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高一 Unit1学案 新人教版.docx

1、高一 Unit1学案 新人教版 2019-2020年高一 Unit1学案 新人教版 假设你是李华。你的外国笔友Jane打算于七月来中国,特来信了解中国人的社交习俗。请你用英语回一封信,从以下几个方面作具体介绍。 1见面时的问候方式; 2对赞美的回答方式; 3接收礼物时的回应方式; 4餐宴礼节。 注意:1.词数100左右,信的开头和结束语已为你写好(不计入总词数); 2可根据内容要点适当增加细节,使行文连贯。 Dear Jane, Glad to hear from you and youre welcome to China in July. _ I hope whats mentioned

2、above might be helpful and wish you a good journey. Yours sincerely, Li Hua Dear Jane, Glad to hear from you and youre welcome to China in July.The following are some Chinese customs. Firstly,we greet each other by saying “Hello” or asking such questions as “Where are you going?” or “Are you busy?”

3、to express our care.Secondly,when praised,we reply with “Oh,no!” or “Im overpraised” to show good manners.Next,when receiving a gift,we usually say “Its unnecessary” besides “Thanks” to show politeness and then put it away.Finally,at dinner parties,we talk loudly and touch glasses when drinking to s

4、omeones health or success to show that were warm. Anyhow,different cultures,different customs.If you “Do as the Romans do when in Rome”,youll enjoy more of your stay here. I hope whats mentioned above might be helpful and wish you a good journey. Yours sincerely, Li Hua Unit 1Good friends .重要单词聚焦 1

5、adj. 诚实的;正直的 2 adj. 勇敢的 3 adj. 忠诚的;忠心的 4 vi. 争论;辩论 5 n. 解答;解决办法;解决方案 6 adj. 古典的;古典文学的honestbraveloyalarguesolutionclassical 7 adj. 喜爱的;多情的;喜欢的 8 n. 火柴 9 vt. 幸免于;从中生还 vi. 幸存 10 vt.& vi. 投掷,抛 11 adj. 荒芜的;荒废的 12 vt.& vi.& n. 打猎;猎取;搜寻 13 vt.& vi. 分享;共有;分配 n. 共享;份额fondmatchsurvivecastdesertedhuntshare 14

6、 n. 触觉;知觉;感觉;情绪 15 n. 悲哀;悲痛 16 n. 演说;讲话;语音feelingsorrowspeech .重点短语扫描 1 在方面敏捷,迅速 2 喜欢;爱好 3 担心;关心 4 例如 5 给某人写信(通常指短信) 6 . 与某人辩论某事 7 寻找Be quick in/at.Be fond ofCare aboutSuch asDrop sb.a lineArgue with sb.about sthHunt for 8 为了 9 把看做 10 记住In order in mind .课文原句突破 1Chuck is a businessma

7、n who is always so busy that he has little time for his friends. 信息提取soadj./adv.that.意为“如此以至于”。 例句仿写他学习是那样的用功,以至于老师们都喜欢他。 He_ _ _ _all the teachers likes him. 【答案】studies so hard that 2I dont enjoy singing,nor do I like computers. 信息提取nor/neither助动词/be动词/情态动词主语,表示“也不”。 例句仿写我不知道他的情况,我也不关心。 I dont kno

8、w about him,_ _ _ _. 【答案】nor do I care 3Rock music is OK,and so is skiing. 信息提取so助动词/be动词/情态动词主语,表示“也”。 例句仿写中国人口众多,印度也一样。 China has a large population,_ _ _. 【答案】so does India 4One day Chuck is on a flight across the Pacific Ocean when suddenly his plane crashes. 信息提取when并列连词,连接并列句,表示“正在这时”。 例句仿写他正在

9、散步,这时突然下起了雨。 He_ _ _ _ _it suddenly began to rain. 【答案】was taking a walk when honest (1) adj.诚实的;正直的,坦诚的,前面加不定冠词时用“an”。 An honest man has a lot of friends.诚实的人朋友多。 (2)It is honest of do sth.(某人)做是正直的 It is very honest of you to tell the truth. 你说出了真相,真是坦白诚实。 (3)to be honest (with you)坦白地说,老实告诉

10、你(通常置于句首) To be honest,I dont agree with what you said. 坦白地说,我不赞成你说的。 (1)honestly adv.坦白地说,真正地;诚实地 Honestly (speaking),I dont think his work is good. 老实说,我认为他的工作不好。 (2)honesty n诚实,真诚 She answered all my questions with her usual honesty. 她像平常一样老老实实地回答了我的所有问题。 1(2009年浙江卷)_,the pay isnt attractive enou

11、gh,though the job itself is quite interesting. AGenerally speaking BOn the contrary CIn particular DTo be honest 【解析】句意为:说实话,这点工资没有足够的吸引力,但工作本身还是非常有趣的。to be honest往往引导转折句,其他选项明显不合题意。 【答案】D 2Would you please lend me ten pounds? _,Ive got no money with me today.Im so sorry. ATo be fair BTo be sure CTo

12、 be careful DTo be honest 【解析】在对方向“我”借钱时,“我”坦率地说出身上没钱,并表示歉意,应选D,意为“说实话,老实说”。 【答案】D 3_,I dont think we have a chance of winning. ABe honestly BBe honest CHonesty DHonestly 【解析】honestlyhonestly speaking诚实的说。 【答案】D argue vt.& vi. (1)争论,辩论 argue with sb.about/over sth.与某人辩论某事 Whatever you say,Im not goi

13、ng to argue with you tonight. 不论你说什么,我今晚不想与你争辩。 Do as you are told.Dont argue with me. 照吩咐行事,不要与我争论。 (2)主张,认为 She argued that it would be a waste of time. 她认为那是徒然浪费时间。 Much to my surprise,he argued for/against the plan. 使我非常吃惊的是,他赞成/反对这个计划。 (2)argue sb.into/out of doing sth.说服某人做/不做某事 We argued her

14、out of going on such a dangerous journey because of the war there. 由于那里发生战争,我们说服她不要去做这么危险的旅行。 (3)argument n争论,辩论;论点,论据 have an argument about/over/on sth.就展开争论或争议 Every discussion with him turns into an argument. 每次同他讨论都会演变成争吵。 4There is no sense_(与你的朋友争论) about small things,which sometimes makes yo

15、u very unhappy.(argue) 【答案】arguing with your friend(s) 5Tom,dont_with your mother.You should try to be polite to her. Apoint Btalk Cdiscuss Dargue 【解析】argue争论,符合语境。 【答案】D survive (1)vi.经历(某事)幸存,活下来 Her parents died in the accident,but she survived. 她父母死于这次事故,但她幸免于难。 (2)vt.比长寿 The old lady has surviv

16、ed her husband. 那位老人的丈夫已先她去世了。 (3)vt.幸免于,从中逃生 Luckily the family survived the earthquake on May 12th. 很幸运,这一家人在经历了“512”地震后都活了下来。 survivor n幸存者(person who has survived) The film Titanic is based on an experience of a survivor. 电影泰坦尼克号是根据一个幸存者的经历而摄制的。 6As far as I know,he is one of the luck people who

17、_the plane crash. Asurvived Bpassed Cwent Dlived 【解析】survive是及物动词,意为“幸免于”。 【答案】A 7A Danish plane with 73 people on board crashed on Sunday.However,all the passengers_the disaster with only a few slightly injured. Alived Bstayed Csurvived Dmaintained 【解析】句意为:一架载有73人的丹麦飞机在星期天坠毁,然而所有的乘客都在这场劫难中活了下来,只有几个

18、人受了轻伤。survive幸存,幸免于;live生活,度过;stay逗留,延缓;maintain保持,维持。 【答案】C share vt.& vi. (1)分享,共用,分担 There is only a bedroom,so well have to share. 只有一个卧室,因此我们得共同使用。 As good friends,we should share happiness and sorrow. 作为好朋友,我们应该同甘共苦。 (2)share sth.with/between/among sb.与共用 I will share the cost with you.我将与你分担费

19、用。 Bill and Bob shared the work equally between them. 比尔和鲍勃两人把工作平分了。 (3)share (in) sth.分享某事(物) She shares (in) my troubles as well as (in) my joys. 她和我同甘共苦。 (4)U 负担量;C 一份,份额 I take my share of the cost.我负担我那部分的费用。 8Let Harry play with your toys as well,Clareyou must learn to_. Asupport Bcare Cspare

20、Dshare 【解析】第一句的意思是:“克莱尔,让哈里也玩你的玩具”,后一句对前句进行解释,进一步申明“你必须学会分享”,所以动词share 符合题意。 【答案】D 9In a way I can see what you mean,even though I dont _your poinion. Apermit Bshare Cagree Drecognize 【解析】share ones opinion与某人观点相同。 【答案】B 10It is always better to_your worries and troubles with your trusted friend or

21、relative.This helps lighten your burden. Atell Bdeal Cdivide Dshare 【解析】此题考查动词词义辨析。tell告诉,分辨;deal对付,处理;divide划分;share分享,共有。句意为:最好和你信任的朋友或亲属分忧解难。这能帮助你减轻心理负担。 【答案】D in order to为了,以便 We started early in order to arrive before dark. 为了在天黑前到达,我们早早地动了身。 In order to make greater progress,he studied harder.

22、 为了取得更大的进步,他学习更努力了。 【so as to与in order to】 (1)in order to 引导的不定式短语既可以位于句首,又可置于句后。 In order to find the book,he searched the whole house. 为了找到这本书,他翻遍了全家。(本句中不能用so as to) (2)so as to引导的不定式短语只可置于句后,不可位于句首。 China is paying more and more attention to education in order to/so as to catch up with developed

23、 countries in science and technology. 中国对教育越来越重视,为的是在科技上赶上发达国家。 (3)in order to和so as to的否定形式是在to前加not,即in order not to,so as to。 I got up early in order not/so as not to be late for the meeting. 为了开会不迟到我起得很早。 11All these gifts must be mailed immediately_(为了收到) in time for Christmas.(as) 【答案】so as to

24、 be received 12In order_( 为了不迟到) for the early bus,he set the alarm clock an hour earlier.(late) 【答案】not to be late care about关心,担心,在乎,在意 If you have no friend to care about,youll feel lonely. 如果你没有朋友需要你的关爱,你会觉得寂寞。 I dont care about what you think;Im certain he is right. 我不管你是怎么想的,我肯定他是对的。 【care abo

25、ut,care for与take care of】 (1)care about关心,计较,在乎,一般多用于否定句和疑问句中。 Dont you care about losing your job? 你难道不担心失去工作吗? (2)care for表示“喜欢,愿意”时,也常用于疑问句和否定句,表示“关心,照顾”时,可用于肯定句中。 She cares for her sick mother.她照顾她生病的母亲。 Would you care for a cup of tea?你要不要来杯茶? (3)take care of负责;照顾;当心。 Take care of the baby whil

26、e Im out. 我出去时,替我照看一下婴儿。 13(2007年山东卷)Its the sort of work that_a high level of concentration. Acalls for Bmakes up Clies in Dstands for 【解析】本题考查动词短语辨析。call for意为“需要”;make up意为“组成、打扮、编造”等;lie in意为“在于”;stand for意为“代表、支持”。根据句意应选A。 【答案】A 14(2006年江西卷)After the earthquake,the injured were cared_in the loc

27、al hospitals or taken by air to the hospitals in the neighboring cities. Aof Bfor Cafter Dwith 【解析】此题考查动词短语辨析,care for意为“喜欢,照顾,照料”。 【答案】B 15She thinks only of herself;she doesnt_other people. Acare about Bcare for Ccare of Dcare to 【解析】句意为“她只考虑自己,不在乎/关心别人”。由此可知,答案应该选A。 【答案】A 16I dont think Jack_what

28、 happens to his family.He is so selfish. Acares for Bcares about Ccares to Dcares of 【解析】care about在此作“关心,在乎”解,符合语境:“我认为杰克并不关心发生在自己家庭里的事。他这么自私。”A与句意不符,C、D选项没有这样的搭配。 【答案】B (P2)Rock music is okay,and so is skiing. 摇滚音乐还行,滑雪也可以。 “so助动词/be/情态动词主语”,是一种倒装句型,意为“也是如此”,表示上句所谈到的情况也适用于另一主语,so用来代替上句的内容。 He has finished his homework,and so have I. 他完成了作业,我也完

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