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高考英语 Unit3《Under the sea》单元强化训练 新人教版选修7.docx

1、高考英语 Unit3Under the sea单元强化训练 新人教版选修7单元强化训练(三)(解析为教师用书独有).单词拼写1Please let us know your accommodations requirements of oil.2Lets pause for a cup of coffee.3The woman turned and walked off in the opposite(相反的)direction.4The cat was dragging(拖,拉)its broken leg.5Set yourself target that you can reasonab

2、ly hope to achieve.单项填空1Only then did he _ the effects of his action.Aaware Baware ofCbecome aware Dbecome aware of【解析】conscious“有知觉的,神志清醒的”,符合题意。awake“醒着的”;aware“知道的”;confused“迷惑的”。句意为:尽管这个男子在事故中受伤严重,但他仍然有意识并且思维清晰。【答案】C3Im not good at dancing,you know._ Its just for fun.ADont say so. BCome on!CWhat

3、 a pity! DCheer up.【解析】根据句意此处表示鼓励,故come on“来吧”符合题意。A项不符合语言习惯;C、D与题意不符。【答案】B4Why must you _ me out to a concert on a cold night like this?Apull BdrawCdrag Dpush【解析】句意为:你为什么非得在这么冷的夜晚硬拖我来听音乐会?此题考查drag的用法:drag sb. to some place是固定搭配,意为“把某人强拖到某地”。【答案】C5Tigers _ meateating animals _ meat.Abelong to;feed o

4、n Bbelonging to;feed onCare belonged to;feed on Dbelonging to;feeding on【解析】句意为:老虎属于肉食动物,以食肉为生。句中belonging to meateating animals作定语,belong to无被动式,feed on意为“以为主食”。【答案】B6I must thank my parents _ to be a college student.Ato make it possible for meBto make it possible to meCfor making it possible for m

5、eDfor making it possible to me【解析】考查thank sb. for doing sth.“(为某事)道谢”,故排除A、B项;又make it possible for sb.是固定用法,“使对某人来说成为可能”,故排除D项。【答案】C7Mr.Smiths giving his lessons _ makes his lessons lively and interesting.Alovingly BlovelyClively Dvividly【解析】句意为:史密斯先生生动的讲课方式使得他的课生动有趣。vividly“栩栩如生地,生动地”;lovingly“疼爱地

6、”;lovely“可爱的”;lively“活泼的,充满活力的,精力充沛的”。句中缺少的是状语,应选副词形式,故先排除B、C两项;另由句意可排除A。【答案】D8The PLA men were _ in time because the earthquake had destroyed the road.Astopped to rescue the trappedBprevented rescuing the trappedCstopped from rescuing the trappedDprevented to rescue the trapped10There is no grass t

7、o _ the soil in place in the desert.Ahold Bhold up Chold back Dhold on【解析】句意为:在那片沙漠里没有草来保持土壤。本题主要考查词义辨析。hold“保持”;hold up“举起,拖延,耽搁”;hold back“阻止,阻挡”;hold on“不挂断电话”。【答案】A11The police turned the whole house _ looking for clues.Aupside down Bout frontCside by side Ddown to earth【解析】upside down 意为“乱七八糟地”

8、。out front 意为“在门外”;side by side 意为“肩并肩”;down to earth 意为“实际地”。句意为:警察翻遍了整间屋子想要找到线索。故答案为A。【答案】A12Those governments agreed to hold sixparty talks, _ their concern with peace.Areflecting Bto reflectCreflected Dhaving reflected【解析】考查非谓语动词的用法。句意为:那些政府同意举行六党会谈,反映了他们对和平的关心。句子的逻辑主语是those governments,与reflect

9、之间是主动关系,故用v.ing形式,排除B、C项;D项表示reflect这一动作发生在agree之前,明显与题意不符,故被排除。【答案】A13Stressful environments _ unhealthy behaviors such as poor eating habits,which increase the risk of heart disease.Astick to Blead toCrefer to Ddevote to【解析】句意为:紧张的环境导致不健康的行为,比如不良饮食习惯,这就增加了患心脏病的危险。D项 devote oneself to be devoted to

10、 “献身于”;A项stick to “坚持”;C项 refer to“提及;参考”,它们都不合句意。而B项lead to“导致”,符合句意。【答案】B14I couldnt help but_the bruise(青肿)she had under ther eye.Anotice Bto noticeCnoticing Dnoticed【解析】句意为:我不能不注意到她眼睛下的青肿。cant help but do为固定结构,表示“不可能不做某事”,只有A项正确。【答案】A15Do you mind_alone at home?ATom leaving BTom having leftCToms

11、 being left DTom to be left【解析】mind(sth./sb.s) doing sth.“介意(某人)干某事”。Tom和leave之间是被动关系,故C项正确。【答案】C.完成句子1我们就要停业时,银行为我们救了急。When we were about to close down the business,the bank came to our rescue.2你最好把瓶子倒过来,把瓶里的油空干净。Youd better turn the bottle upside down to empty out the oil.3神经把信息传到大脑,让人觉察到自己身体的感觉。N

12、erves send messages to the brain.They make people aware of what their bodies are feeling.4我们要制止她把此事告诉别人。We must stop her telling others about it.5经过努力学习,现在他的汉语比我的好多了。After hard work,he is ahead of me in Chinese now.完形填空Some years ago in south Florida a little boy went for a swim in the old swimming

13、hole behind his home.In a hurry,he _1_ into the water,not realizing that as he swam toward the _2_ of the lake,an alligator(钝吻鳄) was swimming toward the shore.His mother in the house _3_ of the window saw the two as they got _4_ together.In great fear,she ran toward the water,_5_ to her son as _6_ a

14、s she could.Hearing her voice,the little boy became alarmed and _7_ a Uturn to swim to his mother.It was too _8_.Just as he reached her,the alligator reached him.The mother _9_ her little boy by the arms just as the alligator caught his _10_.That began an unbelievable tugofwar between the two.The al

15、ligator was much _11_ than the mother,but the mother didnt let go.A farmer happened to _12_ by,heard her screams,raced from his truck,took aim and shot the alligator.After weeks and weeks in the hospital,the little boy _13_.His legs were extremely scarred by the _14_ of the animal.And,on his arms,we

16、re deep _15_ where his mothers fingernails _16_ into his flesh in her effort to _17_ the son she loved.The newspaper reporter,who _18_ the boy,asked if he would show him his scars.The boy lifted his legs.And then,with obvious _19_,he said to the reporter,“_20_ look at my arms.I have great scars on m

17、y arms,too.I have them because my Mom wouldnt let go.”1A.hid BdivedClooked Dcame【解析】上文提到游泳,应该跳入水中,故选B项dive。【答案】B2A.bottom Bsurface5A.talking BsingingCyelling Dsighing【解析】从常识可知,当自己的孩子有危险时,作为妈妈应该大声喊他以示警告,故选C项yelling。【答案】C6A.madly BgentlyCseriously Dloudly 【解析】为了让孩子听到喊叫,妈妈应尽量声音大,故选D项loudly。【答案】D7A.chos

18、e BmadeChad Dbrought【解析】make a turn表示“转弯”。【答案】B8A.late BfrighteningCearly Dinteresting【解析】下文提到钝吻鳄已经追上了,所以是太迟了,故选A项late。【答案】A 9A.hit BleftCseized Dtouched【解析】下文提到孩子的双臂有很多伤疤,可知妈妈为了救孩子,紧紧地抓住了孩子的双臂,故选C项seized。【答案】C10A.legs BheadCfeet Dbody【解析】下文提到孩子的双腿是钝吻鳄咬的,可知钝吻鳄咬住了腿,故选A项legs。【答案】A11A.clever BlongerCta

19、ller Dstronger【解析】下文提到有人帮助了妈妈,可知钝吻鳄比她更有劲,故选D项stronger。【答案】D12A.flew BwalkedCran Ddrive【解析】由下文的.raced from his truck可知,此人是开车经过。【答案】D13A.injured Bescaped Csurvived Dcured【解析】孩子被钝吻鳄咬伤,送入医院及时治疗而得以幸存,故选C项survived最佳。注意cure是及物动词,要用被动语态。【答案】C14A.attack BkissClook Dsmell【解析】钝吻鳄咬人,应该是攻击attack,故选A项。【答案】

20、rks BscratchesCburns Dpoints【解析】从上文可知,妈妈为了救孩子,紧紧地抓住了孩子的双臂,应是在孩子的臂上留下抓痕。【答案】B【解析】由上文reporter可知,记者在“采访”孩子。【答案】D19A.confidence Bfear Cpride Dsorrow【解析】由于妈妈的爱使孩子获救,孩子为妈妈的行为骄傲。【答案】C20A.But BWhileCIf DOr【解析】孩子给记者看了腿上的鳄鱼的咬伤,但是使他骄傲的是胳膊上的妈妈的抓伤。所以此处表示转折,故选A项but。【答案】A.阅读理解It is hard to track the blue whale,the

21、 oceans largest creature which has almost been killed off by commercial whaling and is now listed as an endangered species.Attaching radio equipment to it is difficult and visual sightings are too unreliable to give real insight into its behavior.So biologists were delighted early this year when wit

22、h the help of the Navy they were able to track a particular blue whale for 43 days monitoring its sounds.This was possible because of the Navys formerly topsecret system of underwater listening equipment spanning(估量)the oceans.Tracking whales is but one example of an exciting new world just opening

23、to civilian (民用的) scientists after the cold war as the Navy starts to share and partly uncover its global network of underwater listening system built over the decades to track the ships of potential enemies.Earth scientists announced at a news conference recently that they had used the system for c

24、losely monitoring a deepsea volcanic eruption for the first time and that they plan similar studies.Other scientists have proposed to use the network for tracking ocean currents and measuring changes in ocean and global temperatures.The speed of sound in water is roughly one mile a secondslower than

25、 through land but faster than through air.What is most important,different layers of ocean water can act as channels for sounds focusing them in the same way a stethoscope (听诊器) does when it carries faint noises from a patients chest to a doctors ear.This focusing is the main reason that even relati

26、vely weak sounds in the ocean especially low frequency ones can often travel thousands of miles.1The passage is chiefly about _.Aan effort to protect an endangered marine speciesBthe civilian use of a military detection systemCthe exposure of a US.Navy topsecret weaponDa new way to look into the beh

27、avior of blue whales【解析】主旨大意题。根据短文第二、三段所表述的内容可知:军事探测系统开始进入民用。【答案】B2The underwater listening system was originally designed _.Ato mark and locate enemy shipsBto monitor deepsea volcanic eruptionsCto study the movement of ocean currentsDto replace the global radio communications network【解析】细节理解题。根据短文第

28、二段“.underwater listening system built over the decades to track the ships of potential enemies”一句可知:水下窃听系统起初是用来测量敌方船只的方位的。【答案】A3The deepsea listening system makes use of _.Athe complex technology of focusing sounds under waterBthe capability of sound to travel at high speedCthe special quality of la

29、yers of ocean water in sending out sound5Which of the following is TRUE about the US.Navy underwater listening network?AIt is now partly used by civilian scientists.BIt has been replaced by a more advanced system.CIt became useless to the military after the cold war.DIt is necessary in protecting endangered species.【解析】事实判断题。根据短文第二段“.the Navy starts to share and partly uncover its global network of underwater listening system.”可知:美国海军水下窃听网络现在只是部分地进入民用。【答案】A厚积薄发在本篇文章的阅读过程中,你有没有发现自己尚未掌握的或比较重要的词汇、短语或者句型?赶紧动手,把它们记下来吧!单词:_短语:_句型:_

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