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1、C) cooperate well with others D) do some projectsTask Two Zooming In on the DetailsListe n to the record ing aga in and fill in each of the bla nks accord ingto what you have heard.1Though Michael Jordan is a great player, he still has to cooperate well with histeam members to win a game. Because ev

2、ery member of his team has a very specific role , and every member of the team is vital to the success of the team.2In the workplace, it is important to be regarded as a team player, for no one pers on can build a railroad or man age an airli ne. Success in school can also rely on teamwork .3Being s

3、ocial creatures, we can t escape hav ing toeambe playersRead and ExploreTask One Discoveri ng the Main Ideas1 Answer the following questions with the information contained inText A.1)Why is it an essential requirement of any employment that anypote ntial employee is a team player?Because any employm

4、e nt in volves more tha n one pers on, it is esse ntialthat any employee should work well with other people.2)What does being a team player mean on the deeper level?On a deeper level, being a team player means being able to play a role in theteam, to achieve and support the goals set and agreed upon

5、 by the team.3)What is the duty of the team capta in?The duty of the team capta in is to give directi on to the team, i n strategy, motivati on and in spirati on while also play ing a role as a member of the team.4)Why should a leader of a corporate team have the loyalty of itsmembers? Because if th

6、e team is not loyal to the leader, the teammembers will not listen to the leader and the objectives of thecompa ny would not be achieved.5)Why is oneness a necessarypartof the corporate culture?Because the success of the team relies completely on every member of the team performing their roles and r

7、esponsibilities for the same corporate goals or objectives.6)How should a compete nt leader deal with a team member s new idea? A compete nt leader should not let ego affect his judgme nt on whether the ideais acceptable or not.7)If the idea of a team member is found in appropriate, how shouldhe or

8、she react properly?He or she should not take the rejecti on of the idea pers on ally .In stead,he or she should accept others opinion and still carry out his or herduty.2 Text A can be divided into three parts with the paragraph nu mber(s)of each part provided as follows. Write down the main idea of

9、 eachpart.Part: One; Paragraph(s): 1- 2; Main Idea: It is an essential requirement of anyemployment that any potential employee is a team player. Two; 3 - 11; A compa ny is just like a footballteam. Every member has the duty to chieve the team s goal and the righthelp ato offer ideas.15; If you are

10、not happy Three; 12 in your worki ng en vir onment, try to find out if there is anything wrong with you or your team.Task Two Read ing Betwee n the LinesRead the follow ing senten ces carefully and discuss in pairs what theauthor intends to say by the italicized parts.1)If there is one player miss i

11、ng, the team is han dicapped . (Para. 4),the team cannot fun cti on properly.2)Egos do not play any part in (Para. 5)teamwork.There is no room for ego in a team.3)In every action of the team, the objectives of the company, and / or,bus in ess strategy, MUST be first and foremost . (Para. 8). is un d

12、oubtedly the most importa nt. (The objectives of the compa nyought to be con sidered the most importa nt.)4)It does not mean that you should follow the . (Para. 9)merely herd. do just what every one else does.5)If your leader or team members see that you can han dle rejecti on of yourit is only to y

13、our own creditideas in a mature manner,(Para. 10). it is only to your advantage. / . it is only in your favour.Check ing Your VocabularyWord Detective1Choose the definition in Column B that best matches each italicized word in Column A.1)i2)c3)f4)e5)a6)h7)d8)b2The italicized word in each sentence is

14、 taken from Text B, with the paragraph nu mber stated. Choose the word in brackets which is closest in meaning to the italicized word.1)Laszlo Biro inven ted the ball-po int pen. (Para. 2) (made, created, discovered) created2)He n eeds to lear n how to curb his temper. (Para. 4) (con trol, lose, sho

15、w) control3)Noth ing can alter the fact that your childre n are your own resp on sibility.(Para. 9) (hide, reveal, cha nge) cha nge4)Progress has bee n made towards a political compromise betwee n the twon ati ons. (Para. 10) (promise, decisi on, agreeme nt) agreeme nt5)That gen tlema n resp on ded

16、to her curs ing with gracious humour. (Para. 11)(polite, unkind, funny) polite3Find in Text B the phrases or expressi ons which would completethe sen ten ces with the help of the clues. Write the an swers into thecorrect space of the puzzle that follows. If you have written in thecorrect words, you

17、will discover a hidde n vertical word that means“ work or act together for a shared purpose ” . What is the hidde nword?1)In the bus in ess world, thi ngs cha nge day to day ( 日复一日不间断地 ).Youn ever know what s going to happe n tomorrow. (Para. 2)2)Conventional wisdom ( 一般人的看法 )has it that practice ma

18、kes perfect and that expertise is the n atural outcome of years of practice. (Para. 4)3)After a hard men tai struggle, he13)4)At the very least ( 最起码而言 ),you have learned something from yourrepeated failures; so don lose hear t. (Para. 2)5)A wise leader tends to praise in public and in (私下).(

19、iticize private11)6)Today s discussi on is all about opport un ity the opport un ities to ope n doorsto new opportunities and to pave the way for ( 为? 铺平道路 )futuresuccess.(Para. 11)7)He seems to en terta in no con cept of teamwork and always gets his way (心所欲).(Para. 10)8)It took me a long time to t

20、ake in ( 理解)what you said to me the other day.(Para. 12)The hidde n word is COOPERATE.Check ing Your Comprehe nsionText B.1)What is the basic mea ning of being a member of a team?The basic meaning of being a member of a team is that you have the social skillsto have ope n, productive relati on ships

21、 with other workers so that collectivelyyou can all get done what you n eed to get done.2)Why is it difficult to man age emoti ons an d tran slate them intoeffective com muni cati on?Because managing one s emoti ons has a lot to do with theworkn vir onment, one s pers on ality and the pers on alitie

22、s of others onthe team.3)What is the conven ti onal meaning of being professi onal II?The conven ti onal meaning of being professi onal II is curb ing one stwords and conforming to the office norm.4)What might be the effect of curb ing one s emoti on in the office accordi ng toJeffrey San chez-Burks

23、?In his view, curb ing one s emoti ons in the office can be harmful to productivity.5)How important is flexibility to team players?Flexibility is a key trait that every team player n eeds to develop if he or shewan ts to be successful.6)How can one be hon est and also gracious in a team?Accord ing t

24、o some psychologists, one of the ways is to complime nt coworkers and subord in ates in public but criticize them in private. This also means accepti ng feedback from others and lett ing your defe nses dow n whe n you liste n.7)What might be the result if you make a mistake and shift the blame onto

25、others?The result might be that the other members would not trust you and your in tegrity any Ion ger.8)Why is it n ecessary to know one s stre ngths and weak nesses in ateam?Because in a team every one has his or her stre ngths and weak nesses, and onlyin a team can one find it easier to know one d

26、 weaknesses strengths.anCon trasti ng pers on alities and skills can compleme nt each other and help buildup a good team.2 In Text B there are some ideas that in dustrial psychologists advise us to keep in mind whe n we are work ing as a team. Find out the information andcomplete the following table

27、. The first one has beendone for you.Key IdeaWhat Should You Do?FlexibilityAlter your strategies to deal with un expectedWords in Acti oncircumsta nces.who don t agree with you.but criticize in private. Accept feedback from others and let your defe nses dow n whe n you liste a pers on, but that

28、 you are really tak ing it in.others or make excuses for failure.those of your coworkers.WeakWork ing with Words and Expressi ons1 In the box below are some of the words you have lear ned in this un it. Complete the follow ing senten ces with the words give n. Change the form where n ecessary.1) This report is writte n from theviewpoi of a psychologist and it prov

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