择题1Robots are created by humans for humans. Theres _ to be afraid of.Asomething Bnothing Ceverything Danything2Though I agree with most of what you said, that doesnt mean I agree with _.Aanything Bnothing Ceverything Dsomething3Todays Yangtze Evening, please. Theres only one

2、 copy left. Would you like _?Athey Bthem Cit Done4Mum, our dolls clothes are so dirty. You may wash them, but be careful to keep _ clean.Athem Byour Cyours Dtheirs5 Lucy, do you know whose wallet it is on the table? Sorry, I dont know. I asked many people, but _ knew.Anobody Beverybody Canybody Dsom

3、ebody6Do we have any bananas for the party?Let me see. Yes, but only _.Aa few Bfew Ca little Dlittle7Bob recommended me several foreign films, but _ was to my taste.Aneither Bno one Cnone Dnothing8Oh, I came in such a hurry that I left my text book at home.Dont worry. Ill share _ with you.Amy Bme Cm

4、yself Dmine9Which would you like to choose for your PE entrance exam, basketball or volleyball?_. I prefer football.ABoth BEither CNone DNeither10Wow! Jim plays the piano so well.Not _ can play it like this. He works hard at it.Aeverybody Bsomebody Cnobody Danybody11I want to buy a fine tie for my f

5、ather, but _ is fit for him in the shops nearby.Ano one Bnothing Cnone Dneither12Jack, you left your coat in the playground again?It isnt _. Look, my coat is in my bag.Amine Bmy Cyour Dyours13Mom, Id like to have a computer and a camera as my birthday present.Well, you can have either of them. Im af

6、raid I cant afford _.Anone Ball Cneither Dboth14We couldnt understand _ because they were talking in Russian.Athey Bthem Ctheir Dtheirs15They all think _ to create such beautiful music with the transparent cups.Ait amazed Bthat amazed Cit amazing Dthat is amazing16To our sadness, an old man _ in a w

7、ooden house. Nobody knew when he _. But when I thought of his _, I always feel pity.Awas found dead; died; death Bhas dead; died; deathCwas found dead; death; dying Dhas been dead; dying; died17Are these cars made in Japan?Yes, and theyre much cheaper than _ in American.Athat Bthose Cit Dones18Its v

8、ery convenient _ us to buy train tickets now because we can buy them either from the station or on the Internet.Ato Bof Cby Dfor19Wearing red makes_easy_us to take action.Ait; for Bthis; of Cthat; for Dit; of20Seasons in Australia are the opposite of _. Its autumn there.Aus Bwe Cour Dours21Tickets f

9、or Friday.Sorry, weve got _ left.Anone Bnothing Cno Dno one22Some friends tried to calm down Mr. and Mrs. White and help solve their problem without hurting the feeling of _, but failed.Anone Beither Cboth Dneither23They have provided several ways to solve the problem. We can choose _ to start with.

10、Ait Bthat Cone Deach24 Who was calling you on the phone just now? _ was my mum.AShe BThat CIt DThis25Mary, is this _ blue bike?No, _ is a black one.Ayour; my Byour; mine Cyours; my Dyours; mine26My parents have made _ a habit to go out for a walk around Xuanwu Lake.Athis Bit Cthat Done27The chairman

11、 thought _ necessary to invite Professor Johnson to speak at the meeting.Athat Bit Cthis Dhim28The teacher shared the photos of our school trip on her WeChat Moments. We can see them for _.Aherself Bhimself Courselves Dthemselves29This book on animals is interesting. Id like _. Where did you buy it,

12、 Simon?In the bookshop near my school.Ait Bthis Cthat Done30Excuse me, I want to buy a birthday gift for my brother.Here are some gifts for boys. You can choose _ for him.Ait Bone Cthat Dthem31Jeffrey always remained calm and mastered his own feelings. No wonder he is a _.Asomebody Banybody Cnobody

13、Deveryone32David, I have _ to tell you.Great! Im excited to hear our country has made progress in exploring the space.Asomething important Banything important Cimportant something Dimportant anything33If something is wrong, fix it. Do not worry. Worry never fixes _.Asomething Banything Cnothing Deve

14、rything34 Have you got any books on the differences between Chinese and Western festivals? I want to borrow one. Yes, here you are. But you must return _by Sunday.Aone Bit Cthis Dthat35He was the strong silent type.Yes. He thought _ better to say nothing.Ait Bits Cits Ditself36We found _ easy to fin

15、ish the task by working as a team.Aits Bthat Cthis Dit37Wu Xinhai, a stay-at-home dad in Beijing, said: “I want my kids to have a different childhood from _.”Amy Bme Cmyself Dmine38It is wrong to copy others answers. Do homework by _, boys!Ayourself Byourselves Cmyself Dourselves39Have you prepared

16、_ for the picnic tomorrow?-No, except the drinks.Anothing Banything Ceverything Dsomething40Though the film Hi, mom has achieved a great success, it isnt liked by _.I think so. It is hard to please all.Anobody Bsomebody Ceverybody Danybody【参考答案】一、选择题1B解析:B【详解】句意:机器人是人类为人类创造的。没什么好怕的。考查不定代词辨析。somethin

17、g某事;nothing没什么;everything一切;anything任何事。根据“Robots are created by humans for humans”可知,既然是人类为人类所创造的,那就没什么可害怕的,故选B。2C解析:C【详解】句意:虽然我同意你说的大部分,但这并不意味着我同意一切。考查不定代词。anything任何事物;nothing没有什么;everything一切;something某些事物。根据题干中“Though I agree with most of what you said”可知此处是含让步状语从句的复合句,由此可知是说虽然大部分都同意,但并非全部都同意,用

18、everything符合题意。故选C。3C解析:C【详解】句意:请拿一份今天的扬子晚报。就剩下一份了。你要吗?考查代词。they他们,主格;them他们,宾格;it指代同类同物;one指代同类异物。分析句子并根据“Theres only one copy left.”可知,空格处作宾语且用单数的代词,所以排除选项A和B;又结合句意,这里是指要不要剩下的这份报纸,是同类同物,故选C。4C解析:C【详解】句意:妈妈,我们洋娃娃的衣服太脏了。你可以洗它们,但要注意保持自己的衣服干净。考查名词性物主代词。them它们,人称代词宾格;your你的,形容词性物主代词;yours你的,名词性物主代词;the

19、irs他们的,名词性物主代词。根据“You may wash them, but be careful to keepclean.”可知,此处指“你的衣服”,用yours代替your clothes,故选C。5A解析:A【详解】句意:露西,你知道桌子上是谁的钱包吗?对不起,我不知道。我问了很多人,但没人知道。考查不定代词辨析。nobody没有人,表否定;everybody每个人,指所有人;anybody任何人,用于否定句和疑问句代替somebody;somebody某人,表不确定,用于肯定句和希望得到肯定回答的疑问句。but表转折,根据题干“I dont know. I asked many

20、people, butknew”,可知都不知道,nobody符合语境,故选A。6A解析:A【详解】句意:我们有宴会用的香蕉吗? 让我看一下。有的,但是只有一点。考查不定代词。a few 一些,修饰可数名词,表肯定意义;few 几乎没有,修饰可数名词,表否定意义;a little 有一点,修饰不可数名词,表肯定意义;little 几乎没有,修饰不可数名词,表否定意义。根据“Do we have any bananas for the party”以及“Yes, but only”可知,此处指代可数名词“bananas”,且回答表示有香蕉,是肯定意义。故选A。7C解析:C【详解】句意:鲍勃向我推荐

21、了几部外国电影,但没有一部符合我的口味。考查代词。neither两者都不;no one没有人,只能指人;none没有一个;nothing什么都没有。根据句中“several foreign films”可知,A、B选项不符合,可排除。none是针对前文已知的、明确的信息进行否定,具有范围和数量的特点,而nothing是“未知信息”,是没有范围的否定。根据语境可知,此处应用none,故选C。8D解析:D【详解】句意:哦,我来得太匆忙了,把课本忘在家里了。别担心。我会和你分享我的。考查名词性物主代词。my我的,形容词性物主代词;me我,宾格代词;myself我自己,反身代词;mine我的,名词性物

22、主代词。根据上下句语境,空处的词应是表示“我的课本”,即形容词性物主代词my+名词text book=名词性物主代词mine。故选D。9D解析:D【详解】句意:你想在体育入学考试中选哪一个,篮球还是排球?都不选。我更喜欢足球。考查代词辨析。both两者都;either(两者中的)任何一个;none一个也没有(三者或三者以上);neither两者都不。根据“I prefer football.”可知,篮球、排球都不选。故选D。10A解析:A【详解】句意:哇!吉姆钢琴弹得很好。不是每个人都能像他弹得这样好。他特别努力。考查复合不定代词。everybody每个人;somebody某人;nobody没

23、有人;anybody任何人。not everybody不是每个人,表示部分否定,故选A。11C解析:C【详解】句意:我想给我爸买一条好领带,但是附近商店里没有一条适合他的。考查代词辨析。no one没有人;nothing什么都没有;none没有,适用于三者及三者以上;neither都不,适用于两者。根据空格前的“but”可知,想买好领带,但是没有一条合适的。根据常识,商店里的领带数量是三者及三者以上,都不,用none。故选C。12A解析:A【详解】句意:杰克,你又把外套忘在操场上了?它不是我的。看,我的外套在包里。考查代词。mine我的,名词性物主代词; my我的,形容词性物主代词 ;your

24、你的,形容词性物主代词 ; yours你的,名词性物主代词;根据“Jack, you left your coat in the playground again”问对方是否把外套忘在操场;结合答语“Look, my coat is in my bag”可知此处指“那件外套不是我的”;此处是句子的表语,填名词性物主代词;故选A。13D解析:D【详解】句意:妈妈,我想要一台电脑和一个相机作为我的生日礼物。嗯,你只能要一个,我恐怕买不起两个。考查代词辨析。none没有一个,表示三者或三者以上都不;all所有,表示三者或三者以上都;neither两者都不;both都(两者)。根据“you can h

25、ave either of them.”可知,母亲只能给买一个礼物,因此是买不起两个。故选D。14B解析:B【详解】句意:我们听不懂他们说的话,因为他们说的是俄语。考查代词。they他们,主格;them他们,宾格;their他们的,形容词性物主代词;theirs他们的,名词性物主代词;空格作动词“understand”的宾语,应用宾格,故选B。15C解析:C【详解】句意:他们都觉得用透明的杯子创造出如此美妙的音乐是很神奇的。考查it作形式宾语。amazed大为惊奇;amazing令人惊喜(或惊羡、惊叹)的。think it adj. to do sth.认为做某事是的,此处用it作形式宾语;形

26、容词修饰it,用amazing。故选C。16A解析:A【详解】句意:令我们悲伤的是,一位老人被发现死在木屋里。没人知道他什么时候死的。但当我想到他的死,我总是感到同情。考查形容词、动词及名词用法。dead死的,形容词;died死,动词;death死亡,名词;dying垂死的,形容词。第一空表示sb. was found +形容词“某人被发现处于某种状态”,故用形容词dead作主语补足语。第二空作谓语,故用动词died。第三空有形容词性物主代词his修饰,故用名词death。故选A。17B解析:B【详解】句意:这些汽车是日本制造的吗?是的,它们比那些美国制造的便宜得多。考查代词的用法。that那

27、个,代词;those那些,代词;it它,代词;ones这些,那些,代词;这里代指cars是复数,所以用those。故选B。18D解析:D【详解】句意:现在我们购买火车票非常便利,因为我们可以在火车站或者网上购买。考查句型。it is +adj+for +sb to do sth 该句型中当形容词是物性的时,用for,当形容词是人的性格的时,用of,否则用for。这里convenient方便的,不能形容人的性格。故选D。19A解析:A【详解】句意:穿着红色的衣服可以让我们很容易的采取措施。it意为它,可以作形式主语或形式宾语;this意为这个;that意为那个;for表示对于某人来说;of表示属

28、于某人的性格,特点等等。根据空格前面是动词make,所以在动词后面要用宾语,又根据后面还有不定式短语to take action,所以需要一个可以代替不定式短语来作形式宾语的词,it符合题意。这个句子考查的是结构动词+it+形容词+for sb to do sth,故选A。20D解析:D【详解】句意:澳大利亚的季节和我们的正好相反。那里现在是秋天。考查代词辨析。us我们,人称代词宾格形式;we我们,人称代词主格;our我们的,形容词性物主代词;ours我们的,名词性物主代词;根据句意可知,这里将“澳大利亚的季节”与“我们的季节”进行对比,这里应用名词性物主代词ours,代指our season

29、s。故选D。21A解析:A【详解】句意:两张周五的票。对不起,我们一张也没有了。考查不定代词辨析。none没有一个,强调数量,代指上文提到的事物;nothing没有东西;no没有,否定副词或用作形容词修饰名词;no one没人,修饰人。结合语境可知,设空处指上文提到的“票”,这里表示没有剩下的票了,故选A。22B解析:B【详解】句意:一些朋友试图让怀特夫妇平静下来,并在不伤害双方感情的情况下帮助解决他们的问题,但都失败了。考查不定代词。none三者或三者以上都不;either两者之一;both两者都;neither两者都不。根据“Some friends tried to calm down Mr. and Mrs. White”可知是不伤害两者任意一人的感情,用either符合语境。故选B。23C解析:C【详解】句意:他们已经提供了几种解决问题的方法。我们可以选择一种方法开始。考查代词辨析。it指上文提到的同一事物,与前面名词是同一个,表特指。that指代远处的事物、指代前边提到的东西、也用于比较句型中指代前边提到的名词,that也可指代不可数名词。one指代前边提过的同一类但

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