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1、大学生英语竞赛NECCSC类非英语专业决赛真题本科生大学生英语竞赛(NECCS)C类非英语专业决赛真题2017年(本科生)Part Listening ComprehensionSection AIn this section, you will hear five short conversations. Each conversation will be read only once. At the end of each conversation, there will be a fifteen-second pause. During the pause, read the quest

2、ion and the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the centre. 1. Why does Jane borrow Toms yoga book?A.It is a reference book for her research on the Olympics. B.Tom recommended her to

3、 read it.C.She wants to learn some basic principles of the sport. D.It is part of her yoga lessons.C 听力原文W: Tom, I was wondering if I could borrow your book on yoga. M: Sure. Are you going to take yoga lessons, Jane?W: Yeah, I think I might, but Id like to understand how it works.M: Good idea. It ha

4、s become an official sport in the Olympics.解析 对话中Jane要借Tom的瑜伽书,在Tom问她是不是要上瑜伽课时,Jane回答说“Id like to understand how it works”。由此可知Jane借书是想了解如何进行瑜伽,即瑜伽的基本原理。因此C项正 确。2. What are the speakers going to do according to the conversation?A.To start a new textile factory in Frankfurt. B.To set up a booth at th

5、e Frankfurt trade fair. C.To organize a grand world Expo in Germany. D.To sign a contract with a German company.B 听力原文M: Well, folks.Ive got good news! Everything is finalized and well be setting up a booth at the trade fair in Frankfurt!W: Thats great news! The application process was so difficult,

6、 but Im glad we made it!M: The trade show in Frankfurt is the biggest textile show in the world, so its great that we can have a presence there!解析 对话开头男士便宣布一切都筹备好了,“well be setting up a booth at the trade fair in Frankfurt!”,之后的讨论便都围绕这个话题展开。由此可知,对话者将在法兰克福的贸易展销会上有 一个摊位。因此B项正确。3. What is the mans opin

7、ion about making decisions?A.Decisions should be made based on data. B.Decision making is a complicated process.C.Intuition serves as a signal in decision making. D.Gut feelings may help one make decisions.A 听力原文M: But Faith, do you really think we should base a decision on feelings?W: Well, feeling

8、s can be a warning. I believe very strongly in the power of intuition. You know how people say, I have a gut feeling? What they really mean is that their intuition is giving them a signal.M: Do you mean that emotions are important, even in the business world? I think we should make choices based on

9、data and information.not on emotions!解析 对话中在讨论做决定是要根据感情还是信息时,男士说“I think we should make choices based on data and information.not on emotions!”由此可知男士不同意以感情做决定的方式,他认为做决定应当 以数据和信息为依据。因此A项正确。4. Which saying can describe the situations in the conversation?A.A friend in need is a friend indeed. B.Gentlen

10、ess and kindness conquer at last. C.Two is company, but three is none. D.When in Rome, do as the Romans do.D 听力原文M: Id say hugging is not usually appropriate in a business situation. Some people are a bit overly friendly. But if the person initiates it, Id recommend you grit your teeth and go along

11、with it, otherwise people might think you are rude.W: So the same rule would apply to getting a kiss from a European: if they initiate it, just go along and be friendly, right?M: Yeah. Try to follow the local customs.解析 对话中男士说虽然拥抱在商务场合中不太合适,但如果有人这么做了,最好还是跟着做,最后 还提到“Try to follow the local customs”。由

12、此可知这个对话讨论的主要话题是“入乡随俗”。因此D项 正确。5. How do Americans spend Christmas?A.Customs vary according to peoples beliefs and habits. B.Friends get together at parties while children collect gifts. C.Religious families sing and play music on Christmas Eve.D.Many families go traveling during the Christmas season

13、.A 听力原文M: So give me a basic rundown. What are the Christmas traditions?W: Each family is different, but basically you just go with the flow. If your friends family is religious they might go to church on Christmas Eve or Christmas morning.M: Ive never attended a church service before.that sounds in

14、teresting.W: The sing and music can be very beautiful, but many American families just hang around at home onChristmastalking, watching TV, eating food and open presents.解析 对话中男士问起圣诞习俗时,女士回答说“每个家庭的习惯都不一样”,比如宗教家庭会去教 堂,而其他的家庭则有其他活动。由此可知,由于人们信仰和习惯不同,各家的圣诞习俗也不同。 因此A项正确。Section BIn this section, you will

15、 hear two long conversations. Each conversation will be read only once. At the end of each conversation, there will be a one-minute pause. During the pause, read the questions and make your answers on the answer sheet with a single line through the centre.Conversation OneListen to the conversation,

16、and mark each statement as either true (T) or false (F) according to your listening. 1. Gina and Jason are old friends and they are quite happy to meet in China again.B 听力原文M: Hello Gina! Weve spoken so many times on the phone but its so good to finally meet you in person! W: Hello, Jason. How was t

17、he flight?M: Pretty good. There was a bit of turbulence while we were over the Pacific Ocean, but it wasnt too bad. The worst thing was the guy behind me. He snored all through the night!W: Really? But you were in first class! Nobody woke that guy up?M: The stewardess said its not company policy to

18、wake people up for any reason. W: Thats terrible! So you didnt get any sleep?M: Not much.but thats OK.Im a night owl anyway.W: So, aside from visiting our factory and offices, are there any other things you want to accomplish while youre in China?M: Id love to squeeze in a trip to the Great Wall.W:

19、Thats not a problem. We can have a company car take you there. Its only about a two-hour drive. M: Also. Id like to do some shopping while Im here.W: Well, youve come to the right place! China is a shopping paradise. Name it weve got it.M: To be honest, Im not really sure what Im looking for. But I

20、need gifts for my wife, kids and I should bring something back for the senior partners of my firm as well.W: Hum.Id recommend silk for your wife. Maybe a bathrobe or perhaps a shawl. Silk dresses and shirtsare good, too.M: Yeah.that sounds good. But my wife is picky, so Ill need your help to choose

21、the right one. It should be classy and not too flashy.W: I think I know just the store to visit. Leave it to me.解析 对话开头Jason说他和Gina曾经通话过很多次,最后终于在现实中见面,感觉很好。 由此可知这是两人第一次见面,而非老朋友。因此该判断错误。2. Jason suffered a lot on his journey mostly because the plane he took encountered severe turbulence. B解析 对话中Jason

22、提到“There was a bit of turbulence while we were over the Pacific Ocean, but it wasnttoo bad.”由此可知Jason遇到的湍流并不严重。因此该判断错误。3. Jason did not care much about the noise in the plane because he was a night owl. A解析 对话中Jason说他的后座一整夜都在打鼾,Gina问起他是不是晚上完全没睡着觉时,他回答说“Not much.but thats OK.Im a night owl anyway.”由此

23、可知后座打鼾对他造成的影响不太大,因为他自己是个夜猫子。因此该判断正确。4. Jason would like to pay a visit to the Great Wall besides doing his business. A解析 对话中Gina问起除了参观工厂和办公室外还想做什么时,Jason说“Id love to squeeze in a trip tothe Great Wall.”由此可知Jason除了工作方面的事,还想去长城看看。因此该判断正确。5. Gina recommends that Jason may buy some silk products for his

24、 wife as gifts. A解析 对话中Jason说想给妻子买礼物时,Gina说“Id recommend silk for your wife.”,并列举了一些丝绸制品。由此可知Gina推荐Jason给妻子买丝绸制品做礼物。因此该判断正确。Conversation TwoListen to the conversation, mark each question as A, B, C or D according to your listening. 1. What does the interviewer find surprising about Mariellas house?A

25、.There is a Jamaican style pavilion in her garden. B.She plants many kinds of flowers in the backyard. C.Many pet animals are raised in baskets in her house. D.It is elaborately decorated with roses in various colors.B 听力原文M: Mariella, you live in a typical London terraced house, with a long thin ga

26、rden plot at the back, just like all the other houses in the street. But there the similarity ends. Your garden is awell, I dont know how to describe itits a jungle in the nicest possible way, a bit of paradise! Youve got hanging baskets bursting with flowers, roses clutch at your feet as you walk a

27、-long the path. In fact, everywhere you look is bursting with flowering shrubs, bushes and plants of every description at every level! Why did you create the garden?W: I wanted a garden which would remind me of my native home in Jamaica, although the climate here is very different, of course.M: Your

28、 father was a farmer, wasnt he? Do your green fingers come from him?W: No, I havent got green fingers! No way! My father cultivated bananas for a living but he grew lots of different kinds of vegetables and we lived off what was grown in the garden. And besides vegetables, we had lots of flowers too

29、.M: I must say, the exuberance of your garden here certainly captures the atmosphere of a Caribbean landscape. You came here many years agoit was February, wasnt it?W: Yes, it was cold and grey when I arrivednot the best time to be here! The garden was nothing butweeds but I saw it and I set to work

30、.M: What did you grow at first?W: My son liked vegetables. He liked to eat them raw, not cooked. So I grew vegetables for him. He would come in from school and munch away at the freshly-picked vegetables: cabbages, carrots, cucumber, pumpkin. I used to get a lot of satisfaction just watching him eat

31、.M: How did you learn to garden?W: I didnt learn from books or anything like that. I would just walk into a shop, see a packet of seeds and plant them, just like that! If they didnt work out, I would keep trying until they did okay. My children werent interested in the garden but my grandson is keen

32、 on gardening. He learned about gardening at school and planted those sunflowers all by himself, although hes only six.M: Do you allow yourself a favourite flower?W: I love the shrimp plant with yellow flowers that is grown in Jamaica. Friends in Jamaica said it would be too cold here for it to flourish, but I planted it in the garden and then

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