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Lesson 8工作类Word文件下载.docx

1、G类话题20090613 Many people prefer to stay the same type of work all their life, and others prefer to change the type of work. Discuss both sides and state your own opinion.20090905 Some students do part-time jobs during studying. Do you think it has more advantages or disadvantages? 其中A类和G类的题目有部分重合,以下

2、两道题目都是讨论高薪话题。A类的Successful sports professionals can earn a great deal more money than people in other important professions. Some people think this is fully justified while others think it is unfair. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.G类的Some people feel that entertainment (e.g. film

3、 stars, pop musicians or sports stars)are paid too much money. Do you agree or disagree? Which other types of job should be highly paid?链接机经关键词工作满足感 因素员工可以从很多方面获得对工作的满足感(Employees get job satisfaction in a number of ways),几个方面的因素能促进工作的满足感(many factors contribute to job satisfaction),主要围绕几个意识(sense),

4、上级的良好反馈(positive feedback from superiors)、成就感( a sense of fulfillment)、提升自己(a sense of progress)、团队的归属感(a sense of belonging to a team or a working community),团队的责任感和忠诚度(a sense of responsibility for and the loyal to a team),当然如果个人性、和工作性质相吻合就更好了(a job that suits both their skills and their personali

5、ty)。以上几个因素能促成满意感的增加(contributes to job satisfaction)。 增加满足感公司应该创造公平的竞争环境(create fair competition environment)、机会均等(equal opportunity)、提升机会(chance of promotion)、给员工提供自我实现的机会(self-fulfillment, self-realization)等等。大学生找工作难大学生作为(job-hunter/ job-seeker),很多雇主不愿意招聘没有太多经验(inexperienced)的刚毕业的大学生(Many employer

6、s would not like to recruit newly graduated students without much experience)。此外,大学生对自己的求职目标定位很高(set high career objective),因此有些不切实际(unrealistic)。同时由于失业率的上升(high rate of unemployment)、人才的竞争十分激烈(the competition for jobs is fierce)、且供需不平衡(the imbalance of supply and demand)就会使找工作雪上加霜(add insult to inj

7、ury)。 解决之道找工作不能纸上谈兵(be an armchair strategist),应该有正确的职位定位(define their career goals),不要太理想化(less idealistic)。注重专业知识和实践技能(emphasize on both academic knowledge and practical skills),参加各类的职业培训(vocational skills training),做到自我提升(self-lifting/ self-enhancement),增强竞争力(competitiveness)。兼职 经济上的独立(economical

8、ly independent),积累工作经验(accumulate working experience),培养解决问题的能力(cultivate the ability of problem-solving),养成良好的沟通技巧(communicational skill),有助于自己追求未来的职业目标(pursue their career goals),对自己的职业目标进行定位(define their career objective),养成一定的竞争意识(cultivate competitive consciousness)。高薪 运动员和明星具有高额的收入(sports prof

9、essionals, film stars, pop musicians are paid huge salaries),相比之下,教师、护士及研究人员收入平平(teachers, nurses, laboratory researchers are never listed among the best-paid professionals),甚至是科学家(research scientists)和政治家(leading politicians)都无法企及,因此很多人觉得他们(earn their fortunes so quickly),收入不公平(unfair rewards,not j

10、ustifiable)。收入的差异是不合理的(The gaps between their earnings and those of people who work less selfishly for the good of society cannot be justified)。很多位社会做贡献的职业也应该(be much better appreciated and better paid)。 如何解释其合理性(How to justify the huge earnings)? 可能的原因在于高收入反映的是体育的一种公众流行程度(public popularity)。拥有真正天赋的

11、职业运动员数量极少(the number of professionals with real talent is very few),薪酬体现了对于为成功而必须拥有的技能和贡献的认可(the money is a recognition of the skills and dedication)。相对短暂的职业生涯里(in their relatively short career),职业巅峰期短暂(do not hold their top positions long),很快就会被人取代(be replaced)。竞争无处不在(Competition is constant)来自媒体的压

12、力很大(The pressure from the media is intense),几乎无隐私可言(there is little privacy out of the spotlight)。跳槽 跳槽(switch one job to another)是个很普遍的现象(It is a common practice that)。原因也是多方面的(manifold):首先可能是工资问题(inadequate payment),工资过低(unreasonable salary)会促使很多人(change their jobs)。其次是环境:包括工作环境(working environmen

13、t),同事间的良好关系与否(interpersonal relationship and peer pressure),竞争环境(competitive environment),及是否有提升的机会(promotion)。为了寻求这些方面的平衡(strike a balance)以及实现自我价值(self-fulfillment),很多人愿意换工作(inclined to hop from one job to another)。性别差异 现代女性社会地位的提升(social status),接受了良好的教育(receive good education),重新定位性别差异且改变了女性地位(r

14、ecast gender relation and alter the status quo)。科技的发展带来了远程工作(telecommuting),越来越多的女性走入职场(labor force),很多女性可以充分发挥才能(give full play to talents)。男性在职场上的主导地位(mens dominance)被打破,然而性别歧视(gender discrimination)还是屡见不鲜(common occurrence),甚至是根深蒂固 (prejudice against women is deeply rooted),因此解决收入不均(address dispa

15、rity of rewards between male and female)就是一个很突出的问题。词汇部分career n. 事业,职业【同义表达】occupation n. 职业; profession n. 职业,专业; vocation n. 职业,天职【考官例句】Competition is constant and a player is tested every time they perform in their relatively short career. 在相对短暂的职业生涯中,运动员面临着不断的竞争及考验。 词汇拓展career choice 事业选择 career

16、 counseling 职业咨询 career development 职业发展 career objective 职业目标 career path 职业道路career planning 职业生涯规划career prospects 职业前程career-oriented 以事业为中心profession n. 职业,专业【同源词汇】professional adj. 专业的,职业的n. 专业人员; professionally adv. 专业地,内行地【经典搭配】professional ethics 职业道德 professional training 职业培训 all professi

17、ons and trades 各行各业【考官例句】However, it is also true that it is only those who reach the very top of their profession who can get there huge salaries. 然而也只有那些达到事业顶峰的人才能获得高薪回报。【句架提炼】It is true that (确实是,主语从句) It is sb. who (强调句型)professional n. 职业运动员,专业人员【考官例句】As a result of constant media attention, sp

18、orts professionals in my country have become stars and celebrities, and those at the top are paid huge salaries. 由于媒体的不断关注,在我的国家,职业运动员成了明星和名人,那些最优秀的运动员的薪酬丰厚。full-time job 全职工作【同义表达】full-time employment 全职工作 【考官例句】Nowadays many adults have full-time jobs and the proportion of their lives spent doing

19、such jobs is very high. 现在很多人都拥有一份全职工作,而且很多的时间也都花在工作上。词汇拓展a decent job 体面的工作quit a job 辞职switch jobs 换工作hunt for a new job 找工作job-hunting 求职job-hunter 求职者job-seeker 求职者job vacancy 职位空缺job satisfaction 工作满足感part-time job 兼职工作【同义表达】moonlight vi. (尤指在夜间)从事第二职业【即学即用】A proper part-time job does not occup

20、y students too much time.一份适当的兼职工作并不会占用学生太多的时间。 背景知识 moonlight是月光。许多人都熟悉贝多芬的月光奏鸣曲,“Moonlight Sonata.”moonlight, 指在月光底下进行的事情,望文生义,也就是兼职。指在日间工作完成后,又在夜间做兼职工作。moonlighting 意为兼职(n.),moonlighter是兼职者的意思。所以像这样的句Did you moonlight? 不要以为是“你曾做过月光浴吗”?而是你曾做过兼职吗? 不过这也意味着双倍的压力,“Moonlighting can double the pressure.

21、”考官回答学生是否做兼职问题If learning responsibilities and work experience are considered to be important, then children can acquire these by having light, part-time paid work or even doing tasks such as helping their parents around the family home, which are unpaid, the undoubtedly of value in childrens develo

22、pment.earn ones fortune 谋生【同义表达】make a living 谋生【考官例句】Teachers, nurses, laboratory researchers etc. are never listed among the best-paid professionals, yet they are more important to our well-being and our future than the stars who earn their fortunes so quickly. 教师、护士及实验研究员都不在高薪行列之内,但是他们与那些高薪的明星相比,

23、对我们的幸福生活和未来更重要。你了解make a living 与 make a life之间的区别么,读读丘吉尔的名言吧:We make a living by what we get but we make a life by what we give. 我们生存是为了得到,我们生活是为了给予。remunerative adj. 有报酬的,有利的【同源词汇】remunerate vt. 酬劳; remuneration n. 报酬【同义表达】profitable adj. 有利可图的,赚钱的; fruitful adj. 富有成效的; advantageous adj. 有利的【即学即用】

24、It is necessary to decide between remunerative work and meaningful work? 在一份高薪的工作和一份有价值的工作间做出抉择是很有必要的。probation n. 试用,见习【同源词汇】probationer n. 试用人员,实习生【经典搭配】probation period 试用期 on probation 作为试用【即学即用】There is a three-month period of probation for new recruits. 新入职的人员有三个月试用期。employee n. 雇员【同源词汇】employ

25、ment n. 雇用; unemployment n. 失业; self-employed adj. 自己经营的【考官例句】Employees get job satisfaction in a number of ways. Firstly, a person needs to feel that they are doing valued and valuable work, so positive feedback from superiors is very important in this respect. 职员可以从很多方面获得对工作的满足感。首先,每个人都需要感受到他们正在做有

26、价值并被认可的工作。因此,从这方面来讲,从上级那里得到的良好反馈很重要。词汇拓展 superior上级 subordinate下级 employer老板 employee 员工 get employment 就业 lose employment 失业 re-employment 再就业 unemployment 失业self-employed 自己经营的 out of work 失业【同义表达】lose ones job 失业; be unemployed失业的; jobless adj. 失业的【即学即用】The recession has put millions out of work.

27、这次经济衰退造成数百万人的失业。思路拓展 分析学生毕业后找不到工作的原因 可以从newly graduated students缺少工作经验lack of experience,所以在人才市场上talent market中就没有竞争优势less competitive;此外,大部分的学生对自己的求职目标期望过高high expectation of career;另外人才的供需不平衡也是造成很难找到工作的原因the imbalance of supply and demand in the labor market。下面是表示“失业”的同义词laid-off workers下岗员工downsi

28、zed workers 失业人员sensitive adj. 敏感的【经典搭配】be sensitive to 对敏感 【考官例句】The issue of children doing paid work is a complex and sensitive one. 孩子是否工作赚钱的话题即复杂又敏感。【句架提炼】the issue ofis a complex and sensitive one. 是即复杂又敏感的问题(可用在文章开头,背景句)varying adj. 变化的,不同的【同源词汇】vary vi. 变化vt. 改变; various adj. 各种各样的; variety n. 多样; variation n. 变化【考官例句】Opinions will also differ as to learning benefits; no doubt teachers and factory owner, for example, would have varying concerns. 关于是否会学习到一些技能,观点不一而同。难怪老师和工厂老板有不同的关注点。【句架提炼】Opinions will differ as to 关于人们持有不同的意见 no d

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