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1、北京市顺义二模英语2013顺义二模英语第二部分:知识运用 (共两节,45分) 第一节 单项填空 (共15小题;每小题l分,共15分) 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。21. I hear youve just returned from Australia.Yeah. I _ there on business.A. go B. went C. have gone D. had gone22. Lily won a gold medal in the race, _ all her friends considered a great

2、 honor.A. which B. what C. why D. where23. Scientists _ a way to predict earthquakes, but you can learn to protect yourself during one.A. dont find B. didnt find C. havent found D. wont find 24. _ Brown Bear in Russia is more or less _ same animal as the Grizzly Bear in North America. A. The; the B.

3、 A; a C. The; a D. A; the25. _ down, he was badly in need of a holiday. A. Dragging B. To be dragged C. Having dragged D. Having been dragged 26. How can I achieve my goal? You _ work hard and stick to it. A. can B. may C. must D. would27. The teacher suggested that each student _ a plan for the voc

4、ation. A. make B. makes C. would make D. made 28. Its reported that the fire had burned for quite some time _ it was brought under control.A. since B. when C. once D. before29. As the big day of my speech _, I tried to familiarize myself with what I would be saying.A. has approached B. would approac

5、h C. was approaching D. had approached30. The dinner party _ at 7:00 p.m. will be followed by a concert. A. to start B. starting C. started D. being started31. How time flies! Summer vocationis just_thecorner. A. on B. over C. to D. around32. Linda, _ the dinner table; Tom and Dick, sweep the floor.

6、 OK, Mom.A. clean B. cleans C. cleaning D. to clean33. When the fisherman turned around, he found a fish _. A. had hooked B. was hooking C. had been hooked D. was hooked34. Its good for a university student to take up a job if he can get _.A. it B. one C. some D. that35. With the word “PM2.5” consta

7、ntly _ in media reports, you might be wondering what on earth it means.A. appeared B. appearing C. to appear D. being appeared 第二节 完形填空 (共20小题;每小题l.5分,共30分) I was born with cerebral palsy(脑瘫) and did not walk until after I was two years of age. Although my condition was relatively mild and I 36 quit

8、e well, I faced many challenges. I was regularly chosen last for a baseball team when school children were organizing a _37 . I never learned how to ice skate. It took me forever to learn to 38 a bike, and my knees and elbows were always injured in the process. Even so, I was a 39 boy and was well l

9、iked by my peers throughout elementary school. The most 40 time came when I began high school. I 41 up for the cross-country track and field team. My 42 had always been poor, and a slight push would send me flying to the dirt. Over the first few days other runners noticed my poor pace and would knoc

10、k me _43_ balance as they lapped me on the track. To the 44 of some, I was forced to get up several times. They 45 me about my poor performance and made me the target of their one-sided fight. But I was never a 46 . I stayed with track and field even though the harassment(骚扰) at the track 47 . One d

11、ay in early October, we had unexpected snow and freezing rain. The track team was allowed to 48 indoors. I borrowed the stopwatch from the coach and 49 my time on the track. As the other kids exercised in the gym, they couldnt help but notice the one _50_ runner dragging through freezing rain on the

12、 snow-covered track.The next week, the weather returned to normal, and outdoor training continued. The harassment, 51 , did not. Each time a member of the track team passed me, he would offer a few words of 52 . “Keep going, pal.” “Dont give up, bro.”“You can do it, buddy.” At the end of that month,

13、 I was voted “athlete of the month” and was presented with a certificate. I earned their 53 .Now whenever I despair, Ill 54 myself that challenges are not overcome by force, but rather by determination and a sincere 55 in the natural goodness of others. 36.A. managedB. workedC. behavedD. remained37.

14、A. partyB. tripC. gameD. meeting38.A. pushB. rideC. fixD. make39.A. cleverB. kindC. luckyD. happy40.A. difficultB. importantC. enjoyableD. critical41.A. raisedB. carriedC. pickedD. signed42.A. eyesightB. judgmentC. balance D. behavior43.A. offB. with C. inD. on44.A. excitementB. amusementC. contentm

15、entD. astonishment45.A. toldB. teasedC. warnedD. questioned46.A. quitterB. runnerC. fighterD. beggar 47.A. appearedB. stoppedC. increasedD. continued48.A. restB. studyC. trainD. play49.A. organizedB. improvedC. wastedD. enjoyed 50.A. weakB. hardC. braveD. lone51.A. moreoverB. therefore C. howeverD.

16、though52.A. praiseB. encouragementC. comfortD. congratulation53.A. attentionB. trustC. thanks D. respect54.A. promiseB. blessC. remindD. inform55.A. faithB. loveC. interestD. pride第三部分:阅读理解 (共两节,40分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,共30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。ASan Diego SummerThe summer after

17、my second year in high school, I finally had the opportunity to live with my super-cool sister in San Diego for three weeks. It was going to be great! I would lie on the beach in the sun. Perhaps I would surf a little or ride my bike around Coronado Island. Meanwhile, I would spend every morning, Mo

18、nday through Friday, teaching YMCA (Young Mens Christian Association) kids how to play tennisfor FREE. Since college wasnt too far off, and since I had practically zero hours of community service, my volunteering at the YMCA was smart. I like tennis and I even kind of like little kids. Anyway, life

19、was going to be amazing for those three weeks. On my first day at the YMCA, I was shocked by the smallness of the children. The kids could barely grasp a racket(球拍), let alone swing one. This is when it occurred to me how potentially terrible the situation wasa group of thirty small children with ra

20、ckets in hand and only four coaches. The odds were definitely against us. Luckily, the kids did not have blood on their minds, and they were relatively obedient and cooperative. It soon became painfully obvious that I was the only “coach” actually coaching. Rather ironic when one considered that I w

21、as the only one of the four NOT being paid. I must admit, however, that despite all of my efforts these children were not getting much. I had to keep telling myself that while I couldnt enjoy the fruits of my labor at the moment, I would be reveling in the benefits once college application time came

22、. Thus, I soldiered on. As I returned home the day before the opening of school, I had complete peace of mind. Although I did not spend every day at the beach as I had initially hoped to do, I did accomplish several things and I felt as if I were a better person because of my three weeks in San Dieg

23、o. 56. Before going to San Diego the author was full of _.A. expectation B. confidence C. doubt D. curiosity 57. The author taught YMCA kids to play tennis because she _. A. loved small children and was active as a volunteer B. must do community service to be admitted to college C. wanted to earn so

24、me money to pay for her college fees D. would like to do something for others as a sincere Christian58. The underlined words “I soldiered on” reflect the authors _. A. desire to join the army B. love for teaching tennis C. control for young learner D. determination not to give up59. According to the

25、 last paragraph, we can predict that the author will _ in the future. A. become a teacher B. move to the beach C. play tennis professionally D. help others more willinglyB LICENSE AGREEMENT By installing(安装) the software, you acknowledge that you have read all of the terms and conditions of this agr

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30、iod and are in the United States, call Great Games helpline at 800-383-2647 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. midnight, Monday through Friday, holidays excluded, and provide your Product Number; or if you are outside the United States, send your original software disc to Great Games at 3

31、281 N. Risk St., Ocala, FL, 32410. Include your return address and Great Games will replace the disc within a reasonable period of time. 60. What must the users make clear before installing the software? A. The place to get a full refund. B. The contents of the agreement. C. When to click “YES” or “NO”. D. Why to be bound by the agreement.61. What can you do with the software as a user?A. You are free to use the software in the firs

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