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1、高考英语一轮复习Unit11TheMedia讲义北师大版必修I 一积词汇见多识广2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习Unit11TheMedia讲义北师大版必修(I)(一)阅读词汇写其义1affair n事情,事件 2.approach n方法,方式3evidence n证明,证据 4.photographer n摄影师5poverty n贫穷,穷困 6.electricity n电7incident n事件,事情 8.explanation n解释,说明(二)表达词汇写其形1demand vt.要求,请求 2.arise vi.发生;出现3blame vt.责怪,归咎于 4.willing

2、adj.愿意的,乐意的5chat n闲谈,聊天 6.scene n场面;场景7attempt vt.& n尝试,试图 8.pretend vt.假装(三)拓展词汇灵活用*1.respect vt.& n尊敬,尊重respected adj.受人敬重的respectable adj.值得敬重的respectful adj.恭敬的,表示尊敬的*2.delighted adj.高兴的,愉快的delight vt.使愉快 n快乐,高兴delightful adj.令人高兴的3.announce vt.宣布,宣告announcement n公告4.application n申请(书);应用applica

3、nt n申请人apply vi.申请*5.employ vt.雇用employment n雇用unemployment n失业employer n雇主employee n雇员6.defend vt.保卫,防御;为辩解defence n保卫;防卫*7.advertiser n广告人advertise vt.为做广告,登广告advertisement n广告8.contribution n贡献,捐助contribute vt.贡献9.innocent adj.天真无邪的,单纯的;无罪的innocence n清白,无罪10.conclude vt.做出结论;结束conclusion n结论

4、terrupt vt.& vi.打断(讲话或动作);打扰interruption n打断*12.environmental adj.自然环境的environmentally adv.环境地environment n环境用上面加*号的单词的适当形式填空1The employers were discussing the topic how more employees could be employed facing the high rate of unemployment. 2Good natural environment is vital to us. We shouldnt sacri

5、fice environmental protection to promote economic growth.3The advertiser was determined to advertise the newly designed car on the advertisement page of Hefei Evening.4He was delighted in talking and it was a delight to listen to his talk.5Teachers are respectable in our country. Students respect th

6、eir teachers and listen to them in school in respectful ways.话题单词积累1broadcast /brdkst/ vt. 广播;播放n. 广播2conduct /kndkt/ vt. 指挥,引导,带领3clap /klp/ vt.& vi. 鼓掌4live /laiv/ adj. 现场直播的adv. 在现场直播5album /lbm/ n. 唱片,专辑6concert /knst/ n. 音乐会;演奏会7perform /pfm/ vt. 表演8performance /pfmns/ n. 演出9interview /ntrvju/

7、vt. 采访10publish /pbl/ v. 出版;发行11impress /mpres/ vt. 给留下深刻印象12mislead /mslid/ v. 误导13urge /d/ v. 催促14influence /nfluns/ n. 影响15reward /rwd/ v. 报酬16present /prizent/ v. 呈现17vision /vn/ n. 视觉18popular /ppjl(r)/ adj. 受欢迎的;流行的19weekly /wikli/ n. 周刊20monthly /mnli/ n. 月刊21quarterly /kwtli/ n. 季刊22movie /m

8、uvi/ n. 电影23magazine /mzin/ n. 杂志24newspaper /njuzpep(r)/ n. 报纸;新闻纸25feature /fitr/ n. 特征;特色26professional /prfenl/ adj. 职业的;专业的27website /websat/ n. 网站28update /pdet/ v. 更新;升级;出版29cast /kst/ n. 全体演员30producer /prdjus/ n. 制片人31camera /kmr/ n. 摄像机32microphone /maikrfun/ n. 麦克风33studio /stjudiu/ n. 工作

9、室,摄影棚34release /rilis/ vt. 发行;发布35channel /tnl/ n. 频道36entertaining /entteini/ adj. 娱乐的二积短语顿挫抑扬课内短语回扣(一)根据汉语写出下列短语1.stand_for 代表;支持 *2.in_favour_of赞同,支持*3.consist_of由组成 *4.stand_out突出,显眼5.as_long_as只要 6.be_made_up_of由组成7.be_used_to习惯于 8.be_linked_with/to与相关联ment_on 发表意见 *10.help_out帮忙做事;摆脱困境11.owe_.

10、_to_. 把归功于 *12.in_detail 详细地13.go_ahead_with着手干;开始做 e_down_to结果是15.participate_in 参与,参加 *16.look_forward_to盼望,希望(二)用上面加*号的短语完成下列句子1You must study the contract in_detail before you sign it.2He made a speech in_favour_of equal pay for equal work.3I believe that dress will make you stand_out in a crowd

11、.4The school consisting_of 5,000 students is attached to Hefei Normal University.5I am familiar with his work and look_forward_to hearing his views on literary and artistic creation.6He is a kindhearted man and is always willing to help_out.话题短语积累1to ones amazement 令某人惊讶的是2be familiar with 熟悉3be abs

12、orbed in 沉溺于4be addicted to 对上瘾5have .in common 和有共同之处6be similar to 与相似7be interested in 对感兴趣8be on 上演9come out 发行10rather than 而不是11on air 正在播出12switch channel 换台13queue up/stand in line 排队14face to face 面对面15behave well/badly 举止良好/不好16put on 演出,上演17turn up 出现,到达,来到18make an appointment with sb. 与

13、某人约会三积句式写作扮靓课内句式仿写1“of抽象名词”相当于其对应的形容词例句AIDS is another problem of great concern so sex education and health care administration are extremely important.仿写我刚刚发现那天下午的班会对我来说非常重要。I have just found that the class meeting that afternoon is of_great_importance_to_me.2not all表示部分否定例句However, not all adverti

14、sing is about selling products and services for a profit.仿写根据最近一项调查,并非所有的年轻人都喜欢玩微信。According to a recent survey, not_all_the_young_adults like using WeChat.3as long as“只要”,引导条件状语从句例句According to a research published by Leeds University yesterday, people dont mind bad language on television as long a

15、s it is not used in programmes watched by children.仿写生活中我们可能遇到许多失败,但只要我们尽了力,就没有必要为失败而后悔。In our life we may meet many failures; as_long_as we try our best, there is no need feeling regret for these failures.话题佳句背诵1The show was so successful that she became famous overnight.演出非常成功,结果她一夜成名。2Its said th

16、at there will be a concert conducted by a worldfamous conductor on Sunday evening.据说周日晚上将有一场音乐会,它由一位世界著名的指挥家指挥。3The film is usually more interesting and it is easier to follow.电影通常更有趣而且更容易理解。4It is important to all three TV networks that their evening news programs attract as large an audience as po

17、ssible.对于三大电视网来说,用晚间新闻来吸引最大量的观众群是很重要的。四背语段语感流畅Both TV and website are popular media. They have something in common. Both of them make money from ads. Similar to TV, websites also have different sections, so that you may choose the one you are most interested in.However, they are different in many wa

18、ys. Above all, moving pictures are shown on TV with sound, which makes you feel as if you are just on the spot. Then, the programs change every day and professional TV reporters do the report. Unlike TV, some information on websites changes all the time, but not all of it is so updated. In addition,

19、 everybody can write articles for websites rather than professional reporters.电视和网站都是很流行的媒体。它们有一些共同之处。它们都从广告中挣钱。和电视相似,网站也有不同的部分,以便你可以选择你最感兴趣的部分。然而,它们也有很多不同的方面。首先,电视上播放移动的带声音的画面,这会让你感觉好像你就在现场一样。然后,每天的节目都有变化并且有专业的电视记者作报道。不像电视,网站上的信息一直在变化,但并不是所有的信息都在更新。另外,大家都可以给网站写文章而不只是专业的记者。 第一板块重点词汇突破师生共研词汇1demand v

20、t.要求,请求;需要n.要求;需求(量),需要教材原句Reforms have been demanded by people from all over the world.全世界的人们都要求变革。(1)demand (of sb.) to do sth. 要求(某人)做某事demand sth.of/from sb. 向某人要某物demand that . (should) do sth. 要求做某事(2)meet/satisfy ones demands 满足某人的要求in demand 非常需要的;受欢迎的My father came downstairs and demanded t

21、o_know (know) what was going on.我父亲从楼上下来想知道正在发生了什么事情。The manager demanded that the workers (should)_work (work) overtime to complete the task ahead of time.经理要求工人加班,以提前完成任务。First, science graduates are in_greater_demand than arts ones in China.首先,在中国,对理科毕业生的需求比对文科生的更大。名师点津demand后不接不定式作宾语补足语,即不能说dema

22、nd do sth.。2blame vt.责怪,归咎于n.过失,责备教材原句The media is often blamed for encouraging the paparazzi.由于鼓励狗仔队的行为,媒体经常被谴责。(1)blame sb.for (doing) sth. 因某事而责备某人blame sth.on . 把某事归咎于be to blame (for .) 应(为)承担责任;该(为)受责备(2)take the blame for sth. 对某事负责任put/lay the blame for sth.on sb. 把某事的责任推到某人身上Instead_o

23、f_blaming_each_other,_we should communicate more and put ourselves in others place.我们应该多交流,换位思考而不是相互责怪。Dont always blame your own failure on others. You should take the blame for failure.不要总把失败归咎于他人,你应该为失败负责。In my view, Li Hua, who broke the school rule, was to_blame (blame)我认为,李华违反了学校的规定,应受到责备。名师点津

24、在be to blame (for) 短语中,不定式用主动语态表示被动含义。3employ vt.雇用;聘请;使忙于;使从事于经典例句None but a wise man can employ leisure well.(谚)唯智者善于利用空闲。(1)employ as . 雇用某人为从事于/忙于(做)某事be employed to do sth. 受雇做某事For the past ten years I have been employed as an English teacher in this middle school.十年以来我一直在这所中学受雇当一名英语教师。She was

25、_employed_in_making a list of all the jobs to be done.她忙着把所要做的工作列一个清单。4attempt vt.&n.尝试,试图教材原句But sometimes, the paparazzi go too far in their attempt to get the best photographs.但是有的时候,狗仔队为了获得最有卖点的照片做得很过分。(1)attempt to do sth. 试图做某事(2)in an attempt to do sth. 为了做某事make an attempt to do/at doing sth

26、. 企图做某事at the first attempt 第一次尝试They are attempting to_climb (climb) the steepest part of Mount Tai.他们正试图攀登泰山最陡的部分。Thanks to your help, I passed my driving test at_the_first_attempt.多亏你的帮助,我考驾驶执照时一次就通过了。We made an attempt to_leave (leave) for camping, but were stopped by our teacher. 我们想去野营但被我们的老师拦

27、住了。5pretend vt.假装;装作教材原句Pretending to be a repair man to get into the house of a film star and take pictures of her daily life.装扮成一个维修工人进入一个电影明星的家并偷拍她的日常生活照。pretend that . 假装pretendIf you pretend to_know (know) what you dont know, youll only make a fool of yourself.如果你不懂装懂,那只会欺骗自己。He pretended to_be

28、_reading (read) an important document when the boss came in.老板进来时,他假装正在看一份重要文件。When her mother came in, she pretended_to_have_fallen_asleep.当她妈妈进来的时候,她假装已经睡着了。6conclude vt.&vi.做出结论;结束;完成;断定,推断教材原句Leeds University concluded that people made a distinction between bad language used in programmes for ad

29、ults, and those meant for children.利兹大学得出结论说,人们辨别得出成人影片中的脏话和儿童影片中脏话的区别。(1)conclude . from . 从中得出/推断出conclude .with . 以结束conclude that . 断定to conclude 总而言之,最后(2)conclusion n. 结论draw/come to/arrive at/reach a conclusion 得出结论in conclusion 最后;总之He concluded_his_speech_with a famous saying: no pains, no gains.他以一句名言“不劳无获”结束他的演讲。Ive come to the conclusion (conclude) that hes not the right person for the job.我断定他不适合做这项工作。In_conclusion,_good interpersonal skills are a must for our future social life.(2014重庆高考写作)总之,良好的交际技能对我们未来的社会生活是必需的。自主练通词汇1respect vt.尊敬;尊

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