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1、主干成分是“拥有一辆私家车是件奢侈的事”;固定表达:一辆私家车:a private car是件奢侈的事:be a luxury thing; be a luxury(2)如今,私家车在中国随处可见。有提示词“如今”,用一般现在时;随处可见:can be seen everywhere;be ubiquitous(3)汽车成了人们生活中不可或缺的一部分,他们不仅开车上下班,还经常驾车出游。第一个逗号前面属于第一个意群,后面两个小句子为第二个意群,两个意群可译为一句话,也可单独成句,译为两个句子。若译为两个小句,第一个小句子有提示词“成了”,用现在完成时;第二个意群属于解释说明,事实陈述,用一般现

2、在时;或者将前后句子进行结构调整,将第二个意群放前作为主句,第一个意群译为补充成分,用ing连接,整句话用一般现在时;不可或缺的一部分:an integral part of开车上下班:commute by car驾车出游:travel by car(4)有些城市的汽车增长速度过快,以至于交通拥堵和停车位不足的问题日益严峻,这些城市的市政府不得不出台新规,限制上路汽车的数量。逻辑关系:前两个逗号属于一个完整的意群(意群一),属于因果关系,前因后果;后面两个小句子属于另外一个完整的意群(意群二),而意群一与意群二之间属于因果关系,前因后果;两个意群可单独成句,也可译为一句话;问题已经造成,新规已

3、经出台,用现在完成时;增长速度过快:spikes in交通拥堵: traffic gridlock停车位不足: inadequate parking space(5)由于空气污染日益严重,现在越来越多的人选择购买新能源汽车,中国政府也采取了一些措施,支持新能源汽车的发展。有提示词“由于”,前两个逗号属于一个完整的意群(意群一),属于因果关系,前因后果;后面两个小句子属于另外一个完整的意群(意群二),而意群一与意群二之间有轻微的因果关系,前因后果;英文宜短不宜长,两个意群分开单独成句;意群一有提示词“现在”,用一般现在时;意群二有提示词“采取了”,说明是已经完成的事情,用现在完成时;空气污染日益

4、严重:worsening air pollution新能源汽车:newenergy vehicles(NEVs)采取措施:take steps支持的发展:support the development of2翻译第二套:自行车曾经是中国城乡最主要的交通工具,中国一度被称为“自行车王国”。如今,随着城市交通拥挤和空气污染日益严重,骑自行车又开始流行起来。近来,中国企业家将移动互联网技术与传统自行车结合在一起,发明了一种成为共享单车的商业模式。共享单车的出现使骑车出行更加方便,人们仅需用一部手机就可以随时使用共享单车。为了鼓励人们骑车出行,很多城市修建了自行车道。现在,越来越多的中国人也喜欢通过自

5、行车健身。Bicycle used to be the leading means of transportation in Chinas cities and villages, and China was once called “the Kingdom of Bicycles”. Nowadays, with traffic congestion and air pollution becoming more and more serious in cities, riding a bicycle is becoming popular again. Recently, Chinas e

6、ntrepreneurs have combined mobile Internet technologies with bicycles and invented the business model of bike-sharing. The appearance of shared bikes has made it more convenient for people to get around, and people can ride bikes at any time only with the help of a mobile phone. To encourage people

7、to travel by bike, many cities have built bike lanes. Now, more and more Chinese people like exercising by riding bikes.China was once dubbed “the Kingdom of Bicycles” when bicycle was the predominant means of transportation in urban and rural China alike. Today, bicycles have started to catch on ye

8、t again as traffic congestion increases and air quality worsens in cities. In recent years, Chinese entrepreneurs have developed a business model called bike-sharing by equipping bicycles with mobile Internet technologies. With shared bikes, people find it more convenient to get around at any time t

9、hey want with the mere help of a mobile phone. Many cities have built bicycle lanes to encourage people to go green. In addition, a growing number of people now work out through cycling.(1) 自行车曾经是中国城乡最主要的交通工具,中国一度被称为“自行车王国”。有时态提示词“曾经是”、“一度”,因此要用一般过去时;逗号前后可以译为并列结构,也可以把前后结构进行调整,后半句译为主句,前半部分事实背景,用when连

10、接放在主句之后;最主要的交通工具:the leading/ predominant means of transportation中国城乡:Chinas cities and villages;urban and rural China自行车王国:the Kingdom of Bicycles被称为:be called/dubbed(2) 如今,随着城市交通拥挤和空气污染日益严重,骑自行车又开始流行起来。“随着”这句为陈述事实,用一般现在时,后半句“又开始”说明是已经开始的动作,因此要用现在完成时;“随着”表示一种伴随的状态,交代事实背景,可以用with或as连接,“又开始流行起来”属于表态,

11、译为句子主干;交通拥挤:traffic congestion空气污染:air pollution流行:become popular;catch on(3)近来,中国企业家将移动互联网技术与传统自行车结合在一起,发明了一种成为共享单车的商业模式。有时态提示词“近来”、“了”,用现在完成时;第二个逗号前后句子可以译为并列结构,也可以将第二个逗号后译为句子的主干成分,第二个逗号前面的句子交代做某事的方式方法,译为by doing something放主干成分之后;中国企业家:Chinas/ Chinese entrepreneurs移动互联网技术:mobile Internet technologi

12、es共享单车:shared bikes;bike-sharing商业模式:business model(4)共享单车的出现使骑车出行更加方便,人们仅需用一部手机就可以随时使用共享单车。“更加方便”为表态,前半句可以用现在完成时,也可用一般现在时,后半句为事实陈述,用一般现在时;逗号前后可以译为并列关系,也可以把前半句译为主句,后半句看做是对前半句的补充说明,做成从属结构。(5)为了鼓励人们骑车出行,很多城市修建了自行车道。有时态提示词“修建了”,用现在完成时;前半句为目的,后半句为具体做的事情;自行车道:bike/ bicycle lanes(6)越来越多的中国人也喜欢通过自行车健身。事实陈述

13、,用一般现在时;通过自行车健身:exercise by riding bikes;work out through cycling3翻译第三套:中国目前拥有世界上最大最快的高速铁路网。高铁列车的运行速度还将继续提升,更多的城市将修建高铁站。高铁大大缩短了人们出行的时间。相对飞机而言,高铁列车的突出优势在于准时,因为基本不受天气或交通管制的影响。高铁极大地改变了中国人的生活方式。如今,它已经成了很多人商务旅行的首选交通工具。越来越多的人也在假日乘高铁外出旅游。还有不少年轻人选择在一个城市工作而在临近城市居住,每天乘高铁上下班。China now has the largest and faste

14、st high-speed rail network in the world. The speed of the CRH (China Railway High-Speed) train will continue to increase and more cities will build high-speed rail stations. The CRH train has greatly reduced peoples travel time. Compared with airplane, the outstanding advantage of the CRH train is p

15、unctuality, because it is basically not affected by weather or traffic control. The CRH train has greatly changed the Chinese peoples way of life. Now, it has become the top transportation option for business travel for many people. More and more people also travel by CRH train during holidays. Many

16、 young people choose to work in one city but live in a nearby one since they can commute by CRH train every day.China is home to the worlds most extensive and fastest high-speed rail network. The CRH (China Railway High-Speed) train will continue to speed up and high-speed rail stations will be adde

17、d to accommodate more cities. The CRH train has slashed peoples travel time and is obviously more punctual than airplane as it is virtually not subject to bad weather and traffic control. It has transformed the way people live and become the favorite option for business travelers today. More and mor

18、e holidaymakers also travel by CRH train. A good number of young people choose to work in one city yet live in a neighboring one since they can commute back and forth on a daily basis thanks to the CRH train.(1)中国目前拥有世界上最大最快的高速铁路网。最大最快的高速铁路网:the largest/most extensive and fastest high-speed rail net

19、work(2)高铁列车的运行速度还将继续提升,更多的城市将修建高铁站。有时态提示词“将”,用将来时;逗号前后为并列;速度提升:speed up;speed increases高铁站:high-speed rail stations高铁列车:CRH (China Railway High-Speed) train(3)高铁大大缩短了人们出行的时间。有时态提示词 “了”,用现在完成时;可单独成句,也可以与后边句子做成并列结构;缩短出行的时间:reduce/slash travel time(4)相对飞机而言,高铁列车的突出优势在于准时,因为基本不受天气或交通管制的影响。事实描述,用一般现在时;第一

20、个逗号前后表示对比,前边往往会做成从属结构,后边是主句;第二个逗号前后为因果关系,可以用because或as连接;“突出优势”可以直译,也可以做成比较级;“天气”可以直译,也可以进行进一步解读,这里更强调的是糟糕的天气,所以可以翻译为bad weather;相对而言:compared with准时:punctuality;punctual突出优势:outstanding advantage交通管制:trafficcontrol不受的影响:be not subject to.基本:basically/ virtually(5)高铁极大地改变了中国人的生活方式。有时态提示词“了”,用现在完成时;可

21、以单独成句,也可以与后边句子做成并列结构;中国人的生活方式:the Chinese peoples way of life;the way people live(6)如今,它已经成了很多人商务旅行的首选交通工具。虽然有“如今”,但句子描述的是已经发生的事实,而且有“已经成了”,因此用现在完成时;很多人商务旅行的首选交通工具:top transportation option for business travelers;favorite option for business travelers(7)越来越多的人也在假日乘高铁外出旅游。在假日乘高铁外出旅游:travel by CRH tra

22、in during holidays;holidaymakers travel by CRH train(8)还有不少年轻人选择在一个城市工作而在临近城市居住,每天乘高铁上下班。逗号前后为因果关系,前果后因,可以用since连接;“乘高铁”可以直译,也可以用thanks to连接,让句子更加形象;临近城市:nearby/neighboring city乘高铁上下班:commute by CRH train2018年6月丨六级写作1写作第一套:Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay onthe

23、 importance of building trust between employer and employees.You can cite examples to illustrate your views. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.Trust Between Employers and EmployeesTrust is the most frequentlyusedword when we are talking about interpersonal relationships.

24、 With the development of social economy, people gradually have less and less trust in each other, especially among employers and employees. Therefore, building and maintaining trust between them is of great importance for a company.First of all, mutual trust between employers and employees can impro

25、ve the work efficiency. Once they build trust between each other, theyll work towards a common goal and all will devote themselves in realizing it. Secondly, employers will lose their employees if they lack trust in them. To avoid losing talents, employers should show their good faith and give employees more care and love. Thirdly, having faith in each other in a company can definitely create a harmonious working atmosphere and create great value for the company.To sum up, employers and employees should raise the awareness of mutual trust and put their fai

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