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1、25. Lending him money would be equivalent, in my opinion, _ throwing it away. A. by B. from C. on D. to 26. Many of the pianos made by Steinway & Sons Company in Germany, especially _ made during its “golden period”, are valued at several at million dollars. A. that B. those C. one D. One 27. Now th

2、at they both had their cut, the twins looked _ alike than usual. A. much B. rather C. even more D. quite more28. Mr. Wangs phone hasnt stopped ringing since he won the lottery (彩票).People _ to ask how he is going to spend the money. A. phone B. phoned C. will phone D. are phoning29. -Excuse me, sir.

3、 Where is Room 316? - Just a minute. I will geta receptionist _ you to your room. A. show B. shown C. showing D. to show 30. The company is facing a potential serious crisis though its profits _ increase this year. A. may B.shall C. should D. need31. Born in a wealthy family, the boy took everything

4、 in his life for granted _ for the first time he saw how poor farmers struggled to survive the hard life. A. until B. that C. when D. while32. In the old days, students were expected to memorize information and then feed back what _ to them. A. provided B. was being provided C. was to provide D. had

5、 been provided33. A hot air balloon caught fire in Egypt early this year, _ 18 tourists on board. A. kills B. killed C. killing D. to kill34. Whether _ or not, major depressive disorder is often associated with changes in brain structures or brain functions. A. to inherit B. inherited C. inheriting

6、D. being inherited35. The boy hopes to become friend of _ shares his interests and happiness. A. who B. whomever C. whoever D. anyone36. Tames is hardly willing to change any of his decisions, so it is no use _ with him. A. arguing B. argued C. to argue D. having argued 37. _ the speaker referred to

7、 in his speech yesterday was unfamiliar to the general audience. A. That B. What C. Whether D. Where38. Error correction in a language class should never be carried to the point _ it discourages students from getting involved. A. where B. which C. how D. when 39. - How was the television debate last

8、 night? - Super! Barely _ so much media attention. A. a debate attracted B. a debate did attract C. did a debate attract D. Attracted a debate40. Top students are not merely those who sit up late to study. It is their concentration and efficiency _ really matter. A. what B. that C. whether D. which

9、Section B Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.Life isnt easy for families of children with special needs. Faced with responsibility of a family member requiring extra attention and care, many fa

10、milies feel lonely, _41_ and hopeless. In many cases, the families feel a sense of _42_ because their children are not “perfect”. But Taiwan Sunshine wants to change that.Founded in 2009, Taiwan Sunshine believes that all children have characteristic value, and by supporting the families who care fo

11、r children with special needs, it an change the_43_ understanding. In doing so, it hopes to help these children become useful members of society.The Taipei-based, non-profit organization seeks to _44_ these goals in three ways. First, it offers in-school programs, often centered around events like C

12、hristmas. Second, it develops conferences for use in schools, churches and other organizations. These conferences raise_45_ of the issues that families with special-needs children face and encourage organizations to develop programs to support these families. Third, Taiwan Sunshine works with other

13、groups to put together and _46_ the “I Am a Hero Games.”During the games, children compete in different _47_ activities, such as the ball throw and running race. When children arent _48_, they enjoy other activities, such as playing with dogs from a local therapy program. Each game includes a prize-

14、awarding ceremony in which all the children are formally_49_ with medals to celebrate their accomplishments. Through programs like the Hero Games, Taiwan Sunshine is working hard to meet the needs of families with special-needs children. Reading ComprehensionDirections: For each blank in the followi

15、ng passage these are four words or phrases marked A, B,C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the contest.Avraham Kadar, a physician, faced the challenge of explaining complex medical concepts to children be was treating for many years. _50_ , he found a solution in 1999,

16、 and teachers have been gaining the benefits ever since.Kadar created BrainPOP, a(n)_51_program consisting of humorous animated (动画的) videos in which a man named Tim and his robot friend Moby_52_ various subjects. The videos fall into seven types: engineering and technology, science, social studies,

17、 English, math, health, and arts and music. From historical figures to recent inventions, they cover over 500 topics, _53_interste in the subjects though _54_and illustrations. BrainPOPs materials also include quizzes, activities, answers to questions and extra information about each topic.BrainPOP

18、can be used in the classroom or at home through the Internet. It is now _55_ everywhere through its apps (应用程序) for mobile devices. BrainPOP also supplies resources to different_56_ : BrainPOP Jr, for younger students, BrainPOP Espanol for Spanish speakers and BrainPOP ESL for those learning English

19、. Almost 20 percent of American schools have _57_BrainPOP, and its popularity is growing worldwide. Its website, apps and produces have won multiple awards from magazines, websites and other organizations.The reason for BrainPOPs_58_ among teachers is similar: It works. A 2009 study conducted by SEG

20、 Research compared students who used BrainPOP to those who didnt. The BrainPOP users experienced more _59_ in vocabulary, reading comprehension, language skills and science than the other syudents.And the benefits of BrainPOP are not limited to_60_ speakers of English. One award-winning Canadian sch

21、ool with students from many language backgrounds makes BrainPOP available to all its teachers. They find it_61_ because it mixes pictures with its presentations instead of relying only on language._62_ , a school in the U.S. for students with learning disabilities has found BrainPOP very effective a

22、t keeping students engaged and encouraging them to participate. Teachers said taht BrainPOPs quick pace and humor help students _63_ interruptions and continue to focus. The kids love the teacher Moby, a robot that cannot speak but communicates with facial expressions and beeps(发出嘟声). For more than

23、10 years, BrainPOPs fun, lear and educational materials have helped students learn-and _64_ it.50. A. At one time B. By no means C. In the end D. On the whole51. A. domestic B. educational C. historic D. medical 52. A. bring up B. contribute to C. figure out D. talk about53. A. cultivating B. apprec

24、iating C. expressing D. following54. A. changes B. concepts C.humor D. science55. A. useful B. creative C. informative D.accessible56. A. groups B. stores C. devices D. schools 57. A.studied B. adopted C. invented D. produced 58. A. appearance B. existence C. limitation D. popularity59. A. difficult

25、ies B. improvement C. practice D. challenges60. A. popular B. foreign C. native D. brilliant61. A. helpful B. complex C. informal D. funny62. A. Absolutely B. Namely C. Originally D. Similarly63. A. notice B. recognize C. ignore D. picture64. A. imitate B. enjoy C. explore D. Illustrate Read the fol

26、lowing three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D.Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A) My husband and I were once in Nepal(尼泊尔)t

27、o see sunrise over the Himalayas. One morning we awoke to total darkness at 5 oclock.As we rushed through a town with cameras in hand,I noticed the calm,gentle way the Nepalese people greeted the morning.One man boiled a huge pot of milk tea,and other villagers gathered around his fire,cupping their

28、 hands around small glasses of the steaming sweet mixture.It was fascinating,but not to be left behind,we joined the stream of tourists moving quickly up to the lookout point. The top was crowded when we arrived,but after 10 minutes of cold waiting,the assembled group gave up.“The cloud cover is too

29、 heavy,”one said.Then one by one they rushed down the hill to the next item on their sightseeing list.I was disappointed as well,but suddenly I noticed a small Nepalese boy absently playing with a stick and shooting quick glances at the clouds.He must know something we dont,I thought.I decided to wa

30、it with him. The boy and I didnt have to wait long.Moments later,a tiny stream of golden light burned through one thick cloud,then another.Rose-colored fog warmed the backs of the clouds,and suddenly the morning sun stole a glance around the side of the mountain,mile above where Id expected it to be

31、. Nothing Id seen before prepared me for the moment the clouds withdrew with bowed heads,and the magnificent Himalayas were revealed before,around,and above me.I sat in astonishment,not breathing, not daring to look away,certain that God had placed me here at the backdoor of Earth to show me what Heaven really looks like.I certainly got the messa

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